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Fini Rayi Arifiyani
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Watkins, Megan
"This book explores how discipline is typically construed as a form of subjection in contemporary educational thought and in critical and cultural theory more broadly. It provides a critique of this emphasis on the repressive aspects of discipline highlighting its enabling potential and role in the development of dispositions to learning. The book engages with the work of a range of theorists from Foucault, Bourdieu, Merleau-Ponty, Mauss and Spinoza and considers their usefulness in theorizing embodiment and learning in the teaching of writing in the early years of school. Emphasis, however, is placed on the work of Bourdieu and his notion of habitus melding theory and practice in an ethnography of contemporary classrooms. Conceptually elegant and empirically rich, it undercuts conventional wisdom and potentially rearranges how we think about teaching, learning and writing. It argues that students’ bodies not just their minds matter in learning, explaining how, in practice, the desire to learn is a mindful bodily disposition. And it shows how, through an enabling form of discipline, teachers can produce a scholarly habitus in all students, including the educationally disadvantaged and defiant. "
Rotterdam: Sense, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wahyudi Akmaliah
"Saat rejim Orde Baru berkuasa, khususnya sejak tahun 1990-an, hanya segelintir kelas menengah yang memiliki ponsel. Tulisan ini memaparkan signifikansi ponsel bagi orang Indonesia dengan memfokuskan pada era rejim Orde Baru. Di sini, saya mengajukan tiga pertanyaan mengenai hal tersebut; bagaimana kemunculan ponsel pada era rejim Orde Baru? Bagaimana respon masyarakat ketika itu? Apa makna kehadiran ponsel bagi masyarakat Indonesia kebanyakan? Kehadiran ponsel pada era Orde Baru disambut hangat oleh anggota masyarakat, khususnya kelas menengah (elit) Indonesia seiring dengan perubahan sistem ponsel dari analog menuju digital. Alih-alih sekedar sebagai alat komunikasi untuk memudahkan pembicaraan, kehadiran ponsel menjadi gaya hidup sama seperti barang-barang ternama lain yang mereka konsumsi. Ponsel sebagai gaya hidup ini memunculkan ketegangan kelas antara kelas menengah dan bawah yang ditandai dengan munculnya aksi kriminal. Sebagaimana saya tunjukkan dalam artikel ini, maksud aksi kriminal ini bukanlah melulu sebagai bentuk tindakan kriminal sebagaimana umumnya, melainkan sebagai bentuk, yang saya sebut Hidup Nggayani (lifestyling), ketidakmampuan seseorang untuk mengkonsumsi barang-barang yang lebih mahal tetapi kemudian ia membeli barang-barang bekas atau mencari ponsel tiruan yang lebih murah. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa gaya hidup kelas menengah itu tidak melulu dikontruksikan sebagai kelas yang mengkonsumsi pakaian, musik, dan makanan, tetapi juga terkait dengan tindakan mereka dalam menyikapi ponsel.
FSRD-ITB, 2016
303 JSIOTEK 15:1 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noer Qoryati Hanum
"Pubertas adalah masa dimana tubuh mulai berkembang dan berubah yang menandai peralihan dari masa anak-anak menjadi dewasa. Usia pubertas yang dialarni anak saat ini lebih cepat dibanding seratus tahun lalu. Percepatan ini disebabkan oleh 2 hal yaitu keadaan gizi yang relatif lebih baik dibanding seratus tahun lalu juga rangsangan audio visual yang dapat mempercepat kematangan fisiologis dan psikologis anak. Datangnya masa puber kadang tidak diikuti kesiapan fisik dan mental si anak sehingga timbul rasa gelisah dan ketidakpercayaan diri. Belum lagi semakin lamanya masa reproduksi akan menimbulkan resiko terjadinya perilaku hubungan seksual di usia dini.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapat gambaran pengetahuan, sikap dan praktek mengenai pubertas siswa di SDN 2 dan SDI Al-Azhar Kecamatan Serang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode diskusi kelompok terfokus dan wawancara mendalam. Sumber informasi adalah siswa SD kelas VI yang sudah megalarni pubertas, guru sains, orang tua siswa, kepala sekolah dan pihak dinas pendidikan setempat.
Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan siswa mengenai perubahan fisikiemosi, kehamilan, mimpi basah, menstruasi dan menjaga kebersihan diri cukup Namun demikian pengetahuan mengenai fingsi alat reproduksi laki-laki dan perempuan belum diketahui oleh siswa secara lengkap. Sikap siswa memasuki pubertas sebagian diliputi keresahan dan rasa tidak percaya diri seperti hadirnya menstruasi pada perempuan dan perubahan suara pada laki-laki. Antar lawan jenis kelamin saling mengeledek satu sama lain akibat perubahan tersebut meski sesama jenis mempunyai rasa toleransi untuk memberi dukungan agar rasa percaya diri tetap ada. Praktek siswa mengenai kebersihan diri sudah dilakukan dengan baik. Praktek pencarian informasi mengenai pubertas dilakukan dengan bertanya pada guru, orang tua, membaca majalah/buku atau menonton TV. Rasa ingin tahu siswa laki-laki mengenai seks sudah menunjukkan perilaku yang beresiko untuk memenuhi hasrat seksualnya.
Peranan orang tua dan guru di kedua sekolah sudah menunjukkan fungsinya sebagai pendidik, pembimbing dan pengawas bagi anak. Meski demikian guru di SDI Al-Azhar memiliki kapasitas dalam memberikan materi dan metode pendidikan yang lebih baik dibanding guru SDN 2. Selain itu, sebagian orang tua masih ada yang merasa sungkan atau tabu membicarakan masalah seksual pada anak, disamping karena keterbatasan pengetahuan yang dimiliki. Materi pubertas yang diberikan orang tua pada anak lebih banyak mengenai masalah menstruasi, menjaga hubungan antar lawan jenis, motivasi belajar dan kebersihan Pada akhirnya peranan orang tua, guru dan sekolah perlu ditingkatkan dalam memberikan pengetahuan pubertas, bimbingan dan pengawasan di saat anak mengalami pubertas. Komunikasi perlu dijalin lebih intensif agar adanya keterbukaan pada anak sehingga tidak ada jurang kornunikasi antara orang tua, guru dan anak dalam membicarakan masalah pendidikan seks yang sehat dan bertanggung jawab. Disamping itu anak perlu difasilitasi untuk menyalurkan energinya pada aktivitas yang dapat menunjukkan prestasi agar terhindar dari pengaruh yang negatif, sehingga si anak dapat memasuki usia pubernya dengan kesiapan fisik, mental, percaya diri dan rasa tanggung jawab akan kesehatan reproduksinya.

Puberty is a period when the body starts to grow and to change that indicates changing from children to adult. The age of puberty occurred by recent children is faster than them in a hundred years ago. It is caused by two things relatively good nutrition and audio visual stimulation; which both accelerate maturity of physiological and psychological children. When puberty comes, the children sometimes do not have physical and mental readiness so that they are nervous and unconfident. Besides, the longer reproductive period, the higher risk of sexual behavior in premature age.
This research was conducted to get an illustration of knowledge, attitude and practice about puberty in SDN 2 and SDI Al Azhar in Serang Sub Regency in 2007. The data was collected through Focus Group Discussion and deep interview. The sources of the information were the sixth grade students, science teacher, parents of interviewed students, school head and Education Service of Serang Regency staff.
The results of the research show that students' knowledge about physical or emotional changing, pregnancy, wet dream, menstruation, and maintenance of body health are good enough. But, their knowledge about functions of reproductive organs is not completely known. When entering puberty, the attitudes of most students are nervous and unconfident that is caused by such as menstruation on female students or voice changing on male students. Because of those changing, with different sex, they tease each other, but with same sex, they have a tolerance to give a support in order that they still have the confidence. The students have well practiced body health maintenance. They search information about puberty from asking their parents or teachers, reading books or magazines, or watching TV. The sex curiosity of male students has shown a risky behavior to full their sexual desire.
The role of parents and teachers in both school have shown their functions as educator, counselor, and supervisor to students. The teachers of SDI Al Azhar have better capacity to give educational materials and methods than the teachers of SDN 2. Some parents still feel reluctant or taboo talking about sex to their children because of their limited knowledge about sex education. The parents commonly give puberty knowledge to their children about such as menstruation, relationship restriction with different sex, motivation to study, and body health.
Finally, the role of parents, teachers, and school must be increased in that giving puberty knowledge, counseling and supervising to their children/students when they are entering puberty period. Both parents and teachers must develop communication to their children/students so intensively that there are no gaps among them when talking about healthy and responsible sex. The children/students need to be facilitated spending their energies on achieving activity to avoid negative influences. Thereby, when the children are entering puberty period, they will have physical and mental readiness, confidence, and responsibility to their own reproductive health.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Glen Felix
"Penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa bahasa Inggris pada era Globalisasi ini bukan hanya sekedar pengetahuan saja. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, lembaga-lembaga pendidikan bahasa Inggris tampil dalam bentuk yang lebih eksklusif. Akibatnya, munculnya fenomena-fenomena sosial baru, yaitu seseorang tidak hanya untuk meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggrisnya (pengetahuan), akan tetapi sudah menjadi sebuah gaya hidup. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah Lembaga Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Wall Street Institute di Pondok Indah Mall 1. Metode penelitian adalah studi kasus, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah pengamatan terlibat (Participant Observations), wawancara (Interviews), dan dokumentasi (Documentation). Hasil penelitian adalah Wall Street Institute telah menyediakan gaya hidup kelas menengah seperti fasilitas, pelayanan jasa, ruang yang nyaman, dan metode belajar yang modern, cepat, dan fleksibel.

The study explains that the English language in the era of globalization was not merely knowledge. As the development of technology, institutions of English language appeared in the form of the more exclusive. As a result, the emergence of new social phenomena, that a person not only to enhance the mastery of the English language (knowledge), but it has become a lifestyle. The location of the research is language education Institute United Kingdom Wall Street Institute in Pondok Indah Mall 1. Research methods are case studies, using a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are the participant observations, interviews, and documentation. The research is Wall Street Institute provides a middle class lifestyle such as facilities, services, confident rooms, and modern learning methods, fast, and flexible."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alifianti Lestari
Nama : Alifianti LestariProgram Studi : Kajian Administrasi Rumah SakitJudul : EVALUASI PENGEMBANGAN PUSKESMASKECAMATAN MENJADI RSUD KELAS DDENGAN STUDI KASUS DI 4 RSUD JAKARTAPUSAT TAHUN 2017Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif yang secara umum bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil evaluasi pengembangan Puskesmas Kecamatan menjadi Rumah Sakit Kelas D di Jakarta Pusat tahun 2017.Penelitian dilakukan selama dua bulan April ndash; Mei 2017 dengan mengambil lokasi di 4 RSUD Jakarta Pusat yaitu : RSUD Kemayoran, RSUD Cempaka Putih, RSUD Johar Baru dan RSUD Sawah Besar.Pengumpulan data melalui data primer berupa wawancara mendalam, yang dilengkapi dengan telaah dokumen dan observasi lapangan, kemudian data sekunder yang berasal dari 4 RSUD di Jakarta Pusat.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan banyak penyebab yang sangat mempengaruhi layanan kesehatan yang dberikan di 4 RSUD Jakarta Pusat. Seperti ketersediaan Dokter Spesialis yang tidak mudah mau bekerjasama dengan RSUD Kelas D di Jakarta Pusat. Salah satunya dikarenakan belum adanya kesepakatan pendapatan dokter spesialis. Selain itu kelengkapan sarana prasarana juga berpengaruh dalam pemberian layanan kepada masyarakat, lokasi Rumah sakit yang kurang strategis berpengaruh juga terhadap pemasaran layanan, serta kebijakan pengembangan Rumah sakit dengan layanan unggulan sesuai kebutuhan masyarakat sekitarnya.Sehingga pada penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa 4 RSUD di Jakarta Pusat cukup berhasil menjadi RSUD Kelas D di tahun 2017 dengan terus memperbaiki dan melengkapi sumber daya manusia termasuk Dokter Spesialis dan melengkapi sarana prasarana kesehatan rumah sakit yang belum terpenuhi secara optimal.Kata Kunci : RSUD KELAS D , Evaluasi

Name Alifianti LestariStudy Program Magister of Hospital AdministrationTitle EVALUATION OF PUSKESMAS KECAMATANDEVELOPMENT BECOMING CLASS DHOSPITAL WITH CASE STUDY IN 4 HOSPITALSIN CENTRAL JAKARTA 2017.This research was conducted with qualitative approach which generally aimed to get the evaluation result of development of Puskesmas Kecamatan into Class D Hospital in Central Jakarta in 2017.The research was conducted for two months April May 2017 by taking the location in 4 Central Jakarta Public Hospital namely Kemayoran Hospital, Cempaka Putih Public Hospital, Johar Baru Hospital and RSUD Sawah Besar.Data collection through primary data is in depth interview, completed with document review and field observation, then secondary data coming from 4 hospitals in Central Jakarta.The results showed many causes that greatly affect the health services provided in 4 Central Jakarta hospitals. As the availability of Specialist Doctors who are not easy to cooperate with RSUD Class D in Central Jakarta. One of them is because there is no specialist doctor 39 s income agreement. In addition, the completeness of infrastructure facilities also affect the provision of services to the public, the location of hospitals that are less strategic also affect the marketing of services, as well as development policies of hospitals with excellent service according to the needs of the surrounding community.So in this study it can be concluded that 4 hospitals in Central Jakarta succeeded in becoming RSUD Class D in 2017 by continuously improving and completing human resources including Specialist Doctor and equipping hospital health infrastructure facilities that have not been fulfilled optimally.Keywords RSUD CLASS D, Evaluation"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prima Nadia Prastika
"Generasi muda Indonesia yang berusia antara 15-34 tahun adalah pasar yang potensial bagi UNIQLO. UNIQLO memulai membuka tokonya dari tahun 2013 bersaing dengan brand terkenal lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengapa UNIQLO yang merupakan brand dari Jepang yang baru masuk ke Indonesia dapat dengan cepat diterima di Indonesia dan mengetahui bagaimana alur konsumen anak muda Indonesia dalam memutuskan pembelian produk UNIQLO. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep rangsangan pemasaran dari Kotler dan alur keputusan pembelian dan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan menggunakan kajian literature dan wawancara yang dilakukan kepada lima orang konsumen anak muda kelas menengah Indonesia. Penelitian ini menemukan, strategi UNIQLO dalam memasuki pasar konsumen Indonesia berdasarkan rangsangan pemasaran Kotler, produk yang dijual UNIQLO bagi konsumen kelas menengah dengan menawarkan kenyamanan dalam berpakaian. Alur keputusan pembelian konsumen membeli UNIQLO karena menawarkan produk yang sesuai dengan konsep zen pada budaya Jepang yang mementingkan kesederhanaan dan fungsional.

Indonesian youth between 15-34 years old is a potential market for UNIQLO. UNIQLO start opening the store on 2013 compete with other popular brands. The purpose of these studies are to find out why UNIQLO, a brand from Japan, that has just entered Indonesia can quickly be accepted in Indonesia and how is the flow of Indonesian youth consumers in deciding to purchase UNIQLO products. These studies uses the concept of marketing stimuli from Kotler and the flow of buyer decision and qualitative method using literature studies and conducted the interview with five Indonesian middle class youth consumers. These studies found that UNIQLO strategy entering Indonesian consumer market base on Kotlers marketing stimuli is the products which UNIQLO sell, for middle class consumer are offering comfort in dressing. The flow of buyer decision show that consumers buying the UNIQLO because UNIQLO offering the products accordance with Japanese culture of zen concept that emphasize simplicity and functionality."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kinseng, Rilus A.
The objectives of this study are to investigate class structure, class consciousness,
class formation, and class struggle of fishers in Balilcpapan as well as factors affecting
these phenomena. Basically, this is a qualitative study.
The study found that class stnxcture of the fishers in Balikpapan has not been
simplified to become two great hostile classes, namely bourgeoisie and proletariat. On
the contrary, class structure of iishers in Balikpapan has developed to become more
complex. Now, there are four classes of fishers in Balikpapan, namely the capitalist, the
labour, the small fishers (petty bourgeoisie), and the intermediate/medium fishers. Class
relation between labour and owner of the means of production here is quite unique.
Unlike in industries in general, relation between labour and owner here contains two
dimensions, namely the exploitative dominative and the patron-client. This ?two
dimensions? pattem of class relation is also found between the tishers (especially the
small and the intermediate classes fishers) and the merchants.
Class consciousness and class formation of the labour have not been developed
yet. In other -words, so far, labour class exists only as a class in itself, not class for itself
Factors affecting labour class consciousness and class formation are iiagmentation of
labour, high class permeability, labour?s dependent on the owner, lack of leader, lack of
common problem, and the share-system (not wage). On the other hand, small and
intermediate classes fishers have already developed class consciousness as well as class
formation. The most important factors contribute to this fact are the present of ?big?
common problems over and over again, as well as the present of active and vocal leaders
among them. The capitalist class of Fishers has not developed class consciousness and
class formation.
In line with the lack of class consciousness and class formation of the labour,
class conflict between labour and owner has never occurred. Conflicts between labour
and owner only take place individually, not as a class. Form of individual labour struggle
are grievance, questioning, ?protest", and quit. On the other hand, small and intermediate
class fishers often carry out a class struggle fiom dialog with the opponent as well as
govemment and legislators (DPRD), huge and rather violent demonstration, up to
hijacking big ships and burning down big fishing vessel of their opponent.
In class conflict, whether between small and intermediate classes fishers with
mining firms or with ?big capitalist? fishers class, there is again a peculiar character
which is uncommon or even unknown to the industrial world. In fishery class conflict,
there is a strong alliance between the owner class and the labour class. Furthermore,
when class conflict is taking place between the lower and the higher class fishers such as
between the ?peja1a" (intermediate class) and the purse seine fishers (big capitalist class)
early 2006 in Balikpapan, a strong alliance between owner and labour in each class was still hold. It means, capitalist fishers plus labour agains intermediate fishers plus labour. Something that probably never imagined by Marx!
In the class conflict between the "pejala" (intermediate class) and the purse seine fishers (big capitalist class) in Balik papan, the main issue or the cause of the conlict was not exploitation but domination in the process of "production". In this case, the intermediete class was dominated by the big capitalist class. More over, even though the issue was a "realistic issue", but because it was about source of livelihood, the level of violence of the class conflict was very high. In the case, fishing vessel was burned down and the vice-skipper was hit near his eye. Thus, the violence of a class conflict is not only determined by realistic vs non-realistic issue, but whether it is about main source of livelihood or not.
In conclution, this study plays a remarkable and significant contribution to the theory of fishery class conflict in particular, and even for the theory of class and class conflict in general."
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1990
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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