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Ditemukan 119 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Bono, Edward de
New York: Simon and Schuster , 1969
153 BON m
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
M. Fuad Hasyim
"Ketidaksadaran kolektif sebagai deposit memori leluhur, dibentuk oleh serangkaian peristiwa yang menyebabkan kenangan emosional di masa primordial. Meskipun konsep ketidaksadaran kolektif merupakan pencapaian terbesar Jung, nyatanya konsep tersebut ditolak oleh kebanyakan psikolog di masa itu. Penolakan tersebut didasari pada asumsi bahwa konsep ketidaksadaran kolektif terlalu spekulatif untuk dijelaskan. Artikel ini berusaha mendefinisikan ulang konsep ketidaksadaran kolektif yang spekulatif, menjadi definisi yang lebih konkret dan materialis, dengan menyatakan bahwa ketidaksadaran kolektif merupakan bagian dari memori genetik yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi melalui replikasi DNA pada sel. Ketidaksadaran kolektif dijelaskan melalui proses epigenetik yang mengacu pada pewarisan genetik yang bisa bertahan selama beberapa masa yang panjang. Agar peristiwa bisa diturunkan ke generasi selanjutnya melalui DNA, peristiwa harus bisa direkam (coding) di dalam struktur engram, dengan memenuhi dua syarat, yaitu (1) suatu peristiwa harus memberikan kesan dan kenangan mendalam, dan (2) suatu peristiwa harus bisa dilestarikan secara konsisten dan kontinu dalam kurun waktu yang panjang. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan naturalistik dengan metode library research, dan analitis deskriptif untuk sampai pada kesimpulan akhir bahwa ketidaksadaran kolektif merupakan enkripsi memori genetik yang direkam oleh engram dan diturunkan melalui replikasi DNA yang berisi informasi genetik ke generasi selanjutnya.

The collective unconscious as a deposit of ancestral memory, is formed by a series of events that cause emotional memories in primordial times. Although the concept of the collective unconscious was Jung's greatest achievement, in fact it was rejected by most psychologists of the time. The rejection is based on the assumption that the concept of the collective unconscious is too speculative to explain. This article seeks to redefine the speculative concept of the collective unconscious, into a more concrete and materialist definition, by stating that the collective unconscious is a part of genetic memory passed down from generation to generation through DNA replication on cells. The collective unconscious is explained through an epigenetic process that refers to genetic inheritance that can persist for some long period of time. In order for an event to be passed down to the next generation through DNA, it must be able to be recorded (coding) in an engram structure, by fulfilling two conditions, namely (1) an event must provide deep impressions and memories, and (2) an event must be able to be preserved consistently and continuously over a long period of time. This article uses a naturalistic approach with library research, and descriptive  analytical  methods to come to the final conclusion that the collective unconscious is an encryption of genetic memory recorded by engrams and passed down through DNA replication containing genetic information to later generations."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Makalah dan Kertas Kerja  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ni Made Ridla Nilasanti Parwata
"Overtraining syndrome adalah menurunnya kapasitas fisik, emosi dan imunitas akibat pelatihan yang terlalu sering tanpa periode istrahat yang cukup. Overtraining berdampak pada penurunan kadar BDNF dan memori pada atlet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik overtraining terhadap kadar brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) dan memori pada tikus. Metode penelitian eksperimental dengan subjek penelitian tikus (Rattus norvegicus) galur Wistar jantan dewasa, 8-10 minggu, berat badan 200-250 gr. Terbagi atas kelompok kontrol, aerobik dan overtraining. Hasil pengukuran ditemukan kadar BDNF pada kelompok overtraining lebih rendah daripada kelompok aerobik dan kontrol. Terdapat perbedaan kadar BDNF pada kelompok Aerobik dan overtraining (p = 0,002). Hasil uji memori dengan water-E maze menunjukkan peningkatan durasi waktu dan jumlah kesalahan yang dilakukan oleh kelompok overtraining (p = 0.03). Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan latihan fisik aerobik overtraining dapat menurunkan kadar BDNF dan memori pada tikus.

Overtraining syndrome is the reduced capacity of the aspects of the physical work, emotions and immunity as a result of the type, intensity, duration and frequency of training too often without sufficient resting period. Overtraining impact on BDNF levels and memory decline in athletes. This study aimed to examine the effect of aerobic physical exercise overtraining on BDNF levels and memory in the rat brain. Experimental research methods to study. Subjects were rats (Rattus norvegicus) adult male Wistar strain, aged 8-10 weeks, initial body weight between 200-250g. Divided into 3 groups: control, aerobic and overtraining. The test results mean BDNF levels are the lowest seen in the group of overtraining. The results of statistical tests are the most significant differences in the mean levels of BDNF Aerobic and overtraining group with p = 0.002. The results of the memory test with a water-maze E showed increased duration and the number of errors made by the overtraining group (p = 0:03). This study suggests that overtraining can affect the decrease in BDNF levels and memory in mice.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wilman Nur Sani
"Dalam skripsi ini dirancang memori 16 bit menggunakan Surface-Channel Charge Coupled Device. SCCD yang digunakan menggunakan substrat Silikon tipe-P dengan konsentrasi dopan sebesar 10's dopanlcm3. Panjang gate CCD sebesar 9 Pm dan jarak antar gate sebesar 1.5 }im. Perpindahan muatan dilakukan secara tiga fasa, Teknik pemasukan sinyal digital yang digunakan adalah voltage input clan teknik pendeteksian yang digunakan floating diffusion amplifier Teknik pengorganisasian memori yang digunakan adalah serpentine multiple loop-random acces yang menggunakan sebuah multiplererdengan addressz bit clan 4 buah loop yang masing-masing terdiri dari dua registerCCD serta dua regenerator. Hasil perhitungan divais menghasilkan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mentransfer data secara acak dalam satu register CCD adalah 666.68 ns, jauh lebih kecil da6pada waktu yang dibutuhkan register CCD untuk mencapai kondisi inversi, 0.35875 ms, Perhitungan clan simulasi divais menggunakan software MATLAB 4.0 dari Mathworks & Co."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Partogi, Rynaldo
"Tidur merupakan kebutuhan dasar manusia dan berperan sangat penting dalam perkembangan anak salah satunya memfasilitasi konversi memori yang tidak stabil menjadi memori yang stabil. Hingga saat ini, jumlah anak yang memiliki total jam tidur kurang dari normal masih banyak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola tidur pada anak usia lima sampai tujuh tahun dan hubungannya dengan konsolidasi memori. Desain yang digunakan adalah observasional-analitik dengan analisis data sekunder menggunakan metode cross-sectional. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 110 anak yang berasal dari Posyandu Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, Jakarta Timur. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah uji Chi -square, dengan uji alternatif Fisher.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prevalensi anak dengan total jam tidur, efisiensi tidur, onset latensi, dan total waktu di tempat tidur yang termasuk kurang dari normal, secara berturut-turut, sebagai berikut 90%, 55,4%, 94,5%, dan 84,5%. Berdasarkan uji Fisher diperoleh hasil tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara total jam tidur dan onset latensi dengan konsolidasi memori. Demikian juga berdasarkan uji Chi-square ditemukan tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara efisiensi tidur dan total waktu di tempat tidur dengan konsolidasi memori. Sebagai kesimpulan, tidak terdapat hubungan antara total jam tidur, efisiensi tidur, onset latensi, dan total waktu jam tidur dengan konsolidasi memori.

Sleep is one of the basic needs in human being and has an important role in children development, it is facilitating memory conversion from unstabilized memory to stabilized memory. Nowadays, there are still many children who have total sleep time below normal. The aim of this research is to know the sleep pattern of children age five to seven years old, and its association with memory consolidation. The design of this research is observational-analitic, using secondary data which and cross-sectional method. The amount of sample which collected is 110 children from Posyandu Kelurahan Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Statistical analysis is performed using Chi-square and Fisher as an alternative.
The result is, the prevalence of children with total sleep time, sleep efficiency, onset latency, and time in bed below below normal: 90%, 55,4%, 94,5%, and 84,5%, respectively. Fisher test result shows that there is no significant association between total sleep time and onset latency with memory consolidation. Chi-square test shows that there is no significant association between sleep efficiency and total time in bed with memory consolidation. In conclusion, there is no association between total sleep time, sleep efficiency, onset latency, and time in bed with memory consolidation.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia, 1978.
992.05 IND m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Atkinson, William
Yogyakarta: Bright Publisher, 2023
155.25 ATK m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Helda Aprilia
LATAR BELAKANG. Memori kerja merupakan ranah kognisi yang bertanggungjawab
terhadap sebagian besar masalah kognisi yang dialami seorang
usia lanjut.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui manfaat mengisi
Sudoku terhadap fungsi memori kerja dan fungsi kognisi global usia lanjut.
METODE. Desain studi adalah uji klinis tidak tersamar. Subjek merupakan
warga Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta yang diambil secara
konsekutif kemudian dibagi acak menjadi dua kelompok, perlakuan dan kontrol.
Kelompok perlakuan melakukan latihan Sudoku 3x/minggu selama 12 minggu.
Memori kerja dinilai dengan Trail Making Test part B (TMT-B), fungsi kognisi
global dinilai dengan Montreal Cognitive Assesment versi bahasa Indonesia
HASIL. Terdapat 24 subjek pada kelompok perlakuan dan 27 subjek pada
kelompok kontrol. Terdapat 13 subjek yang memberikan kesan positif terhadap
latihan Sudoku. Penurunan waktu penyelesaian TMT-B sebesar 11,1 detik pada
kelompok perlakuan dan 18,8 detik pada kelompok kontrol, meskipun tidak
didapatkan perbedaan bermakna antar kedua kelompok (p = 0,816). Terdapat 8
subjek (33,3%) dari kelompok perlakuan dan 11 subjek (40,7%) dari kelompok
kontrol yang mengalami peningkatan nilaiMoCA-Ina (p = 0,530).
KESIMPULAN. Sudoku belum terbukti dapat meningkatkan fungsi memori
kerja dan fungsi kognisi global pada usia lanjut sehat, namun peningkatan fungsi
memori kerja yang terlihat pada kedua kelompok menandakan adanya plastisitas
neural pada usia lanjut yang bermanfaat untuk pemeliharaan fungsi kognitif.

BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. ;BACKGROUND. Working memory deficit is responsible for most of the
cognitive problem experienced by older adults.The aim of the present study was to
determine whether Sudoku training might improves these deficits and if so,
whether such changes might be transferred to other cognitive domains.
METHODS. This was non-blinding randomized controlled trial. Subjects were
consecutively taken from Panti Sosial TresnaWerda I dan III DKI Jakarta after
series of screening. All subjects were assessed with Indonesian version of
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA-Ina) for cognitive function and Trail
Making Test part B (TMT-B) for working memory. The experimental group was
given 12 weeks of cognitive alternate-day training based on Sudoku exercises.
RESULTS. There are 24 subjects in experimental group and 27 subjects in
control group. Nine subjects from each group showed improvement in the TMT-B
completion time, although this difference were not statistically significant
(experimental group 11.1s Vs control group 18.8s; p = 0.816). There were 8
subjects (33.3 %) on experimental group and 11 subjects (40.7 %) on control
group had increment in MoCA-Ina scores (p = 0.530). Thirteen subjects reported
improvements in memory, attention and concentration span.
CONCLUSIONS. The use of Sudoku as one of the cognitive training tools on
elderly still need further study and discussion regarding limitation of this present
study. But the improvement of working memory function as seen in result
provides potential brain plasticity for maintaining cognitive function in elderly. "
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leonardo Alfonsius Paulus Lalenoh
"Musik merupakan suatu komponen nada yang memberikan stimulus terhadap otak, termasuk untuk proses pembelajaran. Modul terapi musik STAM sudah digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada fungsi kognitif pasien-pasien dengan gangguan kejiwaan seperti skizofrenia dan demensia. Adapun tujuan dari studi ini melakukan validasi modul terapi musik STAM ke dalam bahasa Indonesia, mengetahui efektivitas terhadap perbaikan atensi dan memori serta tingkat kepuasan responden. Proses penelitian ini terdiri atas proses penerjemahan dengan metode forward dan backward translation. Modul terapi musik STAM versi Bahasa Indonesia dilakukan uji validasi isi dengan menggunakan 3 orang penilai. Uji efektivitas dilakukan dengan desain kuasi eksperimen melibatkan 10 orang responden. Nilai kesahihan modul terapi musik STAM yang versi Bahasa Indonesia menggunakan Scale-Content Validity Index Average didapatkan nilai 0,96. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan nilai yang signifikan untuk pengukuran pre dan post-test untuk instrumen RAVLT dan Tes Kelancaran Verbal. Sebanyak 70% responden menyatakan mudah untuk mengikuti instruksi selama proses terapi. Modul terapi musik STAM versi Bahasa Indonesia menunjukkan kesahihan yang baik dan efektif dalam meningkatkan atensi dan memori pada populasi orang dewasa sehat. 

Music comprises of tones that serves as a stimulus to the brain, including for the learning process. The STAM music therapy module has been used to determine the effect on cognitive function of patients with psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and dementia. The purpose of this study was to validate the STAM music therapy module into Indonesian, to find out its effectiveness in improving attention and memory and to identify the level of satisfaction of participants. The research process consisted of a translation process using forward and backward translation methods. The Indonesian version of the STAM music therapy module was tested for content validation using 3 raters. The effectiveness test was carried out with a quasi-experimental design involving 10 participants. The validity value of the STAM music therapy module in the Indonesian version using the Scale-Content Validity Index Average was 0.96. The results of statistical analysis showed significant values ​​for the pre and post-test measurements for the RAVLT instrument and Verbal Fluency Test. As many as 70% of respondents stated that it was easy to follow instructions during the therapy process. The Indonesian version of STAM music therapy module has good validity and has proved significant improvement in attention and memory among health adult population. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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