"Angka kejadian athritis gout di kota Masohi Kabupaten Maluku Tengah sebanyak 54 orang bedasarkan data rumah sakit
umum kota Masohi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui faktor risiko kejadian arthritis gout di kota Masohi Kabupaten
Maluku Tengah. Merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan case control study terhadap 196
responden yang terdiri dari 98 kasus dan 98 kontrol. Analisis bivariat dengan uji odds ratio (OR) dan multivariat
dengan uji regresi logistik berganda. Variabel yang merupakan faktor risiko arthritis gout adalah hipertensi (OR = 2.20
CI 95%; 1.24-3.90), obesitas sentral (OR = 3.04 CI 95%; 1.66-5.55), konsumsi alkohol (OR = 2.28 CI 95%; 1.29-4.05),
konsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat purin (OR = 5.14 CI 95%; 2.80-9.44), riwayat gout dalam keluarga
(OR = 3.10 CI 95%; 1.73-5.55), minum softdrink (OR = 1.33), namun memberikan pengaruh yang lemah (CI 95%;
0.72-2.45). Analisis multivariat, variabel konsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat purin memiliki pengaruh paling
besar (p = 0,000). Konsumsi makanan yang mengandung zat purin adalah faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap
kejadian arthritis gout di Kota Masohi Kabupaten Maluku Tengah. Perlu pengaturan pola makan bagi penderita.
Risk Factors in the Incidence of Gouty Arthritis in Masohi Town, Central Maluku Regency in 2010. The gouty
arthritis incidence rate in Masohi Town of Central Maluku Regency is 54 people based on the data from the general
hospital in Masohi. The aim of study was to find out the risk factor in the incidence of gouty arthritis in Masohi Town
of Central Maluku Regency. The study was analytic observation using a control case study. The number of respondents
was 196 people consisting of 98 cases and 98 controls. The data were analyzed by using odds ratio (OR) and multiple
logistic regression. The results of the study indicate that the risk factors in the incidence of gouty arthritis are
hypertension (OR = 2.20 CI 95%; 1.24-3.90), central obesity (OR = 3.04 CI 95%; 1.66-5.55), alcoholic comsumption
(OR = 2.28 CI 95%; 1.29-4.05), purine food consumption (OR = 5.14 CI 95% 2.80-9.44), gout history in family (OR =
3.10 CI 95%; 1.73-5.55), and soft drink consumption (OR = 1.33 CI 95%; 0.72-2.45). The multivariate analysis
indicates that the most dominant factor affecting the incidence of gouty arthritis is purine food consumption (p = 0.000).
Since the consumption of purine food is the most dominant factor affecting the incidence of gouty arthritis, diet pattern
is necessary for the patients."