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Ditemukan 40 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Indonesian is huge multicultural society, which characyerized by various etnics groups and speaks a variety of regional languages, following a variety of religions and faiths and worshipping god in various ways, which forms one complete national unity in the broadest sense of the world....."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Wardiman Djojonegoro
Jakarta : Ministry of Education and Culture , 1994
370.7 WAR i
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vendome: AUP Typesetters {Glasgow} Ltd, 1984
371.335 MED
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers Medical, 2014
618.178 ULT
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside the courts, and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak, and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--
"With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside of courts and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world, but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
340.11 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Michael Bagus
"Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya masalah retensi anggota Baintelkam Polri yang cenderung keluar dari fungsi Baintelkam Polri. Untuk mengatasi masalah retensi ini, Baintelkam Polri menerapkan pembinaan karir yang ditujukan salah satunya untuk perawatan anggota. Namun permasalahannya, meskipun telah dilakukan pembinaan karir, retensi ini terjadi setiap tahunnya dari tahun 2017-2023. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan solusi yang tepat untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Sesuai kebutuhan tersebut, penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis tantangan dalam pembinaan karier terhadap kinerja Baintelkam Polri dan upaya mengeliminasinya.
Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori manajemen karir, teori kinerja, konsep pembinaan karir, konsep strategi, dan Perkap Polri No. 9 Tahun 2016 Tentang Sistem Pembinaan Karier Anggota Polri, serta Peraturan Kepolisian No 2 Tahun 2018 TentangPenilaian Kinerja. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian lapangan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sejumlah masalah dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi dalam pembinaan karier Baintelkam Polri. Tantangan utama di aspek internal adalah menjaga keamanan dan kerahasiaan informasi intelijen di tengah perubahan dinamis dalam lingkungan global, dengan ancaman seperti teknologi terbaru, ancaman siber, dan tingkat stres yang tinggi karena tugas sensitif. Tantangan selanjutnya berasal dari aspek eksternal yang berasal dari masalah kerja sama, termasuk dengan lembaga lain, serta isu teknis dan keamanan informasi. Strategi dalam sistem pembinaan karir yang lebih baik untuk penguatan kinerja Baintelkam Polri, selama ini diterapkan dengan perencanaan karir, rotasi kerja, dan pemanfaatan teknologi.

This research is motivated by the problem of retention of Baintelkam Polri members who tend to leave the function of Baintelkam Polri. To overcome this retention problem, Baintelkam Polri implements career coaching, one of which is aimed at member maintenance. However, the problem is, even though career coaching has been carried out, this retention occurs every year from 2017-2023. Therefore, an appropriate solution is needed to overcome this problem. In accordance with these needs, this research is aimed at analyzing the challenges in career development regarding the performance of the National Police's Baintelkam and efforts to eliminate them.
The theories used in this research are career management theory, performance theory, career coaching concept, strategy concept, and Police Chief Regulation No. 9 of 2016 concerning the Career Development System for Police Members, as well as Police Regulation No. 2 of 2018 concerning Performance Assessment. This type of research is qualitative research with the method used in this research is the field research method.
The results of this research show that there are a number of problems and challenges that must be faced in career development for the National Police Security Agency. The main challenge in the internal aspect is maintaining the security and confidentiality of intelligence information amidst dynamic changes in the global environment, with threats such as the latest technology, cyber threats, and high levels of stress due to sensitive tasks. The next challenge comes from external aspects originating from cooperation problems, including with other institutions, as well as technical and information security issues. Strategies in a better career development system to strengthen the performance of the National Police's Security and Intelligence Agency have so far been implemented through career planning, job rotation and the use of technology.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
""With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside the courts, and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak, and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--
"With contributions from leading scholars in constitutional law, this volume examines how carefully designed and limited doctrines of proportionality can improve judicial decision-making, how it is applied in different jurisdictions, its role on constitutionalism outside of courts and whether the principle of proportionality actually advances or detracts from democracy. Contributions from some of the seminal thinkers on the development of scholarship on proportionality (e.g. Alexy, Barak and Beatty) extend their prior work and engage in an important dialogue on the topic. Some offer substantial critiques, others defend the doctrine and offer important clarifications and extensions of their prior work. Throughout, the authors engage not only with case law from around the world, but also with existing scholarly treatments of the subject. Mathematical treatments are avoided, making the book accessible to readers from both 'soft' and hard' social science backgrounds"--"
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017
340.11 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yati Afiyanti
"Suatu studi hermeneutic fenomenologi telah dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai kesulitan dan tantangan pertama kali menjadi seorang ibu di daerah pedesaan Indonesia. Sebanyak 13 ibu muda yang berpartisipasi dalam studi ini telah menceritakan pengalaman mereka tentang kesulitan dan tantangan yang mereka alami ketika dirinya telah menjadi seorang ibu pada periode tersebut. Data dikumpulkan dengan wawancara semi struktur. Tiga kesulitan dan tantangan utama menjadi seorang ibu teridentifikasi dari studi ini : (1) menjadi ibu baru tidak mudah, (2) menjadi seorang ibu baru tidak sebebas seperti sebelum menjadi ibu (3) mencoba menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Dengan hasil studi ini diharapkan para praktisi kesehatan akan lebih memahami masalah kesulitan dan tantangan-tantangan yang dialami seorang ibu muda pada awal masa menjadi ibu, sehingga keadaan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan baik.

A hermeneutic phenomenological study was carried out to explore the difficulties and challenges of being a first-time mother in a rural area in Indonesia. The purposes of the present study were to provide health care providers with a greater understanding of the difficulties and the challenges of early motherhood. The thirteen Indonesian women who participated in this study described their experiences of first-time motherhood during early motherhood. Data were collected through semi structured conversational interviews. Three majors difficulties and challenges were identified: (1) being a new mother is not easy (2) a new mother is not as free as she was before and (3) trying to be a good mother. These challenges have offered insight, information and understanding into the experiences of Indonesian women with early motherhood. Also, this study will give a richer and deeper understanding of the needs of women during this period and about their feelings on the mothering role, which is useful for health care providers and others, who are concerned about this issue."
Depok: Faculty of Nursing University of Indonesia, 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rida Aulia
"Peningkatan jumlah wisatawan setiap tahun berdampak positif terhadap kondisi perekonomian masyarakat Baduy namun di sisi lain menjadi dilema untuk keberlanjutan segi lingkungan dan sosial budaya. Baduy belum memiliki payung hukum yang kuat untuk mengaturpengelolaan pariwisata adat, ketidaktersediaan fasilitas untuk wisatawan serta rendahnya kualitas sumber daya manusia. Tujuan dalam penelitian adalah 1). menganalisa persepsi tingkatkeberlanjutan pariwisata adat pada Suku Baduy, 2). menganalisis tantangan dan peluang dan 3).menganalisa implikasi kebijakan untuk mendorong keberlanjutan pariwisata adat pada SukuBaduy. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan post- positivist. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner kepada 100 responden (non probability) masyarakat adat Baduydengan teknik purposive sampling, serta wawancara mendalam kepada 9 narasumber dandokumentasi. Hasil perhitungan persepasi tingkat keberlanjutan pariwisata masyarakat adat di Baduy berada pada tingkat II dan masuk pada kategori OK (almost sustainable) yang ditunjukanmelalui persentase perolehan skor perhitungan sebesar 80.83%. Serta implikasi kebijakan yangbisa dikembangkan oleh pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Lebak yaitu berupa strategi pariwisataberbasis minat khusus, strategi sekolah adat dan strategi pengembangan UMKM hasil kerajinantangan masyarakat adat Baduy. Kata kunci : Pariwisata masyarakat adat, Baduy, keberlanjutan, tantangan dan peluang.

The enhancement in the number of tourists every year has a positive impact on theeconomic condition of the Baduy people, but on the other hand, it becomes a dilemma for environmental and socio-cultural sustainability. Baduy does not yet have a strong legal protection to regulate the management of indigenous tourism, the unavailability of facilities fortourists and the low quality of human resources. The objectives of the research are 1). analyze theperception of the level of sustainability of indigenous tourism for Baduy people, 2). analyzechallenges and opportunities and 3). analyze the implications of policies to encourage thesustainability of indigenous tourism for Baduy people. The research method uses a post-positivist approach. Technique of data collection was through the distribution of questionnairesto 100 respondents (non- probability) of the Indigenous Baduy people with purposive samplingtechnique, as well as in-depth interviews with 9 sources and documentation. The perceptioncalculation result of the sustainability level of indigenous peoples tourism for Baduy are at levelII and included in the OK (almost sustainable) category which is indicated by the percentage of the calculation score of 80.83%. As well as policy implications that can be developed by the local government of Lebak, namely special interest-based tourism strategies, traditional schoolstrategies and strategies for developing MSMEs made by the Baduy indigenous people."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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