Keywords: Mutual Funds, Exchange Traded funds, Collective Investment Contract, Macroeconomics, Granger Causality, Indonesia"
Tujuan penulisan laporan magang ini adalah mengevaluasi proses perhitungan, pengisian, dan pelaporan Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan (SPT Tahunan PPh) yang dilaporkan oleh ekspatriat sebagai Wajib Pajak Dalam Negeri Indonesia berdasarkan peraturan perundang-undangan perpajakan yang berlaku. Proses evaluasi atas perhitungan, pengisian dan pelaporan SPT Tahunan dijelaskan dengan membandingkan empat kasus SPT ekspatriat yang berbeda kondisi atau sumber penghasilannya. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, praktik perhitungan dan pelaporan SPT Tahunan PPh telah sesuai dengan ketentuang perpajakan yang berlaku. Namun, masih terdapat praktik pengisian SPT Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan yang belum sesuai, yaitu ada SPT Tahunan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan daftar harta dan/atau utang serta daftar susunan anggota keluarga. Walaupun dalam pengisian melalui sistem e-Filing dokumen SPT Tahunan tersebut diterima, namun ketidaklengkapkan ini tetap berpotensi untuk dianggap sebagai pelanggaran ketentuan oleh pemeriksa pajak.
The purpose of writing this internship report is to evaluate the process of calculating, filing, and reporting the Annual Income Tax Return reported by expatriates as Indonesian Tax Resident based on tax legislation that applies to individual taxpayers. The process of evaluating the calculation, filing, and reporting of the Annual Income Tax Return is explained by comparing four cases of expatriate’s Tax Return that have different conditions or sources of income obtained. Based on the evaluation result, it shows that the practice of calculation and reporting of the Annual Income Tax Returns are in accordance with applicable tax legislation. However, there are still some practices in filing the Annual Income Tax Return that are not in accordance with the applicable tax legislation, that is the absence of filing the list of assets and/or liabilities and list of family members. Although in filing out through e-Filing system the Tax Return document is accepted, but this incompleteness has the potential to be considered as a violation of tax legislation by the tax auditor.