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Ditemukan 20 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Taxy, Jerome B.
"Addresses the frozen section, which is one of several intraoperative consultative options. This title illustrates the practical use of the frozen section in the management of clinical problems, especially tumors. It features updates to the organ system based chapters as well as a revised chapter on pediatric pathology"
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2014
616.075 8 TAX b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schnitt, Stuart J.
"A practical guide for the diagnostic surgical pathologist, this new edition of Biopsy Interpretation of the Breast presents the diverse spectrum of pathologic alterations that occur in the breast in a manner analogous to that in which they are encountered in daily practice. Lesions are grouped together according to their histologic patterns rather than by the traditional benign-malignant categorization in order to simulate the way pathologists face these lesions as they examine microscopic slides on a daily basis. The role of adjunctive studies in solving diagnostic problems in breast pathology is emphasized where appropriate.
In addition, the clinical significance and impact on patient management of the various diagnoses are discussed and key clinical and management points highlighted."
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2013
618.190 758 SCH b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Pathologists and pathology residents, look no further: Biopsy Interpretation: Pediatric Lesions is your practical, essential guide to pediatric biopsies. This how-to guide is the perfect bench reference for both the pediatric pathologist tasked with interpreting pediatric biopsies and the general surgical pathologist. Authored by a panel of top experts, the topics covered include a wide spectrum of diseases that afflict children, laying a comprehensive framework for diagnosing both the common and not-so-common diseases that can be identified by biopsy. If you{u2019}re a medical professional faced with the challenge of interpreting pediatric biopsies, this reference will prove indispensable to your day-to-day life."
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2014
616.075 8 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fatan Abshari
"Kanker prostat adalah penyakit progresif yang menghasilkan moribiditas dan mortalitas yng tinggi. Penelitian ini berutujuan untuk menilai ketepatan dari Indonesian Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator IPCRC dalam memprediksi risiko kanker prostate. Data penelitian didapatkan secara retrospektif selama periode Agustus 2014 hingga Desember 2015 dari rekam medis pasien terduga kanker prostat. Pemeriksaan colok dubur, Prostate specific antigen PSA, dan volume prostat digunakan sebagai parameter prediktif dalam IPCRC. Biopsi prostat digunakan sebagai standar baku. Akurasi IPCRC divalidasi dengan menggunakan analisis ROC. Penelitian ini memiliki 127 subjek penelitian dengan median usia pasien BPH dan pasien kanker prostat adalah 66 52-85 dan 69.5 50-100 tahun. Pemeriksaan colok dubur yang tidak normal ditemukan pada 2 pasien 2. Median dari PSA dari pasien BPH dan kanker prostat dalah 10.2 1.6-203.1 dan 74.06 6.94-1412. Volume prostate pasien BPH memiliki median sebesar 47.9 13.774-108 dibandingkan 50.25 19.2-107 pada pasien kanker prostate. Area tersebesar dibawah kurva probabilitas kanker prostat adalah 0.907 95 CI 0.84-0.97. Jika probabilitas kanker prostate lebih dari 15 pada IPCRC, sensitivitas IPCRC mencapai 88.5 dan spesifitas IPCRC mencapai 81.8, dimana bila ditemukan probabilitas kanker prostate lebih dari 20 dengan menggunakan IPCRC, sensitivitasnya mencapai 80.8 dengan spesifitas sebesar 89.9. Dan bila probabilitas kanker prostate lebih dari 25 dalam IPCRC, sensitivitas sebesar 65.4 dan spesifisitas sebesar 89.9. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan IPCRC merupakn perangkat yang akurat dalam prediksi kanker prosate pada populasi ini. Validasi lebih lanjut masih dibutuhkan pada populasi lain.

Prostate cancer is a progressive disease resulting in morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to assess the accuracy of Indonesian Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator IPCRC in predicting prostate cancer risk. Data were obtained retrospectively during August 2014 to December 2015 from medical records of suspected prostate cancer patients. Digital rectal examination, Prostate Specific Antigen PSA, and prostate volume PV were used as predictive parameters in IPCRC. Prostate biopsy was used as the diagnostic gold standard. The accuracy of IPCRC was validated using the ROC analysis. Our study included 127 subjects. Median age of BPH patients and prostate cancer patients were 66 52-85 and 69.5 50-100. The digital rectal examination was found abnormal in 2 patients 2. Median of PSA of BPH patients and prostate cancer patients were 10.2 1.6-203.1 and 74.06 6.94-1412 respectively. The prostate volume of BPH patients 47.9 13.74-108 median compared to prostate cancer patients 50.25 19.2-107 median. The largest area under the curve of the probability of prostate cancer using IPCRC is 0.907 95 CI 0.84-0.97. If the probability of prostate cancer more than 15 using IPCRC, the sensitivity is 88.5 and specificity is 81.8, besides, if the probability of prostate cancer more than 20 using IPCRC, the sensitivity is 80.8 and specificity is 89.9 and if the probability of prostate cancer more than 25 using IPCRC, the sensitivity is 65.4 and specificity is 89.9 IPCRC is accurate for predicting prostate cancer in our population. Further validation is needed in other population. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Schniederjan, Matthew J.
""This new book carries on a strong tradition of diagnostically oriented texts established by the Biopsy Interpretation Series, in the present case focused on lesions of the Central Nervous System. Our purpose is to provide a practical guide and concise reference that can be a companion text for the general surgical pathologist, trainees in pathology and neuropathology, and clinicians who treat patients with neurological diseases that require surgical sampling. Given the heavy orientation of the Biopsy Interpretation Series to the busy and serious-minded diagnostician, we have taken this opportunity to create something new and, we think, useful. While there are certainly several excellent books on neuropathology and surgical neuropathology, the majority are reference texts that are comprehensive and encyclopedic, making them less than optimal on a daily basis to assist with interpretation. Because the central concern here is with establishing the correct diagnosis, the content is aimed at anticipating difficult diagnostic decisions and providing concise and reliable guide to their resolution"--Provided by publisher."
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer, 2011
616.8 SCH b
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Prijo Sidipratomo
Nodul dingin soliter kelenjar tiroid adalah nodul yang pada pemeriksaan sidik tiroid (scintigrafi) tidak atau kurang menangkap zat radioaktif dibandingkan jaringan tiroid sekitarnya ( 5 ). Apabila pada sidik tiroid dijumpai adanya nodul dingin yang soliter maka harus dilakukan penilaian lebih lanjut karena mempunyai peluang keganasan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nodal-nodul lain yang terjadi pada Kelenjar tiroid (4, 0). Beberapa pemeriksaan dilakukan untuk menelusuri hal seperti biopsi terbuka, biopsi jarum besar, biopsy jarum halus, dan USG ( 4, 10, 20 ).
Beberapa penulis telah melaporkan akurasi biopsi jarum halus dalam membedakan jinak dengan ganas. Waifish, dKK. mendapatkan antara 88% - 95% ( 20 ), Budisantoso R mendapatkan 100%, sedangkan Djoko Mulyanto mendapat lebih dari 70% (14). Pemeriksaan USG relatif merupakan pemeriksaan yang masih baru, tidak invasif dan tanpa persiapan. Makalah ini akan mengemukakan hasil pengamatan pemeriksaan USG pada nodul dingin soliter dihubungkan dengan gambaran histologiknya. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1989
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Tujuan: Mengevaluasi secara prospektif keamanan dan efektifitas penyuntikan lidokain 1% periprostat pada biopsi prostat transrektal dengan bimbingan USG transrektal.
Materi dan Metoda: sari 60 pasien yang dibiopsi prostat, dipilih secara random masing-masing 30 orang disuntikan lidokain 1% atau plasebo secara double-blind. Disuntikan 5 cc lidokain 1% atau Na CI 0,9% menggunakan jarum 22 dengan bantuan probe USG transrektal ke kumpulan syaraf dikedua sisi prostat. Nyeri yang dirasakan waktu biopsi dinilai dengan menggunakan skala nyeri "Visual Analogue Scale" (VAS) dan komplikasi yang terjadi setelah biopsi pada kedua grup. Skala nyeri dianalisa statistik menggunakan Student -T Test.
Hasil: Skala nyeri waktu biopsi antara yang disuntikan lidokain 1% dibandingkan NaCl 0,9% berbeda secara bermakna dengan VAS (2,1 ± 1,3 dan 5,7 ± 1,7 p<0,05). Komplikasi setelah biopsi seperti nyeri, hematuri, hematochezia dan demam pada kedua perlakuan tidak memberikan perbedaan yang bermakna.
Kesimpulan: Penyuntikan lidokain 1% periprostat merupakan metode mudah, aman dan efektif untuk mengurangi nyeri pada biopsi prostat.

Purpose : We prospectively evaluated the safety and efficacy of periprostatic 1 % lidocaine injection during transrectal prostate biopsy with transrectal ultrasound guided.
Materials and Methods: A total of 60 consecutive patients undergoing prostate biopsy were randomized into 1% lidocaine and placebo groups using 0,9% sodium chloride of 30 each in double-blind fashion. A 2,5 ml dose of 1% lidocaine or 0,9% sodium chloride was injected via 22 gauge needle inserted through and guided by the transrectal ultrasound probe at the prostatic neurovasculer bundle on each side. Pain during biopsy was assessed using a 0 to 10 point linear visual analog pain scale and other complications (pain after biopsy, hematuria, hematochezia and fever) were recorded to determine whether there was a difference between those two groups. Statistical analysis of pain score was performed by using Student T-Test.
Results : Pain scores were significantly lower in the periprostatic 1% lidocaine injection group compared to the placebo group (2.1 ± 1.3 versus 5.7 ±1.7 , p < 0.05 ). There was no significant difference in pain after biopsy, hematuria, hematochezia and fever rate among these two groups.
Conclusions : Per iprostatic 1% lidocaine injection is a simple, safe and efficacious method of providing satisfactory anesthesia to reduce pain in men undergoing transrectal prostate biopsy."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitompul, Doli Mauliate
"Pendahuluan: Lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis merupakan kasus langka dengan prognosis buruk. Prosedur diagnostik yang cepat, akurat dan resiko komplikasi minimal sangat dibutuhkan pada kondisi tersebut. CT guided biopsy menjadi salah satu pilihan utama. Untuk itu dilakukan studi demografi terhadap pasien dengan lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis di RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo serta evaluasi ketepatan diagnosis yang diperoleh melalui prosedur CT guided biopsy.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi demografi dan uji diagnostik prosedur CT guided biopsy pada lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis di RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo, yang dilaksanakan secara cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan rekam medis pasien selama periode Juni 2007-Juni 2017. Analisis uji diagnostik menggunakan Fischer exact test, dengan standar baku pembanding berupa hasil histopatologi dari biopsi terbuka berupa prosedur eksisi terhadap lesi.
Hasil: Didapatkan 101 penderita lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis menjalani pengobatan selama periode 2007-2017. Ketepatan diagnosis CT guided biopsy dibanding hasil biopsi terbuka pada lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis adalah 86,36% dalam membedakan jenis, 90,9% dalam membedakan sifat keganasan, 85% dalam membedakan lesi primer muskuloskeletal maupun metastasis, dan 90% dalam membedakan lesi tulang maupun jaringan lunak. Berdasarkan lokasi lesi pada pelvis, ketepatan diagnosis CT guided biopsy tertinggi pada Zona I (83,3%), sedangkan berdasarkan ukuran, lesi berukuran >250ml memberikan ketepatan diagnosis 88,89-100%.
Pembahasan: Data demografi menunjukkan gambaran mirip dengan literatur dan dapat digunakan sebagai data dasar dalam menegakkan diagnosis lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis. Dalam evaluasi ketepatan diagnosis, CT guided biopsy dibanding biopsi terbuka pada lesi muskuloskeletal pelvis memiliki ketepatan yang tinggi secara statistik sehingga menunjukkan reliabilitas kuat dan dapat diterapkan sebagai prosedur baku dalam menegakkan diagnosis.

Introduction: Pelvic musculoskeletal lesion is rare, mostly malignant with bad prognosis. Since early diagnosis of these cases require rapid, accurate, and safe diagnostic procedure, CT guided biopsy are common choice of treatment option. Since no data registered on pelvic musculoskeletal lession yet assembled, we performed demographic study on pelvic musculoskeletal lesion in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital combined with diagnostic test of CT guided biopsy on pelvic musculoskeletal cases.
Methods: This is a demographic study and diagnostic test on CT guided biopsy performed on pelvic musculoskeletal lesion, performed cross sectionally, using medical record from June 2007-June 2017. Sampling procedure performed based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, and evaluated with Fischer exact test, p value <0,05. Histopathologic result after open biopsy described as gold standard.
Results: During present decade, 101 patients with pelvic musculoskeletal lesion treated in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. Compared to open biopsy, the accuracy of CT guided biopsy were 86,36% on determining type of lesion, 90,9% on determining type of malignancy, 85% on determining primary lesion to a metastasis lesion, and 90% on determining bone to a soft tissue lesion. Based on location of lesion, Zone I provide best accuracy (83,3%) while based on size, lesion sized >250% has best accuracy (88,89-100%).
Discussion: Demographic data of this study found similar to literature. These distribution data help diagnostic procedure especially in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital. High diagnostic accuracy of CT guided biopsy, support that the procedure is strongly reliable, and reasonably considered as a standard operational procedure on diagnostic of pelvic musculoskeletal lesion."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shah, Rajal B.
"This book covers all the practical issues related to the interpretation of prostatic biopsies in day-to-day practice, including: biopsy sampling and processing; the diagnosis of limited cancer; differentiation of prostate cancers from benign lesions and recognition of histologic variants; the recognition and clinical significance of “atypical” diagnoses and HGPIN; the identification of recently described entities; the contemporary approach to Gleason grading; the utility of immunohistochemical markers and emerging molecular markers; and the reporting of prostate biopsies. Algorithms, flow charts, and tables are used throughout to simulate the thought and decision-making process upon encountering common clinical scenarios during sign-out of prostate biopsy."
Berlin : Springer, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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