"Tesis ini merupakan penelisikan teoritis mengenai pluralitas masyarakat semasa ini, dalam kerangka pemikiran teori kritis Axel Honneth. Berangkat dari faktisitas sosio-politik, yang ditandai dengan intensitas keragaman nilai, ideologi, gaya hidup, terjadi pula penajaman perbedaan identitas entah itu bersifat etno-kultural maupun etno-religius. Akibatnya, di satu sisi, kita menemukan dalam masyarakat adanya gejala eksklusivitas mayoritas terhadap minoritas, atau antaretnis dan antaragama akibat gesekan-gesekan sosial, dan di sisi lain, ada upaya untuk mengatasi problem semacam itu dengan mendorong inklusivitas sosial dalam masyarakat. Dengan menggunakan teori pengakuan Axel Honneth, yang dipahaminya sebagai sarana realisasi-diri individu, tesis ini menyatakan bahwa melalui pengakuan intersubjektif, terbuka kemungkinan masyarakat semasa menemukan jalan dialog bagi kebertemuan yang secara legal-normatif menjamin hidup bersama secara berdamai dan berkeadilan. Sehubung itu, dalam tesis ini, pengakuan intersubjektif disebut sebagai prinsip pro-eksistensi masyarakat plural.
This thesis is a theoretical scrutinize of the plurality of contemporary society, in the framework of critical theory of Axel Honneth. Departing from socio-political facticity, which is characterized by the intensity of the diversity of values, ideology, lifestyles, there is also sharpening difference whether it is the identity of ethno-cultural as well as ethno-religious. What emerges is, on the one hand, we find in society the symptoms of exclusivity between different societies, majority against minority, or interethnic and interreligious due to social friction, and on the other, there is an attempt to overcome such problems by encouraging social inclusiveness in agonistic society. By using the theory of Axel Honneth of intersubjective recognition, which is understood as a means of individual selfrealization, this theses states that through intersubjective recognition, opens the condition of finding the path of dialogue during the society for meeting between different socially community, which legally guarantees coexist peacefully and equitably. In this way, I call intersubjective recognition as the principle of proexistence in a plural society."