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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Dina Novita Tuasuun
"Pada majalah anak Kristen AMI Anak Manis Indonesia, 1987 mdash;2010 , terdapat komik ldquo;Si Opa rdquo; yang banyak mengacu kepada teks sastra hikmat Perjanjian Lama, terutama Amsal. Sastra hikmat ini memuat nilai-nilai universal mengenai makna hidup manusia. Salah satu tema pokoknya mengenai kontras antara orang berhikmat dan orang bodoh. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bermaksud membahas: 1 bagaimana kitab Amsal sebagai bagian sastra hikmat dalam Perjanjian Lama disampaikan kepada pembaca anak-anak Indonesia dalam Majalah AMI, terutama dalam komik humor ldquo;Si Opa rdquo; 1999-2009 ?; 2 bagaimana tema kontras antara orang berhikmat dan orang bodoh dalam Kitab Amsal direpresentasikan ke dalam komik humor ldquo;Si Opa rdquo; di majalah AMI?; 3 bagaimana komik humor ldquo;Si Opa rdquo; di majalah AMI mengonstruksi pemahaman akan identitas ras dan gender dalam strategi visual dan narasinya? Melalui metode pendekatan tekstual yang mengkaji aspek visual dan verbal komik ldquo;Si Opa rdquo;, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pesan hikmat yang universal dalam kitab Amsal menjadi bergeser, bahkan berubah, karena adanya representasi yang bias ras dan bias gender. Kehadiran tokoh-tokoh stereotipikal dalam komik ini mengandung muatan humor yang dominan, tetapi sekaligus berpotensi mensosialisasikan pemahaman yang mensubordinasikan ras kulit hitam dan perempuan. Dengan demikian penelitian ini dapat menjadi kajian interdisipliner mengenai bacaan anak berdasarkan teks Alkitab.

In a Christian children magazine titled AMI Anak Manis Indonesia ndash Sweet Children of Indonesia, 1987 to 2010 there was a humorous comic ldquo Si Opa rdquo . The comic mostly referred to the Proverbs as Old Testament wisdom literature in the Bible that consists of universal values about the meaning of life and one of the main themes is the contrast between the wise and the fool. Therefore, this research aimed to examine 1 how the book of Proverbs presented to the children in Indonesia as readers in the humorous comic ldquo Si Opa rdquo 1999 2009 2 how the contrast of the wise and the fool in Proverbs is represented in ldquo Si Opa rdquo comic 3 how was ldquo Si Opa rdquo comic construct a racial and gender identity. Through the textual approach that analyzes visual and verbal aspects, this research found that the universal wisdom message in ldquo Si Opa rdquo shifts, and even changes, due to certain representations that are laden with racial and gender bias. The stereotypical characters in the comic do give humorous effects, but such characters at the same time convey viewpoint that subjugates women and people with darker skin. Therefore this thesis could contribute to interdisciplinary research of children 39 s literature based on Biblical texts."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Trias Noverdi
"Penelitian terjemahan beranotasi ini menjelaskan pertanggungjawaban penerjemah atas pilihan padanan. Sumber data penelitian adalah buku nonfiksi the Soul of the Indian karya Charles Alexander Eastman. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam melakukan penerjemahan dan menemukan solusi terbaik untuk mengatasinya. Data penelitian ini adalah masalah yang ditemukan dan dikelompokkan sesuai kategori anotasinya. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model teoretis penerjemahan berupa analisis komparatif. Temuan penelitian mencakup dua hal utama. Pertama, dari 27 data anotasi yang dikumpulkan, terdapat 8 data anotasi nama atau sebutan untuk Tuhan atau Deitas, 1 nama seremoni, 1 sebutan untuk tokoh spiritual, 1 nama praktik spiritual, 4 majas, 9 istilah khusus, dan 3 kolokasi. Terdapat 8 macam prosedur penerjemahan; prosedur yang mengombinasikan dua prosedur atau lebih (kuplet, triplet, kuartet) adalah yang paling dominan. Kedua, kesulitan yang dihadapi terkait dengan masalah penerjemahan diatasi dengan menerapkan teori, metode dan prosedur penerjemahan relevan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa spiritualisme bangsa Indian dan budaya masyarakatnya saling terkait satu sama lain sehingga data anotasi yang ditemukan tidak hanya bersifat spiritual, tetapi juga kultural. Oleh karena itu, penerjemah harus memiliki pengetahuan dan wawasan yang luas mengenai spiritualisme dan budaya masyarakat bahasa sumber dan bahasa sasaran.

This is an annotated translation research which explains the researcher’s accountability with regard to the translation equivalents being chosen. The data source in this research is a nonfiction book T he Soul of the Indian by Charles Alexander Eastman. This study aims at identifying the problems encountered by the researcher in the course of translating the source texts and seeking the best solution to solve them. The data of this study are the problems collected and classified according to their annotation categories. The qualitative method has been employed using a comparative analysis translation model. The findings of this research reveal two important things. First, out of 27 elements of annotation data collected, 8 are names or designations for a God or Deity, 1 is the name for ceremony, 1 is a designation for a spiritual figure, 1 is a name of a spiritual practice, 4 are figures of speech, 9 are specific terminologies, and 3 are collocations. There are 8 translation procedures being employed, with combined procedures being the dominant ones (couplets, triplets, quadruplets). Second, the difficulties encountered in dealing with the problems are solved by employing relevant translation theories, methods, and procedures. Such findings demonstrate that Indian spiritualism and culture are interrelated so that the annotation data obtained are not only spiritual in nature, but also cultural. Thus, a translator should be well equipped with extensive knowledge and insight not only about spiritualism, but also culture, both of the source and target language community."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theta Karunia
"Penerjemahan karya sastra erat hubungannya dengan kebudayaan suatu bangsa. Salah satu penerjemahan karya sastra yang memiliki kesulitan tinggi dalam penerjemahannya adalah puisi. Puisi khususnya pada karya sastra anak harus menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami, singkat, dan jelas. Ini dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan kemampuan berbahasa anak yang masih terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memilah metode penerjemahan puisi yang paling tepat untuk digunakan pada karya sastra anak usia 8 – 12 tahun. Unit analisis adalah kata, frasa, dan kalimat. Dari sembilan baris puisi yang diteliti, peneliti menggunakan tiga metode penerjemahan puisi dari tujuh metode penerjemahan Andre Lefevere. Ketiga metode tersebut adalah terjemahan literal, terjemahan bersajak, dan terjemahan puisi bebas. Ketiga metode ini dipilih karena dirasa paling tepat untuk menerjemahkan puisi pada buku anak Madinatul Asyqiya.

The translation of literary works is closely related to the culture of a nation. One of the translations of literary works that have high difficulty in translation is poetry. Poetry especially in children's literary works must use language that is easy to understand, concise, and clear. This is done by adjusting due to children's limited language abilities. The purpose of this study is to sort out the poetry translation method that is most appropriate for use in literary works of children aged 8-12 years. From the nine lines of poetry studied, researchers used three methods of translating poetry from seven Andre Lefevere translation methods. The three methods are literal translation, rhyme translation, and free poetry translation. These three methods were chosen because it was felt to be the most appropriate way to translate poetry in the children's book Madinatul Asyqiya."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andrey Banyudoyo
"Skripsi ini membahas mengenai padanan kata Ngaben dalam Bahasa Jerman. Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah studi pustaka dan penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan padanan penerjemahan kata Ngaben dalam bahasa Jerman yang diterjemahkan oleh pemandu wisata di dua tempat wisata di Pulau Bali dan hasil penerjemahan yang terdapat dalam artikel Blog orang Jerman yang pernah ke Bali.

The objective of this thesis is to knowing the result of translation of the word Ngaben which done by the tour guides in Bali. This Thesis is a field research and uses descriptives and qualitatives methods. The result of this thesis showed the variations of translations of the word Ngaben in German which done by the tour guides which located in two tourist attractions in Bali and the translations in the blogs of the Germans, which have visited Bali."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Copeland, Rita
"Translation played a crucial role in the emergence of vernacular literary culture in the Middle Ages. This is the first book to consider the rise of translation as part of a broader history of critical discourses. Rita Copeland shows how ideas about translation from antiquity to the Middle Ages were generated within the theoretical systems of rhetoric and hermeneutics, textual production and textual interpretation. She discusses the importance of these systems in ancient and medieval education, showing how they shaped the practice of translation in the medieval schools and in literary culture at large. Translation became a site of opposition between learned Latin and vernacular cultures, and as a form of cultural appropriation exploited the models of textual invention supplied by rhetorical theory and exegetical practice. The book illuminates this critical history through close readings of German, French, and English translations of Latin texts, including works by Jean de Meun, Chaucer, and Gower. Rita Copeland's innovative study has important implications for the understanding of medieval literary theory and throws light on wider developments in European learning in the Middle Ages."
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1991
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library