"Insiden Keselamatan Pasien (IKP) di RS Awal Bros Bekasi masih ada bahkan cukup tinggi jumlahnya di tahun 2018. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, Divisi Keperawatan telah mengadakan program-program untuk meningkatkan
critical thinkingdan keterampilan komunikasi perawat. Namun program ini belum meningkatkan semua aspek dari kompetensi SDM itu sendiri. Faktor utama yang muncul adalah bagaimana Divisi Keperawatan Awal Bros Bekasi dapat melakukan Pengembangan Kapasitas tenaga perawat di era VUCA saat ini. Sehingga standar mutu dan pelayanan yang di targetkan baik oleh
corporatemaupun lembaga akreditasi nasional dan internasional dapat tercapai.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun perencanaan strategis pengembangan kapasitas SDM di Divisi Keperawatan RS Awal Bros Bekasi periode 2020-2024 dalam menghadapi era VUCA. Rencana Strategis Divisi Keperawatan ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode
External Factors Evaluation(EFE),
Internal Factors Evaluation(IFE), analisa SWOT, QSPM, dan penyesuaian indikator KPI dengan Malcolm Baldridge
Criteria. KPI disesuaikan untuk menghadapi era VUCA (
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Agility). Berdasarkan Matriks IE ditemukan bahwa positioning Keperawatan RS Awal Bros Bekasi Barat untuk periode tahun 2020-2024 berada di sel II masuk dalam kategori "
Growth & Expansion".
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disusun delapan KPI yang diharapkan mampu menurunkan IKP dan meningkatkan critical thinking perawat. Selain itu, disusun Strategi VUCA
The Visioning Strategy, The Understanding Strategy, The Clarity Strategy, The Agility Strategy) digabungkan dengan kompetensi 6Cs (
Critical Thinking, Compassion, Collaboration, Creativity, Communication & Computation Logic). Penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai acuan perencanaan strategis Keperawatan RS Awal Bros Bekasi Barat dan di adopsi untuk di gunakan sebagai pemilihan perencanaan strategis RS Awal Bros Grup lainnya.
Patient Safety Incidents still exist even in quite high numbers in 2018. To overcome this problem, the Nursing Division has organized programs to improve critical thinking and nurse communication skills. But this program has not improved all aspects of the HR competency itself. The main factor that emerged was how the Bekasi Bros Initial Nursing Division could conduct Capacity Building for nurses in the current VUCA era. So that the quality and service standards targeted by both corporate and national and international accreditation institutions can be achieved. This research aims to compile a strategic planning for capacity building in the Nursing Division of Awal Bros Bekasi Hospital in the period 2020-2024 in the face of the VUCA era. The Strategic Plan for the Nursing Division was prepared using the External Factors Evaluation (EFE), Internal Factors Evaluation (IFE), SWOT analysis, QSPM analysis, and the adjustment of KPI indicators with the Malcolm Baldridge Criteria. KPIs are adapted to face the era of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Agility). Based on the IE Matrix, it was found that the positioning of Nursing at Awal Bros West Bekasi Hospital for the period 2020-2024 was in cell II included in the "Growth & Expansion" category. Based on the results of the study, eight KPIs are arranged that are expected to reduce the IKP and increase nurse critical thinking. In addition, the VUCA Prime Strategy (The Visioning Strategy, The Understanding Strategy, The Clarity Strategy, The Agility Strategy) was combined with 6Cs competency (Critical Thinking, Compassion, Collaboration, Creativity, Communication & Computation Logic). This research can be used as a strategic planning reference for Nursing at Awal Bros West Bekasi Hospital and adopted for use as another strategic planning selection for Awal Bros Group Hospital."
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020