Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Haekal Dwiputera
"Indonesia sangat buruk saat menjadi Poros Maritim Dunia. Indonesia memiliki banyak wilayah laut, pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil yang strategis sebagai pilar pembangunan ekonomi. Saat ini, dunia maritim internasional mulai beralih ke dunia pelayaran dan maritim yang lebih hijau dengan emisi karbon yang lebih rendah dan efisiensi bahan bakar yang lebih tinggi. Inovasi dalam menciptakan atau mengoptimalkan teknologi baru merupakan salah satu langkah untuk mewujudkan dunia maritim yang hijau. Salah satu aspek yang mempengaruhi efisiensi adalah hidrodinamika kapal dengan penambahan elemen tegas. Foil buritan adalah hidrofoil bawah air yang dipasang di bagian belakang kapal untuk menghasilkan gaya angkat dan daya dorong tambahan saat kapal bergerak, sehingga mempengaruhi trim kapal dan area lapangan basah yang menyebabkan hambatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur simulasi software dan konfigurasi sudut optimal menggunakan model kapal 1 meter dengan sternfoil dengan variasi sudut serang 0 derajat, 1 derajat, 2 derajat, dan 5 derajat dengan metode simulasi menggunakan CFDSOF. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bukti yang kuat efektif dalam mengurangi hambatan kapal sebesar 9%-26% pada angka 0.5-0.75
Indonesia was very bad when it became the World Maritime Axis. Indonesia has many large marine, coastal and small islands areas that are strategic as pillars of economic development. Currently, the international maritime world is starting to shift to a more green shipping and maritime world with lower carbon emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Innovation in creating or optimizing new technology is one step towards realizing a green maritime world. One aspect that affects efficiency is the hydrodynamics of the ship with the addition of firm elements. The stern foil is an underwater hydrofoil that is installed at the rear of the ship to generate lift and additional thrust when the ship is moving, thus affecting the ships trim and the area of wet fields causing drag. This study aims to measure the simulation software and optimal angle configuration using a 1 meter ship model with a sternfoil with varying angle of attack of 0 degrees, 1 degree, 2 degrees, and 5 degrees with the simulation method using CFDSOF. The results of this study show that firm evidence is effective in reducing resistance on ships by 9%-26% in numbers 0.5-0.75"
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Naufal Yudha Prawira
"Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memiliki potensi dalam pembangunan nasional. Salah satunya adalah dengan adanya industri perkapalan. Pada industri perkapalan, pengurangan hambatan pada kapal akan mengurangi energi yang dibutuhkan pada kapal dan akan mengurangi emisi CO2. Pengurangan hambatan dilakakukan dengan penambahan appendix berupa stern foil pada kapal. Stern foil digunakan untuk memberikan gaya angkat dan gaya dorong pada kapal untuk mengurangi hambatan. Desain stern foil yang digunakan adalah profil NACA 4412. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui kondisi operasi stern foil pada high speed craft dengan simulasi computational fluid dynamics. Peneliti melakukan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan data hambatan kapal dengan variabel posisi kedalaman stern foil dengan variasi kecepatan. Metode simulasi digunakan untuk memprediksi hambatan kapal pada kapal dengan variasi kecepatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan software CFDSOF untuk melakukan simulasi. Hasil simulasi adalah berupa data hambatan total (N) kapal dengan variasi kecepatan yang direpresentasikan dengan Froude Number (Fn). Pada penelitian ini, kapal model yang digunakan memiliki panjang 1 m dengan variasi posisi stern foil di kedalaman 4 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, dan di belakang transom di kedalaman 4 cm. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan pengaplikasian paling optimal dari stern foil mengurangi hambatan kapal sebesar 21% - 29% di Froude Number 0.52 – 0.76.
Indonesia as an archipelago has potential in national development. One of them is with the shipping industry. In the shipping industry, reducing ship resistance will reduce the energy needed on ships and will reduce CO2 emissions. Reduction of ship resistance was carried out by adding appendixes in the form of stern foil to the ship. Stern foil is used to provide lift and thrust to the ship to reduce drag. The design of the stern foil used was the NACA 4412 profile. The purpose of this study was to determine the operating conditions of the stern foil at high speed craft with computational fluid dynamics simulations. Researchers conducted this study to obtain data on ship resistance with stern foil depth position variables with speed variations. The simulation method is used to predict ship resistance on ships with speed variations. This study uses CFDSOF software to conduct simulations. The simulation results are in the form of total resistance data (N) of ships with speed variations represented by Froude Number (Fn). In this study, the model ship used has a length of 1 m with a variation of the stern foil position at a depth of 4 cm, 5 cm, 6 cm, and behind the transom at a depth of 4 cm. The results of this study indicate that the most optimal application of stern foil reduces ship resistance by 21% - 29% in Froude Number 0.52 - 0.76."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Radojcic, Dejan
"This SpringerBrief focuses on modeling and power evaluation of high-speed craft. The various power prediction methods, a principal design objective for high-speed craft of displacement, semi-displacement, and planing type, are addressed. At the core of the power prediction methods are mathematical models for resistance and propulsion efficiency. The models are based on the experimental data of various high-speed hull and propeller series. The regression analysis and artificial neural network (ANN) methods are used as an extraction tool for this kind of mathematical models. A variety of mathematical models of this type are discussed in the book.
Once these mathematical models have been developed and validated, they can be readily programmed into software tools, thereby enabling the parametric analyses required for the optimization of a high-speed craft design. This book provides the foundational reference for these software tools, and their use in the design of high-speed craft. High-speed craft are very different from conventional ships. Current professional literature leaves a gap in the documentation of best design practices for high-speed craft.
This book is aimed at naval architects who design and develop various types of high-speed vessels."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library