Synthesis of Zeolite A was carried out in an effort to utilize kaolin from Bangka Belitung using the hydrothermal method. Kaolin was activated into metakaolin at various calcination temperatures of 650, 700, 750 and 800 ° C because metakaolin is more reactive in the synthesis of zeolite A. Synthesis of zeolite A had been carried out through hydrothermal processes with variations in the concentration of NaOH 2.5, 2.7, 3M as the lead and time crystallization 5, 6, 7 hours which will affect the crystallinity of zeolite A formed. Synthesized Zeolite A is applied as desiccant in the corn drying process in the form of a 5mm diameter pellet. The application was carried out at an initial temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours for testing the effect of the dryer air intake speed is 0.2, 0.4, 0.6 m / s and the ratio between the mass of corn: zeolite A is 1: 1, 1: 2, 1: 3 against its ability to reduce corn drying time. The results of the data were then compared to the mathematical drying models namely Newton, Henderson-Pabis Model, and Page in order to determine the optimal drying time of all variations. Using optimal calcination temperature of 750 ° C, the highest yield of zeolite A crystallinity was 99.73% obtained when using 3 M NaOH concentration, and 7 hours crystallization time. The results of the application stage of corn drying have been found that the Henderson-Pabis mathematical model is the best model to represent the drying behavior of corn. The fastest time, which is around 9.4 hours, to obtain a corn water content of 14% (w.b.) from the initial corn moisture content of 78.76% (w.b.) was obtained when using the mass ratio of corn: zeolite A 1:1, and air inlet velocity 0.4 m/s."