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Azhoma Gumala
Nanopartikel emas telah diteliti untuk sistem penghantaran tertarget obat sitotoksik.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil karakterisasi dan biodistribusi dari
konjugat trans-resveratrol-PEG-Asam Folat-Nanopartikel Emas. Nanopartikel emas
disintesis dengan reduksi HAuCl4 menggunakan natrium sitrat. Nanopartikel emas
dikonjugasikan dengan PEG-FA dan resveratrol membentuk konjugat resveratrol-PEGAsam Folat-Nanopartikel Emas (rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP). Karakterisasi konjugat rsv-PEG-FAAuNP dilakukan dengan pengukuran partikel, zeta potensial, FTIR, UV, dan TEM. Studi biodistribusi pada tikus Sprague Dawley betina sehat dilakukan setelah 90 menit pemberian injeksi konjugat rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP melalui vena ekor. Hasil karakterisasi rsv-PEG-FAAuNP diperoleh nilai diameter rata-rata nanopartikel dan zeta potensial rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP 249,03 ± 10,31 nm dan -36,33 ± 3,12 mV. Pada uji biodistribusi ditemukan konjugat rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP di ginjal (1,90 ± 0,20 μg/g) dan limfa (2,65 ± 1,18 μg/g) setelah 90 menit pemberian iv, namun resveratrol bebas tidak ditemukan di darah, ginjal, dan limfa setelah 90 menit pemberian iv. Konjugat rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP pada sirkulasi sistemik ditemukan pada waktu yang lebih lama dibandingkan dengan resveratrol bebas dan distribusinya tersebar pada organ otak, ginjal, limpa, hati, dan paru.

Gold nanoparticles had been studied for active targeting purpose of cytotoxic agent. This study was presenting the result of characterization and biodistribution of trans resveratrol-PEG-Folic Acid-Gold Nanoparticle conjugates rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP. Gold nanoparticles were generated by reduction of HAuCl4 using sodium citric. Rsv-PEG-FA-AuNPs were produced by conjugation of gold nanoparticles with PEG-folic acid and resveratrol.
Characterization of rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP conjugates were held by examination of particle size, zeta potential, FTIR, and TEM. Biodistribution study in female Sprague-Dawley rats conducted after 90 minutes i.v tail vein delivery of rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP conjugates. The mean particle size and zeta potential of rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP were 249.03 10.31 and -36.33
3.12 respectively. Transmission electron microscopy showed almost spherical shape of rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP conjugates. Rsv-PEG-FA-AuNP conjugates were found in kidney 1.90 0.20 μg/g and spleen 2.65 1.18 μg/g after 90 minutes i.v. delivery in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Resveratrol-PEG-FA-AUNP conjugates have longer systemic circulation than free resveratrol and restrained throughout brain, spleen, kidney, lung, and liver after distribution.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Pribadi Perkasa
"Latar belakang: Nanopartikel perak (AgNPs) telah banyak diteliti karena aktivitas anti-inflamasinya yang berpotensi digunakan sebagai obat yang bekerja secara lokal di saluran gastrointestinal (GI) untuk pengobatan kolitis ulseratif. Namun, disolusi AgNPs secara masif dalam kondisi asam di lambung berpotensi menyebabkan serapan sistemik dan toksisitas. Pendekatan rasional harus dirancang untuk penargetan kolon secara selektif.
Metode: Biomolekul alginat dipilih sebagai agen penstabil untuk radiosintesis dan penghantaran AgNPs karena bersifat biokompatibel, sensitif pH, dan polianionik. Radiosintesis dioptimalkan menggunakan Central Composite Design – Response Surface Methodology (CCD-RSM) yang melibatkan 20 percobaan tanpa penambahan isopropanol sebagai scavenger radikal hidroksil. Stabilitas nanosuspensi dievaluasi selama penyimpanan pada suhu 4°C kondisi gelap selama 40 hari. Disolusi AgNPs secara in vitro ditentukan dalam simulasi cairan lambung pH 1,2 selama 120 menit. Kemudian, serapan sistemik dan toksisitas AgNPs terstabilisasi alginat ditentukan setelah pemberian oral dosis berulang 14 hari pada mencit sehat dengan dosis bervariasi (2,5, 5,0, dan 10,0 mg/kg BB).
Hasil: Radiosintesis berhasil mensintesis AgNPs terstabilisasi alginat tanpa penambahan isopropanol. Kondisi optimal diperoleh pada dosis iradiasi 20 kGy, konsentrasi precursor ion perak 7,78 mM, dan konsentrasi alginat 1,2 % (b/v) yang menghasilkan nilai konversi 65,43 % dengan konsentrasi AgNPs 480,9 ppm. Morfologi AgNPs berbentuk bulat dengan ukuran 10,25 ± 5,03 nm. Menariknya, alginat berperan ganda sebagai agen penstabil sekaligus agen pereduksi selama radiosintesis. Alginat juga berperan menstabilkan nanosuspensi hingga 67 ± 5 hari, dan meminimalkan disolusi pada kondisi asam pH 1.2 hingga kurang dari 1,5 % dalam periode disolusi 120 menit. Setelah administrasi oral dosis berulang 14 hari dosis 2,5 mg/kg BB, mencit sehat tidak menunjukkan tanda toksisitas. Perak tidak terdeteksi pada organ dalam, sedangkan penilaian hstopatologis untuk hepar dan kolon tidak berbeda bermakna dengan kelompok kontrol.
Kesimpulan: Alginat berperan penting dalam radiosintesis AgNPs tanpa penambahan isopropanol. Alginat juga berperan sebagai agen penstabil yang baik untuk menjaga stabilitas selama penyimpanan dan mencegah disolusi dalam kondisi asam. Dosis 2,5 mg/kg BB dapat digunakan sebagai dosis referensi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai toksisitas/bioaktivitas AgNPs sebagai obat yang bekerja secara lokal di saluran gastrointestinal (GI) untuk pengobatan kolitis ulseratif.

Background: Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been extensively investigated due to their anti-inflammatory activity which potentially used as locally-acting drug in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract for treatment of ulcerative colitis. However, massive dissolution of AgNPs in acidic stomach potentially lead to systemic uptake and toxicity. Rational approaches must be designed for selectively targeting the colon.
Methods: Biomolecule alginate was chosen as stabilizing agent for radiosynthesis and delivery of AgNPs due to its biocompatibility, pH sensitiveness, and polyanionic nature. Radiosynthesis was optimized using central composite design – response surface methodology (CCD-RSM) which involved 20 run experiments without addition of isopropanol as a hydroxyl radical scavenger. The stability of nanosuspension was evaluated during storage at 4°C under dark for 40 days. The in vitro dissolution of AgNPs was determined in simulated gastric fluid pH 1.2 for 120 min. Then, systemic uptake and toxicity of alginate-stabilized AgNPs were determined upon 14 days repeated dose oral administration in healthy mice at varied dose (2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 mg/kg BW).
Results: Radiosynthesis had successfully synthesized alginate AgNPs without addition of isopropanol. The optimal condition was found at dose of 20 kGy, precursor silver ion of 7.78 mM, and alginate concentration of 1.2 % (w/v) which resulted the conversion yield of 65.43 % with concentration of AgNPs at 480.9 ppm. The AgNPs was spherical in shape at size of 10.25 ± 5.03 nm. Interestingly, alginate played dual role as stabilizing and reducing agent during radiosynthesis. The alginate allowed stabilization of nanosuspension for 67 ± 5 days, and also minimized the acid dissolution down to 1.5 % during 120 min dissolution time. Upon 14 days repeated dose oral administration of AgNPs at dose 2.5 mg/kg BW, the healthy mice did not showed toxicity sign. Silver was not detected in internal organ, while hstopathological scoring for liver and colon is not significantly different with control group.
Conclusion: Alginate plays important role in radiosynthesis of AgNPs without addition of isopropanol. It also acts as good stabilizing agent for maintaining stability during storage and preventing dissolution in acidic condition. Dose of 2.5 mg/kg BW can be used as a reference dose for further research on toxicity/bioactivity of AgNPs as locally-acting drug in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract for treatment of ulcerative colitis.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Phalerin is an active component of mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa (scheff.) Boerl) proven to have an anti inflamation effect. The labeling of phalerin with gamma emiting radionuclides was aimed to study is pharmacokinetic behavior and particularly to trace its metabolites. The labeling with I was caried our using iodogen as oxidator. Radiolabeled compound was characterized by high performance liquid choromatography (HPLC) using C-18 column eluted with methanol 70% and detected with UV detector (z=291 nm) and by thin layer chromatography (TLC) using silica gel strips eluted with chloroform - methanol (9:2), and lebeling efficiency was determined using the same TLC system. Purification of radiolabeled product was carried out using size exclusion chromatography (Sephadex G-25 column) eluted with 0.05 M phosphate buffer pH 7.4 Biodistributions of I-phalerin in various organs of normal and inflammation - induced mice were observed at 1,4 and 24 hours post-intravenous injection. radiochemical purity of I-phalerin was 90.2 krang lebih 2.8% and increased to 96.0 krang lebih0,4% after purification. Radioactivities in inflamed tissue at 1,4 and 24 hours post injection were respectively 1.6 times, 1,4 times and 1.3 times higher than that in normal tissue. The results showed a significant uptake of radiolabeled phalerin in inflamed."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mukhamad Zaidi Anwari
"Uji praklinis radiofarmaka dilakukan untuk menganalisa keamanan serta keefektifan radiofarmaka yang digunakan. Kedua hal tersebut dapat dicapai dengan mengestimasi dosis radiasi internal yang diterima oleh suatu organ. Skema MIRD menyatakan bahwa perhitungan dosis radiasi internal merupakan perkalian antara Time Integrated Activity Coefficients (TIACs) dan S-value dimana nilai TIACs didapatkan dari penggambaran biodistribusi radiofarmaka di dalam tubuh. Hewan percobaan digunakan dalam uji praklinis untuk menggambarkan biodistribusi radiofarmakanya. Hal ini menyebabkan perlunya suatu metode ekstrapolasi untuk memprediksi biodistribusi radiofarmaka di manusia. Melalui penelitian ini, peneliti ingin menganalisa pengaruh penggunaan radiofarmaka terhadap peta performa metode ekstrapolasi. Hasilnya, dibandingkan dengan penelitian Beykan et al, menunjukkan adanya perbedaan peta performa untuk radiofarmaka yang berbeda. Hasil dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa organ juga mempengaruhi peta performa metode ekstrapolasi. Oleh karena itu, analisa metode ekstrapolasi perlu dilakukan sebelum uji praklinis suatu radiofarmaka dikarenakan terdapatnya perbedaan peta performa tersebut.

Preclinical testing of radiopharmaceutical is carried out to analyze the safety and effectiveness of the radiopharmaceutical used. It can be achieved by estimating the dose of internal radiation received by an organ. The MIRD scheme states that the calculation of the internal radiation dose is S-values multiplied by Time Integrated Activity Coefficients (TIACs) whose value is obtained from the depiction of radiopharmaceutical biodistribution in the body Experimental animals are used in preclinical testing to depict radiopharmaceutical’s biodistribution. This results in the need for an extrapolation method to predict radiopharmaceutical biodistribution in humans. Through this study, researchers wanted to analyze the effect of the use of radiopharmaceuticals on the map performance of the extrapolation method. It, compared to the Beykan et al. study, shows the differences in performance maps for different radiopharmaceuticals. Therefore, analysis of extrapolation methods needs to be done before preclinical testing of a radiopharmaceutical because there are differences in performance maps."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abyan Jadidan
"Studi biodistribusi pada hewan uji memainkan peran utama dalam menentukan efektivitas dan keamanan radiofarmaka sebelum uji klinis pada manusia. Namun, sejauh pengetahuan peneliti berdasarkan literatur, belum ada studi biodistribusi lutesium hidroksiapatit (177Lu-HA) yang dilakukan. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dilakukan studi biodistribusi kemanan 177Lu-HA untuk terapi kanker hati dengan cara menentukan organ at risk (OAR) radiofarmaka tersebut. Data farmakokinetik 177Lu-HA pada tikus Wistar dari organ yang berbeda, seperti hati, ginjal dan limpa, diperoleh dari literatur. Administrasi radiofarmaka dilakukan secara langsung pada intra arteri hati tikus Wistar dengan cara operasi. Secara total, 13 fungsi sum of exponentials (SOE) dan 1 fungsi logistik digunakan untuk fitting data farmakokinetik. Goodness of fit ditentukan berdasarkan visualisasi grafik, Coefficient of Variation (CV <50%) dan elemen-elemen off-diagonal dari Correlation Matrix (-0,8 ≤ CM ≤ 0,8). Fungsi terbaik dipilih berdasarkan Corrected Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) dan digunakan untuk perhitungan Time-Integrated Activity Coefficients (TIACs). TIACs manusia diprediksi dengan mentranslasikan TIACs tikus menggunakan metode time-scalling. Dalam penelitian ini OAR ditentukan dengan metode perbandingan TIACs/massa organ pada seluruh organ. Dengan metode perbandingan TIACs/massa organ ini, nilai terbesar mengindikasikan OAR. Secara umum, fitting data farmakokinetik 177Lu-HA dengan fungsi SOE berhasil dilakukan pada semua organ dengan terpenuhinya kriteria goodness of fit. Prediksi massa TIACs/organ manusia menunjukkan bahwa hati yang merupakan organ target akan menerima dosis internal yang paling tinggi (TIACs/masahati=2,78E+0 jam/gram). Tulang dan limpa akan menerima dosis lebih sedikit daripada hati tetapi relatif lebih tinggi daripada organ lainnya (TIACs/masatulang=7,40E-2 jam/gram, TIACs/massalimpa=5,55E-2 jam/gram). Berdasarkan perhitungan TIACs/massa organ tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa OAR radiofarmaka 177Lu-HA yang diadmisitrasikan langsung ke intra arteri hati tikus Wistar adalah hati, tulang, dan limpa.

Biodistribution study in animal plays a major role in determining the effectiveness and safety of radiopharmaceutical before clinical test in human. However, to the best of author knowledge, there is no biodistribution study of Lutetium Hydroxyapatite (177Lu-HA) available in the literature. Therefore, this study conducted 177Lu-HA biodistribution study of safety for liver cancer therapy by determining organ at risk (OAR) of the radiopharmaceutical. Pharmacokinetics data of 177Lu-HA in Wistar rats from different organs, such as liver, kidneys, and spleen, was obtained from the literature. Radiopharmaceutical administration was carried out directly on the intra artery of Wistar rat liver by surgery. In total, 13 sum of exponentials (SOE) functions and 1 logistic function were used and were fitted to the pharmacokinetics data. The goodness of the fittings was tested based on the visualization of the fitted graphs, coefficient of variations of the fitted parameters (CV<50%) and the elements of correlation matrix (-0,8 ≤ CM ≤ 0,8). The best function was selected based on the corrected Akaike information criterion (AICc) and was used for the subsequent calculation of time-integrated activity coefficients (TIACs). Human's TIACs was predicted by extrapolating rat's TIACs using time-scalling method. In this study, OAR was determined by comparison method of TIACs/organ mass in all organs. With this comparison method, the biggest value indicates the OAR. In general, the SOE functions were successfully fitted to the pharmacokinetic data of 177Lu-HA in all organs with a good fit based on the goodness of fit criteria. Human's TIACs/organ mass prediction shows that liver as the organ target will receive high internal doses (TIACs/massliver=2,78E+0 hour/gram). Skeleton and spleen will receive less doses then liver but relatively higher than other organs. (TIACs/massskeletpm=7,40E-2 hour/gram, TIACs/massspleen=5,15E-2 hour/gram). Based on that calculation of TIACs/organ mass, it can be concluded that the OAR of 177Lu-HA pharmaceutical that was administrated directly into the intra-arterial liver of the Wistar rat are liver, skeleton, and spleen.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Defia Alessandra Adlina
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu pemodelan matematis, Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) yang dapat menggambarkan biodistribusi Nivolumab pada pasien. Penelitian ini menggunakan data biodistribusi dari 89Zr-nivolumab pada tikus humanized-Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes-Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (hu-PBL-SCID) atau tikus PBL. Kompartemen organ pada struktur pemodelan PBPK terdiri dari ruang vaskular, interstitial, serta endothelial. Parameter yang diestimasi adalah faktor modulasi laju transkapiler (MK) dan faktor modulasi laju pinositosis (F2) dari masing-masing organ, serta clearance dari plasma (CLePL). Setelah berhasil mendapatkan nilai parameter yang diestimasi, model PBPK akan ditranslasikan ke manusia untuk dianalisa nilai area di bawah kurva (AUCs) terkait toksisitas obat di dalam tubuh. Parameter yang tidak diketahui dalam model PBPK berhasil diestimasi dari data, ditunjukkan dengan visualisasi grafik dengan koefisien variasi dari parameter (%CV≤50%). Nilai parameter yang diestimasi adalah CLePL=5,56x10^-5 (%CV = 25,60%), MK=5,26x10^-1 – 4,27 (%CV=15,09% – 24,91%), dan F2=2,41x10^-2 – 4,31x10^-2 (%CV=23,84% – 29,55%) untuk hati; limpa; ginjal; dan jaringan otot. Studi simulasi menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dosis Nivolumab yang diinjeksikan akan meningkatkan nilai AUCs toksisitas obat pada setiap organ di dalam tubuh manusia. Pemodelan matematis telah berhasil dikembangkan dan mampu menggambarkan biodistribusi dari 89Zr-Df-nivolumab pada tikus.

This study aimed to develop a mathematical model, Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) to describe the biodistribution of Nivolumab in patients. This study used biodistribution data from 89Zr-nivolumab in humanized-Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes-Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (hu-PBL-SCID) mice or PBL mice. The organ compartments in the PBPK modeling structure consist of vascular, interstitial, and endothelial spaces. The estimated parameter were the modulation factor of transcapillary flow (MK) and modulation factor of pinocytosis rate (F2) from each organ, as well as plasma clearance (CLePL). After successfully obtaining the estimated parameter values, the PBPK model will be translated to humans to analyze the value of the Area Under the Curves (AUCs) related to drug toxicity in the body. The unknown parameters in the PBPK model was successfully estimated from the data, shown by the visualization of the graph with the coefficient of variation of the parameters (%CV≤50%). The values of the estimated parameters were CLePL=5,56x10^-5 (%CV = 25,60%), MK=5,26x10^-1 – 4,27 (%CV=15,09% – 24,91%), dan F2=2,41x10^-2 – 4,31x10^-2 (%CV=23,84% – 29,55%) for liver, spleen, kidney, and muscle. The simulation study showed that increasing the injected dose of Nivolumab will increase the value of AUCs and drug toxicity in the human body. Mathematical modeling has been successfully developed and was able to describe the biodistribution of 89Zr-Df-nivolumab in mice."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library