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Gusni Elvira
"Narkotika, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif lainnya (Napza) merupakan sekelompok zat yang umumnya mempunyai risiko kecanduan (adiksi) dan ketergantungan (dependensi). Penyalahgunaan Napza tidak hanya beraldbat buruk terhadap fisik, tetapi juga mental, perilaku dan ekonomi masyarakat. Target utama penyalahgunaan Napza adalah remaja, hal ini disebabkan karena remagia merupakan fase yang sangat rawan dengan kondisi kepribadian yang masih Sangat labil dan mudah terpengaruh lingkungan dan dalam banyak hal mereka biasa memuaskan keingintahuannya dengan coba-coba, termasuk Napza.
Pcnelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku pencegahan siswa tcrhadap pcnyalahglmaan Napza serta hubunganya dengan faktor sosio-psiko demografi (jenis kelamin, tingkat pengetahuan, konsep diri dan dukungan teman sebaya), faktor persepsi (kerentanan, keseriusan, manfaat dan rintangan) serta faktor dukungan (dari keluarga, sekolah dan media massa). Metode pcnelitian yang digunakan adalah observasional melalui pendekatan kuantitatif dengan disain potong lintang (cross sectional). Data yang digunakan adalah data primer, yang dikumpulkan rnclalui angket. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada siswa kelas satu dan dua di enam SMU di Kota Depok dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 411 orang dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari-Maret 2008.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan lebih separuh dari responden sudah memiliki perilaku pencegahan yang baik (54,5%). Variabel yang ditemukan berhubungan secara bcrmakna dcngan perilaku pencegahan adalah variabel jenis kelamin, konsep diri, tingkat pengetahuan, dukungan teman sebaya, persepsi manfaat, persepsi rintangan dan dukungan keluarga. Faktor yang dominan berhubungan adalah dukungan keluarga,jenis kelamin, dan dukungan teman sebaya.
Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah, responden yang memiliki dukungan keluarga yang baik, akan berpeluang melakukan pencegahan 2,2 kali dibandingkan responden yang rnemiliki dukungan keluarga kurang baik, responden perempuan memiliki peluang 2,0 kali untuk berperilaku pencegahan baik dibandingkan rcspondcn laki-Iaki dan responden dengan dukungan tcman sebaya yang baik berpeluang 1,9 kali untuk melakukan perilaku pencegahan dibandingkan responden yang memiliki dukungan teman sebaya kurang baik.
Disarankan kepada Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Badan Narkotika Depok dan pihak lainnya seperti LSM, komite sekolah dan keluarga bekerjasama dalam meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan terhadap penyalahgmmaan Napza antara lain dengan peningkatan pemberian informasi tentang Napza yang tepat dan benar, melalui mata pelajaran, penyuluhan, konseling, seminar, pelatihan/training of trainers siswa untuk menjadi konselor bagi teman-temannya, serta meningkatkan pengawasan terhadap pergaulan dan perilaku siswa baik disekolah maupun di rumah.

Narcotics, Psychotropics and Others Additive?s Substances (drugs), are the groups of essences that generally have may cause addicted and depended. Drugs abuse not only make physic disorder, but also mental, behavior, and public economic, Main target of drugs abuses is adolescent, it is caused adolescent is a gristle period with personality condition is still really unstable and easy effected by their social life or environmental and In so many occasions, they are so eager to try new things, including drugs abuse.
This research is performed on student first and second class in senor high school at Depok City with the purpose to know behavior preventive student to drug's abuse and its relations to socio-psycho demogtaphy factors (sex, intelligence, self concept and peer group support), perception factors (perceived of susceptibility, and seriousness, perceived of benefits and barriers) and support factors (of family, school and mass media). Data which is utilized is primary data as questionnaire through quantitative observation approach, with design cross sectional. The research perforrned on February to March 2008.
The result show that more than half of respondent has had good prevention behavior (54, 5%). Found variable concerning with variable preventive is sex variable, self concept, intelligence, peer group support, perceived of benefit, and barrier and family support (p<0,05). The dominant factor which is related was family support, sex and peer group support.
The conclusion of this research are respondent who has good family support, will get opportunity to perfomr prevention 2,l time tl1an respondent who have poor family support, female have opportunity 2,0 time to get good prevention behavior than male, and respondent with good peer group support will gets opportunity 1,9 times to do prevention than who have poor peer group support.
Suggested to Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Badan Narkotika Depok and another party as NGO, school committee and family collaborates to improves prevention behavior to drug?s abuse for example with increasing information distribution concerning about drugs clearly, through studies, counseling, seminar, training/training of trainers student to become counselor for its friend, and increases observation to their social life and behavior even at school and also at the house.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Airlangga, 2008
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Staphylococcus spp. peragi manitol merupakan flora normal kulit terbanyak dan sering bersifat multiresisten, serta dapat menjadi salah satu penyebab healthcare associated infection (HAI). Di Indonesia, data mengenai Staphylococcus spp. peragi manitol yang resisten metisilin belum tersedia. Penelitian ini bersifat retrospektif untuk mengetahui pola kepekaan dan karakteristik genotipik (mecA dan tipe SCCmec I-V) flora normal Staphylococcus spp peragi manitol yang diisolasi dari pasien ICU Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSUPNCM) tahun 2011, 2013 dan 2014. Dari 187 isolat, 15% di antaranya merupakan methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) yang sebagian besar resisten terhadap gentamisin (64,3%), klindamisin (50%), golongan fluorokuinolon (64,3-71,4%) dan tetrasiklin (57,1%). Sedangkan 55,6% merupakan Staphylococcus koagulase negatif resisten metisilin (MR-CoNS) yang sebagian besar resisten terhadap gentamisin (55%), fluorokuinolon (62,5-88,5%), eritromisin (91,3%), klindamisin (75%) dan rifampisin (82,7%). Resisten metisilin pada MRSA hampir semuanya disebabkan oleh gen mecA (96,4%), sedangkan pada MR-CoNS, gen mecA ditemukan pada 76,9% isolat. Tipe SCCmec yang paling banyak ditemukan pada kedua kelompok yaitu SCCmec tipe I. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa sebagian besar Staphylococcus spp. peragi manitol yang merupakan flora normal pasien yang dirawat di ICU RSUPNCM, merupakan pembawa gen mecA. Surveilens berkelanjutan dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui kecenderungan perubahan pola kepekaan dan pencegahan transmisi di fasilitas kesehatan.

Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters are the most abundant skin normal flora. It is frequently resistant to many drugs and could become one of the causes of the healthcare associated infection (HAI). There is no data about Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters in Indonesia yet. In this restrospective study we aim to identify the susceptibility patterns and genotypic characteristics (mecA gene and SCCmec type I-V) of normal flora Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters isolated from Intensive Care Unit patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during 2011, 2013 and 2014. This study found that 15% of 187 isolates were methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (64,3%), clindamycin (50%), fluoroquinolone (64,3-71,4%) and tetracycline (57,1%). While 55,6% of the isolates were methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus (MR-CoNS) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (55%), fluoroquinolone (62,5-88,5%), erithromycin (91,3%), clindamycin (75%) and rifampicin (82,7%). Methicillin-resistant on almost MRSA, carried mecA gene (96.4%), while in the MR-CoNS, mecA gene was found in 76.9% of all isolates. The most common SCCmec type found was SCCmec type I. Thus, mecA gene carrier Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters were found as normal flora in intensive care patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Continuous surveillance is however, necessary to determine the tendency of changing susceptibility patterns and transmission prevention in health facilities.;Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters are the most abundant skin normal flora. It is frequently resistant to many drugs and could become one of the causes of the healthcare associated infection (HAI). There is no data about Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters in Indonesia yet. In this restrospective study we aim to identify the susceptibility patterns and genotypic characteristics (mecA gene and SCCmec type I-V) of normal flora Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters isolated from Intensive Care Unit patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during 2011, 2013 and 2014. This study found that 15% of 187 isolates were methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (64,3%), clindamycin (50%), fluoroquinolone (64,3-71,4%) and tetracycline (57,1%). While 55,6% of the isolates were methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus (MR-CoNS) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (55%), fluoroquinolone (62,5-88,5%), erithromycin (91,3%), clindamycin (75%) and rifampicin (82,7%). Methicillin-resistant on almost MRSA, carried mecA gene (96.4%), while in the MR-CoNS, mecA gene was found in 76.9% of all isolates. The most common SCCmec type found was SCCmec type I. Thus, mecA gene carrier Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters were found as normal flora in intensive care patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Continuous surveillance is however, necessary to determine the tendency of changing susceptibility patterns and transmission prevention in health facilities.;Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters are the most abundant skin normal flora. It is frequently resistant to many drugs and could become one of the causes of the healthcare associated infection (HAI). There is no data about Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters in Indonesia yet. In this restrospective study we aim to identify the susceptibility patterns and genotypic characteristics (mecA gene and SCCmec type I-V) of normal flora Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters isolated from Intensive Care Unit patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during 2011, 2013 and 2014. This study found that 15% of 187 isolates were methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (64,3%), clindamycin (50%), fluoroquinolone (64,3-71,4%) and tetracycline (57,1%). While 55,6% of the isolates were methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus (MR-CoNS) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (55%), fluoroquinolone (62,5-88,5%), erithromycin (91,3%), clindamycin (75%) and rifampicin (82,7%). Methicillin-resistant on almost MRSA, carried mecA gene (96.4%), while in the MR-CoNS, mecA gene was found in 76.9% of all isolates. The most common SCCmec type found was SCCmec type I. Thus, mecA gene carrier Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters were found as normal flora in intensive care patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Continuous surveillance is however, necessary to determine the tendency of changing susceptibility patterns and transmission prevention in health facilities., Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters are the most abundant skin normal flora. It is frequently resistant to many drugs and could become one of the causes of the healthcare associated infection (HAI). There is no data about Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters in Indonesia yet. In this restrospective study we aim to identify the susceptibility patterns and genotypic characteristics (mecA gene and SCCmec type I-V) of normal flora Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters isolated from Intensive Care Unit patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital during 2011, 2013 and 2014. This study found that 15% of 187 isolates were methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (64,3%), clindamycin (50%), fluoroquinolone (64,3-71,4%) and tetracycline (57,1%). While 55,6% of the isolates were methicillin resistant coagulase negative Staphylococcus (MR-CoNS) and mostly resistant to gentamycin (55%), fluoroquinolone (62,5-88,5%), erithromycin (91,3%), clindamycin (75%) and rifampicin (82,7%). Methicillin-resistant on almost MRSA, carried mecA gene (96.4%), while in the MR-CoNS, mecA gene was found in 76.9% of all isolates. The most common SCCmec type found was SCCmec type I. Thus, mecA gene carrier Staphylococcus spp. mannitol fermenters were found as normal flora in intensive care patients of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. Continuous surveillance is however, necessary to determine the tendency of changing susceptibility patterns and transmission prevention in health facilities.]"
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lisna Prihantini
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh perilaku merokok terhadap penggunaan narkoba dan konsumsi minuman beralkohol pada remaja di Indonesia dengan menggunakan data Survei Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja Indonesia (SKRRI) 2007. Remaja pada penelitian ini adalah 18.396 remaja laki-laki dan perempuan yang belum menikah berusia 15-24 tahun saat survei. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi logistik biner untuk model pertama yaitu penggunaan narkoba regresi logistik multinomial untuk model kedua, yaitu konsumsi minuman beralkohol. Variabel bebas yang digunakan untuk kedua model adalah perilaku merokok, perilaku seksual pranikah, kelompok umur, daerah tempat tinggal, tingkat pendidikan, status bekerja, tingkat kekayaan rumah tangga, pengetahuan tentang HIV/AIDS, dan pengetahuan tentang IMS. Jenis kelamin remaja disertakan hanya dalam model kedua.
Dari hasil model pertama ditemukan bahwa perilaku merokok, perilaku konsumsi minuman beralkohol dan perilaku seksual pranikah semua memiliki pengaruhsignifikan yang kuat dan positif terhadap penggunaan narkoba. Menurut karakteristik dari remaja, mereka yang memiliki kecenderungan lebih tinggi untuk penyalahgunaan narkoba adalah yang saat ini merokok, pernah melakukan seksual pranikah, pernah mengkonsumsi alkohol, berusia 20-24 tahun, tinggal di perkotaan, tingkat pendidikan tinggi, bekerja, memiliki pengetahuan HIV/AIDS dan IMS, dan memiliki status ekonomi rendah. Untuk model konsumsi alkohol, ditemukan bahwa penyalahgunaan narkoba, perilaku merokok, dan perilaku seksual pranikah juga memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan positif pada yang tiga bulan terakhir mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol dan yang pernah mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol.

This study aims to examine the influence of smoking on drug use and alcohol consumption among adolescents in Indonesia using the 2007 Adolescent Reproductive Health Survey Indonesia (SKRRI) data of 18,396 youth in Indonesia is used. Adolescents in this study are unmarried males and females aged 15-24 years during the survey.The methods of analysis are binary logistic regression for the first model on drug use and multinomial logistic regression on the second model, which is the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Independent variables that are analyzed for both models are the smoking behavior, premarital sexual intercourse, age group, area of residence, education level, work status, household wealth index, knowledge about HIV/AIDS and knowledge about STIs. The sex of adolescents is included only in the second model.
The results of the first model show that smoking, alcoholic consumption and premarital sexual behavior all have strong positive significant effects on drug abuse. According to the characteristics of adolescents, those who have higher propensity for drug abuse are the ones who are currently smoking, ever had premarital sex, consumed alcoholic drinks, aged 20-24 years, living in urban areas, with high level of education, working, have knowledge of HIV/AIDS and STIs, and have low economic status. For drinking behavior, it is also found that drug abuse, smoking behavior, and premarital sexual behavior has a significant positive influence on consuming alcoholic beverages in the last three months and ever consumed alcoholic beverages.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evi Deviyana
"Sejak tahun 2006 terjadi penurunan angka kunjungan di RSKD Duren Sawit khususnya pasien narkoba, yang jika dilihat dari rata-rata kunjungan pasien per hari hanya 1-2 pasien napza. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memperoleh informasi mendalam mengenai perilaku pengguna jasa dan penyelenggara jasa pelayanan dalam memanfaatkan pelayanan di poliklinik napza. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam terhadap lima orang pasien, dua orang mantan pasien, dan petugas rumah sakit yang terdiri atas wakil direktur pelayanan medis, kepala instalasi rawat jalan, kepala rehabilitasi dan dokter poliklnik napza serta melakukan diskusi kelompok terarah kepada lima orang perawat dan dua orang konselor.
Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa rendahnya pemanfaatan pelayanan di poliklinik napza disebabkan oleh faktor eksternal, yaitu keberadaan BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) yang memberikan pelayanan gratis kepada pasien napza dan faktor internal yaitu sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai bagi pasien dan faktor perilaku petugas yang kurang baik dalam memberikan pelayanan Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sarana prasarana yang menunjang dan adanya perilaku petugas yang ramah dan terampil akan dapat meningkatkan kembali pemanfaatan pelayanan poliklinik napza di RSKD Duren Sawit.

Since 2006 there is a significant decline of patient visitations at Duren Sawit Mental and Drug Regional Special Hospital, especially the drug abuse patients, it is based on the average number of visitations that is only 1-2 patients per day. This research was done to find out information about the recipients and the care givers behaviour in using the services at the drug abuse policlinic. This qualitative research was done by deep interviews to five patients, two expatients, and hospital care givers that consist of vice director of medical services, head of drug abuse rehabilitation department, doctor from drug abuse policlinic, five nurses and two counselors.
The result of this research showed that the low service usage level was caused by external and internal factors. The external factor is, BNN (Badan Narkotika Nasional) that gives free care to drug abuse patients and the internal factors are, infrastructures that are not suitable for the patients need, and the care givers behaviour that are not friendly while performing their services. This research shown that suitable infrastructures, friendly and skillful care givers behaviour, might improve service usage level of the drug abuse policlinic at Duren Sawit Mental and Drug Regional Special Hospital.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siti Elly Sobariah
"Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk memeriksa obat-obat
(go-iongahtranquilizer) dan Tnetabolitnya dari urine.
Penelitian mi bertujuan untuk mencari cara isolasi dan
peniurnian yang terbaik terhadap metabolit obat dari urine.
Selain itu,"jugainenoániCara identifikasi yang cepat, sederhaiia
dan ekonomis.
Dengan métode mi urine dapat dianalisatanpa dihidrolisa
le'bih dahulu, tetapi dapat langsung diisoiasi dengan pelarut
organik (chloroform) dalamsuasana basa untuk obat-obat
yang bersifat basa dan dalam suasana asain untuk obatobat
yang bersifat asam, sedangkan untuk -pemurnian d.ilakukan
ekstraksi kembali dengan asam atau basa dengan tehnik
kertas saring.
Pada penelitian mi identifikasi metabolit obat dilakukan
denganara reaksi warna dan khromatograf I lapisan tipis.
Ternyata ekstrak yang diperoleh dari urine memberikan hacii
yang dapat ditentukan scara kwalitatif.
Disarankan pemeriksaan lebih lanjut dilakukan secara kwantitatif,
juga terhadap metabolit obat dari jaringan tubuh
lain secarakwlittif dan kwantitatifdegafl metode yang

An investigation to determine tranquilizer drugs and
their metabolites in urine has been carried out.
The objective of this investigation is to find the best method
of isolation and purification of drug metabolites in
urine, besides a rapid, simple and economical.
In this method, the urine can be analyzed without prior
Basic drugs can be isolated directly by organic solvent
(chloroform) in alkaline medium, where acid drugs in acid
medium. . . . .
Purification can be done by back-extraction with acid or
alkaline using filter paper.
In this work, identification of drug .metabolites were qualitatively
determined by colour reaction and thin layer
It is suggested to do the same method further examination
quantitatively and also to drug metabolites from other body
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 1982
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hertyn Frianka
Buah burahol bermanfaat untuk mengurangi halitosis (bau mulut) yang disebabkan oleh terbentuknya gas volatile sulfur di dalam rongga mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melakukan standardisasi ekstrak etanol buah burahol dan memformulasikan tablet hisap ekstrak etanol buah burahol. Tablet hisap ekstrak burahol ini dibuat dengan menggunakan perbedaan pemanis, yaitu sintetis (aspartame) dan alami (isomaltulosa dan manitol). Metode yang digunakan untuk mencetak tablet hisap adalah dengan metode kempa langsung. Hasil uji kadar abu, kadar abu tidak larut asam, serta kadar air ekstrak buah burahol masing-masing adalah 94,95±0,05; 0,97±0,40 ; dan 33,60±0,54%. Sementara itu, hasil uji kadar total fenol, total flavonoid, sisa logam (Pb dan Cd), dan uji sisa pelarut masing-masing adalah 7,85±0,04 gGAE/100 g sampel; 0,31±0,002%; dan tidak terdapatnya sisa logam berat maupun sisa pelarut pada ekstrak. Dari hasil uji waktu larut yang dilakukan oleh 30 orang panelis, diperoleh waktu larut paling cepat adalah 4,99±0,27 menit dengan menggunakan pemanis manitol. Hasil analisis program SPSS 17.0 dari data hasil uji kesukaan menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan bermakna antara keempat formulasi yang mengandung jenis pemanis dan konsentrasi yang berbeda dengan tingkat kesukaan panelis

The beneficial of Burahol fruit is to reduce halitosis (bad breath) caused by the formation of volatile sulfur gases in the oral cavity. The aim of these study was to standardize the ethanol extract from burahol fruit and formulated ethanol extract of fruit burahol. The troches containing standardized ethanol extract of Burahol Fruit was made using the difference of sweeteners, namely synthetic (aspartame) and natural sweeteners (isomalt and mannitol). The Method for making ethanol extract of fruit lozenges burahol is using direct compression method Determination result of ash content; the result of acid insoluble acid and the result of water of each is 94,95±0,05; 0,97±0,40; and 33,60±0,54%. Meanwhile, the result of total phenol content, total flavonoids, the rest of the metals ( Pb and Cd ), and the residual solvent testing of each is 7,85±0,04 g sample gGAE/100; 0.31±0.002%, and not presence of residual heavy metals and residual solvent in the extract. The results test of dissolving time by 30 panelists, obtained during the fastest dissolving time is 4,99±0,27 minutes using mannitol sweetener. The results of the analysis of the data SPSS 17.0 showing that there is significant difference between the four types of formulations containing different concentrations of sweeteners and the level of preference panelists."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karch, Amy M.
Philadelphia : Lippincott comp , 2001
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"A recent increase in the number of drug users particularly of heroin has been noted in the community. A cross-sectional study on the level of transaminases as a representation of liver damage in drug users was done in privated hospital in Jakarta. Exclusion criteria were fever, serious illness or the multiple use of addictive drugs based on urinary test. The hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) was examined using reverse passive hemaglunation assay (RPHA) and the antibody oh hepatitis C virus core-protein (anti-HCV) with dipstick anti-HCV. AST and ALT levels were determined using an automatic chemical analyzer. Of 132 patients who fulfill the criteria, 83,5% were injection drug users (IDU). Means AST and ALT were significantly higher in IDU. Anti-HCV positive patients with increased AST and ALT were significantly higher compared to anti-HCV negative. The increase of transaminase was also consistent in injection drug users although no viral maker could be detected. In conclusion, the examination of transaminases in drug users especially IDU is important besides tests for hepatitis viral markers because there is often an increase with or without viral infection and this can be associated with hepatocellular damage. "
The Indonesian Journal of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Digestive Endoscopy Vol 2 (1) April 2001: 1-4, 2001
IJGH-2-1-Apr 2001-1
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Welly Pinuri
"Meskipun provinsi DKI Jakarta menjadi provinsi yang paling tinggi angka prevalensinya dengan jumlah penyalahguna sebesar 364.174 jiwa dari jumlah penduduk DKI Jakarta yang berusia 10 ? 59 tahun, namun merujuk penelitian sebelumnya yang dilakukan ditahun 2011 angka prevalensi provinsi DKI Jakarta 7.01%, ditahun 2014 mengalami penurunan menjadi 4.74%. Patut diduga faktor-faktor penunjang keberhasilan penurunan prevalensi dikarenakan salah satunya upaya rahabilitasi penyalahguna narkoba ke tempat rehabilitasi melalui peningkatan peran aktif masyarakat. Dari penjelasan di atas menjadi dasar pemikiran untuk meneliti mekanisme pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam rehabilitasi pecandu yang ada di Jakarta, khususnya untuk daerah yang dikenal rawan penyalahgunaan narkoba seperti Kampung Bali.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini pertama untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pendekatan yang dilakukan penjangkau dan masalah yang dihadapi. Kedua, untuk mengetahui dan meganalisis mekanisme kerjasama antara BNN dengan ORC (Kambalcare) dan petugas penjangkau dalam membangun sinergi.
Dengan mengacu kepada teori intercultural communication oleh Everett M.Rogers dan Thomas M.Steinfatt dapat dianalisa pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh petugas penjangkau dalam melakukan penjangkauan. Dan teori Bruce K Berger dan Bran H Reber tentang tipe-tipe sumber daya yang berpengaruh masuk kedalam tipe relational untuk menganalisa mekanisme kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan ORC dan petugas penjangkau.
Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif degan penulisan deskriptif analitif, akan meneliti mekanisme pelibatan partisipasi masyarakat dalam rehabilitasi pecandu.
Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan, bahwa dalam melakukan pendekatan yang dilakukan oleh pejangkau dibutuhkan teknik negosiasi dan teknik komunikasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristk pecandunya agar bisa diterima oleh komunitas candu. Ditemukan bahwa mekanisme kerjasama antara pemerintah dengan ORC dan petugas penjangkau masih belum optimal. Adanya gap karena tidak ada sinkronisasi visi dan misi dalam mencapai tujuan berrama.

Eventhough Jakarta has the highest provincial prevalence number for drug abusers(estimated 364,174 people of DKI Jakarta population aged 10-59 years old), in 2014 this number has decreased comparing to previous studies in 2011,from 7.01% to4.74%.One successful factorthat contribute to the decrease ofprevalence numberis the enhancement of social intervention on the rehabilitation of drug abusers.This has become the base to make study about the mechanism of social intervention on the rehabilitation drug abusers in prone area of drug abuse in Jakarta such as Kampung Bali.
The purposes of this study are, FIRST is to determine and analyze what kind of approach that the outreach workers done and what kind of problems do they faced, SECOND is to determine and analyze the cooperation between goverment (BNN), ORC (Kambalcare) and outreach workers.
Referencing to the theory of intercultural communication by M.Rogers Everett and Thomas M.Steinfatt, it can be analyzed what kind of approach that the outreach workers done on the rehabilitation of drug abusers,and the theory by Bruce K Berger and Bryan H Reber on the types of resources included into relational type to analyze the mechanism of the cooperation between government (BNN), ORC (Kambalcare) and outreach workers.
By using qualitative method, this study will analyze the mechanism of social intervention on the rehabilitation drug abusers.
From this study, it was found that certain negotiation and communication techniques is needed for being acceptable with drug abusers community.It was also found that there are some gap between government (BNN), ORC and outreach workers on doing the cooperation,there is no synchronize between vision and mission to achieve common goal.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sitty Jewuskadara
"Penelitian dalam tesis ini berfokus pada dasar dasar dibentuknya aturan wajib lapor bagi penyalah guna narkotika dilihat dari perspektif ketahanan nasional. Penanganan masalah narkotika selama ini kurang memperhatikan hak penyalah guna akan aspek kesehatan untuk selanjutnya mendapatkan akses rehabilitasi. Program wajib lapor pecandu narkotika yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah no 25 tahun 2011, merupakan turunan dari Undang undang 35 tahun 2009 tentang narkotika mengatur tentang kewajiban pecandu narkotika untuk melaporkan diri untuk mendapatkan rehabilitasi. Salah satu tujuan dari program ini adalah upaya dekriminalisasi terhadap penyalah guna narkotika agar penatalaksanaannya secara hukum dapat dibedakan dengan pengedar maupun bandar. Desain yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode wawancara dan pengamatan, menunjukkan kondisi pelaksanaan program wajib lapor dengan berbagai hambatan dalam pelaksanaannya.

The research in this thesis focuses on the basic foundation of the formulation of reporting rules for narcotics abuse seen from the perspective of national resilience. So far, management of substance abuse has been addressing less consideration over the patient 39 s health related right and further had access to rehabilitation. The mandatory reporting program for narcotics addicts set forth in Government Regulation No. 25 of 2011, is derived from Law 35 of 2009 on narcotics governing the duty of narcotics addicts to report themselves for rehabilitation.One of the objectives of the program is the decriminalization of narcotics abusers so that their management can be legally distinguished from dealers and dealers. The design used is qualitative descriptive with the method of interview and observation, indicating the condition of program implementation must report with various obstacles in its implementation."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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