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Ditemukan 7 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Raswanto Hadiwibowo
"Penelitian ini bertujan untuk mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan penyerahan di hawah pengawasan (controlled delive1y) pada Direktorat Narkotika Sintetis Badan Narkotika Nasional Peneiitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif: Untuk mendapatkan informasi dan data yang diinginkain peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam dan observasi Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti mengetahui efektivitas pelaksanaan penyerahan di bawah pengawasan (controlled deliwry) dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pelaksanaan penyerahan di bawah pengawasan (controlled delivery) pada Direktorat Narkotika Sintetis Badan Narkotika Nasional. Dari analisa tersebut, peneliti memberikan beberapa rekomendasi terhadap penyelesaian hambatan-hambatan yang dialami oleh Direktorat Narkotika Sintetis dalam menjalankan tugasnya saat pelaksanaan controlled delivery.

The purpose of this thesis is to give aknowledgement to the public about the effectivity of controlled delivery at Sintetic Directorate of National Narcotics Board. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive analytic approach and to get some qualified informations, the researcher do a depth interview and observation, In this thesis, the the researcher get knowledge about the effectivity of controlled delivery and every single factor that give effect to the effectivity of controlled delivery at Sintetic Directorate of National 'Narcotics Board. From all those analytics above, the the researcher give some alternative recommendation to Sintetic Directorate of National Narcotics Board to de controlled delivery."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurainun Kamil
"NARKOBA sudah menjadi masalah global yang harus di tanggulangi sesegera mungkin , hal ini dilihat sernakin meningkaloya penggunaan narkoba baik secara kualitas rnaupun kuantitas. Ketergantungan nurkoba adalah kondisi yang kompleks, kronik dan kambuh-kamhuhan. Patologi ketergantungan tersebut dimulai sejak seseorang menggunakan narkoba. Paradigma adiksi adalah sebagai suatu penyaklt yang membutuhkan pertolongan pengobatan yang sama dengan penyakit lainnya yaitu melalui Program Terapi dan Rehabilitasi kembali makna hldupnya agar bisa melihat hubungan sehab akibat dengan lebih jelas antara pcnilaian terhadap dirinya sendiri, hidupnya dan masa depannya dengan penggunaan narkoba yang bersifat merusak. Pelatihan makna hidup akan berdampak positif terhadap kesiapan mental pecandu ketika kembali ke lingkungan keluarga dan masyarakat untuk dapat hidup lebih bermakna. Tujuan Penelitian adalah untuk melihat dan mengetahui Efektivitas Pelatihan Mcnernukan Makna Hidup Bagi Pecandu Yang Beradu Pada Tahap Rehabilitasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilukukan secara kualitatif. Metade yang digunakan adalah melode eksperimen. Penilitian dilakukan di UPT T&R BNN Lido khususnya pada tahap Re-entry. Peneliti mengharapkan dengan melihat adanya perubahan perilaku terhudap ke!ompok yang diberikan pelatihan kebermaknaan hidup ,Hasil dari penelitian inl didapatkan bahwa efektivitas pelatihan yang berkesinambungan dari pelatihan satu dengan yang lainnya bagi pecandu yang berada pada tahap Rehabilitasi di UPT Lido.

Drugs have become a globed problem that must be in overcome as soon as possible., This is seen the increasing use of drugs ir1 both quality and quantity. Drug dependence is a complex. condition. chronic and relapse-recurrent. Pathology dependence starts stnce a person using drugs. The paradigm of addiction as a disease in need or treatment are similar to other diseases is through the Therapy and Rehabilitation Program. The addict must redet1nc the meaning of his life [n order to see the causal link more clearly behtween the assessment of himself, his life and his future with the destructive drug use. Training the meaning of life will have positive impact on mental readiness addict when he returned to the family and the community to be able to live meaningful Th.e research goal is 10 see and examine the effectiveness of training to rind the meaning of life for addicts who arc at the stage of re-entry. This research is carried out qualitatively. The method used is an experimental method. This research performed at UPT Lido BNN especially in the Reh-entry. the behavior of the group that provided training meaningfulness of life. The results of this study found that the effectiveness of training and continuous training with one another for addicts who are at the stage of re entry recognize the importance of meaning in life by always thinking and acting positively."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dea Seli Vea
"Skripsi ini mendeskripsikan hubungan antara pola demografi sosial pelaku dengan keterlibatan pelaku dalam perdagangan narkotika di wilayah Indonesia yang ditangani oleh Direktorat Narkotika Alami, BNN RI pada tahun 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep crime patterns diataranya yaitu gender and crime, age and crime, class and crime dan the ecology of crime. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan tipe deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pelaku perdagangan narkotika di wilayah Indonesia berasal dari berbagai latar belakang demografi sosial. Kemudian hubungan antara demografi sosial dengan keterlibatan pelaku dalam perdagangan narkotika menunjukkan hasil yang bervariasi.

This thesis described the relationship between social demographic patterns of offenders with their involvement in drug trafficking in Indonesia who handled by the Natural Narcotics Directorate, Board of Narcotics National Republic of Indonesia in 2014. This study used the concept crime patterns including gender and crime, age and crime, class and crime and the ecology of crime. This study used a quantitative approach with descriptive type. The study found that the drug traffickers in Indonesia come from various social demographics background. Then, the relationship between social demographics with the offenders involvement in the drug trafficking show varying results."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Agus Dwi Setiawan
"Angka prevalens HIV&AIDS terus meningkat hampir di seluruh negara di dunia. Peningkatan kasus HIV&AIDS terkonsentrasi pada kelompok-kelompok berisiko, salah satunya adalah pengguna narkoba suntik (penasun). Bahkan peningkatan kasus HIV pada penasun terlihat di beberapa negara, seperti Cina, Malaysia, Vietnam, dan Uzbekistan. Tidak terkecuali, di Indonesia peningkatan kasus HIV pada penasun pada beberapa tahun terakhir terlihat semakin meningkat. Selain rentan tertular HIV akibat pemakaian jarum suntik bekas dan penilaku seks berisiko, penasun juga rentan menjadi kelompok jembatan bagi penularan HIV ke populasi umum melalui hubungan seks yang tidak aman ataupun penlaku seks berisiko.
Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain studi potong Iintang (cross sectional), dengan memilih sampel pada penasun yang pernah melakukan hubungan seksual. Besar sampel untuk analisis ini berjumlah 528 responden. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi logistik ganda dan data sekxmder studi Behavior Surveilance Survey, tahun 2002, yang dilakukan oleh Pusat Penelitian Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia dan PHI-ASA Indonesia.
Hasil studi mernperlihatkan bahwa proporsi penasun yang perilaku seksnya berisiko lebih besar dibanding penasun yang perilaku seksnya tidak berisiko. Proporsi penasun yang perilaku seksnya berisiko (76,5%), lebih besar dibanding yang tidak berisiko (23,5%). hasil analisis logistik menunjukkan bahwa perilaku seks berisiko pada pcnasun berhubungan dengan beberapa faktor, yaitu usia hubungan seks pertama kali, status pekerjaan,dan status pemikahan. Dari beberapa faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku seks berisiko tersebut, status pemikahan menunjukkan hubungan yang paling erat dan signiflkan secara statistik. Pcnasun yang berstatus menikah mempunyai perilaku seks berisiko Iebih besar tehadap kerentanan penularan HIV kepada istri atau pasangan tetapnya.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan upaya terhadap pencegahan penularan HIV yang lebih intensif khususnya pada kelompok penasun. Berbagai upaya yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan pemakaian kondom sebagai cara yang paling efektif untuk mengurangi risiko penularan HIV melalui hubungan seks (khususnya pada penasun), peningkatan program penyuluhan dan penyebaran informasi tentang bahaya narkoba dan HIV&AIDS di beberapa daerah, penyebaran informasi tentang bahaya narkoba dan HIV&AIDS di tempat-tempat kerja, peningkatan program detoksiiikasi dan rehabilitasi bagi pengobatan terhadap penasun untuk menghilanglcan ketergantungan narkoba, pengembangan program VCT (Voluntary Conseling and Testing) bagi penasun untuk melakukan tes HIV sehingga mengetahui status HIV terhadap dirinya dengan harapan bisa memproteksi diri untuk tidak menularkannya kepada orang lain termasuk istri atau pasangan tetapnya, dan pendekatan keagamaan untuk meningkatkan moral dan keimanan penasun sehingga terlepas dari jeratan narkoba dan ancaman bahaya HIV&AIDS.

The prevalence of HIV/AIDS numbers has increased in many countries in the world. The dramatic increase in the number of HIV/AIDS cases has concentrated to the high risk groups especially the injecting drugs users (IDUs). Many countries have experienced the increasing cases of HIV such as China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Uzbekistan and also Indonesia. Particularly in Indonesia, the increasing cases of HIV in injecting drugs users has raised rapidly for the last few years. This rests on fact that injecting drugs users are vulnerable to get HIV infection not only by using shared needles but also their sexual behavior that put them in high risk of HIV infection. Injecting drugs users are also vulnerable as a group that bridges HIV infection to the community either through unsafe sex or sexual behavior risk.
This research employed a cross sectional study design with injecting drugs users who have done sexual intercourse as the sample. Sample comprised 528 respondents. Data analysis that was used in this research was double logistic regression secondary data from the study of Behavior Surveillance Survey (2002) which was conducted by CHR Ul and FHI-ASA Indonesia.
The result showed that there is high proportion of IDUs whose sexual behavior are at risk compared with IDUs whose sexual behavior are not at risk. It was found that the proportion of IDUs whose sexual behavior are at risk is 76.5% while the proportion of IDUs whose sexual behavior are not at risk is 23.5%. Result from logistic analysis showed that the injecting drugs users’ sexual behavior risk related to several factors such as age when doing sexual intercourse for the first time, employment and maniage status. It can be mentioned that from those factors, marriage status has a strong connection and significant statistically. Married injecting drugs users are more likely to have the opportunity to infect HIV to their spouses or partners.
In this research, the findings are important in making intensive efforts to prevent from HIV infection especially in injecting drugs users group. Some efforts that can be done are by using condom as an effective way to reduce the risk of HIV infection through sex (especially in IDUs), increasing mass education program and providing infomation about the risk of using drugs and HIV/AIDS in certain locations, providing information about the risk of using drugs and HIV/AIDS in workplaces, increasing the detoxification and rehabilitation programs for IDUs to reduce drugs dependencies, developing VCT program for IDUs to do the HIV test so that they can know their HIV status in order to protect themselves and their spouses or partners from the HIV infection, and religious approach to increase moral and religious belief of IDUs so that they can release from drugs using and HIV/AIDS threaten.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sihotang, Rotua
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keterlibatan perempuan sebagai
kurir dalam peredaran gelap narkotika serta serta mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor
yang mendorong perempuan terlibat sebagai kurir dalam peredaran gelap
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang mengandalkan analisis data
deskriptif yang diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara yang mendalam dengan 8
(delapan) informan perempuan dari beberapa tempat yaitu : di Lembaga
Pemasyarakatan Klas IIA Wanita Tangerang, Banten, Rumah Tahanan (Rutan)
Klas IIA Wanita Jakarta Timur, Rutan Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkotika
Bareskrim Polri dan Rutan Badan Narkotika Nasional. Data juga diperoleh
dengan pengamatan dan studi kepustakaan.
Keterlibatan perempuan dalam peredaran gelap narkotika, seperti diketahui
bahwa perempuan memiliki peranan yang tidak dapat diabaikan begitu saja,
karena banyaknya peranan perempuan baik didalam keluarga serta dalam
kehidupan ekonomi, sosial, kebudayaan, pendidikan, politik dan agama.
Kedudukan perempuan sangat strategis didalam keluarga, khususnya dalam
membentuk pribadi-pribadi yang militan, kekuatan seorang perempuan bukan
hanya mengubah hidup keluarganya, melainkan juga mengubah sebuah bangsa
atau bahkan dunia. Namun kenyataan yang terjadi di lapangan, banyak
perempuan yang terlibat dalam peredaran gelap narkotika sebagai kurir.
Perempuan sebagai kurir tidak serta merta terjadi, ada sindikat narkotika yang
mengendalikan perempuan dengan berbagai modus, ada karena ketidaktahuan
mereka, ketergantungan kepada laki-laki yang mempunayi hubungan dengan
perempuan sebagai suami atau pacar, ada juga karena dititipi barang narkotika.
Perempuan terlibat tanpa mengetahui resiko atas tindakannya dan berakhir dalam
hukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.

This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary;This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
Penitentiary, This study aimed to describe the involvement of women as couriers in the illicit
trafficking of narcotics as well as well as to identify factors that encourage
women to get involved as a courier in the illicit trafficking of narcotics.
This study used a qualitative method that relies on the analysis of descriptive
data obtained through in-depth interviews with 8 (eight) female informant from
several places, namely: The Women's Penitentiary Institution Class IIA
Tangerang, Banten, House of Detention Class IIA Women East Jakarta; House of
Detention of Crime Narcotics Directorate of Criminal Investigation Police and
the House of Detention of National Narcotics Board. Data were also obtained by
the observation and study of literature.
Women's involvement in the illicit traffic in narcotics, as is well known that
women have a role that can not be ignored, because of the role of women both
within families and in economic life, social, cultural, educational, political and
religious. Strategic position of women within the family, especially in the form of
militant individuals, the power of a woman not only changed the lives of her
family, but also transform a nation or even the world. But the fact is happening
on the ground, many women are involved in the illicit trafficking of narcotics as a
Women as couriers is not necessarily the case, there are narcotics syndicates that
control women with a variety of modes, there because of their ignorance,
dependence on a man who has little relationship with the woman as husband or
boyfriend, there's also because the goods entrusted narcotics. Women involved
without knowing the risks of his actions and ended in penalties in the
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dindin Supratman
"Masalah narkoba tidak bisa diatasi oleh satu atau beberapa organisasi saja, akan tetapi harus bersinergi dengan instansi lainnya. Dalam rangka meningkatkan partisipasi aktif kementerian/lembaga di bidang penanganan narkoba, Badan Narkotika Nasional membuat Penggiat Anti Narkoba sebagai model dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat. Namun upaya sinergi tersebut terlihat masih terkendala seperti hubungan dan koordinasi antar stakeholder yang belum berjalan dengan baik serta masih minimnya partisipasi Penggiat Anti Narkoba dalam melaksanakan fungsi Pencegahan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan & Peredaran Gelap narkoba (P4GN).Situasi inilah yang mendorong penulis untuk melihat bagaimana sinergi BNN dengan stakeholder khususnya melalui model Penggiat Anti Narkoba sebagai upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan sinergi lembaga Badan Narkotika Nasional dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan mengidentifikasi faktor–faktor penghambat sinergi lembaga Badan Narkotika Nasional dalam rangka pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini memilih metode pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif digunakan untuk memahami masalah–masalah manusia atau sosial secara menyeluruh dan kompleks.

Drug problem could not be addressed by one or more organizations, but should synergize with other agencies.In order to increase the active participation of ministries/institutions in the field of drug handling, National Narcotics Agency made the actuator Anti Drugs as a model in the framework of community empowerment.But the efforts of these synergies look still constrained as the relationship and coordination between stakeholders who have not run well and the lack of participation of the actuator Anti Drugs Prevention function in carrying out Eradication The abuse of Illicit drugs & (P4GN).It is this situation that prompted the authors to see how the synergy of BNN with stakeholders particularly through the actuator model Anti Drugs as community empowerment efforts.The purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of the synergies of the National Narcotics Agency Agency in the framework of community empowerment, and identify factors – factors restricting the Agency's National Narcotics Agency synergy in order to empowerment the community.This research was the qualitative approach method. Qualitative research is used to understand the problem-human or social issues thoroughly and complex."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Agustinasari
"Kampanye merupakan upaya yang digunakan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sosial termasuk mengatasi permasalahan narkotika. Kampanye bertujuan untuk merubah perilaku masyarakat. Di Indonesia, permasalahan narkotika membawa kerugian ekonomi dan kerugian sumber daya penduduk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kampanye pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkotika yang mengangkat konten Gaya Hidup Sehat dan menganalisis konten Gaya Hidup Sehat dalam Iklan Layanan Masyarakat (ILM) produksi BNN tahun 2016 – 2018. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix method yaitu menggabungkan data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh melalui metode analisis konten. Populasi dan sampel dalan penelitian ini adalah ILM produksi BNN tahun 2016 – 2019 berjumlah 31 iklan. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap pelaku kampaye dan masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk menggali lebih dalam bagaimana kampanye dilaksanakan pada Direktorat Diseminasi Informasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kampanye pencegahan penyalahgunaan narkotika di BNN dilakukan melalui proses pengganggaran, penentuan tema dan sasaran. Konten Gaya Hidup Sehat dan pesan persuasi telah terdapat dalam ILM produksi BNN tahun 2016 – 2018. ILM dibingkai dalam bentuk iklan verbal dan non verbal sedangkan argumentasi dalam ILM adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan rational appeal dan emotional appeal. Tahun 2018 ILM yang diproduksi tidak menggunakan pendekatan fear appeal karena adanya kelompok pencari sensasi.

Campaign is an effort used in overcoming social problems including in overcoming narcotics problems. The campaign aims to change peoples behavior. In Indonesia, narcotics problems carry economic losses and loss of human resources. The research aims to determine how narcotic abuse prevention campaigns are lifting healthy lifestyle content and analysing healthy lifestyle content in NNBs production of Public Service Advertising (PSA) in 2016 – 2018. This research uses the mix method approach of combining quantitative data and qualitative data. Quantitative Data is obtained through a method of content analysis. The population and samples of this research are PSA production of NNB in 2016 – 2019 amounting to 31 ads. Qualitative Data was obtained through interviews against campaigner actors and communities aimed at digging deeper into how the campaign was conducted at the Directorate of Information dissemination. The results showed that the campaign to prevent narcotics abuse at the NNB was carried out through a budgeting process, determining themes and targets. Healthy Lifestyle content and persuasion messages have been found in NNB production PSAs in 2016 - 2018. PSA is framed in the form of verbal and non-verbal advertisements while arguments in PSA have included the rational appeal and emotional appeal approaches. In 2018 the PSA produced did not use fear appeal approach because of the sensation seeker group."
Depok: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library