"Kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor adalah penyebab utama yang fatal di PT.CPI. Jumlah kejadian kecelakaan kendaraan bermotor (motor vehicle crash) di PT.CPI wilayah SMO, lebih banyak dibandingkan jumlah kejadian kecelakaan kerja lainnya. PT CPI wilayah SMO telah menerapkan program-program keselamatan berkendara. Untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang menyebabkan tidak optimalnya pelaksanaan program keselamatan berkendara di area kerja PT CPI wilayah SMO, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang ?Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Motor Vehicle Safety di area kerja PT CPI wilayah SMO tahun 2010.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui efektivitas program keselamatan berkendara di PT CPI wilayah SMO tahun 2010. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan desain deskriptif kualitatif dengan rancangan penelitian observasional. Informan dalam penelitian terdiri dari Advisor HES Loss Prevention, HES analysis, HES Engineer, Group Leader Production Process & Treatment, Occupational Health Specialist dan Operator/Driver dari kontraktor. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi dan telaah dokumen. Untuk menganalisis keabsahan data dilakukan dengan triangulasi sumber dan metode.
Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa manajemen PT. CPI sudah mengeluarkan kebijakan mengenai keselamatan dalam berkendara yang dituangkan di dalam Motor Vehicle Safety Operational Excellence (OE) Process. journey planning, Defensive Drive Course, Driver Improvement Monitor dan Standar Operasional Kendaraan yang sudah dilaksanakan di PT. CPI secara umum sudah relevan, tepat waktu, dikelola oleh SDM yang sesuai, adanya kerjasama dan komunikasi tim yang efektif dan memberikan manfaat kepada pegawai. Program keselamatan kendaraan yang paling efektif dilaksanakan adalah program Defensive Driver Course (DDC). Pihak perusahaan perlu memberikan penekanan kepada kontraktor agar lebih memperhatikan keselamatan kerja, melakukan pengawasan yang intensif dan perlu menetapkan standar mutu terhadap pelaksanaan program keselamatan berkendara.
Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of fatality in PT.CPI. The number of motor vehicle crashes in PT.CPI region Sumatera Operation (SMO), more than the amount of other work accident. PT CPI SMO region have adopted driving safety programs. To know the cause of implementation of road safety programs is not optimal in the work area PT CPI region SMO, it is necessary to do research on "Evaluation of Motor Vehicle Safety Program Implementation in the work area PT CPI region SMO 2010.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of driving safety program in PT CPI region SMO 2010. This research is conducted using an observational research designs by using descriptive qualitative approach. Informants in the study consisted of Loss Prevention Advisor HES, HES analysis, HES Engineer, Group Leader Production Process & Treatment, Occupational Health Specialist and Operator / Driver from contractors. Data was collected through indepth interviews, observation and document review. To analyze the validity of the data was done by triangulation of sources and methods.
From the research found that the management of PT. CPI has issued a policy on safety in driving and as outlined in the Motor Vehicle Safety Operational Excellence (OE) Process. Journey planning, Defensive Drive Course, Driver Improvement Monitor and Vehicle Operating Standards which have performed at PT CPI generally have been relevant, timely, managed by the appropriate human resources, cooperation and effective team communication and provide benefits to employees. Vehicle safety program is the program most effectively implemented Defensive Driver Course (DDC). The company needs to give emphasis to the contractors to pay more attention to safety, conduct intensive supervision and need to set the quality standard of driving safety program implementation."