Kata kunci : Ekstubasi, pasca pembedahan, penilaian ekstubasi
Patients undergoing elective surgical procedures are subjected to general anesthesia and intubation procedures and use mechanical ventalization. When the patient is judged to be good and able to breathe spontaneously, the use of ETT must be released immediately. Moving extubation in patients with post-surgery is important to do so that there are no major complications. A longer incidence of intubation will be higher, including the incidence of ventilator-related pneumonia (VAP), and increased mortality. This study aims to determine the description of indicators of extubation success based on physical and psychological characteristics in postoperative patients in intensive care rooms. This research used a purely descriptive design with a retospective approach through secondary data on 96 respondents. Sampling was carried out using a stratifed random sampling technique. The instrument used is an extubation assessment cheklist sheet. The results of the study found that 100% of postoperative patients were extubated with compos mentis awareness status or GCS value > 10, stable hemodynamics with a mean value of systolic blood teakanan 120.7mmhg, AGD value with mean PO2 value 120, PCo2 39.99 and SaO2 98.36%, had a normal hemtokrit value with a mean Hct value of 38.98%, spontaneous breathing trial and cooperative. 96% of patients have a strong cough reflex before he performed extubation."