Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Younger, Sandra Millers
Explore the concept of core competencies and why organizations achieve success in a highly competitive era by identifying their core capabilities. Also includes the success Wal-Mart has achieved using core capabilities to guide its business activities. This issue of Infoline investigates the concept of core competencies its history, advantages, applications, and risks and explains why so many organizations are achieving success in the face of cut-throat global competition simply by doing the right thing and ...
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training and Development Press, American Society for Training and Development Press], 2006
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Bernthal, Paul R.
The study culminated in this report, which contains a new competency model that defines the profession in the context of its strategic contribution to perfoemance. It also addreses the need for the profession to balance its contribution to the organizations financial perfoemance with the social well being of people as they work ...
Alexandria, VA: [American Society for Training and Development Press;, ], 2004
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Cerny, Rosanne
What does it truly take to provide excellent library service to children? The Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) has outlined seven core competencies?skills and best practices that are the building blocks for professional development for children?s librarians ...
Alexandria, VA: [American Library association, American Library association], 2006
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Henky Hidayat
Tesis ini membahas sistem penilaian kinerja di PT. Epson Indonesia yang masih dijalankan pada saat tesis ini dibuat dan selesai dikerjakan. PT Epson Indonesia adalah kantor penjualan dan pemasaran seluruh produk merk EPSON di seluruh area Indonesia dan berfungsi sebagai representasi kantor pusat Seiko-Epson Corporation di Jepang.saat ini PT Epson Indonesia menggunakan PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, and Action) dan WRD (Working-Related Dimensions) sebagai alat ukur kinerja karyawan. Untuk selanjutnya, akan digunakan KPI (Key Performance Index) ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2009
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UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Lynn, Adele B.
With a growing body of research showing that Emotional Intelligence is one of the key indicators of success, smart hiring managers know that choosing employees based on their EQ makes sense. What they don't know is the best way to do it. "The EQ Interview" gives readers the practical skills and understanding they need to make smart hiring choices by determining candidates' emotional intelligence to ensure that they're the right fit for the job. This ...
New York: American Management Association, 2008
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Krompf, Warren M.
This Infoline will teach you how to identify and use employee competencies and tasks to create better job descriptions. Competencies are sets of skills, attitudes, and behaviors that allow employees to excel in their position. You will learn how to identify employee competencies that are linked to strategic organizational objectives; then you can use those competencies and related tasks to create job descriptions that find the employees best-suited for your organization ...
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2007
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Tobin, Daniel R., 1946-
Based on the set of managerial competencies specially developed by the American Management Association for a new core management curriculum, "The AMA Guide to Management Development" provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of how to continually develop managers throughout their entire organization. The book considers every factor important in management development, and features in-depth information on topics including: the five major categories of competencies, including business knowledge and the ability to lead and manage change ...
New York: American Management Association, 2008
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Agustina M. Indrawati
Untuk mendukung pelaksanaan proses merger pada organisasi Bank XYZ, aktivitas-aktivitas utama yang telah dilakukan oleh manajemen bare melibatkan proses penggabungan aset kedua bank terdahulu, penyelarasan sistem operasional dan teknologi perbankan, penetapan struktur organisasi yang baru, serta pengalihan status karyawan kedua bank terdahulu menjadi karyawan Bank XYZ.
Namun sejauh ini, belum terlihat upaya dari jajaran manajemen baru untuk memperkenalkan nilai-nilai korporat yang baru kepada seluruh karyawan. Padahal, Grup XYZ telah menyusun dan mendorong penerapan nilai-nilai korporat baru ...
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Aries Munandar
Kehadiran Undang-Undang Otonomi Daerah menjadi momentum bagi daerah untuk dapat lebih leluasa mengatur sendiri penyelenggaraan rumah tangganya berdasarkan aspirasi masyarakat lokal di daerah. Sehingga pemerintah daerah dapat menentukan sendiri pekerjaannya sesuai dengan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakatnya. Untuk itu pemerintah daerah perlu segera melengkapi dirinya dengan kelembagaan perangkat daerah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan tersebut. Karena kelembagaan perangkat daerah adalah `tools' bagi pemerintahan daerah untuk dapat bergerak dan bekerja sesuai tugas dan tanggung jawabnya itu. Dengan ...
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library