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Adhariana Hk
"Prematuritas merupakan penyebab mortalitas dan morbiditas neonatus tertinggi. Sebagian besar prematur mendapat transfusi PRC berulang selama perawatan. Sementara itu, transfusi PRC berulang dapat meningkatkan kadar zat besi. Namun, hingga saat ini belum ada konsensus mengenai suplementasi besi pada prematur yang telah mendapat transfusi PRC berulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui status besi pada bayi prematur usia gestasi 28-32 minggu yang telah mendapat transfusi PRC berulang dan membuat rekomendasi mengenai pemberian suplementasi besi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kohort prospektif terhadap 70 bayi prematur yang lahir di RSCM bulan Maret 2021 – Mei 2021. Profil besi diperiksa usia kronologis 1, 2 dan 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil besi bayi prematur yang mendapat transfusi PRC > 2 kali lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan ≤ 2 kali (p<0,05). Titik potong total volume transfusi PRC yang menyebabkan status besi berlebih adalah PRC ≥ 50 mL/kgBB. Median feritin serum pada usia kronologis 1 bulan adalah 498,11 µg/L (358-885,62 µg/L), dua bulan adalah 232,66 µg/L (60,85-538,44 µg/L), tiga bulan adalah 42 µg/L (40,1-168,63 µg/L). Faktor risiko yang memengaruhi status besi berlebih pada bayi prematur adalah riwayat sepsis (OR 5,918 (IK 95%: 2,027-17,277)). Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa bayi prematur yang mendapat transfusi PRC >2 kali memiliki profil besi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan ≤ 2 kali pada usia kronologis 1 bulan. Bayi premtur yang mendapat transfusi PRC ≥ 50 mL/kgBB memiliki status besi berlebih di usia kronologis 1 bulan sehingga suplementasi besi sebaiknya diberikan pada usia kronologis 2 bulan.

Prematurity is the most common cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. Most of the preterm infants received multiple PRC transfusions during hospitalization. Meanwhile, multiple PRC transfusions can increase iron levels. However, to date there is no consensus regarding iron supplementation in preterm who have received multiple PRC transfusions. The objective of this study are to determine iron status in premature infants aged 28-32 weeks who have received multiple PRC transfusions and make recommendations regarding iron supplementation. This study is a prospective cohort study of 70 preterm infants born at the Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in March 2021 – May 2021. Iron profiles were examined chronologically age at 1, 2 and 3 months of age. The result are the iron profile of preterm infants who received PRC transfusion was > 2 times significantly higher than ≤ 2 times (p<0.05). The cut-off point for the total volume of PRC transfusion that causes iron overload status is ≥ 50 mL/kgBW. The median serum ferritin at 1 month of age was 498.11 g/L (358-885.62 g/L), two months was 232.66 g/L (60.85-538.44 g/L), three months is 42 g/L (40.1-168.63 g/L). The risk factor influencing iron overload status in preterm infants was a history of neonatal sepsis (OR 5.918 (95% CI: 2.027-17.277)). The conclusion of this study are preterm infants who received PRC transfusion >2 times had a higher iron profile than ≤ 2 times at 1 month chronological age. Preterm infants who received PRC transfusions ≥ 50 mL/kgBW had iron overload status at 1 month of chronological age and therefore iron supplementation should be given at 2 months of chronological age."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reni Wigati
"Latar Belakang. Transfusi packed red cell (PRC) sering ditemui pada anak sakit kritis, dengan kemungkinan efek samping yang tidak sedikit. Beberapa laporan terakhir merekomendasikan ambang batas transfusi yang lebih rendah yaitu hemoglobin (Hb) 7 g/dL, namun data karakteristik serta pedoman transfusi PRC anak sakit kritis di Indonesia belum diketahui.
Metode. Studi dilakukan terhadap pasien yang dirawat di unit perawatan intensif anak (PICU) Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) dan diputuskan untuk mendapat transfusi PRC. Kadar Hb, saturasi vena sentral (ScvO2), rasio ekstraksi oksigen (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), indeks kardiak (CI), dan indeks inotropik (INO) diukur/dihitung sebelum dan sesudah transfusi.
Hasil. Dari 92 pasien yang masuk perawatan PICU, 25 anak (27,5%) menjalani transfusi PRC dengan total 38 episode transfusi selama bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2015. Tiga episode dieksklusi dari penelitian sehingga 35 episode transfusi PRC diikutsertakan dalam analisis. Sebagian besar pasien adalah anak lelaki (77,1%) berusia 1 bulan hingga 1 tahun (45,7%), dengan median usia 2,1 (rentang 0,2 ? 16,2) tahun. Rerata Hb pre- dan pascatransfusi adalah 7,7 + 1,46 dan 10,2 + 1,97 g/dL. Rerata ScvO2 dan O2ER pretransfusi normal, yaitu 73,8 + 6,46 % dan 0,25 + 0,070, dengan rerata pascatransfusi tidak berbeda bermakna untuk keduanya, yaitu 79,0 + 5,92 % dan 0,19 + 0,056. Perbedaan rerata DO2, CI, dan INO pre- dan pascatransfusi juga tidak bermakna secara klinis maupun statistik. Analisis subgrup yang menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna secara klinis adalah pada anak dengan ScvO2 pretransfusi < 70%. Subgrup ini menunjukkan rerata Hb pretransfusi 7,2 + 1,69 g/dL, dengan nilai ScvO2 pre- dan pascatransfusi sebesar 64,1 + 4,71 % (nilai p 0,181) serta O2ER pre- dan pascatransfusi 0,34 + 0,055 dan 0,21 + 0,080 (nilai p 0,152).
Simpulan. Studi terhadap praktek transfusi PRC di PICU RSCM tidak menunjukkan perubahan hemodinamik yang bermakna. Analisis lebih lanjut pada anak sakit kritis dengan nilai ScvO2 < 70% sebelum mendapatkan transfusi PRC cenderung menunjukkan perbaikan hemodinamik. Penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai ambang batas Hb atau ScvO2 untuk memutuskan pemberian transfusi PRC perlu dilakukan.

Background. Transfusion of packed red cells (PRC) often found in critically ill children, with the possibility of side effects is not uncommon. Later reports recommended a lower hemoglobin (Hb) for transfusion threshold, nevertheless the characteristics and transfusion guidelines PRC critically ill children in Indonesia is yet unknown.
Methods. This study was conducted on patients admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) and underwent PRC transfusion. Hemoglobin level, central venous saturation (ScvO2), oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER), oxygen delivery (DO2), cardiac index (CI), and inotropic index (INO) were measured/calculated before and after transfusion.
Results Of the 92 patients admitted to the PICU, 25 children (27.5%) were given PRC transfusion with a total of 38 episodes of transfusion during October to December 2015. Three episodes were excluded from the study that 35 episodes of PRC transfusion were included in the analysis. Most patients were boys (77.1%) aged 1 month to 1 year (45.7%), with a median of age 2.1 (range 0.2 to 16.2) yearold. Mean Hb pre- and post transfusion were 7.7 + 1.46 and 10.2 + 1.97 g/dL. The average ScvO2 and O2ER before transfusion were still in normal range, i.e. 73.8 + 6.46 % and 0.25 + 0.070, without significantly different levels after transfusion, i.e. 79.0 + 5.92% and 0.19 + 0.056. The mean differences of DO2, CI, and INO pre- and post transfusion were neither clinically nor statistically significant. Subgroup analysis that revealed clinically significant difference was children with pretransfusion ScvO2 <70%. This subgroup mean pretransfusion Hb was 7.2 + 1.69 g/dL, with pre/post transfusion ScvO2 values of 64.1 + 4.71% (p-value 0.181) and pre/post post transfusion O2ER 0.34 + 0.055 and 0.21 + 0.080 (p-value 0.152).
Conclusions. Study on PRC transfusion practice in PICU RSCM showed no significant hemodynamic changes. Subgroup analysis of critically ill children with ScvO2 <70% before PRC transfusion indicated hemodynamic improvement. Further research on optimal transfusion thresholds, e.g. hemoglobin level or ScvO2, for PRC transfusion decision-making need to be done.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ganjar Noviar
"Sampai saat ini di Indonesia belum diketahui prevalensi seropositif CMV pada darah donor sehingga belum dilakukan uji saring terhadap antibodi CMV dan analisis DNA CMV pada PRC leukodepleted secara rutin untuk kemanan darah donor.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendapatkan informasi efektifitas teknik leukodeplesi PRC terhadap deteksi DNA CMV, mendapatkan informasi mengenai prevalensi PRC dengan antibodi IgG CMV positif dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai prevalensi DNA CMV positif pada PRC non-leukodepleted serta PRC leukodepleted di UTD PMI Provinsi DKI Jakarta.
Metode yang digunakan desain potong lintang cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel 113 darah donor yang telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Uji saring antibodi IgG CMV menggunakan metode indirect chemiluminescence immunoassay ChLIA dengan alat Liason XL 10050 Chemiluminescence Analyzer dan analisis DNA CMV menggunakan metode qPCR untuk deteksi UL54 CMV dengan alat Roche Light Cycler 480 II.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi IgG CMV positif sebanyak 111 sampel 98,23 dan IgG CMV negatif sebanyak 2 sampel 1,77 . Prevalensi DNA CMV positif pada PRC non- leukodepleted adalah 1 sampel 0,88 dan PRC leukodepleted adalah 0 sampel 0.
Kesimpulan penelitian ini, PRC leukodepleted efektif dalam meningkatkan keamanan darah donor terhadap infeksi CMV.Kata kunci: Cytomegalovirus, PRC Leukodepleted, IgG CMV, qPCR UL54 CMV.

To date, the seropositive prevalence of CMV in blood donor is still remaining unknown. Therefore, no screening test for CMV antibody and CMV DNA analysis on leukodepleted PRC that is routinely performed in Indonesia for the safety of the blood donor.
The purpose of this study was to obtain information on the effectiveness of PRC leukodepleted techniques on CMV DNA detection, to obtain information on the prevalence of PRC with positive CMV IgG antibodies and to obtain information on the prevalence of positive CMV DNA in non leukodepleted PRC and leukodepleted PRC at UTD PMI DKI Jakarta.
Cross sectional design with total sample of 113 donor blood that has fulfilled the inclusion criteria was used as methodology. Indirect chemiluminescence immunoassay ChLIA method with Liason XL 10050 Chemiluminescence Analyzer was used for IgG CMV antibody screening test and qPCR technique with UL54 CMV by Roche light cycler 480 II was used for CMV DNA analysis.
The results showed that 111 samples 98.23 were positive to IgG CMV and 2 samples 1.77 was negative to CMV IgG. The prevalence of positive CMV DNA in PRC before leukodepleted was 1 sample 0.88 and PRC after leukodepleted was 0 sample 0.
The conclusion of this study is leukodepleted PRC effective to reduce the spread of CMV infection through blood transfusions.Key words Cytomegalovirus, PRC Leukodepleted, IgG CMV, qPCR UL54 CMV.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Genoveva Kiranaputri Tjondrolukito
"Harimau sumatera di penangkaran dapat menunjukkan perubahan perilaku dalam
bentuk perilaku stereotipe. Kegiatan tindakan medis pun dapat menyebabkan
cedera saat handling dan stres pada satwa. Teknik enrichment (pengayaan) sudah
dikenal mampu mengurangi perilaku stereotipe dan stres harimau di penangkaran.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengevaluasi teknik environmental enrichment, food enrichment dan social enrichment pada harimau sumatera di Rescue Centre Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation (Tambling), (2) mengevaluasi hubungan perilaku stereotipe dengan stres fisiologis harimau sumatera melalui rasio neutrofil per limfosit (Rasio N/L). Obyek penelitian ini ialah 4 ekor harimau sumatera (1 betina dan 3 jantan) di Rescue Centre Tambling. Kayu untuk environmental
enrichment, daging ayam segar untuk food enrichment dan positive reinforcement
conditioning (PRC) untuk social enrichment harimau digunakan pada penelitian ini.
Pengamatan perilaku harimau dilakukan selama 2 bulan (baseline) dan 2 bulan
(post-enrichment) dengan metode focal animal sampling dalam radius <10 m.
Koleksi sampel darah dilakukan 2 kali setelah pengamatan perilaku baseline dan
post-enrichment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan teknik social enrichment paling
efektif (Z = -,0730, P = 0,465<0,05) dibandingkan environmental & food
enrichment. Pemeriksaan medis dan tindakan medis dapat lebih mudah dilakukan
dengan PRC. Hasil rasio N/L tidak berkorelasi dengan perilaku stereotipe harimau
sumatera (x2 = 3, P = 0,392 > 0,05). Hasil rasio N/L tersebut menandakan bahwa
perilaku sterotipe harimau merupakan bentuk coping mechanism di RC Tambling.

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae, Pocock, 1929) shows behavioural change
such as stereotype behaviour in captivity as a wild carnivore. Handling wild animals
on medical procedures often cause stress and injury. Enrichment techniques are
well known for reducing tiger’s stereotype behaviour and stress. This research aims
to (1) evaluate suitable enrichment techniques (between food enrichment,
environmental enrichment and social enrichment) on Sumatran tiger and (2)
evaluate the correlation between stereotype behaviour and physiological stress
through neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio (N/L Ratio). This research was conducted at
Tambling Wildlife Nature Conservation Rescue Centre and 4 tigers as subjects (1
female, 3 males). Novel wood as environmental enrichment, fresh chicken meat as
food enrichment and positive reinforcement conditioning (PRC) as social
enrichment were used on this research. Behavioural observations were conducted
with focal continuous animal sampling in two months as a baseline and two months
post-enrichment. The distance between observer and the subject was within 10
metres. Blood sample collections were conducted twice after the behavioural
observations. The N/L ratio was counted on the field to minimize the damage of the
sample during transportation to the laboratory. The result showed that social
enrichment is the most effective (Z = -,0730, P = 0,465<0,05) compared to food
enrichment and environmental enrichment. Medical check-up and procedure could
be more convenient using PRC on the tiger. N/L ratio indicated there was no
significant correlation between stereotype behaviour and physiological stress (x2=
3, P = 0,392 > 0,05). The four
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yehezkiel Kristianto
Uneven global economic development resulted by the global financial crisis of 2008-09, and infrastructure gay in the Asia-pasific region have become current economic challenges that the world has to overcome."
Jakarta: The Ary Suta Center, 2019
330 ASCSM 45 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Ilhami Surya Akbar
Latar belakang. Komponen darah washed erythrocyte (WE) mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan leukodepleted PRC (LD-PRC) yaitu untuk mencegah atau mengurangi reaksi transfusi. Namun banyak kekhawatiran para klinisi tentang cara pembuatan komponen darah WE dan bahan yang terkandung pada filter leukosit untuk menangkap leukosit. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan bukti secara ilmiah akan keamanan dalam pemakaian komponen darah PRC yang telah dimodifikasi ini dan juga memberikan pemahaman tentang pemakaian yang benar untuk komponen darah ini. Metoda. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 52 sampel darah. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan pada 26 sampel WE sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah WE dan 26 sampel LD-PRC sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah LD-PRC. Pemeriksaan hematologi diperiksa secara otomatis menggunakan Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein diperkirakan menggunakan ADVIA 1650/1800, sedangkan hemolisis darah diamati menggunakan uji Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Hasil. Menunjukan kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok WE berkurang 15,4%, volume hematokrit menurun 8,55%, kadar protein menurun 98,4 %, dan jumlah leukosit menurun 87,31% dibandingkan dengan kelompok PRC sebelum dicuci. Selain itu, kadar hemoglobin dari komponen darah leukodepleted menurun 29,1%, volume hematokrit meningkat 21%, kadar protein menurun 79,1% dan jumlah leukosit menurun 99,9% dibandingkan dengan kelompok WB sebelum dijadikan komponen leukodepleted PRC. Persentase hemolisis pada komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC adalah < 0,8% Perbedaan bermakna komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC dapat diamati pada parameter penilaian protein sisa dan leukosit sisa (p<0,05). Simpulan. Dalam pembuatan komponen darah WE protein plasma berkurang sebanyak 98,4%, sedangkan dalam pembuatan leukodepleted PRC, jumlah leukosit berkurang sebanyak 99,97%. Terjadinya hemolisis dapat diabaikan karena pada kedua komponen darah, hemolisis terjadi < 0,8%. Jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan kandungan protein plasma yang sedikit dapat digunakan komponen darah WE, sementara itu jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan jumlah leukositnya sedikit dapat digunakan/dipilih komponen darah leukodepleted.

Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes? washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.;Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required., Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ananto Pratikto
"Pelabuhan Pireus. Pertanyaan penelitian yang diajukan dalam skripsi ini adalah “Bagaimana dampak ekonomi dan politik dari kerjasama regional kebijakan OBOR di Yunani dalam investasi Pelabuhan Piraues Tahun 2013-2017?” Teori new regionalism and economic development dari Mistry (2003) digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian skripsi ini.Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan studi literatur. Temuan dari studi ini memperlihatkan bahwa kebijakan OBOR yang dibentuk oleh RRT merupakan bentuk kerjasama regional baru karena merupakan respon dari arus globalisasi dimana RRT berupaya untuk membentuk pembangunan dunia yang lebih inklusif dan produktif. RRT menggunakan kebijakan OBOR untuk memperdalam kerjasama regional dengan Yunani, di pelabuhan Piraeus. Kebijakan OBOR yang diterapkan di pelabuhan Piraeus memberikan dampak ekonomi dan politik. Dampak ekonominya adalah Yunani harus menyampingkan kepentingan nasional jangka pendek demi kepentingan regional jangka panjang, sedangkan dampak politiknya adalah bahwa pemerintah membentuk kompromi terhadap RRT dalam kerjasama regional kebijakan OBOR di Pelabuhan Piraeus.

This undergraduate thesis analyses the PRC's OBOR policy in Greece through its investment in the Port of Pireus. The research question of this thesis is "How are the economic and political impacts of the OBOR policy regional cooperation in Greece through its investment in Piraeus Port in 2013-2017?" Mistry’s (2003) the new regionalism and economic development theory (2003) is used in this study in finding the answers of this research question. This study employed the qualitative method using literatures studies. The findings of this study show that the OBOR policy established by the PRC is a new form of regionalism: the establishment of OBOR is the response to the globalization, where PRC seeks to shape a more inclusive and productive roles world development. The PRC employed the OBOR policy to deepen regional cooperation with Greece by investing at the port of Piraeus, however, this investment has had economic and political impacts for domestic development as well as for political constellation in Greece. The economic impact is that Greece must de-prioritize its short-term national interests for the sake of its long-term regional interests; while the political impact is that the government has to make various compromises with the PRC government to endure the regional cooperation of OBOR policy at the Port of Piraeus.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rahadjeng Pulungsari Hadi
"Di era globalisasi ini, peranan Tiongkok di dunia internasional semakin diperhitungkan. Selain muncul dengan kekuatan ekonominya, Tiongkok juga memanfaatkan kekuatan budayanya untuk mengadakan pendekatan dengan negaranegara lain. Pendekatan yang dikenal sebagai diplomasi kebudayaan ini selain dilakukan secara langsung, juga dapat melalui berbagai media sebagai perantaranya. Salah satu media yang dimanfaatkan oleh pemerintah RRT untuk melakukan diplomasi kebudayaan terhadap Indonesia adalah melalui media radio. Pada 2010, radio resmi pemerintah RRT, China Radio International CRI atau Zhongguo Guoji Guangbo Diantai bekerja sama dengan radio swasta Elshinta 90 FM untuk menyiarkan beragam topik dalam dimensi budaya, ekonomi, sosial, politik.
Siaran yang ditujukan untuk audiens Indonesia tersebut dibawakan dalam bahasa Indonesia, dan di antaranya membahas aspek-aspek terkait hubungan Tiongkok-Indonesia. Pengamatan terhadap siaran CRI program 'Lentera' periode 2011-2013 menghasilkan pemetaan 164 seratus enam puluh empat topik siaran. Setelah melakukan kategorisasi dan seleksi topik, kajian ini melakukan analisis intertekstual terhadap kata-kata kunci, konteks, tujuan eksplisit, kepentingan, konektor audiens dari siaran-siaran terseleksi tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kajian ini menemukan strategi-strategi diplomasi kebudayaan yang dijalankan RRT untuk audiens Indonesia melalui media radio CRI.

In this era of globalization, the role of China in the international world is increasingly significant. Beside its economic power, China is also using its cultural strength to make approaches with other countries. This approach, known as cultural diplomacy, that not only done directly, but also through various media as its intermediary. One of the media used by PRC government to do cultural diplomacy to Indonesia is throughbroadcast media. In 2010, China Radio International CRI or Zhongguo Guoji Guangbo Diantai was collaborating with Elshinta 90 FM private radio to broadcast a variety of topics in cultural, economic, social, political dimensions.
The broadcasts that aimed for Indonesian audiences were in Indonesian, with topics that were related to the China Indonesia relationship. Observations of the 2011 2013 CRI program's called Lentera had resulted mappings of 164 one hundred and sixty four broadcast topics. After categorizing and selecting those topics, this study performs an intertextual analysis of key words, contexts, explicit objectives, audience connectors of the selected broadcasts. Based on the results of the analysis, this study finds cultural diplomacy strategies that China conducts for Indonesian audience through CRI.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library