Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Melvia Alodia Noreen
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti empiris dan analisis mengenai determinan pengungkapan praktik keberlanjutan sesuai dengan tujuan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) pada 5 negara ASEAN: Indonesia, Filipina, Malaysia, Singapura, dan Thailand. Penelitian ini menggunakan 132 observasi perusahaan publik di ke-5 negara tersebut, yang mengeluarkan laporan tahunan dan laporan keberlanjutan tahun 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori legitimasi, teori keagenan, teori berbasis sumber daya, dan teori pensinyalan. Hasil dari penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa teori legitimasi berpengaruh terhadap ...
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurul Husni
Pada bulan September 2015, Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) mengadopsi pembangunan global yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan pembangunan holistik dengan tiga prinsip: universal, integrasi, dan leave no one behind yaitu Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mencakup 17 tujuan untuk menggantikan Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) yang sebelumnya diadopsi oleh masing-masing negara dari tahun 2000 hingga 2015. Pencapaian SDGs membutuhkan partisipasi semua pihak sehingga memerlukan mekanisme koordinasi yang tepat. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah Indonesia dipimpin oleh Presiden Joko Widodo mengeluarkan Keputusan ...
UI - Skripsi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Erti Nurfindarti
The phenomenon of climate change and global warming is driving the issue of the Sustainable Development Goals developing in countries in the world, including Indonesia. Indonesia is incorporated in the Paris Agreement and follows up with the drafting of laws and regulations which form the basis for implementing TPB in the regions. Profile of achievement of the Serang City Sustainable Development Goals based on the KLJDD KLHS Document shows that there are still 92 indicators ...
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Dalam Negeri, 2019
351 JBP 11:2 (2019)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Cempaka
Pengoptimalan SDGs di Provinsi DKI Jakarta didukung oleh pembiayaan dari berbagai sumber, namun SDGs di Jakarta tetap belum dapat berjalan optimal. Peningkatan ketersediaan dan kualitas data indikator SDGs, serta pengembangan metode penilaian ketercapaian SDGs dirasa sangat perlu untuk dilakukan, hal ini dimaksudkan agar dapat mendukung proses analisis kondisi pencapaian SDGs secara lebih valid. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengembangkan metode yang lebih sesuai untuk digunakan dalam penilaian ketercapaian SDGs di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Pendekatan ...
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Teguh Kurniawan
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
This volume presents contributions from various angles: international
relations, governance and metagovernance theory, (environmental) economics
and innovation science. It offers challenging insights regarding institutions and
transformation processes, and on the paradigms behind contemporary sustainability governance.This book gives the sustainability governance debate a new context. It transforms classical questions into new options for societal decision making and identifies starting points and strategies towards effective governance of transitions to sustainability. ...
Heidelberg: [Springer, ], 2013
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Sustainable economic development : resources, environment, and institutions presents 25 articles that lay the foundations of sustainable development in a way that facilitates effective policy design. The editors mix broad thematic papers with focused micro-papers, balancing theories with policy designs.
The book begins with two sections on sustainable development principles and practice and on specific settings where sustainable development is practiced. Two more sections illuminate institutions, governance, and political economy. Additional sections cover sustainable development and ...
Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2015
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Earthscan, 2005
338.9 INT
Buku Teks Universitas Indonesia Library
Clark, Helen
The Singapore Lecture Series was inaugurated in 1980 by the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies with a founding endowment from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), and augmented by a generous donation in 1983 from Exxon Mobil Asia Pacific. The Singapore Lecture is designed to provide the opportunity for distinguished statesmen, scholars, and writers and other similarly highly qualified individuals specializing in banking and commerce, international economics and finance and philosophical and world strategic affairs ...
Singapore: Institute of South East Asia Studies, 2012
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library
Rola, Agnes C.
All over Southeast Asia, rural communities are in transition to a sustainable status. This book explores how an environmentally fragile upland community in rural Philippines coped with and responded to economic and environmental tensions brought about by a globalized economy and decentralization. This in turn gave rise to local power especially in the management of natural resources ...
Singapore: Institute of South East Asia Studies, 2011
eBooks Universitas Indonesia Library