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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Waldi Nurhamzah
Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group, 2019
346.075 98 WAL h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Munir Fuady
Bandung: Citra Aditya Bakti, 2002
346.066 MUN h
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diana Arimbi
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi apakah rekomendasi saham dari perusahaan efek yang dimuat dalam harian Bisnis Indonesia dapat mempengaruhi return, volatilitas return dan volume perdagangan.
Untuk mengukur abnormal return digunakan metode event study. Volatilitas return diukur dengan return kuadrat, dan volume perdagangan diukur dengan aggregate turnover.
Berdasarkan hash pengujian ditemukan adanya abnormal return yang signifikan pada sate hari sebelum rekomendasi bell, sedangkan untuk saham yang mendapat rekomendasi jual, ditemukan adanya abnormal return negatif pada periode sebelum rekomendasi diterbitkan. Walaupun rekomendasi mempengaruhi volume perdagangan dan volatilitas return, namun secara statistik tidak signifikan.

The objective of this study is to examine whether the stock recommendations, given by the brokerage houses and published in Bisnis Indonesia Daily, have any effect on return, return volatility, and trading volume activity.
The abnormal return is measured using the event study methodology. Return volatility is measured by squared return, dan trading volume activity is measured by using aggregate turnover formula. To measure the abnormal return, we use daily trading data, whereas intraday trading data is used to measure return volatility and trading volume activity.
The results show that there is significant abnormal return one day before buy recommendations are published. Negative abnormal return is found preceding the published sell recommendations. Eventhough those recommendations affecting trading volume activity and return volatility, but the effects are not statistically significant.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Pusat Data dan Sarana Informatika, 2011
303.483 HAS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Nugraheni
"Judul yang diambil dalam penelitian ini adalah Orientasi Pemberitaan Hariam Ekonomi dalam Masalah Otonomi Daerah - Analisis Isi Pemberitaan Masalah Otonorni Daerah di Harian Ekonomi Bisnis Indonesia dan Harian Ekonomi Neraca Kumn Waktu Tahun 2000
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode studi kasus (case study), dengan tipe peneliiian muIt:`ca.se-multilevel anaLIsis. Berita harian ekonomi Bisnis Indonesia dan Neraca selama kurun waktu Tahun 2000 yang memuat masalah otonomi daerah menjadi obyek atau kasus dalarn penelitian Analisis data dilakukan pada level teks (text), praktek wacana (aHscourse praom-e)(organisasifmdusu'i) dan level praktek sosiokultural (industri media cetak Indonesia).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, meskipun proses dalam memproduksi berita yang dilakukan redaksi kedua media relatif sama, tetapi produk akhir yang dihasilkan berupa berita relatif berbeda. Hal ini temtama discbabkan oleh kebijakan media yang berlajnan serta tuntumn pasar pembaca yang tersegmentasi yang mengakibatkan perbedaan pada penampilan produk yang dihasiIkan. Dari seluruh produk yang diteliti sebanyak 224 item berita, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut :
Pada tingkat teks, dilihat dari frekuensi pemuatan, Bisnfs Indonesia menampilkan 193 berita dan Nemca menampilkan 31 berita mengenai otonomi daerah selama kurun waktu Tahun 2000. Isu (tema) dominan yang ditampiikan Bisnis Indonesia adalah masalah dana atau kcuangan sedangkan Neraca mengenai masalah peraturan atau perundang-undangan. Mengcnai kualitas atau obyektiiitas pemberitaan 1) unsur faktualitas : Bisnis Indonesia dan Neraca cukup jelas dalam memisahkan fakta dan opini. 2) kescimbangan sumbsr : Bisnis Indonesia dan Neraca cendcrung iidak seimbang dalam penggunaan sumber berita 3) netralitas pemberitaan : kedua media menunjukkan sikap dukungan terhadap pelaksanaan otonomi daerah.
Pada iingkat wacana dapat disimpulkan strulctur organisasi Bisnis Indonesia dan Neraca hampir sama, begin pula dcngan proscs induslri memproduksi produk berita. Namun karena kebiiakan redaksional berbeda, menjadikan penampilan kedua produk berbeda.
Pada tingkat sosiokultural dapat disimpulkan sedikimya ada tiga fenomena yang dapat menjelaskan konteks sosiokultural pers Indonesia di masa otonomi daerah yaitu 1) makin luasnya medan wilayah liputan dan jumlah narasumber yang diberitakan 2) makin longgamya ketentuan legal tentang izin pencrbitan media cctak (SIUPP) 3) makin memusatnya pers di ibukota negara atau Pulau Jawa meskipun kebijakan otonomi daerah telah diundangkan.
Dari hasil penelitian ini dirckomendasikan unruk mengadakan penelilian Ianjutan tentang manajsmen redaksional di harian ekonomi yang lain dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruksi kategori yang berbeda, penelitian lanjutan tentang rnanajemen media ditinjau dari pengelolaan SDM, pasar pembaca, dil sorta pcnelitian lanjutan tentang induslri media cetak di Indonesia.

This research is done by using the case study methode, in the type of multicase-multilevel analysis. The object of research is The Bisnis Indonesia and Neraca Economy Newspaper during the 2000 decade which contained the district autonomy problem which being the object in this research. The analysis was done on the text level, discourse practise (organization/industri) and sosiocultural (Indonesia Press Media Industry).
The result of the research shows that in the process of producing news, both of that editorial staff the same relatively. But news, as the result of the product is diiferent. It happened because of the media regulations of both editorial staif are diierent. Also the different of the market demand segmentation causes the different of the product. From 224 item of the news product which had been analyzed, it can be concluded as follow :
On the manuscript level, seen from the contain frequency, Bisnis Indonesia has 193 news and Neraca gives 31 news about district autonomy in the year of 2000. The dominant issue or theme in Bisnis Indonesia news is the financial or fund problem, while Neraca contains the regulation of constitution. The quality or the objectivity ofthe issue:
1. Factuality : Bisnis Indonesia and Neraca are clear enough in separation or fact and opinion.
2. Balance of source 1 Bisnis Indonesia and Neraca intend unbalance in using the source of news.
3. Neutrality of news : Both of daily news shows their support for the district autonomy
On text level, it can be concluded that the organization structure of Bisnis Indonesia and Neraca almost the same, also the industry process in producing news. But the editorial staff regulation are different, it makes their performance different.
On the sosiocultural level can be concluded atleast there are 3 phenomena that can explain sosiocultural context of the Indonesia press in the decade of district autonomy, they are :
1. Getting wider of the covering area and the amount of news source which are covered.
2. Getting loser the legal regulation in publishing press.
3. The press in the capital city or Java island is getting more centralize, even though the regulation of district autonomy has been declared.
The result of the research, it is recommended to do the continuation of the research about the editorial staff management in the order economy newspaper, by using the different category construction theory. The research continuation about the media managment Rom the Human Resources Management, market reader, etc, and also the research continuation about the press industry in Indonesia generally."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Brand equity is a company asset that gives whacking advantages for company has it. This matter also applies at mass media industry. Beside that, brand equity also gives whacking advantages for publisher.
For segmented newspaper like as Bisnis Indonesia daily, market should be clear and growth, even so small ought to remain positive. But in facts, the growth is stagnant. Therefore we require observing do brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia daily has relationship with consumers' motivation who buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail. Beside that we describe above, we also require to know what brand equity's element of Bisnis Indonesia daily, which have powerful relationship with retail consumers motivation.
Descriptive statistic method we use to describe about facts that occurred in population. We get observed data from questionnaire. We use Spearman-Brown correlation to determine whether brand equity has correlation and/or has not with consumers' motivations that buy Bisnis Indonesia at retail.
Brand equity is a set both assets and liabilities of brand that related to a brand, name, and symbol, which add or lessen the value given by product or service in both a company and customer. In other definition, brand equity is the sum of brand perception including relatively quality of product and service, financial performance, customer loyalty, satisfaction, and all brand awards.
The observation shows that the relationship between brand equity with motivation to buy of retail customers of Bisnis Indonesia daily is weak. It is showed by coefficient of correlation is less than 0.500. The result also shows negative and in other hand, some element we observed has opposite sign.
The elements of brand equity of Bisnis Indonesia that have strong relationship with consumer motivation are quality perception, other brand asset, brand association, and brand loyalty respectively. But brand awareness is a main key to enter to other brand equity elements.
To face the mentioned above, we suggest to brand owners of Bisnis Indonesia to improve their top of minds of Bisnis Indonesia and strengthen their positioning as business daily and the owners also should be improving their promotion activity whether in public sphere or in mass media."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library