ABSTRACTThis thesis identified a not-for-profit business model strategy that is mostly
focuses on covering costs rather than optimizing profitability or revenue. To be
able to compete in the future, Not-for-profit hospitals must embrace best practices
of the for-profit and develop a cost limitation strategy to increasing revenue. This
research was taken in one of class B-government own hospital in North of Jakarta,
RSUD Koja. Using a qualitative-descriptive approach through interview,
questionnaires and observations, this research proven that not-for-profit
organization such as RSUD Koja has beginning to competitively generate profit
without having to rely on government subsidies by developing a sounding
marketing strategy, especially in pricing. Based on Internal ? External Matrix and
TOWS analysis for three major units in the hospitals; Emergency, Inpatient and
Outpatient Unit, we found several improvement in service quality as well as in
their human capital in order to achieve a competitive independent hospital."