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Lhuri Dwianti Rahmartani
Peningkatan tren praktik hubungan seksual pranikah pada remaja laki-laki di Indonesia tidak
disertai tindakan preventif yang adekuat. Tidak sampai 28% dari mereka yang menggunakan
kondom secara konsisten. Pada populasi remaja umum di Indonesia, sebanyak 30%-nya tidak
tahu bahwa kondom dapat mencegah kehamilan dan 40%-nya tidak tahu kondom dapat
mencegah infeksi menular seksual (IMS). Studi potong lintang dari analisis SDKI 2012 ini
berupaya melihat asosiasi pengetahuan tentang fungsi kondom terhadap penggunaan kondom
pada remaja laki-laki pelaku hubungan seksual pranikah. Hasilnya, setelah memperhitungkan
faktor demografis, pengetahuan kespro, dan perilaku lainnya, penggunaan kondom lebih
tinggi pada responden yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang kedua fungsi kondom (PR 2,38;
95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85) dibandingkan responden yang hanya tahu salah satu fungsi atau tidak
tahu sama sekali.

The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85).;The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 ? 3,85)., The increasing trend of premarital sex among Indonesian male adolescents is not
accompanied with protective behavior. Less than 28% of sexually-active unmarried male
adolescents use condoms consistently. Approximately, 30% of Indonesian adolescents do not
know that condoms can help prevent pregnancy and 40% of them do not know that condoms
can help prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs). This cross-sectional study using
IDHS 2012 aims to see whether there is an association between knowledge on condom
functions and condom use, particularly among unmarried male adolescents in Indonesia.
After controlling with other covariates such as demographic, knowledge on reproductive
health, and other behavior indicators, the prevalence of condom use is significantly higher in
respondents who know both functions of condoms, than in respondents who only know either
function or not at all (adjusted PR 2,38; 95% CI 1,47 – 3,85).]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Afra Afifah
"Perilaku seks pranikah pada remaja dilaporkan mengalami peningkatan berdasarkan survei BKKBN tahun 2017. Depok sebagai salah satu kota yang mencanangkan Kota Layak Anak, pada realitasnya masih menghadapi sejumlah masalah perilaku beresiko remaja, termasuk perilaku seks pranikah. Menurut sejumlah penelitian, pengetahuan yang benar tentang kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual merupakan salah satu faktor protektif yang menghindarkan remaja dari perilaku seks pranikah. Di antara berbagai sumber informasi, orang tua direkomendasikan sebagai sumber informasi terbaik bagi anak. Orang tua dapat menjadi sumber informasi dengan melakukan komunikasi seksual atau pendidikan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh intervensi pelatihan dengan model experiential learning terhadap pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual, perilaku komunikasi efektif, dan perilaku komunikasi seksual orang tua kepada anak usia remaja awal (10 – 15 tahun). Desain intervensi yang digunakan adalah field experiment dengan one group pretest-posttest. Setelah melalui tiga sesi pelatihan tatap muka dan penugasan praktek di rumah, diketahui bahwa pelatihan dengan model experiential learning berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan perilaku komunikasi seksual orang tua kepada anak usia remaja awal secara signifikan (p<0.05), namun tidak pada pengetahuan kesehatan reproduksi dan seksual dan perilaku komunikasi efektif. Hasil lebih lanjut dibahas pada diskusi.

Premarital sex behavior in adolescents is reported to have increased based on the 2017 BKKBN survey. Depok as one of the cities that launched a Child Friendly City, in reality still faces a number of youth risk behavioral problems, including premarital sexual behavior. According to a number of studies, correct knowledge about sexual and reproductive health is one of the protective factors that prevents adolescents from premarital sexual behavior. Among various sources of information, parents are recommended as the best source of information for children. Parents can be a source of information by carrying out sexual communication or sexual and reproductive health education. This study aims to determine the effect of training intervention with experiential learning model on knowledge of reproductive and sexual health, effective communication behavior, and sexual communication behavior of parents to early adolescents (10 – 15 years old). The intervention design used was field experiment with one group pretest-posttest. After going through three face-to-face training sessions and practice assignments at home, it was found that training with experiential learning model significantly influenced parent's sexual communication behavior to early adolescents (p<0.05), but not to sexual and reproductive health knowledge and effective communication behavior. Further results are discussed in the discussion.

Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library