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Ditemukan 105 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Pengaruh Globalisasi, telah membuat bangsa Indonesia harus bersiap dengan masuknya pengaruh luar terhadap kehadiran dengan salah satunya adalah Tenaga Kesehatan Asing di Indonesia, untuk itu Kementerian Kesehatan telah mengeluarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan no 317 tahun 2010 Tentang Pendayagunaan Tenaga Kesehatan Warga Negara Asing di Indonesia. Tesis ini menganalisis implementasi Kebijakan Tenaga Kesehatan Asing Di Indonesia pada tahun 2013.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan model analisis implementasi kebijakan Edward III. Lokasi penelitian dari pusat ke pemerintah daerah di Provinsi Banten.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi Kebijakan Tenaga Kesehatan Asing Di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2013 belum berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu Kementerian Kesehatan harus segera melakukan pembenahan baik dari segi segi proses input kebijakan, proses pelaksanaan dan proses evaluasi pelaksanaan kebijakan dengan melibatkan instansi terkait baik horizontal maupun vertikal.

The influence of globalization, have made the Indonesian nation must prepare with the inclusion of external influence on the presence of one of them is Foreign Health Workers in Indonesia, to the Ministry of Health has issued a Ministerial Decree No. 317 of 2010 Health Reform On Health Workers Foreigners in Indonesia. This thesis analyzes the implementation of Health Foreign Worker Policy in Indonesia in 2013.
This study uses qualitative research methods using analytical models of policy implementation Edward III. Locations research from central to local governments in the province of Banten.
Research results indicate that the implementation of Health Personnel Foreign Policy In Banten province in 2013 has not been going well. Therefore the Ministry of Health should immediately make improvements both in terms of policy in terms of the process input, process implementation and process evaluation of the implementation of the policy by involving relevant agencies both horizontally and vertically.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marlynda Happy Nurmalita Sari
Kecamatan Sukamakmur termasuk wilayah Kabupaten Bogor yang masih rendah pertolongan persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan yaitu 55,2% pada tahun 2014. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan penolong persalinan di Kecamatan Sukamakmur. Desain penelitian cross sectional, sampel 146 menggunakan probability proportionate to size sampling. Hasil penelitian ibu bersalin di tenaga kesehatan 52,1% dan non tenaga kesehatan 47,9%. Terdapat hubungan variabel pendidikan ibu, pendidikan suami, pendapatan keluarga, kunjungan antenatal care, akses pelayanan kesehatan dan kepercayaan terhadap tenaga kesehatan, dengan penolong persalinan. Variabel kepercayaan terhadap
tenaga kesehatan (pvalue= <0,001) merupakan faktor paling dominan (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83.

Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9%
by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother's education, husband's education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant. Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83).
Key words : birth attendants, health.;Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of
delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research
aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in
Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data
from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The
study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9%
by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother?s
education, husband?s education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to
health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant.
Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant
factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83).
Key words : birth attendants, health, Sukamakmur District is one of the areas in Bogor Regency with a low rate of
delivery assisted by health care professionals, i.e. 55,2% in 2014. This research
aimed to determine the factors associated with the choice of birth attendants in
Sukamakmur District. This study used a cross sectional design, collected data
from 146 respondents using probability proportionalto size sampling method. The
study results show 52,1% of birthwas assisted by health professionals and 47,9%
by non-health personnel. It also identified relationship between mother’s
education, husband’s education, family income, antenatal care visits, access to
health services, and confidence in health personnel with birth attendant.
Confidence in health professionals (p-value= <0,001) was the most dominant
factor (OR 4,55 95% CI 2,11-9,83).
Key words : birth attendants, health]"
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Latifah Hanum Aini
"Keselamatan pasien merupakan hal yang harus ada dalam suatu jasa pelayanan kesehatan rumah sakit dan TKPRS (Tim Keselamatan Pasien) merupakan standar yang ada di rumah sakit di Indonesia sebagai syarat untuk akreditasi rumah sakit.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan pengetahuan dengan perilaku tenaga kesehatan dalam mendukung keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain potong lintang (cross sectional).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan tenaga kesehatan mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan perilaku dengan p value = 0.0001 dengan OR=45.250 artinya tenaga kesehatan berpendidikan tinggi mempunyai peluang 45.250 kali untuk mendukung perilaku keselamatan pasien dibandingkan pendidikan dibawah SLTA. Pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan perilaku p value= 0.0001 dengan OR= 75.417 artinya tenaga kesehatan berpengetahuan baik mempunyai peluang 75.471 kali untuk mendukung perilaku keselamatan pasien dibandingkan yang kurang. Dengan diketahuinya hubungan antara pendidikan dan pengetahuan tenaga kesehatan dalam mendukung perilaku keselamatan pasien, peneliti menyarankan : Rumah Sakit hendaknya menyelenggarakan program pendidikan dan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan dan memelihara kompetensi tenaga ksehatan serta mendukung pendekatan interdisiplin dalam mendukung program keselamatan pasien.

Patient safety is something that must exist in a health service hospital and TKPRS (Patient Safety Team) is a standard that is in the hospital in Indonesia as a requirement for hospital accreditation.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education and knowledge of the behavior of health personnel in support of patient safety. This study uses cross-sectional design (cross-sectional).
The results showed that health education has a significant correlation with the behavior of the p value = 0.0001 OR = 45 250 health workers educated means having opportunities 45 250 times to support patient safety behavior than education below high school. Knowledge of health workers has a significant relationship with p value = 0.0001 behavior with OR = 75 417 means knowledgeable health professionals 75 471 times better to have the opportunity to support patient safety behavior than less. By knowing the relationship between education and knowledge of health professionals in support of patient safety behavior, researchers advise: Hospitals should provide education and training programs to improve and maintain the competency of ksehatan and support interdisciplinary approaches to support patient safety program."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lela Mustikawati
"Persalinan yang ditolong oleh tenaga kesehatan dapat menjadi upaya untuk menurunkan kematian ibu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pemilihan penolong persalinan dan determinannya di wilayah kerja Puskesmas Rumpin Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian menggunakan disain cross sectional, pengumpulan data melalui wawancara menggunakan kuisioner pada 200 ibu yang melahirkan tahun 2015. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 59,5% ibu memilih tenaga kesehatan sebagai penolong persalinan. Pendidikan, dukungan keluarga dan masalah pada kehamilan dan persalinan berhubungan dengan pemilihan penolong persalinan. Dukungan keluarga merupakan faktor yang dominan berhubungan dengan pemilihan penolong persalinan, ibu yang memiliki dukungan keluarga yang kuat mempunyai peluang 22 kali untuk memilih tenaga kesehatan sebagai penolong persalinan dibanding ibu yang dukungan keluarganya kurang setelah dikontrol oleh masalah pada kehamilan dan persalinan, ANC dan pendidikan.

Deliveries attended by health workers may become an effort to reduce maternal mortality. The aim of this study is to analyze factors associated with the birth attendants selection in Rumpin Public Health Center. Cross sectional design, and interview using a questionnaire on 200 maternity mothers 2015 were used in this study. The results showed 59,9% were delivered by health workers. Education, family support and problem in pregnancy and delivery are associated with birth attendants selection. Family support was a dominant factor associated with birth attendants selection, mothers who are certain had 22 times opportunity for deliveries attended by health workers than mothers who uncertain, once controlled by problem in pregnacy and delivery, education and ANC.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutrani Rachmawati
"Pandemi Covid-19 menjadi situasi yang menantang bagi tenaga kesehatan karena menempatkan mereka sebagai populasi berisiko tinggi untuk terinfeksi dan mendapatkan permasalahan terkait kondisi kerja yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat distres. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin menganalisis faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat distres pada tenaga kesehatan di Kabupaten Pandeglang selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross-sectional yang dilakukan pada Oktober-Desember 2021 secara daring. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan di Kabupaten Pandeglang yang bekerja di Rumah Sakit, Puskesmas dan Klinik. Distres diukur menggunakan Pandemic-Related Perceived Stress Scale of COVID-19 (PSS-10-C). Data dianalisis menggunakan Chi-squere dan regresi logistik ganda. Tenaga kesehatan memiliki tingkat distres rendah (30,49%) dan sedang (69,51%). Analisis regresi logistik ganda menunjukan bahwa faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan tingkat distres yaitu ketersediaan APD dan dukungan rekan kerja. Tenaga kesehatan di Kabupaten Pandelang mengalami tingkat distres rendah dan sedang selama pandemi Covid-19. Pasokan APD yang memadai dan pembagian tugas yang jelas antar rekan kerja dibutuhkan untuk mencegah meningkatnya tingkat distres pada tenaga kesehatan selama pandemi Covid-19.

The Covid-19 pandemic has become a challenging situation for health workers because it places them as a population at high risk for infection and getting problems related to working conditions that affect the level of distress. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with the level of distress among health workers in Pandeglang during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a cross-sectional study design that was conducted in October-December 2021. The population in this study were all health workers in Pandeglang who worked in hospitals, public health centers, and clinics. The distress level is measured using the Pandemic-Related Perceived Stress Scale of COVID-19 (PSS-10-C). Data are analyzed using Chi-square and multiple logistic regression. Health workers have low (30.49%) and moderate (69.51%) levels of distress. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the dominant factors associated with the level of distress are the availability of PPE and the support of colleagues. Health workers in Pandelang experienced low and moderate levels of distress during the Covid-19 pandemic. An adequate supply of PPE and a clear division of tasks among co-workers are needed to prevent an increase in the level of distress for health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tetra Arya Saputra
"Latar Belakang: Pandemi coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) dihubungkan dengan peningkatan kejadian gangguan psikiatri. Tenaga kesehatan sebagai barisan terdepan dalam penanganan pasien COVID-19 memiliki risiko tinggi untuk mengalami gangguan cemas. Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi gangguan cemas pada tenaga kesehatan saat pandemi COVID-19 di RSUP Persahabatan dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhinya.
Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah studi deskriptif potong lintang dengan melakukan wawancara kepada dokter dan perawat yang bertugas di ruang perawatan COVID-19 serta memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Penelitian ini menggunakan Instrumen Penilaian Gangguan Jiwa MINI ICD-10 (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Version ICD-10), kuesioner PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) dan kuesioner peristiwa hidup Holmes-Rahe. Penelitian dilakukan pada periode Januari-Oktober 2021 dengan Teknik pengambilan sampel secara consecutive sampling sampai seluruh sampel tercakup dalam penelitian.
Hasil: Didapatkan 106 subjek penelitian dengan rerata usia adalah 30,57±4,8 tahun. Terdiri dari 34 orang dokter dan 72 perawat. Jumlah subjek yang mengalami gangguan cemas sebanyak 23 orang (22%). Jenis gangguan cemas yaitu agorafobia (10,4%), gangguan panik (5,7%), sosialfobia (4,7%), gangguan obsesif kompulsif (0,9%), gangguan cemas menyeluruh (9,4%) dan stres pasca trauma (0,9%). Berdasarkan analisis bivariat didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara pekerjaan dengan gangguan cemas (p=0,025) namun tidak didapatkan hubungan bermakna antara peristiwa hidup dengan gangguan cemas. Analisis multivariat didapatkan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi gangguan cemas pada tenaga kesehatan di masa pandemi COVID-19 adalah ruang perawatan dan komorbid.
Kesimpulan: Prorporsi gangguan cemas pada tenaga kesehatan yang bekerja di ruang perawatan COVID-19 di RSUP Persahabatan adalah 22% dengan jenis gangguan cemas terbanyak adalah agorafobia. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi gangguan cemas yaitu ruang perawatan dan komorbid.

Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic associated with an increased incidence of psychiatric disorder. Healthcare workers as a frontliner in caring COVID-19 patients have a high risk experiencing anxiety disorder. The aim of study is to determine the proportion of anxiety disorder in healthcare workers during COVDI-19 pandemic in RSUP Hospital and influencing factor.
Methods: The design of study was descriptive cross sectional study with interview to doctor and nurse who discharge in COVID-19 ward and met the inclusion criteria of the study. This study used questionnaire MINI ICD-10 (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Version ICD-10) questionnaire, PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) questionnaire, and Holmes-Rahe questionnaire. The research was conducted from January to October 2021 with convenience sampling. The data was processed using SPSS 25 for statistic test.
Results: Total subject 106 were recruited in this study with the mean age was 30,57±4,8 years old. Subject were of 34 doctors and 72 nurses. There were 23 subject (22%) experienced anxiety disorders. The types of anxiety disorders were agoraphobia (10,4%) panic disorder (5,7%), social phobia (4,7%), obsessive compulsive disorder (0,9%), general anxiety disorder (9,4%). Based on bivariate analysis, there was a significant association between health care workers with anxiety disorder (p=0.025) but there was no significant association between life event with anxiety disorder. The multivariate analysis that the influencing factors of anxiety disorder in medical healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic were working unit and comorbidities.
Conclusion: The proportion of anxiety disorder in healthcare workers during COVID-19 pandemic in RSUP Persahabatan was 22% with the most type of anxiety disorder is agoraphobia. The influencing factor of anxiety disorder were working unit and comorbidities.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yeni Rahmawati
"Pandemi Covid-19 (coronavirus diseases 2019) yang disebabkan oleh virus SARS-Cov-2 yang pertama kali muncul Kota Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, China pada akhir tahun 2019. Virus ini muncul di berbagai negara di dunia sehingga menciptakan dampak yang signifikan bagi masyarakat dan ekonomi global. Tidak hanya itu, pandemi Covid-19 juga menimbulkan kekhawatiran dan berbagai gangguan kesehatan mental lainnya di masyarakat. Selain itu, tenaga kesehatan juga rentan terhadap gangguan kesehatan mental selama menangani pasien Covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi gejala kecemasan dan depresi pada tenaga kesehatan laboratorium terpadu di Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia selama pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional yang dilakukan di Laboratorium Terpadu Rumah Sakit Universitas Indonesia pada bulan Juli 2021. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu, univariat, bivariat dan multivariabel dengan derajat kepercayaan 95%. Dari 42 tenaga kesehatan laboratorium terpadu RS UI didapatkan prevalensi gejala kecemasan sebesar 11,9% dan prevalensi gejala depresi sebesar 14,3%. Hasil analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square menyatakan tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara gejala kecemasan ataupun depresi dengan variabel independen penelitian.

The Covid-19 pandemic (coronavirus diseases 2019) caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus which first appeared in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China at the end of 2019. This virus appeared in various countries in the world, causing a significant impact on society and the global economy. Covid-19 pandemic has also caused concern and various other mental health disorders in the community. Furthermore, healthcare workers are also vulnerable to mental health disorders while treating Covid-19 patients. The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in healthcare workers in the integrated laboratory at the Universitas Indonesia Hospital during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a cross sectional design conducted at the Integrated Laboratory of the Universitas Indonesia Hospital in July 2021. The analysis used is univariate, bivariate and multivariable with a 95% confidence interval. Of 42 integrated laboratory health workers at Universitas Indonesia Hospital, the prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 11.9% and the prevalence of depressive symptoms was 14.3%. The results of the bivariate analysis with the chi-square test there is no significant relationship between symptoms of anxiety or depression with the independent variables of the study."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Yamilah
Jakarta: EGC, 1994
499.221 YAM b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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