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Ditemukan 16 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Much Taufik Tri Hermawan
"Research on usable of Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Botanical Garden to develop the conservation education has been carried out, but the available information due to the package of conservation education using both of conservation areas is stilt lacking.
The aim of this study is to measure and compare conservation education packages, which have conducted at Gunung Gede Pangrango and Bogor Botanical Garden. The compiling information from this study will be useful as a contribution to develop the program of conservation education as well as to increase the management of conservation area.
The comparative study was conducted in two conservation area, the Gunung Gede Pangrango (representative for in situ conservation), and Bogor Botanical Garden (for ex situ conservation), using a questionnaire method, document analyzing, field observation, and measure the progress of the institutional development using matrix of the Institutional Development Framework ( IDF ). Correspondence is the key-person from institutions who responsible in organizing the conservation education program.
The conclusion of this study was that the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is more diverse in having potential interpretation material compare to that of Bogor Botanical Garden, especially the available concepts of ecology and conservation in species and ecosystem level. In comparison, the Bogor. Botanical Garden has relatively more facilities on species interpretation. The conservation education program at both areas has limit goal, only covered the awareness and knowledge, and not completed with the education evaluation, which measured the impact of education on conservation for the participants. Covering the goal of the education, usable of flagship species and education evaluation might develop the quality of the program at both areas.
Both of the institutions have limit facilities and skill to develop the package of the conservation education program, therefore they need cooperation with other institution as a partner. The study also identified that the Partners have a good contribution on developing the package of the Conservation education program as well as provide human resources. Some partners have provided the technical and facilities for educating, however none of the four NGO's which cooperate with the two institutions (Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Bogor Botanical Garden) in sustainability stage at institutional; development continuum. It seem that their institutional development progress will influence the existing packages for educating conservation program, which prepared at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park and Bogor Botanical Garden."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1999
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ganesh Aditya Aryoprawirotama
"DKI Jakarta merupakan kota dengan jumlah penduduk paling banyak di Indonesia. Pertumbuhan penduduk yang terus terjadi mengakibatkan alih fungsi ruang terbuka hijau menjadi gedung bertingkat dan jalan layang bersamaan dengan peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca dari konsumsi bahan bakar mineral. Dampaknya, muncul fenomena pulau bahang perkotaan di berbagai wilayah di DKI Jakarta. Sistem penghijauan vertikal dipilih sebagai upaya mitigasi dan reduksi fenomena tersebut, namun penerapannya belum optimal karena berbagai tantangan yang muncul terutama dari faktor biaya. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk merekomendasikan strategi peningkatan penerapan sistem penghijauan vertikal di DKI Jakarta dari segi biaya berdasarkan biaya siklus hidup. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan instrumen berupa wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siklus hidup sistem penghijauan vertikal di DKI Jakarta terdiri atas fase persiapan, konstruksi, serta operasi dan pemeliharaan. Ditemukan juga bahwa biaya siklus hidup sistem penghijauan vertikal di DKI Jakarta (Indonesia) lebih rendah dibandingkan biaya siklus hidupnya di Singapura maupun Genoa (Italia). Strategi yang direkomendasikan untuk menghemat biaya siklus hidup sistem penghijauan vertikal tersebut mencakup strategi penggunaan material, alternatif pemasok, seleksi tanaman, sistem irigasi, dan sumber air.

DKI Jakarta is the most populated city in Indonesia. Population growth that continues to occur has resulted in the conversion of green open spaces into multi-story buildings and flyovers along with an increase in greenhouse gas emissions from the consumption of mineral fuels. As a result, urban heat island phenomenon appeared in various areas in DKI Jakarta. Vertical greening system was chosen as an effort to mitigate and reduce the phenomenon, but its implementation has not been optimal due to various challenges, especially costs. Therefore, this research was conducted to recommend strategies to increase the implementation of vertical greening system in DKI Jakarta from a cost perspective using life cycle cost. The research was carried out by case study method using interviews as instruments. The results of this study indicated that the life cycle of the vertical greening system in DKI Jakarta consisted of the preparation, construction, as well as operation and maintenance phases. It was also found that the life cycle costs of vertical greening system in DKI Jakarta (Indonesia) are lower than those in Singapore and Genoa (Italy). The recommended strategies to economize life cycle costs of the vertical greening system include strategies for using materials, alternative suppliers, plant selection, irrigation systems, and water sources."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, 1981
639.99 BIO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
""Based on the proceedings of a national symposium on orchid conservation, which was held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, 12th & 13th November 1986"--Pref."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2004
584.15 MOD (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Cestrum aurantiacum Lindl. is an exotic species found in native remnant forest of GPNP which is located inside the Cibodas Botanic Garden (CBG). Risk assessment is an important tool to choose best decision for invasive plant management. Risk assessment analysis on C. aurantiacum in Cibodas Botanic Garden was conducted using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method. Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) used in the valuation process. Three sub-criteria used: minimizing the ecological impact, minimizing the management cost, and maximizing the public acceptance. Five management alternatives were used: do nothing (DN), eradication (E), containment (C), bio-control (BC) and harvesting (H). Harvesting (H) recommended as the best management decision for C. aurantiacumin at CBG remnant forest. This harvesting decision is not only creating environment/ ecosystem remediation but also as sources of fund in the management activity of the area.
580 BKR 15:1 (2012)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achmad Rafki Firdaus
"Kota Padang Panjang merupakan salah satu Kota di Provinsi Sumatera Barat yang memiliki lokasi strategis. Oleh karena itu Kota Padang Panjang mengalami perkembangan wilayah yang cukup pesat. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan perubahan tutupan lahan yang luas dari vegetasi menjadi non-vegetasi, yang memicu pengingkatan suhu permukaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis perubahan kerapatan vegetasi dan suhu permukaan pada tutupan lahan dan mengkaji hubungan antar keduanya. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode pengindraan jauh yang terdiri dari NDVI, LST, dan Raster Correlation. Kemudian dilakukan uji akurasi dengan metode Khat Kappa dan diperkuat dengan survei lapang untuk validasi tutupan lahan dan suhu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kerapatan vegetasi dan suhu permukaan tahun 2011-2021 mengalami perubahan seiring berubahnya tutupan lahan. Terjadi penurunan luas lahan bervegetasi sejak tahun 2011 – 2021 yang berubah menjadi lahan terbangun. Hal ini berkaitan dengan suhu permukaan yang terus mengalami kenaikan. Nilai korelasi kerapatan vegetasi dengan suhu permukaan berbanding terbalik, artinya apabila kerapatan vegetasi menurun maka suhu permukaan akan meningkat, begitupun sebaliknya.

Padang Panjang City is one of the cities in West Sumatra Province which has a strategic location. Therefore, the city of Padang Panjang has experienced a fairly rapid regional development. This results in extensive land cover changes from vegetation to non-vegetation, which triggers an increase in land surface temperature. The purpose of this study was to analyze changes in vegetation density and surface temperature on land cover and examine the relationship between them. The method used is remote sensing method which consists of NDVI, LST, and Raster Correlation. Then the accuracy test was carried out using the Khat Kappa method and strengthened by a field survey to validate land cover and temperature. The result of this research is that the vegetation density and surface temperature in 2011-2021 have changed along with the change in land cover. There has been a decrease in the area of vegetated land since 2011 – 2021 which has turned into built-up land. This is related to the surface temperature that continues to increase. The correlation value of vegetation density with surface temperature is inversely proportional, meaning that if the vegetation density decreases, the surface temperature will increase, and vice versa."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Shania Vena Amanda
"Pemutusan antara bentang alam Australia yang kaya akan flora dan faunanya dengan warga negara Australia yang mencakupi demografi yang beragam, membutuhkan desain regeneratif yang mempromosikan sistem holistik. Dalam proyek ini, tindakan regenerasi bekas tambang di South Fremantle, Western Australia bertujuan untuk membangun Kawasan pemukiman menengah yang memadukan satwa setempat dan komunitas regional yang beragam kulturnya. Menggabungkan teknologi modern dan teknik managemen lanskap. Desain dibuat berdasarkan karakteristik alami situs terpilih, seperti implementasi keylines yang mengikuti topografi lokasi, pelestarian tanaman local, pertanian tradisional dan system pengolahan air limbah melalui lahan basah. Sementara proyek perumahan individu berfokus pada penyediaan rumah yang fleksibel, mudah beradaptasi dan modular untuk karaktertisti klien yang mencakup komunitas beragam.

Disconnection between the rich flora and fauna of the Australian landscape and the diverse demographic of the Australian citizen calls for a regenerative design which promotes a holistic system. In this project, the act of regeneration of a former quarry in South Fremantle, Western Australia aims to construct a medium residential area. Integrating local wildlife with the diverse demographic of the regional community. Incorporating modern technology and indigenous landscape management techniques. Designed based on the natural characteristics of the site, such as implementing tree keylines, which follow the original topography of the site, preserving native vegetation plantations, traditional farming and wetland wastewater treatment system are incorporated into the grand scheme of the site. While the individual housing project focuses on providing a flexible, adaptable and modular housing for the vast characteristic of possible clients."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This volume presents a comprehensive review of reintroduction projects and practices, the circumstances of their successes or failures, lessons learned, and the potential role for reintroductions in preserving species threatened by climate change. Contributors examine current plant reintroduction practices, from selecting appropriate source material and recipient sites to assessing population demography.
These guidelines cover stages from planning and implementation to long-term monitoring, and offer not only recommended actions but also checklists of questions to consider that are applicable to projects around the world."
Washingto, D.C.: Island Press, 2012
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sofi Mursidawati
"Rafflesia spp. (Rafflesiaceae) have a strategic value from both scientific and conservation viewpoints. To date only very few attempts have succeeded in growing the species ex situ and the main protection measures have been by in situ conservation. More detailed studies are required to understand the relationships between Rafflesia spp. and their host plants in order to improve their management and conservation. Studies on the anatomy, in vitro culture and seed germination in connection with conservation have been conducted in the Bogor Botanic Gardens. Effort to transfer Rafflesia patma to an ex situ conservation area has produced some flowers. However, we encountered a bigger challenge to maintain the long term presence of R. patma in ex situ conservation, since a high number of individuals is required to make the viable population."
Pusat Konservasi Tumbuhan Kebun Raya Bogor-LIPI, {s.a.}
580 BKR 17:1 (2014)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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