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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Issues on the importance of multi - storey housing building appear as a solving on some of the urban problematic mainly in sttlement issue. Some of societies considered that multi - storey housing able to solve parts of the problem..."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Multi - storey retail buildings in Japan are crowding the downtown and train station ' surrounding area. From its function, retail building requires several conditions to be succeding as a selling instrumen...."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudo Hastomo
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vayas, Ioannis
"This textbook describes the rules for the design of steel and composite building structures according to Eurocodes, covering the structure as a whole, as well as the design of individual structural components and connections. It addresses the following topics: the basis of design in the Eurocodes framework; the loads applied to building structures; the load combinations for the various limit states of design and the main steel properties and steel fabrication methods; the models and methods of structural analysis in combination with the structural imperfections and the cross-section classification according to compactness; the cross-section resistances when subjected to axial and shear forces, bending or torsional moments and to combinations of the above; component design and more specifically the design of components sensitive to instability phenomena, such as flexural, torsional and lateral-torsional buckling (a section is devoted to composite beams); the design of connections and joints executed by bolting or welding, including beam to column connections in frame structures; and alternative configurations to be considered during the conceptual design phase for various types of single or multi-storey buildings, and the design of crane supporting beams. In addition, the fabrication and erection procedures, as well as the related quality requirements and the quality control methods are extensively discussed (including the procedures for bolting, welding and surface protection). The book is supplemented by more than fifty numerical examples that explain in detail the appropriate procedures to deal with each particular problem in the design of steel structures in accordance with Eurocodes. The book is an ideal learning resource for students of structural engineering, as well as a valuable reference for practicing engineers who perform designs on basis of Eurocodes."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nyimas Masyito
"Kebijakan pembangunan rumah susun sebagai alternatif perumahan dan permukiman bagi penduduk padat dilaksanakan di Kota Palembang, rumah susun ini berada di Kelurahan 23 Ilir Kecamatan Bukit Kecil merupakan daerah strategis di tengah kota yang merupakan tujuan pendalang untuk menetap.
Wilayah rumah susun ini sebelumnya merupakan daerah perkampungan di tengah kota, dan dipicu oleh kebakaran yang terjadi pada bulan Agustus 1981 maka kebijakan untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya wilayah kumuh ditetapkan kebijakan pembangunan wilayah permukiman dan untuk masalah kebakaran yang terjadi, relokasi merupakan salah satu solusi agar tidak terjadi kekumuhan terhadap lahan yang ada.
Badan Perhimpunan Penghuni Rumah Susun (BPPRS) yang semestinya badan yang mengelola rumah susun ini, namun kenyataan sekarang bahwa lokasi rumah susun tersebut terlihat kotor, padat dan kumuh terutama pada blok-blok tipe F.18 dan berada di Kelurahan 23 Ilir Kota Palembang yang merupakan daerah yang diobservasi dalam penelitian ini.
Permasalahan-permasalahan yang muncul menimbulkan pertanyaan bahwa faktor apa yang menjadi penyebab keadaan yang kumuh tersebut, dan bagaimana pula dengan kebijakan pemerintah dengan membangun rumah susun yang dihubungkan dengan keadaan yang demikian.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah:
1. Mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan keadaan kumuh di rumah susun
2. Mengevaluasi hasil kebijakan pembangunan rumah susun oleh pemerintah daerah.
Hipotesis yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini, adalah:
Terdapat hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan fisik rumah susun dan kondisi sosial ekonomi penghuni rumah susun di Kelurahan 23 Ilir Kota Palembang.
Lokasi Penelitian yaitu ada di 3 Blok dari Zona I yang terdiri dan 12 Blok. dan ketiga blok tersebut berada di Kelurahan 23 Ilir Kecamatan Bukit Kecil Palembang. Lokasi ditentukan berdasarkan purposive sampling, sampel ditentukan secara simple random sampling.
Variabel-variabel dalam penelitian ini, yaitu:
1. Variabel kondisi lingkungan fisik terdiri dari: variabel-variabel fisik lingkungan (keadaan drainase dan pengelolaan sampah) dan variabel-variabel fisik bangunan (keadaan ventilasi dan pencahayaan).
2. Variabel Kualitas Hidup (kemiskinan, pengeluaran non makan, pengadaan air bersih. kepadatan, tingkat pendidikan dan kesehatan balita).
Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan observasi lapangan serta wawancara mendalam. Wawancara dilakukan untuk mengetahui lebih jelas informasi yang dirasakan belum mencukupi dalam penelitian ini. Data sekunder diperoleh dari literature dan pihak instansi yang berhubungan dengan masalah yang diteliti. Penyajian data dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif, analisis menggunakan rumus Chi-Kuadrat. Untuk memudahkan operasi perhitungan digunakan Software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences).
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dikemukakan bahwa:
Faktor yang menyebabkan keadaan kumuh di rumah susun Kelurahan 23 Ilir Kota Palembang adalah tidak berjalannya Badan Perhimpunan Penghuni Rumah Susun, dengan didukung pula kualitas hidup penghuninya yang rendah.
Tidak terdapat hubungan antara kondisi lingkungan fisik dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi penghuni rumah susun di Kelurahan 23 I1ir (hanya 3 variabel yang berhubungan dari 24 variabel yang dihubungkan atau 12,5%) , menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan runah susun yang ditetapkan pemerintah untuk mencegah terjadinya kekumuhan antara lain meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat, ternyata pembangunan tersebut tidak mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup penghuninya, bahkan kondisi fisik rumah susun menjadi kumuh.
Perlu pertimbangan yang berbeda antara penghapusan kekumuhan dan peningkatan kualitas hidup dimana kedua masalah tersebut memerlukan solusi yang berbeda.
Untuk penanggulangan permasalahan kualitas hidup penghuni di rumah susun ini, penentuan mendahulukan penanganan yang paling kritis keadaannya seperti keadaan kemiskinan, air bersih dan faktor kepadatan penghuni perlu ditetapkan, disamping perlunya dibentuk kembali Perhimpunan Penghuni Rumah Susun untuk mengelola rumah susun tersebut.

Correlation between Multi-storey Residential Buildings and the Quality of life of its Inhabitants (A case study on multi-storey apartments at Kampong 23 I1ir Palembang City)Multi-storey residential building (MSRB) policy has been applied in Palembang City as an alternative for housing in dense-populated area. The MSRB built in Kampong 23 Ilir Bukit Kecil Sub District, is a strategic area in the city center that become a popular place to stay for the urban. The location was a slum area.
A fire on August 1981 forced the government to issue a regional development and relocation policy to prevent similar accidents happen. The policy included articles on housing to deter the prompt of other slum areas in the city.
The Association of MSRB Residents has founded to run its main function to manage the building. But the fact could be found currently is hardly contrasted from the slum since the association failed to act. The worse condition could be found in F.18-hype blocks that being observed by this research.
Based on those problems, there is some questions arose: 1). What are the main factors that prompted slum areas in the city?, 2) What are the government policies related to the problems?
The purposes of this research are:
1. To identify the main factors have caused the prompt of slum condition at MSRB,
2. To evaluate the government policies on the problems.
The hypothesis of this research is:
- There is correlation between the physical condition of the MSRB in Kampong 23 Ilir Bukit Kecil Sub District, and the social; economic status of its residents.
The research took place in three blocks on Zone 1 of the MSRB in Kampong 23 Ilir, Bukit Kecil Sub District Palembang City which consist 12 blocks. Data collected by using simple random sampling.
The variables of this research are:
1. Physical condition variables, including: environmental physic variables (drainage and waste management) and building physic variables (ventilation and lightening).
2. Life quality variables (Primary data were collected by field observation and deep interview. The deep interview was done to fill gap information needed. Secondary data were taken from literature and from related institution.
This is result presented descriptively from the qualitative and quantitative data supported by analysis used Chi Square formulation. The calculation was made by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPPS) software.
The results of this research are:
- The main factor result in the slum condition at the MSRB: The Association of MSRB Residents is failed to function beside its residents life quality is low.
- There's no correlation between Physical condition at the MSRB and the social economic status of its residents (only 3 out of 24 variables has correlation or only 12,5% totally). The finding show that the MSRB policy made by government failed to come to its goals increasing the life quality of the community and to provide a good life conditions.
Difference consideration and judgment would be needed to solve the problems of the slum condition of the community since both problems need different solutions.
The poverty, non-consume expenses, clean water supply, population density, education degree and the health condition of the children under 5 years old). The main factors ill be done to increase a part of the problems the quality of life in this location beside the Association of MSRB is acted.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library