"Kompleksitas Pencalonan dan Pemilihan Kepala Desa dan Implikasinya pada keterpilihan ldquo;Candidata Feto Chefi Suco rdquo; Perempuan Calon Kepala Desa . Studi Kasus di Desa Ma rsquo;abat, Aiteas, dan Ailili ndash; Distrik Manatuto ndash; Timor Leste.Banyak calon kepala desa perempuan gagal terpilih menjadi Kepala Desa di Timor Leste, merupakan kenyataan yang memprihati kan bagi perempuan dalam persaingan meraih posisi pengambilan keputusan di tingkat Desa. Penelitian ini berfokus pada perempuan dalam pemilihan kepala desa yang berlangsung di Distrik Manatuto. Sebagai studi kasus, penelitian ini mengangkat pengalaman lima perempuan calon kepala desa yang gagal pada pemilu 2016 di Desa Ma rsquo;abat, Aiteas, dan Ailili dengan pendekatatan penelitian kualitatif berperspektif feminis. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji kegagalan perempuan calon kepala desa dalam pencalonan dan pemilihan kepala desa di Distrik Manatuto. Penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan sebagai berikut. Pertama, pelaksanaan pemilihan desa tidak sesuai dengan Undang-Undang No.9/2016, tentang Pemilihan desa. Pihak penyelenggara tidak netral dalam menjalankan tugas mereka, serta partai politik tidak mendukung perempuan dalam pencalonan diri menjadi kepala desa. Kedua, kuatnya pengaruh budaya yang menghambat pada pemilihan kepala desa di Timor Leste dan adanya pengaruh lingkungan/masyarakat yang patuh mengikuti himbauan tokoh adat untuk tidak memilih perempuan menjadi kepala Desa. Kata Kunci: perempuan kepala desa, kompleksitas, pencalonan, pemilihan kepala desa, patriarki.
The complexities of nominations and elections of village chiefs and their implications on the elections of women Village Chief Candidates. A case study in Ma 39 abat, Aiteas and Ailili Villages ndash the Municipality of Manatuto ndash Timor Leste. Many women village chief candidates failed in the village chief elections or were not elected to become village chiefs in Timor Leste is a fact that women are apprehensive about competition to gain decision making positions at the village level. This research focused on women in the elections of village chiefs in the Municipality of Manatuto. As a case study, this research raised the experiences of five women village candidates who failed in the 2016 elections in the villages of Ma 39 abat, Aiteas and Ailili, and the research applied a qualitative research with feminist perspectives. The purpose of this research was to examine the failure of women candidates for village chiefs in the village chief elections in Manatuto Municipality. This research resulted the following findings. First, the implementation of village election was not in compliance with the Law No. 9 2016 about Village Election. The Electoral body was not neutral in performing their duties, and lack of endorsement from political parties. Second, there were strong cultural influences impeding the village chief election in Timor Leste and there were influences of the environmental factors society which tended to dutifully follow the appeal from the traditional figures not vote for women to become the village chiefs. Keywords Women village chiefs, complexities, nomination, village chief elections, patriarchy."