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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ong, Colin Y.C
Singapore: LexisNexis, 2013
341.522 ONG c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
" Contents : Brussels -- Buenos Aires -- Cairo -- China -- Dubai -- Dublin -- Germany -- Hong Kong -- India -- London -- Mexico City -- Moscow -- Paris -- SaÌ?o Paolo -- Singapore -- Stockholm -- Switzerland -- Sydney -- United States (New York, Miami, Houston) -- Vienna ... "
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014
341.522 CHO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Setianingsih Suwardi
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2006
341.522 SRI p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dutson, Stuart
" The global increase in cross-border transactions has led to a rising trend in international disputes. International arbitration has become the preferred dispute resolution method, as companies and individuals increasingly favour a neutral international tribunal over foreign domestic courts. This new book provides a practical guide to international arbitration. Written by leading experts Stuart Dutson, Andy Moody, and Neil Newing from Eversheds, this title explains the stages of the arbitration process in a straight-forward manner and ... "
United Kindom: Global Law and Business, 2012
341.522 DUT i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dennis Andara
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Eksepsi Kompetensi Absolut sebagai dasar hukum penolakan permohonan Pembatalan Arbitrase Internasional. Skripsi ini juga membahas tentang pertimbangan pengadilan dalam memutuskan permohonan kasus Pembatalan Arbitrase Internasional antara PT. Global Mediacom, Tbk vs KT Corporation. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah normatif yang berdasarkan Undang Undang, dan peraturan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Skripsi ini menunjukan bahwa Pengadilan Negeri di Indonesia yaitu Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat, dan Mahkamah Agung telah tepat dalam pelaksanaan Undang ... "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hobér, Kaj, 1952-
" Opportunities to see expert cross-examinations are often infrequent in international arbitration and the occasions to sharpen these skills for many are rare. This book is both an invaluable teaching tool as well as a general guide to effective cross-examination in international arbitration. Based on extensive experience and insight from the authors and aided by practical examples, it provides a thoroughly illustrated analysis of how essential cross-examination techniques can best be adapted to the arbitral format. ... "
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014
341.522 HOB c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Huala, Adolf
" This article discusses whether international law may be applied as lex causae by arbitral body. The international instruments used as comparative study are the Model Arbitration Law 1985, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the ICC Rules of Arbitration, the ICSID Convention and the Indonesian National Law on Arbitration. The article suggests that although international law seems inappropriate to deal with commercial mailers, in certain circumstances, it is possibl ... "
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mutiara Hikmah
" Indonesia has been being a member of the 1958 New York Convention since 1981, namely upon issuance of the Presidential Decree No. 34 of 1981. Priori to talkiing intó force of the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic Indonesìa No. 1 of .1990 on Procedures for EnforcemenL of Foreign Arbit awards, there were still constrâints lor the foreign Business plâyers in terìr enforcement of arbitral awards in lndonesia, The Supreme Court âs the ... "
Depok: University of Indonesia, Faculty of Law;Djokosoetono Research Center, Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
" The authors, each of whom is an experienced practitioner in the field of international arbitration, draw on experience in a wide variety of national jurisdictions. In addition to drafting chapters independently, each has made invaluable contributions to other authors? chapters. Authoritative case law research was further provided by dozens of contributors with expertise in specific jurisdictions worldwide. The analysis thoroughly covers the major issues that have arisen in the application of the Convention, including the ... "
Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2010
341.522 REC
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurahman Adhiyamtomo
" Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mencapai tiga tujuan. Pertama, untuk memahami pengaturan penolakan permohonan eksekuatur Arbitrase Internasional di Indonesia, kedua, untuk mengetahui penafsiran asas ketertiban umum di dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan arbitrase dan ketiga, untuk mengetahui apakah Penolakan Permohonan Eksekuatur Putusan Arbitrase SIAC No. ARB062/08/JL oleh Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dan Mahkamah Agung dengan menggunakan asas Ketertiban Umum sudah tepat atau tidak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dimana hal ini dilakukan dengan cara ... "
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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