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Ditemukan 24 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Chicago: Quintessence, 2003
SIN 617.6 DEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book introduces the latest advances in dental materials and biomaterials science. It contains a comprehensive introduction and covers ceramic, metallic, and polymeric oral biomaterials. The contributing authors are from all over the world and are distinguished in their disciplines. A solid primer for dental students, the book is also highly recommended for students of engineering and basic science who want to gain an insight in contemporary biomaterials science. For medical practitioners, the book offers an invaluable opportunity to learn about the latest steps in dental biomaterials."
Singapore: Pan Stanford, 2014
571.464 5 HAN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
New York: Springer, 2013
547.78 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Miftahul Ulum
Cham, Switzerland : Springer, 2015
610.28 REZ b
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Felix Subakti
"Plastik berbasis petroleum telah lama mendominasi industri karena kemudahan produksinya dan sifat fisiknya yang dinilai unggul baik oleh produsen ataupun konsumen. Namun, seiring bertumbuhnya gerakan ramah lingkungan dalam benak masyarakat, kebutuhan akan pastik yang ramah lingkungan juga meningkat. Komposit adalah salah satu metode produksi bioplastik yang banyak digunakan; dengan polivinil alcohol (PVA) menjadi salah satu pemain utama bahan baku bioplastik. Namun, sifat fisik PVA yang cenderung rapuh dan larut dalam air membuatnya sulit diaplikasikan untuk kebutuhan industri. Selulosa dapat ditambahkan sebagai penguat PVA dalam pembuatan bioplastik untuk memperbaiki sifat fisik PVA ataupun memberikan sifat thermal yang lebih diinginkan. Penelitian ini juga akan memanfaatkan asam borat sebagai agen taut silang untuk mengurangi kelarutan air komposit yang terbentuk. Hasil reaksi diperiksa dengan FTIR sementara sifat fisik film diperiksa dengan uji tensil, ketebalan, kelarutan, dan dekomposisi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penambahan asam borat akan meningkatkan kegetasan dan sifat tahan air film. Kekuatan tensil film dengan asam borat dapat mencapai angka 770 lbforce/inch2. Sementara ikatan B-O terbentuk antara PVA berperan sebagai kerangka dan selulosa yang menjadi penguat. Gliserol meningkatkan elastisitas film dengan elongasi hingga 630%. Sementara gliserol menambah ikatan hydrogen yang terbentuk antara PVA dan selulosa.

Petroleum based plastics had long dominated packaging industries as they are easy to manufacture and possesses excellent physical properties. But as the environmentally conscious movement spreads, the necessity of bioplastic to replace petroleum-based plastics grows in tandem. Bioplastics are manufactured widely through the means of composite synthesis. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was one of the main contenders for mass produced bioplastics. But the brittle nature and water solubility of PVA rendered its industrial application unfeasible. Cellulose was added as a reinforcement in order to increase PVAs overall Tensile strength and thermal resilience and a form of plasticizer needed to increase its elasticity. This research argues that addition of boric acid will reduce the water solubility of PVA-MCC and form an ideal plastic film. 6 samples will be casted according to their compositions including one control sample of Neat PVA. A FTIR assessment was run through the samples to observe any newly formed bonds. Physical properties will be assessed and measured through tensile test, elongation test, solubility test and decomposition test. It can be concluded that introduction of boric acid as a cross linking agent could affect a films solubility and plasticity; with tensile strength measurements reaching 770 lbforce/inch2. FTIR scans found B-O bonds forming between the PVA matrices and Cellulose reinforcements. While glycerol could increase a films."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizkijanuar Ramadhan Saputro
Titanium dan paduannya merupakan standar untuk perangkat prostetik ortopedi, karena sifat mekanik dan biokompatibilitasnya yang baik. Namun, sifat bioaktivitas pada permukaan perlu ditingkatkan untuk mencapai proses osseointegration yang optimal. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, implan logam sering dilapisi dengan bio-keramik seperti hidroksiapatit (HA) karena memiliki komposisi kimia dan struktur kristal yang mirip dengan apatite pada sistem kerangka manusia sehingga dirasa cocok untuk rekonstruksi tulang. Fokus penelitian ini pada perlakuan permukaan yang dirancang untuk mempromosikan respons biologis yang lebih baik melalui lapisan hidroksiapatit Tujuan dari penelitian ini juga untuk menyelidiki pengaruh waktu etsa asam HF pada topografi titanium dan kimia permukaan untuk mempersiapkan permukaannya untuk proses pelapisan hidroksiapatit selanjutnya dievaluasi setelah perlakuan dengan larutan asam HF selama 0, 2, 5, dan 10 menit. Substrat yang disiapkan dilapisi oleh nanosized HA melalui electrophoretic deposition (EPD) pada voltase 5,10, dan 15 volt selama 10 menit. Pengujian Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) dan Contour measuring dilakukan untuk menunjukkan topografi permukaan titanium menunjukan terbentuknya kontur permukaan dengan parameter kekasaran permukaan yang terus meningkat seiring penambahan waktu proses etsa. Kontur pada permukaan substrat hasil etsa mengalami peningkatan mechanical interlocking permukaan sehingga hasil deposisi hidroksiapatit menjadi lebih baik dan optimum pada waktu etsa 5 menit. Proses pelapisan dengan metode EPD menunjukan hasil deposisi yang paling baik pada tegangan 20 V.

Titanium and its alloys are standard for orthopedic prosthetic devices, due to their good mechanical properties and biocompatibility. However, bioactivity on the implant surface needs to be improved to achieve an optimal osseointegration process. To achieve this, metal implants are often coated by bio-ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HA) because they have a chemical composition and crystal structure similar to apatite in the human skeletal that  suitable for bone reconstruction. The focus of this research is on surface treatment designed to promote better biological responses through hydroxyapatite layers. The aim of this study is also to investigate the effect of timing of HF acid etching on titanium topography and surface chemistry to prepare the surface for hydroxyapatite coating processes. HF treatment for 0, 2, 5 and 10 minutes. Then, prepared substrate was coated with nanosized HA through electrophoretic deposition (EPD) at a voltage of 5.10 and 15 volts for 10 minutes. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Contour measurements were performed to show the surface topography of titanium indicating the formation of surface contours with increasing surface roughness parameters in accordance with the time of the etching process. The contours on the surface of the substrate increase the mechanical interlocking of the surface so that the results of hydroxyapatite deposition are better and optimal at the time of etching 5 minutes. The coating process using the EPD method shows the best results at a voltage of 20 V.


UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Danny Setyawan
"Pengembangan teknologi prostesis yang dilakukan akhir-akhir ini memungkinkan ahli bedah untuk mengganti seluruh tulang pada berbagai anggota badan. Prostesis khusus, yang disebut dengan megaprosthesis ini, mulai dikembangkan untuk mengganti tulang yang terkena tumor primer seperti osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, dan lain sebagainya, dan merupakan solusi yang tepat untuk ahli bedah ortopedi dalam kasus yang ekstrim. Penelitian ini berfokus pada langkah-langkah persiapan simulasi casting desain untuk pembuatan megaprosthesis implant dan pengecoran hasil simulasi melalui proses vacuum centrifugal casting. Selain itu, variasi posisi bagian casting, jumlah, bentuk dan dimensi ingate, serta total luas penampang ingate (Si) diterapkan saat membuat desain gating system untuk simulasi pengecoran menggunakan software Solid-Cast 7. Hasil uji solidifikasi menunjukkan bahwa rongga susut cenderung menurun dalam skala volumetrik dengan meningkatnya total luas permukaan ingate, sedangkan posisi bagian casting, jumlah, bentuk, dan dimensi ingate menunjukkan perbedaan efektif terhadap efektifitas solidifikasi logam cair pada susunan rongga susut. Titanium (CP-Ti) dengan suhu dan waktu penuangan 1700˚C dan 4s. Variasi kecepatan putar 10rpm, 35rpm, dan 60rpm, digunakan sebagai parameter untuk proses vacuum centrifugal casting. Semakin bertambahnya rpm yang digunakan menghasilkan nilai kekerasan yang fluktuatif dan cenderung menurun. Nilai kekasaran permukaan menunjukkan hasil yang stabil. Desain pengecoran megaprosthesis implant dengan tiga saluran masuk dan luas penampang 368,93mm2 lebih tinggi dari standar Asm 207,54mm2 menghasilkan porositas yang lebih rendah.

Recent developments in prosthesis technology have allowed surgeons to replace all bones in various limbs. A special prosthesis, called megaprosthesis, was developed to replace bones affected by primary tumors such as osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, etc., and is the right solution for orthopedic surgeons in extreme cases. This research focuses on the preparation steps of design casting simulation for the manufacture of implant megaprosthesis and casting simulation results through a vacuum centrifugal casting process. In addition, variations in the position of the casting part, the number, shape and dimensions of the ingate, as well as the total area of ​​the ingate (Si) cross section are applied when creating a gating system design for casting simulations using Solid-Cast 7 software. Solidification test results show that shrinkage cavities tend to decrease in scale volumetric with the increase in the total surface area of ​​the ingate, while the position of the casting part, the number, shape, and dimensions of the ingate show effective differences in the effectiveness of liquid metal solidification in the arrangement of the shrinkage cavity. Titanium (CP-Ti) with a temperature and pouring time of 1700˚C and 4s. Variations in rotational speed of 10rpm, 35rpm and 60rpm are used as parameters for the vacuum centrifugal casting process. Increasing the rpm used produces a fluctuating value of violence and tends to decrease. Surface roughness values ​​show stable results. The design of the implant megaprosthesis casting with three inlets and a cross-sectional area of ​​368.93mm2 higher than the Asm 207.54mm2 standard results in lower porosity."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents novel and advanced technologies for medical sciences in order to solidify knowledge in the related fields and define their key stakeholders.
The fifteen papers included in this book were written by invited experts of international stature and address important technologies for medical sciences, including : computational modeling and simulation, image processing and analysis, medical imaging, human motion and posture, tissue engineering, design and development medical devices, and mechanic biology.
Different applications are treated in such diverse fields as biomechanical studies, prosthesis and orthosis, medical diagnosis, sport, and virtual reality.
Dordrecht, Netherlands: [, Springer], 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irfa Mutiara Faizah
"Kebutuhan biomaterial akan terus meningkat, khususnya implan berbasis logam dalam aplikasi ortopedi. Implan akan berinteraksi langsung dengan jaringan tubuh dan mengalami peluruhan dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Di antara kandidat Mg dan Fe, paduan berbasis Zn merupakan salah satu biomaterial biodegradable dengan kelebihan berupa laju degradasi yang sedang dibandingkan dengan Mg dan Fe serta memiliki sifat biocompatibility yang baik. Name, paduan berbasis Zn memiliki keterbatasan dalam sifat mekanik yang inferior khususnya terkait keuletan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk meningkatkan sifat biocompatibility paduan dan membentuk paduan berbasis Zn yang lebih unggul dalam aplikasi biomaterial. Dalam penelitian ini, diteliti pengaruh penambahan kadar Mn sebesar 0,7%, 1,2%, dan 1,5% pada paduan berbasis Zn. Metode penelitian terdiri dari pembuatan master alloy dalam proses fabrikasi sampel, pengamatan mikrostruktur paduan dengan OM, SEM, EDS, dan XRD, pengujian mekanik dengan uji kekerasan microhardness Vickers, pengujian polarisasi menggunakan larutan r-SBF yang dipreparasi sebelumnya, serta pengujian XRD sampel setelah polarisasi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan kadar Mn mempengaruhi bentuk partikel MnZn₁₃, memperhalus ukuran butir, meningkatkan kekerasan dan sifat mekanik paduan secara keseluruhan, menurunkan laju korosi, dan mendorong terjadinya korosi yang lebih uniform.

The demand for biomaterials is expected to continue growing, particularly for metal-based implants used in orthopedic applications. Implants directly interact with the body's tissues and gradually degrade into ions within a certain period. Among potential candidates such as Mg and Fe alloys, Zn-based alloys are considered promising biodegradable biomaterials due to their moderate degradation rate and favorable biocompatibility. However, Zn-based alloys face limitations in terms of lower mechanical properties, specifically in ductility. Therefore, this research aims to enhance their biocompatibility and develop superior Zn-based alloys for biomedical applications. This study investigates the impact of incorporating different percentages of manganese (0.7%, 1.2%, and 1.5%) into Zn-based alloys. The research methodology involves casting a master alloy during the sample fabrication process, followed by microstructure observations through OM, SEM, EDS, and XRD testing. Mechanical testing is conducted using the microhardness Vickers test, while polarization testing utilizes a pre-prepared r-SBF solution followed by another XRD testing. The findings of the analysis indicate that an increase in Mn content affects the morphology of MnZn₁₃ particles, refines the grain size, enhances hardness and overall mechanical properties, reduces the corrosion rate, and promotes more uniform corrosion."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides a collection of high-quality peer-reviewed research papers presented at the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies (CNNTech2018), held in Zlatibor, Serbia from 4 to 6 July 2018. The book discusses a wide variety of industrial, engineering and scientific applications of engineering techniques. Researchers from academia and the industry share their original work and exchange ideas, experiences, information, techniques, applications and innovations in the field of mechanical engineering, materials science, chemical and process engineering, experimental techniques, numerical methods and new technologies."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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