ABSTRAKTesis ini menelusuri basis sosial jagoan Jakarta dan ?dunia bawah?, terutama
peran jagoan Jakarta pascarevolusi Indonesia. Ruang menjadi bagian penting
penguasaan dan pengendalian jagoan Jakarta dalam mempertahankan kekuasaan,
menguasai sumber ekonomi, dan membangun jaringan atau organisasi jagoan.
Kekerasan dan protes baik terhadap orang maupun properti melekat erat pada
jagoan dalam upaya penguasaan di perkotaan. Seorang figur terkemuka jagoan
Jakarta adalah Letkol Imam Sjafe?i atau Pi?i, kemudian menjadi menteri negara
urusan pengamanan di era Presiden Soekarno. Studi ini memanfaatkan sumber
lisan dan tulisan untuk melihat basis sosial jagoan dan struktur sosial masyarakat
Jakarta. Hubungan antara ruang dan perkembangan ekonomi, dimensi sosial
politik kriminalitas, dan sejarah Jakarta dari perspektif jagoan menjadi fokus
uraian tesis ini.
ABSTRACT This thesis trace down the social base of the Jakarta?s champions and the
"underworld", mainly the role of Jakarta?s champion in the post revolutionary
Indonesia. Space has become an important part of mastery and control of the
Jakarta?s champions in maintaining their power, control of economic resources,
and building the networks or champions organizations. Violence and protests both
against people and property is attached tightly to the hero in an effort to control
the urban areas. A leading figure of the Jakarta?s champions was Lieutenant
Colonel Imam Sjafe'i or Pi'i, he was one of Sukarno?s minister who hold the
position of state security affairs. This study mainly using the oral and written
sources to find out the social base of the Jakarta?s champions as well as the social
structure of Jakarta?s commmunity. The main focus of this thesis is explaining the
relations between space and economic development and social and political
dimensions of criminality, and furthermore the history of Jakarta from the
perspective of Jakarta?s champions."