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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Damar Adhika Sari
Kemayoran telah mengalami transformasi fungsi kota. Bermula sebagai lahan berawa yang dijadikan kawasan bandara udara kemudian diubah menjadi kawasan perdagangan internasional yang dilengkapi area hunian didalamnya. Kebon Kosong menjadi kawasan hunian yang dilengkapi fasilitas publik di dalamnya. Dalam kehidupan, manusia senantiasa mencariketenangan dan kenyamanan jiwa melalui beragam aktivitas yang terwujud dalam kegiatan ritual. Sadar ataupun tidak warga kota menandai tempat tertentu berdasarkan interiority yang mereka rasakan untuk melakukan kegiatan ritual. Pembahasan aktivitas ritual dalam tesis ini terfokus pada kegiatan yang terjadi di ruang publik berdasarkan life cycle space. Life cycle space merupakan ruang gerak yang terbentuk dari aktivitas manusia berdasarkan kelompok usia tertentu. Setiap fase tumbuh kembang manusia memiliki radius gerak manusia yang terpaut dengan rumah tinggal. Area radius gerak manusia yang terjadi di ruang publik selanjutnya disebut sebagai ruang ritus kota. Berdasarkan analisis, ruang teduh menjadi tujuan warga kota untuk beraktivitas. Temuan ini mengantarkan pada metode merancang kota dengan permukaan bayangan.

Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people?s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface.;Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people?s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface., Kemayoran has been a transformation in the city functions. Previously, this area was marshy land that once used the area airports and then transformed into an international trade, with a residential area. Kebon Kosong area has now become a residential area and has been equipped with public facilities. In life, people always seek tranquility and comfort the soul through a variety of activities embodied in ritual activities. Consciously or not, people mark certain places based interiority they feel to perform the ritual activities. Discussion of ritual activity in this thesis is focused on the activities that take place in public spaces based on life cycle space. Life cycle space is the space that is formed from human activities and based on a particular age group. Each phase of human growth and development has a radius of human motion adrift with their living places. Radius area of human motion that occurs in the public space will be referred to as a rite of urban space. Based on the analysis, a shady area becomes people’s aim for daily activities. The result of this thesis leads to a method of designing the city with a shadow surface.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erma Primanita Hayuningtyas, Author
"Ikan Tiger shovelnose catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1766) merupakan ikan hias introduksi yang memiliki pertumbuhan cepat. Pertumbuhan berperan penting pada perkembangan ikan dan dipengaruhi kinerja hormon pertumbuhan (GH). Hormon pertumbuhan pada ikan jumlahnya terbatas, sehingga perlu dilakukan perbanyakan melalui isolasi gen GH, agar dapat diaplikasikan dalam peningkatan produktivitas ikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi dan menganalisis ekspresi mRNA gen GH pada ikan Tiger shovelnose catfish. Isolasi GH dilakukan dari jaringan kelenjar hipofisis pada ikan berukuran 602 g dan 43 cm. Tahapan isolasi diawali ekstraksi RNA, sintesis cDNA, dan Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) menggunakan primer GH degenerate dari data 7 spesies catfish di gene bank, serta gen -actin sebagai kontrol internal. Gen GH selanjutnya di-cloning dan sequencing. Ekspresi gen GH pada tahap perkembangan awal diamati sejak stadia embrio, larva (3, 10, dan 15 dph, day post hatched) dan juvenil (20, 45, dan 60 dph), kemudian dianalisis secara semi kuantitatif. Data ekspresi gen dianalisis menggunakan uji ANOVA satu arah dan dilanjutkan uji Tukey. Isolasi mRNA gen GH telah berhasil dilakukan secara parsial, dengan panjang sekuens 234 bp dan -actin berukuran 300 bp. Gen GH ikan Tiger shovelnose catfish secara homology dekat dengan ikan patin (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) dan ikan lele (Clarias batracus) dengan nilai sama yaitu 90,60%. Gen GH mulai terekspresi sejak dari stadia embrio. Ekspresi gen GH menurun pada dari stadia larva ke juvenil, karena merupakan tahap metamofosis. Stadia juvenil merupakan level ekspresi tertinggi (P<0,05), karena organ ikan sudah lebih lengkap dan ekspresinya akan terus meningkat seiring pertambahan usia.

An ornamental fish, the Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus, 1766) grows quickly. Growth hormone affects the performance of growth and development in this species. Because the amount of growth hormone in this fish is limited, it is necessary to isolate the GH gene to increase fish productivity. Accordingly, the aim of study is to isolated and to determine mRNA level of GH gene from each stage. The mRNA GH gene was isolated from 602 g of fish pituitary tissue. Followed by the -actin gene used as an internal control in Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction RT-PCR utilizing degenerate GH primers from 7 catfish species in the gene bank. The GH gene was then sequenced. GH gene expression was measured semi-quantitatively in embryonic, larval (3, 10, and 15 dph), and juvenile (20, 45, and 60 dph) stages, respectively. Gene expression of each stage were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and was followed by Tukey's test. The partial isolation of GH gene mRNA has been successfully carried out, with a sequence length of 234 bp and gene of -actin at 300 bp. The GH gene of Tiger shovelnose catfish was homology close to catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) and catfish (Clarias batracus) with the same value of 90.60%. GH gene expression decreased from larval to juvenile stage, because it was a metamorphosis stage. Juvenile stage is the highest expression level (P<0.05), because fish organs are more complete and their expression will continue to increase with age."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Akbar Hipi
"Pengembangan kendaraan listrik tentunya perlu didukung oleh sistem charging station yang bisa menjangkau pengguna kendaraan listrik secara umum dan di samping itu juga bermanfaat dalam pemanfaatan energi terbarukan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah mengkaji pemanfaatan energi terbarukan sebagai sumber energi CS. Idealnya kendaraan listrik menggunakan sumber energi terbarukan yang ramah lingkungan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengkaji strategi keberlanjutan dari Hybrid Charging station (HCS) dengan metode Life Cycle Costing (LCC), Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) dan analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, hreat). Metode penelitian menggunakan metode gabungan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada aspek ekonomi HCS tergolong efisien, kemudian pada aspek lingkungan komponen photovoltaic yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan. Stategi keberlanjutan HCS perlu didukung oleh seluruh stake holder yang berperan dalam  pengembangan kendaraan listrik dan infrastruktur pendukungnya. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah strategi pengembangan HCS yang tepat dapat mengurangi dampak lingkungan, meningkatkan efisiensi dan memudahkan pengembangan charging station yang ramah lingkungan.

The development of electric vehicles certainly needs to be supported by a charging station system that can reach electric vehicle users in general and besides that is also beneficial in the use of renewable energy. The problem in this research is to examine the use of renewable energy as a CS energy source. Ideally electric vehicles use renewable energy sources that are environmentally friendly. The purpose of this study is to examine the sustainability strategy of the Hybrid Charging station (HCS) using the Life Cycle Costing (LCC) method, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunity, Threat). The research method uses a combined method. The results showed that on the economic aspect HCS was classified as efficient, then on the environmental aspect the photovoltaic component contributed the most to the impact. The HCS sustainability strategy needs to be supported by all stakeholders who play a role in the development of electric vehicles and their supporting infrastructure. The conclusion of the research is that the right HCS development strategy can reduce environmental impact, increase efficiency and facilitate the development of environmentally friendly charging stations."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Renny Widyastuti
Idiosyncratic volatility adalah salah satu asset pricing puzzle yang paling aktif diteliti. Sejumlah riset dilakukan untuk dapat menjawab apakah idiosyncratic volatility sepenuhnya dapat dijelaskan oleh fenomena lain, tak terkecuali dengan perubahan dalam nilai fundamental perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh ROE volatility terhadap idiosyncratic volatility sepanjang life cycle stage perusahaan non-keuangan yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan The Stock Exchange of Thailand selama periode 2011-2017.
Penelitian ini menggunakan ROE sebagai proksi dari volatilitas fundamental perusahaan. Pola arus kas berdasarkan Dickinson (2011) digunakan untuk mengklasifikasikan tahap life cycle perusahaan untuk kemudian diklasifikasikan ulang dengan menggunakan Multiclass Linear Discriminant Analysis guna mendapatkan proksi life cycle yang baik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tahap introduction dan growth mempengaruhi ROE volatility dalam meningkatkan dan menurunkan idiosyncratic volatility.

Idiosyncratic volatility is one of the most actively studied asset pricing puzzles. A number of studies have been conducted to be able to answer whether idiosyncratic volatility can be fully explained by other phenomena, including changes in the company's fundamental values. This study aims to analyze the effect of return on equity volatility on idiosyncratic volatility throughout life cycle stage of non-financial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Thailand during the period of 2011- 2017.
The cash flow pattern based on Dickinson (2011) is used to classify the life cycle stage of the company to then be reclassified by using Multiclass Linear Discriminant Analysis to obtain a good proxy of life cycle. The results showed that the introduction and growth stages affected ROE volatility in increasing and decreasing idiosyncratic volatility.

UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fitriana Yudisari
"Perkembangan pelayanan kesehatan mulai dari unit yang terkecil sampai dengan rumah sakit yang kompleks baik .dari segi sumber daya maupun dari sistem yang berlaku, umumnya berlangsung sedemikian rupa. Kehadiran rumah sakit pada saat ini mempunyai daya saing yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu setiap jenjang perkembangama memerlukan penetapan rencana strategis, sehingga dapat melakukan pelayanan dengan balk dan terus bertahan hidup.
Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Aceh Tarniang yang merupakan instansi sektor publik juga bertujuan memberikan pelayanan prima kepada konsumen baik dari segi pelayanan medis maupun fasilitas yang memadai dan hal tersebut dapat terrwujud apabila rumah sakit mempunyai perencanaan strategis.
Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa Klinik Umum, Klinik Gigi dan Rehabilitasi Medik melalui variabel internal Product Life Cycle (PL)yaitu sales, cost, profit, cash flow, capital access, serta variabel ekstemal yaitu competitor, sehingga dapat diketahui posisinya menurut siklus hidupnya yang akan menjadi dasar pembuatan sirategi yang tepat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian operasional dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa klinik Umum Klinik Gigi clan Rehabilitasi Medik berada pada fase Growth dalam PLC. Selanjutnya dilakukan pencocokan strategi berdasarkan teori dari para ahli, maka alternatif strateginya adalah pengembangan produk, pengembangan pasar dan penetrasi pasar. Penentuan strategi terpilih berdasarkan hasil wawancara tidak terstruktur memberikan rekomendasi sebagai berikut:
a. Klinik Umum : Pembuatan paket medical check-up sederhana bagi perneriksaan kesehatan calon jemaah haji
b. Klinik Gigi menambah jenis pelayanan pembuatan gigi tiruan
c. Rehabilitasi Medik : Perbaikan tamplIan ruang Rehabilitasi Medik
Pengimplementasian strategi terpilih secara terprogram diharapkan dapat lebih mengembangkan Klinik Umum, Klinik Gigi clan Rehabilitasi Medik.

Generally the development of health service from the smallest unit to the hospital which has a complex from both resources and applied system, is usually occur in such ways. The presence of hospitals these days are very competitive. There for every step of its development needed a strategic plan so that the institution can performed the excellent service and in order to keep survive.
Aceh Tamiang District Hospital as a public sector institution has aim to give the excellent service to consumer in medical services and an adequate facility, and those thing only happened if the hospital has the strategic planning.
The research's aim to analyze the general clinic, dental Clinic and Medical rehabilitation by using the internal variables of
Product Life Cycle (PLC) which are sales, cost, profit, cash flow, capital access and external variable such as competitors, in order to define each position according to its life cycle that becomes a reference to create the accurate strategic response. This is an operational research with a qualitative approach.
The result shows that all units, general Clinic, dental Clinic and medical rehabilitation, were in the growth phase of product life cycle. After that the matching strategy was done based on the expert's theory, and we can conclude that the alternative strategies were product development, market development and market penetration. Chosen strategy that was pick based on the result of non structured interview that give the recommendation as follows :
a. General Clinic : simple medical check-up package to examine the health of hajj candidates.
b. Dental clinic add prosthodontic treatment
c. medical rehabilitation : enhance the medical rehabilitation room
The implementing of well-planned chosen strategy was hopefully could be more developed the General Clinic, Dental Clinic and Medical Rehabilitation.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
London: Springer-Verlag , 1990
595.7 INS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library