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"Pembangunan kesehatan masyarakat Indonesia dilakukan dalam keseluruhan proses kehidupan mulai dalam kandungan sampai usia lanjut. Indonesia sebagai negara berkembang, walaupun sedang dilanda krisis di segala bidang, sudah sepantasnya tetap mempertahankan generasi penerus agar tetap sehat dan handal. Kesehatan gigi, sebagai bagian integral dari kesehatan manusia seutuhnya juga berperan dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan produktivitas sumber daya manusia. Kesehatan gigi memang bukan masalah utama, namun apabila gigi anak mengalami kerusakan, sudah pasti anak mengalami gangguan 'intake' makanan.
Kunjungan anak sedini mungkin ke klinik gigi puskesmas merupakan salah satu contoh perilaku orang tua yang memperhatikan masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut, dalam hal ini posisi seorang ibu sangat menentukan perilaku pencarian pengobatan untuk anaknya.
Departemen kesehatan RI mentargetkan kunjungan anak balita dan prasekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas adalah 50 % dari kunjungan anak balita dan prasekolah ke klinik KIA puskesmas. Berdasarkan data yang ada, dari 20 puskesmas di wilayah Kota Pontianak pada tahun 1999, baru 5 puskesmas yang mencapai target tersebut, selebihnya sebanyak 15 puskesmas masih jauh dari pencapaian target tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berhubungan dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak.
Menurut teori Green, faktor-faktor yang merupakan penyebab perilaku dibedakan dalam tiga jenis yaitu faktor predisposisi, faktor pemungkin (enabling) dan faktor penguat (reinforcing). Dalam penelitian ini, faktor predisposisi yang ingin dilihat adalah keadaan sosiodemografi ibu, yaitu umur, pendidikan, pekerjaan, pengalaman ibu berobat gigi, sikap dan pengetahuan ibu terhadap kesehatan gigi dan mulut anaknya. Faktor pemungkin adalah persepsi ibu terhadap jarak menuju puskesmas, sedangkan penyuluhan kesehatan gigi yang pernah diterima ibu adalah faktor penguat. Metode penelitian ini adalah cross-sectional, dengan jumlah responden 165 yang berasal dari 4 wilayah puskesmas di Kota Pontianak.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pekerjaan ibu merupakan satu-satunya faktor yang mempunyai hubungan dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak. Hampir semua (90,1%) responden belum pernah menerima penyuluhan tentang kesehatan gigi dan mulut.
Oleh karena hanya pekerjaan ibu yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas, maka disarankan agar pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut diberikan melalui kegiatan posyandu, arisan dan kegiatan pengajian pada ibu-ibu yang tidak bekerja, di samping kepada anak balita/pra-sekolahnya sendiri melalui kegiatan upaya kesehatan gigi sekolah di Taman Kanak-kanak.
Untuk meningkatkan kunjungan ke klinik gigi puskesmas, koordinasi antara klinik gigi dan klinik KIA di puskesmas dalam penanganan pasien anak balita dan pra-sekolah perlu ditingkatkan. Selain itu saran yang menunjang pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut di puskesmas perlu ditingkatkan, di samping perlu adanya supervisi dan bimbingan teknis secara rutin. Untuk meningkatkan cakupan kunjungan anak balita dan pra-sekolah ke klinik gigi puskesmas di Kota Pontianak, perlu diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigi bagi kader posyandu, sehingga mereka dapat mempromosikannya pada ibu-ibu balita pengunjung posyandu yang rata-rata tidak bekerja.

The Factors that Regarding With Under Five and Pre-School Children Visited to Dental Clinic of Public Health Centers at Pontianak City at the year 2000The development of Indonesian community healthy is doing to the whole process of live starting from the pregnancy until the continued ages. Indonesia as development country, even having in every circumstances, is ought to defend the future generation to stay health and reliable. Dental health, as an integral part from the totality human health too that have part to increase the quality and productivity of human sources. The dental health is not an important problem after all, but if the children teeth have damaging, the children surely have the food intake disturbance.
The children visited as soon as possible to the dental clinic of the public health center is represent one sample of parent behavior that concerning the teeth and mouth health problem, in this problem a mother position is very decided to the kind of way for their children medication.
The Ministry of Health of Indonesia targeting the visiting of under five and pre-school children to the dental clinic of the public health center is 50% from the visiting of under five and pre-school children to the mother and child health clinic of public health center. Based on the data that exist, from 20 public health centers at Pontianak city area at the year 1999, only 5 public health centers reached that target. This research purpose to know any factors that related with the under five and pre-school children visited to the dental clinic of public health center of Pontianak city.
According to the Green theory, the factor of the behavior cause is classified to three kinds of factors that is predisposing factor, enabling factor and reinforcing factor. In this research, predisposing factor that wanted to see is the condition of mother sosiodemograph, that is age, education, profession, mother experience having teeth medication, attitude and mother knowledge about teeth and mouth health of their children. The enabling factor is mother perception about the distance to the public health center, and information about dental health that mother ever accepts is the reinforcing factor. The method of this research is cross sectional, with totally 165 respondents that came from 4 different area of public health center at Pontianak city. Almost all (90, 1%) respondent never accept information about teeth and mouth healthy.
There for the mother profession that had an important relation with the visited of children under five and pre-school children to the dental clinic of the public health center, so it suggested the information about the teeth and mouth health is giving by the activity of Posyandu, a saving club and the religious recitation activity on not working mother, beside that to the children under five and pre-school children having the dental health activity at the kindergarten.
To increase the visiting to the dental clinic of public health center, the coordination between the dental clinic and mother and child clinic at the public health center in handling children under five children patient and pre-school children needed to increase. Besides that the material that supporting the dental health service at the public health service needed to be increase, beside needed the realization of the supervision and the technical guide intensifies. To increase snatch of the under five and pre-school children visiting to the dental health clinic of the public health center at Pontianak city, needed to give the teeth healthy training to the Posyandu cadre, so they can promoted to the baby under five mothers that equally not working.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Yoan Christine
"Kesehatan gigi dan mulut menjadi salah satu faktor kesehatan penting dan berhubungan erat dengan kualitas hidup seseorang. Hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) 2018 menunjukkan 57,6% populasi di Indonesia memiliki masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut, dan hanya 10,2% yang menerima perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut (Kemenkes RI 2018). Dokter Gigi di Fasilitas Kesehatan Tingkat Pertama (FKTP) mempunyai peran penting dalam usaha pencegahan, promosi dan pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut. Sejak dimulainya program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) jumlah klinik dokter gigi yang bekerjasama dengan BPJS Kesehatan meningkat cukup pesat di seluruh Indonesia. Namun hal ini sangatlah kontras dengan dokter gigi di Jakarta, dimana dari data Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial (BPJS) BPJS Online didapatkan hanya 1 praktik dokter gigi saja yang bekerja sama dengan BPJS Kesehatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa faktor faktor apa saja yang melatarbelakangi kurang antusiasnya respon dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta untuk bekerja sama dengan BPJS Kesehatan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan 115 responden dokter gigi di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Data dianalisis secara univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor sikap (p value 0,002) berhubungan erat dengan respon dokter gigi di DKI Jakarta untuk bekerjasama dengan BPJS Kesehatan. Disarankan kepada BPJS Kesehatan untuk meningkatkan sosialisasi program kerjasama dengan dokter gigi, reevaluasi pembiayaan kapitasi dokter gigi dan melibatkan dokter gigi yang aktif berpraktik dalam penyusunan program kerjasama di masa yang akan datang.

Dental and oral health is an important health factor and is closely related to any person's quality of life. The Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 revealed that 57,6% of Indonesian population suffered from dental and oral health related problems, and only 10,2% received dental and oral health services (Kemenkes RI 2018). Dentists at the first level health facilities (FKTP) play important role in the prevention, promotion and service delivery of dental and oral health. Since the beginning of the National Health Insurance program (JKN), the number of dental clinics that cooperate with BPJS increased steadily all over Indonesia. However, this is in contrast with dentists in Jakarta as from the data shared in BPJS Online, only one dental practice is in cooperation with BPJS. This research aims to analyse factors that lead to the lack of enthusiasm of dentists in the capital city of Jakarta to cooperate with BPJS. This research is a quantitative research based on 115 responses from dentists practicing in DKI Jakarta. Data was analysed with univariat, bivariat and multivariat. This research revealed that attitude factor (p value 0,002) is closely related to the response of dentists practicing in DKI Jakarta to cooperate with BPJS. It is advisable that BPJS should increase their socialization effort to improve the cooperation level with dentists, should re-evaluate dental services financing and should involve active dentists in developing future cooperative plan."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Carolina Ayu Rahmawati
Tujuan: mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi SDF (Silver Diamine Fluoride) dan pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut terhadap peningkatan kualitas hidup murid PAUD Banjar tahun 2014. Metode: Studi longitudinal dengan mengevaluasi karies gigi anak sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi SDF pada murid usia 5-6 tahun yang memiliki karies dentin aktif. Memberikan kuesioner perilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut kepada orang tua dan guru. Hasil:evaluasi 6 bulan menunjukkan karies terhenti 85,9%, 96,1% orang tua berperilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut baik, dan 100% guruberperilaku kesehatan gigi dan mulut baik. Kesimpulan: SDF efektif meningkatkan kualitas hidup anak melalui penghentian karies aktif dalam waktu 6 bulan.

Objective: know the effect of SDF (Silver Diamine Fluoride) application and oral health education towards quality of life enhancement of kindergarten students.Method: Longitudinal study by evaluate childhood caries before and after SDF application on 5-6 years old students who had active dentin caries. Oral health behavior questionnaires filled by parent’s and teacher’s subject.Results: 85,9% caries arrested after 6 months evaluation, 96,1% parents have a good oral health behavior, and 100% teachers have good oral health behavior. Conclusion: SDF effective on increasing child’s quality of life by arresting active caries on 6 months."
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hafshah Samrotul Mahabbah
Tujuan: Mengetahui hubungan antara status kesehatan gigi terhadap kualitas hidup anak usia 5 tahun menggunakan Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Metode: studi analitik korelatif dan komparatif dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan kuisioner SOHO-5c dan pemeriksaan skor def-t pada 100 anak di TKIT As-Sa?adah dan TKIT Buah Hati, serta uji realiabilitas dan validitas kuisioner SOHO-5c. Hasil: Reliabilitas internal dan eksternal SOHO-5c (Cronbach?s alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Tingkat pendidikan ibu memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan status kesehatan gigi (p=0,02), status kesehatan gigi memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan kualitas hidup anak (p=0,01). Korelasi positif bermakna antara SOHO-5c dengan precieved oral health dan SOHO-5c dengan skor total def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Kesimpulan: Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara tingkat pendidikan ibu dengan status kesehatan gigi anak dan kualitas hidup anak (SOHO-5c), serta status kesehatan gigi anak dengan kualitas hidup anak (SOHO-5c).
Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c).;Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother?s education level with child dental health status and child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child?s quality of life (SOHO-5c)., Objective: To determine the relationship between dental health status and quality of life of 5 years old children using Scale of Oral Health Outcomes for Five Year-Old (SOHO-5c). Methods: correlative and comparative analytic study with cross sectional study design using SOHO-5c questionnaires and oral examination with def-t scores on 100 children in TKIT As-Sa'adah and TKIT Buah Hati, reliability and validity test of SOHO-5c questionnaire. Results: Internal and external reliability of SOHO-5c (Cronbach's alpha=0,713 dan ICC=0,995). Mother's education level has a significant relationship with dental health status (p=0,02), dental health status has a significant relationship with child's quality of life (p=0,01). A significant positive correlation between the SOHO-5c with precieved oral health and SOHO-5c with total score def-t (r=0,48; r=0,47). Conclusion: there is a significant correlation between mother’s education level with child dental health status and child’s quality of life (SOHO-5c), as well as dental health status of children with the child’s quality of life (SOHO-5c).]"
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edlyn Dwiputri
"Dental black stain adalah diskolorasi eksternal oleh suatu substansi eksogen berpigmentasi gelap dalam bentuk garis atau titik-titik hitam yang sejajar dengan tepi gingiva dan melekat erat pada 1/3 servikal mahkota gigi permukaan labial/bukal, lingual/palatal dan menyebar ke proksimal. Perilaku ibu yang terdiri dari pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan ibu mengenai kesehatan gigi dicurigai mempengaruhi tingkat keparahan dental black stain. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan perilaku ibu mengenai kesehatan gigi dengan tingkat keparahan dental black stain. Subjek penelitian adalah 21 anak dengan dental black stain berusia 4-8 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perilaku ibu dengan tingkat keparahan dental black stain memiliki hubungan tidak bermakna.

Dental black stain is an external discoloration caused by an exogenous substance dark pigmented in the form of a black line or dots and firmly attached on cervical third of crown teeth on labial/buccal, lingual/palatal and spread into proximal. Mother's dental health behaviour that is consist mother's knowledge, attitudes and actions suspected of affecting the severity of dental black stain in children. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship of Mother's dental health behavior with the severity of dental black stain in children's age 4-8 years. Subjects are 21 children aged 4-8 years old with dental black stain. The results showed that there were no significant relation between mother's dental health behavior and the severity of dental black stain."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syifa Alfi Maziyah
Tujuan : Mengetahui perbedaan perilaku menyikat gigi pada anak usia 10-11 tahun
setelah mendapatkan pendidikan kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan dan tanpa metode
teach-back. Metode : studi analitik komparatif yang dilakukan dengan pengisian
kuesioner perilaku (pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan), pemeriksaan indeks plak, dan
observasi keterampilan menyikat gigi pada anak usia 10 ? 11 tahun di Sekolah Dasar
Negeri Kukusan. Hasil : Pada minggu ketiga, terjadi peningkatan skor pengetahuan,
sikap, tindakan, penurunan indeks plak, dan peningkatan keterampilan menyikat gigi
yang bermakna pada kelompok intervensi. Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol,
peningkatan bermakna hanya pada domain sikap. Perbedaan bermakna antara kedua
kelompok ini hanya pada perubahan indeks plak. Kesimpulan : tidak ada perbedaan
bermakna pada perilaku antara kelompok yang diberikan pendidikan kesehatan gigi
dan mulut dengan dan tanpa metode teach-back
Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged
10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-back
method. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioral
questionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, tooth
brushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the State
Elementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significant
difference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaque
index, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the control
group, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differences
between the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significant
difference in behavior between the group given dental health education with and
without the teach-back method.;Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged
10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-back
method. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioral
questionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, tooth
brushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the State
Elementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significant
difference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaque
index, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the control
group, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differences
between the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significant
difference in behavior between the group given dental health education with and
without the teach-back method., Objective: To determine the differences in tooth brushing behavior in children aged
10-11 years after getting dental health education with and without the teach-back
method. Methods: comparative analytical studies conducted by behavioral
questionnaires (knowledge, attitudes and actions), examination of plaque index, tooth
brushing and observation skills in children aged 10-11 years old at the State
Elementary School Kukusan. Results: In the third week, there are significant
difference in improvement score of knowledge, attitude, action, reduction in plaque
index, and tooth brushing skills in the intervention group. Whereas in the control
group, increased significantly only in the domain of attitude. Significant differences
between the two groups is only on plaque index changes. Conclusion: No significant
difference in behavior between the group given dental health education with and
without the teach-back method.]"
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Retno Anggraeny
"Semen ionomer kaca (SIK) pit and fissure sealantsdapat mengalamipenurunan kekerasan permukaan ketika terpapar kondisi pH kritis (5.5). Hal tersebut dapat dicegah dengan pemberian ion kalsium fosfat yang dapat ditemukan pada CPP-ACP. Saat ini, CPP-ACP dapat dikombinasikan dengan propolis yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkansifat antibakteri, tetapi penambahanpropolis diketahui mengurangi pelepasan ion kalsium dan fosfat dari CPP-ACP. Akan tetapi, belum diketahui efek pengaplikasian CPP-ACPyang dikombinasikan denganpropolis terhadap kekerasan permukaan SIK pit and fissuresealants.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan pengaruh aplikasi CPP-ACP dengan dan tanpa kombinasi propolis terhadap kekerasan permukaan SIKpit and fissure sealantssetelah perendaman dalam asam laktat pH 5.5.
Metode:Tiga puluh spesimenSIK pit and fissure sealantsdibuat dalam bentuk silinder dengan diameter 6 mm dan tinggi 3 mm, kemudian dibiarkan dalam inkubator selama 24 jam. Spesimen diuji kekerasan permukaan awalnya, lalu spesimen dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok, yaitu tanpa CPP-ACP,diaplikasikan CPP-ACP, dan diaplikasikan CPP-ACP propolis. Spesimen yang diaplikasikanCPP-ACP atau CPP-ACP propolis didiamkan selama 30 menit di dalam inkubator. Masing-masing spesimen direndam dalam asam laktat pH 5.5 selama 24 jam. Setelah itu, dilakukankembali uji kekerasan permukaan akhir. Uji kekerasan permukaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Vickers Hardness Tester dengan indenter Knoopyang dijejaskan dengan beban 50g selama 15 detik 5 kali di 5 lokasi yang berbeda pada permukaan spesimen, kemudiandiambil nilai rata-ratanya untuk merepresentasikan seluruh permukaan spesimen. Data dianalisa menggunakan One-Way ANOVAdan Post Hoc Bonferroni.
Hasil: Kekerasan awal seluruh spesimenadalah84.87±0.85 KHN dan setelah diberi perlakuan, kekerasan permukaankelompok spesimen yang tanpa CPP-ACP menjadi 37.56±0.70 KHN, spesimen diaplikasikan CPP-ACP menjadi 72.32±0.69 KHN, dan spesimen diaplikasikan CPP-ACP propolis menjadi 55.12±1.30 KHN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi penurunan kekerasan permukaan yangbermakna (p<0.05) pada kekerasan permukaan sebelum dan setelah perendaman pada setiap kelompok dan terdapat perbedaan bermakna (p<0.05) pada kekerasan permukaan antar kelompok.
Kesimpulan: Pengaplikasian CPP-ACP propolis pada SIK pit and fissure sealantsmenyebabkan penurunan kekerasan yang lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang hanya diaplikasikan CPP-ACP.

Glass ionomer cement (GIC) pit and fissure sealants may have decreasedthesurface hardnessat critical pH (5.5)conditionand can beprevented by giving calcium phosphate ionswhich werefound in CPP-ACP.Recently, CPP-ACP can be combined with propolis which aims to improve antibacterial properties, butprevious study showed that the addition of propolis canreduce the release of calcium and phosphate ions from CPP-ACP. However, the effect of CPP-ACP propolis is not yet known on the surface hardness of GIC pit and fissure sealants.
Objectives: To comparethe effect of CPP ACP paste with and without propolis towards surface hardness of GIC pit and fissure sealants when immersed in lactic acid pH 5.5.
Methods: A total of 30 cylindrical specimens of GIC pit and fissure sealants were set in incubator for 24hours. Initial surface hardness value of each specimen was measured, then specimens weredivided into three groups; without CPP-ACP, applied with CPP-ACP, and applied with CPP-ACP propolis. Specimens applied with CPP-ACP or CPP-ACP propolis werekeptfor30minutes in the incubator. Specimens were immersed in lactic acid pH 5.5 for 24 hours and their surface hardness were re-measured. Surface hardnesswere determined using Vickers hardness Tester with Knoopindenter with 50 g weight for 15 seconds 5 timesondifferent points and the mean value were measured to represent the entire surface of specimen. Statistical analysis of the results was then performed usingOne Way ANOVA and Post Hoc BonferroniTest.
Results: Initial surface hardness of all specimens resulted in 84.87±0.85KHN.After immersion, specimens without CPP-ACP resulted in 37.56±0.70 KHN, specimensappliedwith CPP-ACPresulted in 72.32±0.69 KHN, and specimensappliedwith CPP-ACP propolisresulted in 55.12±1.30 KHN. The results showed significantdecrease in surface hardness (p<0.05) before and after immersionin each group and there were significant differences (p<0.05) on surface hardness betweengroups.
Conclusions:Application of CPP-ACP propolis towards GIC pit and fissure sealants caused greater reduction in surface hardness compared with application of CPP-ACP.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Annastasia Dinny S.
"Kecemasan gigi merupakan respon rasa cemas pasien terhadap hal yangberhubungan dengan bidang kedokteran gigi dikarenakan kurangnya edukasitentang kesehatan gigi mulut sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah saatpemeriksaan gigi mulut. Tunanetra adalah istilah umum yang digunakan untukkondisi seseorang yang mengalami gangguan atau hambatan dalam inderapenglihatan sehingga mempengaruhi kemampuan mereka dalam memperolehedukasi tentang kesehatan gigi mulut, memiliki kecemasan yang tinggi dan statuskesehatan gigi mulut yang rendah.Tujuan: Memberikan edukasi kesehatan gigi mulut pada anak tunanetramenggunakan leaflet-dental-braille LDB dan audio-dental AD untukmengurangi kecemasan dental Disain penelitian: adalah studi eksperimental klinisVariabel yang dihubungkan adalah tingkat kecemasan dental setelah LDB padaanak tunanetra serta tingkat kecemasan dental setelah AD pada anak tunanetra.Kuisioner untuk mengukur tingkat kecemasan menggunakan Modified Dentalanxiety Scale MDAS yang diubah menjadi huruf brailleHasil:uji T test tidak berpasangan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermaknatingkat kecemasan dental pada anak tunanetra setelah mendapat edukasi denganmetode AD p0.05 Disimpulkan bahwa menguji keefektifan alatLDB dan AD sebagai metode edukasi non tatap muka tentang kesehatan gigi mulutanak tunanetra dengan indikator tes kecemasan dental.

Dental anxiety is patient rsquo s anxious response to dentistry due to lack of educationabout dental health care therefore causing problems while doing dental check up.Visually impairment is a common term for individual who has disturbance orobstacle of sense of sight which influence the ability to obtain dental healtheducation, Aim this individual also having high anxiety and low dental healthstatus. Leaflet dental braille LDB and audio dental AD are tools to approachvisually impaired child to facilitate dental health education. Method clinicalexperimental study. The variables are dental anxiety level after LDB and AD invisually impaired child. Questionnaire that is used to measure dental anxiety isModified Dental Anxiety Scale MDAS in braille letter. Result Unpaired T teststatistical analysis showed significance difference of dental anxiety in visuallyimpaired children after receiving dental health education using MD method p0.05 . In conclusion, effectiveness test on LDB and AD toolsas a non face to face education method for visually impaired children in receivingdental health education with dental anxiety as indicator."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triana Wahyu Saputri
"Media diperlukan untuk membantu proses pembelajaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek penggunaan aplikasi DHESTA dan flipchart sebagai media edukasi dilihat dari peningkatan dan retensi pengetahuan. Pada 30 siswa SD N Menteng 01 dan 30 siswa SD N Menteng 02 diberi tes pra perlakuan menggunakan kuesioner kemudian tiap kelompok diberi edukasi menggunakan media yang berbeda. Tes paska perlakuan dilakukan 20 menit, 1 hari, 6 hari, dan 14 hari setelah perlakuan.
Hasil menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna peningkatan pengetahuan (p = 0,000) dan penurunan retensi pengetahuan (p = 0,05) pada kedua kelompok. Aplikasi DHESTA menghasilkan peningkatan pengetahuan yang lebih rendah namun retensi pengetahuan yang dihasilkan lebih baik daripada flipchart.

Media is needed to assist the learning process. The research aimed to determine the effects of using DHESTA application and flipchart as seen from the increase of knowledge and knowledge retention. 30 student of SD N Menteng 01 and 30 SD N Menteng 02 were given a pre-test questionnaire and then each group was given dental health education using different media. Then post-test given 20 minutes, 1 day, 6 days, and 14 days after learning.
The results showed there were significant differences in the increase of knowledge (p = 0.000) and decrease retention of knowledge (p = 0.05) in both groups. DHESTA application can increase knowledge lower than flipchart however knowledge retention is better.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rizki Amalia
"ECC merupakan penyakit infeksi multifaktorial dapat ditransmisikan secara vertikal dan horizontal, menyebabkan kolonisasi S. mutans pada anak. Menganalisis potensi transmisi horizontal serta hubungan faktor sosioekonomi keluarga dan pengetahuan ibu mengenai perilaku kesehatan gigi anak terhadap ECC. Metode. Cross-sectional pada 33 anak menggunakan kuesioner, pemeriksaan klinis dan laboratorium. Tidak terdapat hubungan pengalaman ECC terhadap faktor sosioekonomi dan pengetahuan ibu. Tidak terdapat pasangan sampel dengan level ekspresi gen gtfB, gtfC dan gtfD yang sama. Terdapat 16 sampel yang mengekspresikan tiga gen tersebut. Simpulan. Terdapat potensi transmisi horizontal, tetapi tidak ditemukan transmisi horizontal karena tidak ada kontak saliva dan tingkat pengetahuan ibu baik.

ECC is multifactorial infectious disease can be transmitted vertically or horizontally that cause colonization of S. mutans in children. Analyze potential horizontal transmission and relation socioeconomic factor and mother’s knowledge of child’s oral health behavior with ECC experience. Method. Cross-sectional in 33 children using questionnaire, clinical and laboratory examination. There is no relation of ECC history between socioeconomic factor and mother’s knowledge. No pair sample with same gene expression level of gtfB, gtfC, and gtfD. 16 samples express three genes. Conclusion. There is potential horizontal transmission, but not found because no salivary contact and good level of mother’s knowledge."
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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