Agel Vidian Krama
Abstrak :
Pemanasan global telah mengakibatkan peningkatan air laut dan banjir rob yang melanda
daerah dataran pantai termasuk Kota Jakarta yang merupakan pusat perekonomian Indonesia.
Jakarta merupakan wilayah yang mengalami perkembangan pembangunan yang pesat. Model
spasial banjir rob DKI Jakarta yang didasarkan pada fluktuasi gelombang pasang, penurunan
muka tanah dan ketinggian tempat merupakan kajian utama dalam penelitian ini. Melalui grid
2x2 meter penurunan muka tanah diektraksi menjadi informasi spasial sebagai basis data
pemodelan. Berdasarkan hasil regresi linear multivariate. Melalui hasil verifikasi lapangan di
tiga puluh dua lokasi untuk memperkuat model regresi model linear multivariate. Hasil analisis
menunjukan wilayah yang akan tergenang pada tahun 2030, 2050, 2080, dan 2100 cenderung
bertambah dari sekarang, 25% sampai 36% dari luas wilayah DKI Jakarta.
Plain area, including the city of Jakarta which is the center of the Indonesian economy. Jakarta is
a region that is experienced a rapid development progress. Spatial models of tidal
flood Jakarta based on fluctuations in the tidal wave, land subsidence and elevation are the main
study in this research. Through the grid of 2x2 meters of land subsidence was
extracted into spatial information as database modeling. Based on the results
of multivariate linear regression. Through the results of field verification of the thirtytwo
locations to strengthen the multivariate linear regression model models. Results of the
analysis showed that the area would be inundated in 2030, 2050, 2080, and 2100 tended to
increase from now, 25% to 36% of the total area of Jakarta., plain area, including the city of Jakarta which is the center of the Indonesian economy. Jakarta is
a region that is experienced a rapid development progress. Spatial models of tidal
flood Jakarta based on fluctuations in the tidal wave, land subsidence and elevation are the main
study in this research. Through the grid of 2x2 meters of land subsidence was
extracted into spatial information as database modeling. Based on the results
of multivariate linear regression. Through the results of field verification of the thirtytwo
locations to strengthen the multivariate linear regression model models. Results of the
analysis showed that the area would be inundated in 2030, 2050, 2080, and 2100 tended to
increase from now, 25% to 36% of the total area of Jakarta.]
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library