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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Khairul Fahmi
"Integrasi kawasan pusat kota antara tata guna lahan dan sistem transportasi diperlukan guna mengurangi pergerakan kendaraan pribadi ke plan area. Untuk mensinergikan pengembangan Kawasan Sudirman Kota Pekanbaru dimana banyak terdapat titik persinggungan rute angkutan umum dan juga berdirinya pusat-pusat komersial, kantor pemerintahan dan swasta serta pusat palayanan masyarakat maka di gunakan desain Transit Oriented Development. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan kriteria dan konsep penataan Kawasan Sudirman Kota Pekanbaru yang berorientasi pada Transit Oriented Development.
Pendekatan penelitian studi kasus ini digunakan dengan studi literatur, wawancara dan analisis. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi literatur, kuisioner, dan wawancara mendalam kepada para responden guna mencapai tujuan penelitian. Dari data yang telah diperoleh, dilakukan tahap analisa data. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisa statistik dasar (elementary statistic analysis), meliputi deskripsi dan proporsi.
Secara spesifik penelitian ini menekankan bahwa perencanaan Kawasan Sudirman harus mempertimbangkan jalur pejalan kaki yang aman, nyaman, jarak dan waktu tempuh. Sebagian besar warga (77.12%) menyatakan bersedia berjalan kaki jika pedestrian aman, nyaman dan jarak pencapaian titik transit dalam waktu 5 menit. Konsep perencanaan dibutuhkan untuk menentukan arah perencanaan kawasan Sudirman Kota Pekanbaru yang berbasis transit dengan memper-timbangkan kondisi kawasan serta memperhitungkan kondisi tata guna lahan, tata massa bangunan, konsep sirkulasi dan parkir, konsep pedestrian dan juga konsep ruang terbuka hijau. Peningkatan intensitas kawasan, mengaktifkan area komersial dan mengoptimalkan fungsi area pendukung serta menciptakan sinergi antara pengembangan lahan dan sistem transportasi akan mampu meningkatkan mutu kawasan.

The integration of the downtown between area order and transportation system is needed to reduce the personal vehicle movement to the plan area. To synergize the developing of the Sudirman area in Pekanbaru which has many contacting spots of the transportation route, commercial center, government and private office, and public service center, Transit Oriented Development design is used. This research has a goal to formulate the criteria and concept of arrangement of the Sudirman area in Pekanbaru which oriented on Transit Oriental Development.
This case study research uses an approach with a literature study, interview, and analysis. The process of the data collection use literature study, questionnaire, and deep interview to the respondents. Deep interview is used in order to reach the goal of the research. From the data that was acquired, the phase of data analysis is undertaken. The analysis that is used is elementary statistic analysis, including of description and proportion.
Specifically, this research wants to emphasize that the planning of the Sudirman area has to consider about the safety, pleasantness, and the distance of the pedestrian line. Most of the people (77, 12%) declaring that they ready to walk if the pedestrian line is safe, comfortable, and the distance to the transit spot is only about five minutes. The concept of arrangement is needed to determine the direction of the arrangement of Sudirman area in Pekanbaru which based on transit by considering the condition of the area, land area order, mass building order, park and circulation concept, pedestrian concept, and green available area concept. By improving the area, activate the commercial area, optimize the function of supporting area, and make a synergy between the developing area and the transportation system will improve the quality of the area."
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sutanto Soehodho
"Makalah ini mencoba mengembangkan suatu konsep yang memanfaatkan proses penalaran manusia pada komputer dalam penentuan rute terpendek dari suatu jaringan transportasi. Proses ini diilustrasikan pada contoh dimana seseorang pemakai kendaraan umum (misal kereta api, bus) yang akan melakukan perjalanan dari suatu titik asal ke suatu titik tujuan. Dengan mempelajari peta akan melakukan perjalanan dari suatu titik asal ke suatu titik tujuan. Dengan mempelajari peta jaringan angkutan umum, maka biasanya ia akan dapat menentukan rute terpendek dalam menempuh perjalanana tersebut, Dengan aplikasi tersebut hasil rute terpendek yang terpilih cukup mendekati rute yang optimal dengan waktu penentuan yang cukkup singkat. Konsep penalaran yang demikian dapat dipilah menjadi 4 tahapan : a) pengenalan jaringan transportasi b) penyederhanaan bentuk jaringan c) pelacakan rute terpendek pada jaringan sederhana d) pelacakan rute terpendek pada jaringan sebenarnya dengan memanfaatkan rute sementara pada tahap. Sejalan dengan penalaran untuk dapat diimplementasikan ke dalam bentuk program komputer dan algoritma yang dikembangkan untuk menentukan rute dari satu simpul asal ke banyajk simpul tujuan, bila diimplementasikan pada komputer berbasis paralel prosessor. Juga perlu dikembangkan suatu tahapan yang dapat mentransformasikan suatu bentuk jaringan yang direpresentasikan oleh simpul ruas dan kinerja ruas ke bentuk jaringan dengan besaran koordinat."
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Limbong, Boy Jhoustroy
"Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi Sistem Pengendalian Intern Pemerintah (SPIP) dan menganalisis kelemahan ataupun kendala, serta bagaimana pelaksanaan sistem pengendalian intern tersebut dapat mendukung pencapaian kinerja pada Puslitbang Transportasi Udara. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis secara kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan pengendalian intern telah memenuhi Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 60 Tahun 2008. Namun, proses pengawasan, evaluasi berkelanjutan dan pendokumentasian belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Kelemahan unsur SPIP terletak pada lingkungan pengendalian, kegiatan pengendalian dan proses manajemen risiko. Hal tersebut sejalan dengan hasil temuan audit yang dilakukan oleh BPK dan Itjen. SPIP dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam mendukung tercapainya target kinerja yang ditetapkan, karena SPIP memastikan setiap aktivitas berjalan secara efisien dan efektif sehingga mendukung pencapaian kinerja

This study aims to evaluate the Government's Internal Control System (SPIP) and analyze weaknesses or obstacles, as well as how the implementation of the internal control system can support the performance achievement at the Air Transportation Research and Development Center. A descriptive method of qualitative analysis is applied in the research using a case study approach. The result of this study shows that the internal control has met the Regulation of the Government Regulation Number 60 of 2008 criteria. However, the supervision process, continuous evaluation, and documentation process have not been carried out optimally. The weakness of element SPIP lies in the control environment, control activities, and risk management processes. This is in line with the findings of the audit conducted by BPK and Itjen. SPIP could contribute in supporting the achievement of the performance targets previously set, because SPIP ensures that every activity runs efficiently and effectively to support the performance achievement"
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendry Steven Joshua Julius Monang
"Transportasi udara menjadi transportasi dengan peningkatan jumlah penumpang yang signifikan karena menawarkan perjalan yang cepat, efisien, dan ekonomis. Namun, dalam perkembangannya terdapat kejadian yang berbahaya seperti aksi terorisme dan sabotase dalam penerbangan. Hal tersebut menjadikan faktor keamanan menjadi salah satu parameter penting yang perlu diperhatikan dalam dunia aviasi. Sebagian besar aksi teror yang terjadi dikarenakan kelalaian dalam melakukan deteksi barang berbahaya yang umumnya terbuat dari logam. Saat ini, dalam prosedur keamanan di bandar udara, terdapat dua teknologi yang umumnya digunakan untuk dapat mencitrakan barang berbahaya yang disembunyikan pada tubuh penumpang. Teknologi x-ray backscatter dan teknologi milimeterwave bekerja dengan mencitrakan barang berbahaya pada tubuh manusia tanpa harus dilakukan pemeriksaan secara manual terlebih dahulu. Namun pada penerapannya, kedua teknologi tersebut menimbulkan masalah-masalah baru seperti masalah kesehatan, privasi, dan keakuratan sistem. Berdasarkan riset dan penelitian, pencitraan dengan gelombang Terahertz dinilai mampu menjadi solusi atas permasalahan tersebut. Penggunaan spektrum frekuensi di antara teknologi x-ray backscatter dan teknologi milimeter wave, membuat pencitraan THz tidak mengeluarkan radiasi ionisasi yang berbahaya, memiliki resolusi spasial yang cukup tinggi, namun rentan akan efek difraksi. Pada penelitian ini, dilakukan studi difraksi dan simulasi pencitraan logam dengan menggunakan gelombang Terahertz. Simulasi dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak CST Microwave Studio. Sebagai objek citra, digunakan logam kotak yang terbuat dari nikel dan memiliki panjang, lebar, dan tebal yakni 300 µm, 300 µm, dan 10 µm. Sensor yang digunakan dalam simulasi adalah antena bowtie terkopel bolometer. Antena bowtie terkopel bolometer sebagai sensor digunakan karena memiliki desain yang simpel dan bandwith yang lebar. Simulasi pencitraan dilakukan dengan variasi jenis antena yang memiliki frekuensi kerja 1 THz, 3 THz, dan 5 THz. Variasi jenis polarisasi plane wave (polarisasi Ex & Ey) juga dilakukan untuk masing-masing jenis antena. Simulasi dengan peningkatan frekuensi menghasilkan citra yang lebih akurat karena memiliki efek difraksi yang lebih kecil dan resolusi spasial yang lebih besar. Simulasi dengan polarisasi Ex menghasilkan citra yang lebih baik dalam kontras dibandingkan dengan polarisasi Ey karena memiliki arah pergerakan medan listrik (medan E) yang sejajar.

Air transportation is becoming transportation with a significant increase in the number of passengers because it offers fast, efficient, and economical trips. However, in its development, there are dangerous events such as acts of terrorism and sabotage in flight. This makes the safety factor an important parameter that needs to be considered in the world of aviation. Most acts of terror occur due to negligence in detecting dangerous goods which are generally made of metal. At present, in the security procedures at the airport, there are two technologies that are generally used to be able to image dangerous goods that are hidden in the body of a passenger. X-ray backscatter technology and millimeter-wave technology work by imaging dangerous goods on the human body without having to be manually checked first. But in its application, both of these technologies cause new problems such as health problems, privacy issues, and system accuracy. Based on research, imaging with the Terahertz wave is considered to be an alternate way to the problem. The use of the frequency range between x-ray backscatter technology and millimeter-wave technology makes THz imaging not emit harmful ionizing radiation, has a high enough spatial resolution but is vulnerable to diffraction effects. In this study, diffraction studies and metal imaging simulations were carried out using Terahertz waves. The simulation is done with CST Microwave Studio software. As an object in the imaging system, a metal box made of nickel and has a length, width, and height of 300 µm, 300 µm, and 10 µm is designed. The sensor used in the simulation is the bowtie antenna coupled bolometer. A bowtie antenna coupled bolometer as a sensor is used because it has a simple design and wide bandwidth. Imaging simulations performed with variations of antenna types that have working frequency of 1 THz, 3 THz, and 5 THz. Variations in the type of plane wave polarization (Ex & Ey polarization) were also performed for each type of antenna. Simulations with increased frequency produce more accurate images because they have smaller diffraction effects and greater spatial resolution. Simulation with Ex polarization produce better image in contrast compared to Ey polarization due to the parallel movement of electric fields (E field) direction.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andreas Wibisono
"Sistem transportasi yang canggih dan terintegrasi menjadi hal yang didambakan masyarakat, terutama pekerja di perkotaan yang memiliki mobilitas tinggi. DKI Jakarta sebagai ibu kota memiliki berbagai transportasi canggih yang menghubungkan pusat kota dengan wilayah aglomerasi, seperti MRT, LRT, Commuter Line, hingga Trans Jakarta (BRT). Transportasi Trans Jakarta sendiri semakin berkembang yang mana koridor terus diperbanyak. Salah satu operator BRT yang di bekerja sama adalah PT.Mayasari Bakti yang menggunakan Bus Scania. Scania merupakan salah satu produk yang di ageni oleh PT. United Tractors sebagai Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (ATPM). Produk tipe Scania yang digunakan untuk K320 dan K310. Pemeliharaan yang baik menjadi kunci keberhasilan agar bus selalu dikendarai dalam keadaan prima. Tidak tercapainya pencapaian yang diukur dalam Physical Availabilty menjadi bahan evaluasi. Evaluasi dilakukan agar mengetahui akar permasalah yang terjadi. Beberapa hal perlu dievaluasi, diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan. Perbaikan dari segi metode seperti panduan operational yang belum ada, dari segi orang perlu perbaikan dalam hal pengetahuan dasar dalam pengoperasion bus. Selain itu dari segi teknis juga perlu diperbaiki dalam hal perbaikan rencana pergantian komponen, serta yang terakhir dari sisi komunikasi diperlukan perbaikan agar tidak ada penundaan pemeliharaan yang disebabkan karena pola komunikasi kurang baik antara tim bengkel dengan tim lapangan.

A sophisticated and integrated transportation system is something that is coveted by the commbusy, especially workers in urban areas who have high mobility. DKI Jakarta as the capital city has a variety of sophisticated transportation that connects the city center with agglomeration areas, such as the MRT, LRT, Commuter Line, to Trans Jakarta (BRT). Trans Jakarta Transportation itself is growing where the corridors continue to be multiplied. One of the BRT operators working together is PT. Mayasari Bakti which uses Scania Bus. Scania is one of the products that is agented by PT. United Tractors as the Sole Agent of the Brand Holder (ATPM). Scania type product used for K320 and K310. Good maintenance is the key to success so that the bus is always driven in prime condition. Not achieving the achievement as measured in Physical Availability becomes the evaluation material. Evaluation is carried out in order to find out the root of the problem that occurred. Several things need to be evaluated, corrected and improved. Improvements in terms of methods such as operational guidelines that do not yet exist, in terms of people need improvement in terms of basic knowledge of bus operations. Apart from that from a technical point of view it also needs to be improved in terms of repairing the komponen replacement plan, as well as the last one from the communication side it needs improvement so that there are no maintenance delays caused by poor communication patterns between the workshop tim and the field team."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yusuf Latief
"The infrastructure of the transportation system plays an important and strategic part in the development of a country and serves to support economic progress by enabling the mobility of citizens and the distribution of goods from one region to another. However, communities have unequal access to the system and there are gaps in the regional infrastructure in Indonesia, leading to the requirement for a mapping of all 33 provincial capitals. In this study, we reviewed provisions for road, sea, air, and rail travel. The mapping result is expected to determine the pattern and the prioritization needed for future infrastructure development. A literature review was performed to establish assessment indicators for the mapping. The weighting of each indicator was based on a survey of stakeholders in transportation sectors, which was then analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. After weighting was completed, the infrastructure of each provincial capital was assessed to determine ratings from the highest to the lowest rank. Jakarta, Medan, Bandung, Surabaya, and Semarang obtained the highest rankings, while Manokwari, Serang, Mamuju, Ternate, and Palangkaraya were at the bottom. This result shows that provincial capitals in western Indonesia had better assessment results than those in the east. Therefore, improvements to the transportation infrastructure of the latter cities should be prioritized."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI-IJTECH 7:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Evan Buwana
Sektor transportasi di Kota Kasongan saat ini menyumbangkan 53,33% dari total emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan. Pembangunan infrastruktur jalan yang terus berkembang justru berbanding terbalik dengan pengembangan transportasi sungai. Kondisi ini memperlihatkan strategi pengembangan sistem transportasi yang ada belum berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kriteria dan pilihan alternatif yang tepat dan tidak menimbulkan kerugian di masa yang akan datang bagi pengembangan sistem transportasi di Kota Kasongan. Metode analisis yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat, akademisi, dan pemerintah sebagai pemangku kepentingan. Penelitian ini memperlihatkan alternatif yang paling tepat adalah optimalisasi sistem transportasi yang terpadu antara transportasi darat dan sungai dengan tingkat keamanan dan kenyamanan sebagai kriteria yang paling penting. Implementasi alternatif tersebut diwujudkan melalui program pengembangan lokasi transit di Kota Kasongan. Program ini memberikan rasa aman dan nyaman sebagai keuntungan sosial, memberikan aksesibilitas dan mobilitas yang lebih baik sebagai keuntungan ekonomi, dan memberikan keuntungan dari aspek lingkungan karena dapat mereduksi emisi CO2.

Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission., Transportation sector in Kasongan City currently contributes about 53.33% of the total CO2 emissions produced per year. Construction of road infrastructure is continues to grow but there is no activities to improve river transportation. This situation shows that transport systems development strategy not linked each other and far from there environmentally friendly and unsustainable. This study aimed to analyze the criteria and choose the appropriate alternatives for the transportation systems development in the Kasongan City. The analytical method used Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) based on the community, academia, and government perception. This research shows that the most appropriate alternatives is to optimize the integrated transport systems between land and river transport modes with safety and amenities as the most important criteria. Implementation of the strategy is realized through integrated transit locations program development surrounding pier territories in Kasongan City, because it can increase the use of public transport. This program ensure safety and comfortability as social advantage, providing better accessibility and mobility as economic benefit, and this program could reduce CO2 emission.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Freight transport plays a very important role in economic activities. However, in some cases, the local transportation authority often disregards its existence, including in parking management issues. This research is aimed at developing an optimization model for off-street parking space management that considers freight cars and passenger cars as two different entities. Optimization aims at minimizing the joint function of the parking index of freight cars and the parking index of passenger cars. Weighting is given to both parking indexes to represent the interest level of parking operator to both types of vehicles. Parking space of both vehicles is at any time is arranged in a dynamic manner based on the inflow and outflow rate of vehicles at previous times. The parking index is limited by the maximum parking index desired by the management. The proposed model is applied to the parking activity in Jatinegara Trade Center (JTC), Jakarta, and shows that the model solution provides a better parking index than the actual parking index (without optimization)."
Depok: Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI-IJTECH 6:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nimas Ayu Arumbinang
Kendaraan beroperasi di DKI Jakarta yang semakin didominasi oleh kendaraan pribadi menyebabkan pertumbuhan aktivitas kendaraan telah melampaui kapasitas jalan yang tersedia, padahal kapasitas lingkungan tersebut tidak boleh dilampaui untuk menjaga sistem lingkungan yang mendukungnya tetap berkelanjutan. Penelitian ini disusun untuk menganalisis hubungan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sistem transportasi serta dampaknya pada lingkungan hidup, dengan membangun model sistem transportasi yang berkelanjutan berdasarkan teori mengenai sustainable developement, sistem transportasi dan system dynamics. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan dan analisis data, maka dapat dapat ditarik kesimpulan secara umum bahwa sistem transportasi yang ditandai oleh aktivitas dan emisi kendaraan bermotor tidak mampan di masa yang akan datang yang ditandai dari kapasitas jalan yang hampir mencapai batas maksimumnya. Skenario kebijakan yang dibangun di dalam penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa peningkatan peran transportasi publik sebesar 10% dapat menurunkan aktivitas kendaraan sebesar 7,14%.

Active vehicle operated in DKI Jakarta that has been dominated by private vehicle is causing vehicle activity growth exceeds available road capacity, which is vital for keeping the environment well functioned. This research was conducted for analyzing relationship beween economic growth and transportation system and its impact on environment particularly road capacity and emission; achieved by building transportation system model using system dynamics. Based on result of research, it is concluded that Jakarta’s current system transportation is not sustained which is indicated by vehicle activity and emission reached its environment capacity. This research proved that increasing in public transportation role by 10% decrease vehicle activity by 7,14%., Active vehicle operated in DKI Jakarta that has been dominated by private vehicle is causing vehicle activity growth exceeds available road capacity, which is vital for keeping the environment well functioned. This research was conducted for analyzing relationship beween economic growth and transportation system and its impact on environment particularly road capacity and emission; achieved by building transportation system model using system dynamics. Based on result of research, it is concluded that Jakarta’s current system transportation is not sustained which is indicated by vehicle activity and emission reached its environment capacity. This research proved that increasing in public transportation role by 10% decrease vehicle activity by 7,14%.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Putri Safira
Hingga tahun 2019, lebih dari dua pertiga perdagangan dunia terjadi melalui Global Value Chain (GVC). Proses produksi yang tersebar di berbagai negara menyebabkan semakin pentingnya peran sistem transportasi nasional dalam memfasilitasi perpindahan barang input maupun output. Namun, performa sistem transportasi negara anggota ASEAN yang diukur menggunakan indeks kualitas infrastruktur transportasi WEF masih menunjukkan tingkat yang cukup bervariasi. Sebagai akibatnya, terjadi kesenjangan performa perdagangan internasional dan FDI antar negara anggota yang berujung pada rapuhnya kerja sama ekonomi ASEAN. Berdasarkan regresi GLS menggunakan data panel tahun 2009-2018, penelitian ini menemukan bahwa secara umum perbaikan sistem transportasi nasional berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap performa ekspor, impor, serta FDI ASEAN. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini menemukan adanya pergeseran orientasi pada sistem transportasi negara anggota ASEAN dalam memfasilitasi aktivitas impor dan FDI ASEAN, yakni dari intra-regional menuju inter-regional. Temuan ini mengimplikasikan pentingnya aktivitas perdagangan dan FDI inter-regional dalam proses konvergensi ekonomi ASEAN.

Up to 2019, more than two-thirds of world trade occurs through Global Value Chains (GVCs). The production processes that are fragmented across countries induce an increasing importance of national transportation system in facilitating the movement of input and output goods. However, the performance of ASEAN Member States (AMS) transportation system that measured by the WEF Transportation Infrastructure Quality Index still shows varying performance. As a result, there is a gap in the international trade and FDI performance between AMS which leads to the vulnerability of ASEAN economic cooperation. Based on the GLS regression using 2009-2018 panel data, this study found that in general, the improvement of national transportation system has a positive and significant impact on ASEAN export, import, and FDI performance. Furthermore, this study found the shifting of AMS transportation system orientation in facilitating ASEAN import and FDI activities, which is from intra-regional to inter- regional. This finding implies the importance of inter-regional trade and FDI activities in ASEAN economic convergence process.
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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