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Ditemukan 121 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Kahfie Nazaruddin
Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu, 2015
302.2 KAH p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Halliday, M.A.K.
Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press , 1992
401 HAL it (3)
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Courtes, Joseph
Paris: Hachette, 1991
412 COU a
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Katz, Jerrold J.
New York: Harper & Rows, 1972
401.43 KAT s
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fany Dayang Sary
Disertasi ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dinamika yang berlangsung antara
agen dan struktur dalam masyarakat nelayan di Desa Teluk, Labuan-Banten. Dengan
menggunakan teori strukturasi Anthony Giddens dan dilengkapi dengan konsep
pembangunan sosial berdasarkan struktur, kultur, dan proses, dalam melihat
dinamika relasi yang ada antara agen dan stuktur dalam masyarakat nelayan.
Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan strategi
grounded research. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di dalam masyarakat
nelayan telah terjadi perubahan dalam struktur dari dominasi kelembagaan formal
menjadi dominasi kelembagaan non-formal. Kemiskinan yang ada pada struktur
yang lama ternyata direproduksi oleh struktur yang baru. Penelitian ini juga
menemukan kelemahan dari strukturasi Giddens yang menganggap bahwa struktur
dalam versi dualitas-nya, baik sebagai hasil dan sekaligus sarana (medium) praktik
sosial ternyata tidak selalu bersifat enabling atau memberdayakan. Pembangunan
kelautan dan perikanan, khususnya menyangkut tentang bagaimana mengatasi
kemiskinan masyarakat nelayan harus melihat pentingnya dinamika relasi yang
terjadi antara agen dan struktur agar perubahan yang dilakukan oleh negara, dalam
hal ini Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan, tidak justru melahirkan kemiskinan

This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.
Keywords: relationships, agen;This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.
Keywords: relationships, agen, This dissertation aims to describe the dynamics that take place between the agent and
the structure of the fishing community in Teluk Village, Labuan, Banten. By using
structuration theory of Anthony Giddens and equipped with the concept of social
development based on the structure, culture, and processes, in view of the dynamics
of relationships that exist between agents and structures in the fishing communities.
The approach used in this study is a qualitative grounded research strategy. The
results of this study indicate that in the fishing community has been a change in the
structure of the formal institutional domination domination of non-formal
institutions. Poverty that exist on the old structures turned out to be reproduced by
the new structure. The study also found weaknesses of Giddens structuration which
assume that the structure in its duality version, either as a result and at the same time
means (medium) social practices were not always be enabling or empowering.
Development of marine and fisheries, particularly with regard to how to overcome
poverty of fishing communities must see the importance of the dynamics of
relationships that occur between agents and structures so that the changes made by
the state, in this case the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, did not actually
give birth to new poverty.
Keywords: relationships, agen]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Neansy Nurhandayani
"Tesis ini membahas pemanfaatan konotasi dan mitos dalam iklan perawatan tubuh. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan ancangan pragmatik dan semiotik. Penelitian terhadap konotasi dan mitos dilakukan dengan menjelaskan pilihan bentuk tindak tutur yang digunakan dalam iklan. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah lima teks iklan Maria Syailendra di majalah Kartini tahun 2014. Hasil analisis menunjukkan terdapat 45 jumlah pilihan tuturan yang yang disajikan dan digunakan pengiklan untuk memicu tindak perlokusi bagi pembaca. Di antara bentuk-bentuk tersebut, bersifat memberikan informasi, menyarankan, menjanjikan dan merupakan ungkapan emosi. Berdasarkan bentuk-bentuk tindak tutur tersebut, ditemukan beberapa konotasi berhubungan dengan klinik kecantikan, kecantikan organ intim dan hubungan suami-istri. Konotasi diperkuat dengan bentuk nonverbal yang ditampilkan dalam iklan. Dari bentuk pilihan tutur juga ditemukan mitos yang berusaha dimanfaatkan oleh pengiklan agar memicu daya perlokusi pembaca.

This thesis discusses the use of connotation and myth in the advertisement of body skin care clinic. This research is a qualitative research by means of pragmatics and semiotics analysis. Analysis on connotation and myth done by explaining the form of speech acts used in the advertisement. Source of the data are five advertisements texts of Maria Syailendra beauty clinic in Kartini on 2014. Result of the analysis shows that there are 45 numbers of speech acts used to triggers perlocutionary acts of the audience. Some of them provides information, suggestion, promise, and praising. Based on the speech acts forms used in the advertisement texts, it is discovered several connotations related to the beauty clinic itself, beauty organ intimate and connotation on the marriage issues. The connotation also supported by the nonverbal sign. It is also discovered myths which used by the author which triggers the perlocutionary acts from the readers.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Azizah
"Tesis ini merupakan kajian semiotik yang dikaitkan dengan kompetensi berbahasa menulis. Penelitian kualitatif ini membahas dimensi notasional (denotasi, konotasi, dan anotasi) dalam penafsiran makna karikatur oleh siswa SMK dikaitkan dengan ciri jenis tulisan (deskripsi, narasi, persuasi, eksposisi, dan argumentasi) yang terdapat di dalam tulisan mereka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa unsur dominan yang terdapat di dalam penafsiran makna karikatur siswa tersebut adalah unsur konotatif, sedangkan ciri jenis tulisan yang dominan terdapat di dalam tulisan mereka adalah ciri tulisan argumentasi. Ada keterkaitan antara dimensi notasional dalam penafsiran makna karikatur dengan ciri jenis tulisan yang terdapat di dalam tulisan siswa SMK tersebut.

This thesis is a semiotic study of language associated with writing competence. This qualitative study discusses the notational dimension (denotation, connotation, and annotation) on the interpretation of the meaning of caricature by vocational students associated with characteristic of writing types (description, narration, persuasion, exposition, and argumentation) in their writings. The results showed that the dominant element contained in the interpretation of the meaning of caricatures by the students is connotative element, and the dominant feature of the type of writing that appeared in their texts is the characteristic of argumentation. There is a linkage between notational dimension in the interpretation of the meaning of caricature and the characteristics of the writing types that appeared in the vocational students texts."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Jum`a Khatib Nur Ali
Disertasi ini membahas representasi imigran oleh Uni Eropa di booklet Festival Film Europe on Screen Indonesia. Data diambil dari lima booklet festival dari tahun 2008 hingga 2011. Tujuannya adalah untuk melihat bagaimana imigran dalam masyarakat multikultur UE direpresentasikan kepada Indonesia dan apakah latar belakang ideologinya. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teori sirkuit budaya sebagai kerangka teori dan representasi konstruksionis dengan semiotik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya pola dan ideologi orientalis kepada Indonesia pada data penelitian.;

This dissertation discusses immigrant representation by the European Union in Indonesian Europe on screen Film Festival booklets. Data are obtained from five booklets from 2008 until 2011. The goal is to see how immigrants in European Union multicultural society are represented to Indonesia and to discover the ideological background of the representation. This research adopts circuit of culture the grand theory, with constructive representation approach, using semiotic method. Research results arising from data analysis suggest a pattern of orientalist ideology towards Indonesia found on the research data verified.;This dissertation discusses immigrant representation by the European Union in Indonesian Europe on screen Film Festival booklets. Data are obtained from five booklets from 2008 until 2011. The goal is to see how immigrants in European Union multicultural society are represented to Indonesia and to discover the ideological background of the representation. This research adopts circuit of culture the grand theory, with constructive representation approach, using semiotic method. Research results arising from data analysis suggest a pattern of orientalist ideology towards Indonesia found on the research data verified., This dissertation discusses immigrant representation by the European Union in Indonesian Europe on screen Film Festival booklets. Data are obtained from five booklets from 2008 until 2011. The goal is to see how immigrants in European Union multicultural society are represented to Indonesia and to discover the ideological background of the representation. This research adopts circuit of culture the grand theory, with constructive representation approach, using semiotic method. Research results arising from data analysis suggest a pattern of orientalist ideology towards Indonesia found on the research data verified.]"
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gridanty Della Kaisha
Skripsi ini berisi analisis iklan berbahasa Jerman operator telefon seluler Congstar di Instagram yang ditinjau dari segi semantik dan semiotik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan jenis makna semantik dan tanda semiotik yang terkandung dalam iklan operator telefon seluler Congstar di Instagram. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, dapat terlihat bahwa makna semantik yang paling sering muncul dalam iklan-iklan ini adalah makna referensial dengan objek rujukan yang berkaitan dengan konteks iklan. Selain itu, pemasang iklan juga menggunakan adjektiva yang mengandung makna afektif positif agar dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen terhadap produk atau informasi yang diiklankan. Makna semantik lainnya yang muncul dalam iklan-iklan ini adalah makna asosiatif, situatif, dan stilistik. Kemudian, dari segi semiotik, tanda yang paling sering muncul dalam iklan adalah ikon. Tanda ikon yang digunakan oleh pemasang iklan adalah gambar-gambar yang berhubungan dengan konteks iklan untuk membantu konsumen memahami isi iklan. Tanda lainnya yang muncul dalam iklan-iklan ini adalah simbol. Simbol yang digunakan oleh pemasang iklan memiliki makna yang berhubungan dengan konteks iklan sehingga konsumen dapat dengan mudah mengerti kaitan antara simbol dengan konteks iklan tersebut.

This thesis discusses semantic and semiotic analysis on German rsquo s mobilephone operator ndash Congstar ndash ads in Instagram. The aim of this thesis is to describe which semantic meaning and semiotic sign appear on Congstar Ads in Instagram. Based on the analysis that has been done, the most frequent semantic meaning that appear on these ads is referential meaning. This kind of meaning has a reference object that is related to its context. Furthermore, there is also positive affective meaning that appear on adjectives. These adjectives can help advertisers to increase customer rsquo s trust on the products or information that has been published. The other semantic meanings in these ads are assosiative, situative, and stylistic meaning. Beside semantic meaning, there are also semiotic signs that appear on these ads, such as icon and symbol. lsquo Icon rsquo is the most frequent sign that appear on these ads. The function of this sign lsquo icon rsquo is to catch consumer rsquo s attention and to help the consumers understand more easily about the content of the ads. Another sign that appear on these ads is lsquo symbol rsquo . Advertisers mostly use a sign lsquo symbol rsquo that is related with the context of the ads so the customers can understand the relation between symbol and the context."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marisa Intan Rizonna
Dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sudah semakin berkembang, sastra pun ikut terpengaruh dalam hal produksi karya sastra, yaitu memanfaatkan jaringan internet sebagai wadah para pengarang mengekspresikan sesuatu dalam sebuah karya sastra, seperti Kurzgeschichte, Gedichte atau Roman atau istilahnya adalah Netzliteratur. Netzliteratur ini hanya menyediakan karya sastra dalam bentuk digital, seperti dalam webiste atau forum khusus untuk para pengarang mengunggah karyanya. Contohnya website e-Stories yang merupakan website terbesar di Jerman yang memiliki karya Netzliteratur paling banyak dengan para pengarang yang terdaftar yang juga terhitung banyak. Dalam penelitian ini, korpus data yang akan diambil adalah tiga buah cerpen Netzliteratur yang terdapat di dalam website www.e-stories.de yang memiliki kesamaan objek yang digunakan pada masing-masing cerpen, yaitu Spiegel. Cerpen-cerpen tersebut adalah Die Frau im Spiegel karya Stephani Herman, Der Spiegel Erz hlt- Gestern und Heute karya Hella Sch mann dan Das Spiegelbild karya Sunni Be. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada pemaknaan objek Spiegel melalui tinjauan semiotik oleh Charles Sanders Peirce. Pemaknaan ini akan menampilkan bahwa pada masing-masing cerpen tersebut, tokoh di tiap cerpen mengekspresikan adanya sebuah masalah pada identitas diri mereka.

With the development of technology that has been growing, literature was also influenced in terms of production of literary works, namely utilizing the Internet network as a container for authors to express something in a literary work, such as Kurzgeschichte, Gedichte or Roman or the term is called ldquo Netzliteratur rdquo. This Netzliterature only provides literature in digital form, as in webiste or special forum for authors to upload their work. For example e Stories website which is the largest website in Germany that has the most Netzliteratur works with registered authors who are also counted. In this study, the data which is going to be retrieved is three short stories Netzliteratur contained in the website www.e stories.de which has similar objects used in each short story, namely ldquo Spiegel. The short stories are Stephani Herman 39 s Die Frau im Spiegel, Der Spiegel Erz hlt Gestern und Heute by Hella Sch mann and Sunni Be 39 s Das Spiegelbild. This research will focus on the meaning of Spiegel object through semiotic review by Charles Sanders Peirce. This meaning will show that in each of these short stories, the characters in each short story express a problem on their self identity."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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