ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pola asuh orangtua terhadap efikasi-diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier melalui mediasi kepribadian proaktif pada siswa SMA. Sebanyak 949 data responden terkumpul dengan menggunakan tiga macam skala, Career Decision Self-Efficacy-Short Form, Parental Authority Questionnaire, dan Proactive Personality Scale, yang sudah diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Data dianalisis menggunakan macro PROCESS dari Hayes. Secara keseluruhan, hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa pola asuh otoritatif dari ayah dapat berpengaruh terhadap efikasi-diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui kepribadian proaktif; pola asuh otoritarian ayah dan ibu, serta pola asuh permisif ibu berpengaruh terhadap efikasi-diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier hanya melalui mediasi kepribadian proaktif; sedangkan pola asuh permisif ayah tidak dapat berpengaruh terhadap efikasi-diri dalam pengambilan keputusan karier baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung melalui mediasi kepribadian proaktif. Implikasi, limitasi, dan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya didiskusikan.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to examine the influence of parenting styles on career decision self efficacy through the mediation of proactive personality in senior high school students. A total of 949 data respondent were collected by using three scales Career Decision Self Efficacy Scale Short Form, Parental Authority Questionnaire, and Proactive Personality Scale, that have been adapted to Indonesian. The data were analyzed using macro PROCESS from Hayes. Overall, test results showed that authoritative parenting styles from father affects career decision self efficacy directly and indirectly through the proactive personality mothers rsquo authoritative parenting style affects the career decision self efficacy directly authoritarian parenting styles from both father and mother, as well as mothers rsquo permissive parenting style only affect the career decision self efficacy through the proactive personality while fathers rsquo permissive parenting style did not affect the career decision self efficacy directly or indirectly through the proactive personality. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future study are discussed."