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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bagus Setyo Wicaksono
"Inkubator bayi adalah alat yang sangat berguna untuk mempertahankan hidup bayi yang lahir secara prematur, dengan cara mempertahankan temperatur dan kelembaban udara. Di Indonesia baru sedikit sekali institusi yang melakukan penelitian dan pengembangan tentang inkubator bayi. Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Indonesia dan PT. Medixe Sekawan Utama adalah dua institusi yang telah meneliti dan mengembangkan inkubator bayi, serta mendapatkan sertifikat dari Departemen Kesehatan, baik yang menggunakan pemanas listrik maupun lampu pijar. Akan tetapi, unjuk kerja inkubator ini belum pernah diuji di berbagai temperatur lingkungan yang rendah ( Karena itulah tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji unjuk kerja inkubator bayi di tempat dengan temperatur ruang rendah (16°C - 24°C), dengan menggunakan daya lampu pijar sebesar 180 Watt secara konveksi alami. Dari pengujian, didapatkan hasil yang cukup baik ketika inkubator berada di kondisi temperatur normal (27°C, 28°C, dan 29°C), yaitu menunjukkan waktu respon yang cepat untuk mencapai temperatur ideal bayi (33°C) dan nilai heat loss-nya yang kecil. Ketika pengujian di ruang AC (23°C and 24°C), waktu respon pemanasan untuk mencapai temperatur ideal bayi menjadi lebih lambat, dan nilai heat loss-nya lebih besar. Pengujian di cold storage (16°C -22°C), menunjukkan bahwa pemanasan inkubator tidak mampu mencapai temperatur ideal bayi.

Infant incubator is one of medical instruments that important to maintain the temperature and humidity of premature-newborn baby. Only few of institution deal with research and development of infant incubator. Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Indonesia collabration with PT. Medixe Sekawan Utama have research and developed infant incubator. The incubator - both bulblamp and electric heater for the heater - have gotten certification from department of health But in fact, the performance of the incubator have never been tested in the lower temperature condition (below 25°C). Because of above reasons, this paper aims to study the performance (heating) of infant incubator in lower temperature condition (16°C - 24°C) by using 180 Watt-bulblamp in natural convection flow. The study is also analyzed the incubator's performance in normal temperature condition (27°C - 29°C). The study concluded that the incubator shows good performance in the normal temperature condition (27°C, 28°C, and 29°C), it indicates that response time to reach ideal temperature (33°C) is fast and heat losses is little. In air-conditioned room with lower temperature (23°C and 24°C), the response time getting slower and the value of heat losses are higher. Lastly, the testing in cold storage (16°C -22°C) shows that the incubator is not able to reach the ideal temperature (33°C), even only reaching below 30°C. As a result, the response time of heating can not be defined and value of heat losses showed in negative."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rho Natta Matahari
"[Salah satu tantangan dalam meningkatkan standar kesehatan di Indonesia adalah masih tingginya angka kelahiran bayi prematur. Upaya penyelamatan bayi
yang lahir prematur terhambat oleh beberapa faktor terutama faktor ekonomi yang disebabkan mahalnya biaya perawatan di ruang NICU rumah sakit. Selain itu, distribusi listrik yang belum merata menyebabkan sedikitnya rumah sakit yang menyediakan fasilitas inkubator terutama pada wilayah terpencil di Indonesia. Penggunaan Phase Change Materials dari kelompok organik sebagai elemen pemanas inkubator portable non-elektrik agar aman bagi pernafasan bayi
dan mudah pendistribusiannya menjadi salah satu alternatif upaya penyelamatan bayi prematur yang lahir terutama diwilayah yang belum dialiri listrik nasional. Eksperimen ini bertujuan mendapatkan masa PCM yang paling efisien sesuai Standar Nasional Indonesia untuk mendapatkan rentang waktu dan temperatur paling ideal bagi bayi prematur. Juga pengurangan masa PCM akan meringankan bobot inkubator secara total serta mengurangi biaya. Eksperimen dilakukan menggunakan prototype Inkubator Grashof seri-F yang memanfaatkan fenomena konveksi natural dalam proses pemanasan ruang inkubator. Temperatur diukur menggunakan termokopel tipe K yang dihubungkan pada Modul NI9211. Grafik pengukuran digambarkan oleh perangkat lunak Labview 8.5 yang diinstal pada Personal Computer Unit. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan masa PCM jenis Beeswax sebesar 3kg adalah yang paling efisien dalam penggunaan energi. Aplikasi fin juga membantu mempersingkat waktu tunggu sebelum penggunaan
inkubator dan distribusi panas yang lebih merata dalam ruang inkubator.

One of the challenges in improving health standards in Indonesia is a high number of neonatal birth. Government efforts to save neonatals hampered by several factors especially economic factors caused by high cost of neonatals care in NICU room at the hospital. Moreover, the uneven of electricity distribution cause least hospitals providing incubator facilities, especially for remote areas in Indonesia.
The use of Phase Change Materials from the organic group as a heating element for portable non-electric incubator to be safe for the baby's breathing and
easy distribution into an alternative rescue efforts, especially premature babies born in the region that has not been electrified nationwide. Experiments aimed at finding the most efficient mass of PCM based on Indonesian National Standard to get the ideal time and temperature range for premature babies. PCM mass reduction also will lighten the weight of the incubator in total as well as reduce costs. Experiments conducted using prototype Incubator Grashof-F series which utilizes natural convection phenomena in the process of incubator space heating.
Temperatures were measured using a K-type thermocouple connected to the module NI9211. Measurement chart illustrated by Labview 8.5 software installed on the Personal Computer Unit. The experimental results indicate the mass of 3kg PCM types Beeswax is the most efficient in energy use. Applications fin also help
shorten the waiting time before the use of incubators and more even heat distribution within the incubator.;One of the challenges in improving health standards in Indonesia is a high
number of neonatal birth. Government efforts to save neonatals hampered by
several factors especially economic factors caused by high cost of neonatals care
in NICU room at the hospital. Moreover, the uneven of electricity distribution
cause least hospitals providing incubator facilities, especially for remote areas in
The use of Phase Change Materials from the organic group as a heating
element for portable non-electric incubator to be safe for the baby's breathing and
easy distribution into an alternative rescue efforts, especially premature babies
born in the region that has not been electrified nationwide. Experiments aimed at
finding the most efficient mass of PCM based on Indonesian National Standard to
get the ideal time and temperature range for premature babies. PCM mass
reduction also will lighten the weight of the incubator in total as well as reduce
costs. Experiments conducted using prototype Incubator Grashof-F series which
utilizes natural convection phenomena in the process of incubator space heating.
Temperatures were measured using a K-type thermocouple connected to the
module NI9211. Measurement chart illustrated by Labview 8.5 software installed
on the Personal Computer Unit. The experimental results indicate the mass of 3kg
PCM types Beeswax is the most efficient in energy use. Applications fin also help
shorten the waiting time before the use of incubators and more even heat
distribution within the incubator., One of the challenges in improving health standards in Indonesia is a high
number of neonatal birth. Government efforts to save neonatals hampered by
several factors especially economic factors caused by high cost of neonatals care
in NICU room at the hospital. Moreover, the uneven of electricity distribution
cause least hospitals providing incubator facilities, especially for remote areas in
The use of Phase Change Materials from the organic group as a heating
element for portable non-electric incubator to be safe for the baby's breathing and
easy distribution into an alternative rescue efforts, especially premature babies
born in the region that has not been electrified nationwide. Experiments aimed at
finding the most efficient mass of PCM based on Indonesian National Standard to
get the ideal time and temperature range for premature babies. PCM mass
reduction also will lighten the weight of the incubator in total as well as reduce
costs. Experiments conducted using prototype Incubator Grashof-F series which
utilizes natural convection phenomena in the process of incubator space heating.
Temperatures were measured using a K-type thermocouple connected to the
module NI9211. Measurement chart illustrated by Labview 8.5 software installed
on the Personal Computer Unit. The experimental results indicate the mass of 3kg
PCM types Beeswax is the most efficient in energy use. Applications fin also help
shorten the waiting time before the use of incubators and more even heat
distribution within the incubator.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ary Virgiawan Zaelani
"Indonesia menempati peringkat kelima negara dengan angka kelahiran bayi prematur terbanyak di dunia 675.700 bayi. Inkubator grashof menjadi salah satu alat kesehatan yang sangat berguna untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidup bayi prematur tersebut, dengan cara mempertahankan suhu pada kabin bayi dengan kisaran 33°C-35°C. Inkubator grashof ini memanfaatkan prinsip konveksi alamiah dan sirkulasi alamiah, dimana bekerja hanya menggunakan perbedaan densitas saat terjadinya pemanasan, jika nilai suhu udara meningkat densitas akan turun yang berarti udara akan lebih ringan sehingga akan naik. Komponen utama dari inkubator grashof adalah lampu pijar sebagai pemanas utama dan termostat digital sebagai kontrol suhu yang di set pada suhu tertentu.
Pada penelitian ini, metode pengukuran suhu yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan sensor DS 18B20 untuk mengukur suhu dan sensor DHT22 untuk mengukur kelembaban, kedua sensor ini akan terintegrasi dengan hardware dan software arduino untuk pembacaan data. Sensor DS diletakan pada 10 titik pengukuran, sedangkan sensor DHT22 diletakkan pada 2 titik pengukuran di inkubator. Prosedur pengukuran suhu dilakukan berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia SNI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui titik kestabilan suhu pada kabin bayi serta mengetahui karakteristik perubahan suhu inkubator. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada variasi suhu lingkungan 25°C dan 30°C.

Indonesia is ranked fifth country with the world 39 s most preterm baby 675,700 babies. The grashof incubator is one of the most important biomedical tools to maintain the survival of the premature baby by keeping the temperature in the baby 39 s cabin at temperature 33 C 35 C. This grashof incubator utilizes the principle of natural convection, where it works only using the difference in density when heating occurs, if the temperature increases, density will decrease which means the air will be lighter so it will rise. The main components are the lamps as the main heater and the digital thermostat as a temperature control that set at a certain temperature.
In this research, the temperature measurement method is using DS 18B20 sensor to measure temperature and DHT22 sensor to measure humidity, both of these sensors will be integrated with arduino software for data reading. The DS sensor is placed at 10 point of measurement, while the DHT22 sensor is placed at 2 points of measurement in the incubator. The temperature measurement procedure is based on Indonesian National Standard SNI . The purpose of this research is to know the temperature stability point in baby cabin and to know the characteristic of temperature change in incubator. The data were collected at environmental temperature variations 25°C - 30°C.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alfredo Dwi Andrianto
"Dengan permintaan inkubator untuk bayi permatur berada pada tingkat yang tinggi, khususnya di Indonesia dengan 675,500 bayi premature setiap tahunnya, konsep dari inkubator grashof telah dibuat untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini di Indonesia. Namun, muncullah sebuah masalah baru yaitu bayi prematur kembar. Proses desain inkubator bayi kembar mengikuti konsep dari inkubator grashof dengan volume yang lebih besar untuk menampung dua bayi. Dengan menggunakan 3D modelling software, desain produk ini berfokus pada mengadaptasi fungsionalitas dari inkubator grashof seperti menjaga temperature kabin di 33 C-35 C dengan konsep konveksi alamiah. Selain fungsionalitas, desain juga berfokus pada aspek ergonomis dan konsiderasi penggunaan material agar tetap menjaga sifat murah dan dapat diproduksi UKM. Penelitian pun dilakukan untuk memastikan suhu 33 C-35 C dapat terjaga. Sensor DS18B20 digunakan untuk mengukur temperatur yang diletakkan di sepuluh titik yang berbeda, dan sensor DHT22 digunakan untuk mengukur kelembaban. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah inkubator bayi kembar dapat mencapai suhu yang dibutuhkan dengan menggunakan lampu pijar 4 x 15W.

As the demand for premature infant incubators are constantly high, especially in Indonesia as the fifth ranked country of the worlds most premature baby 675,700 babies per year, the concept of grashof incubator has been developed to fulfill the needs of Indonesian citizens. As the demand grows, the need to solve twin premature babies rsquo problem has been emerging ever since. The designation of Twin Baby Incubator follows the basic concept of existing grashof incubator with bigger volume as a mean to include two babies at the same time. Using 3D modelling software, the product design development mainly focuses on adapting the current functionalities of grashof incubator into the twin grashof baby incubator, such as keeping the babies rsquo cabin temperature at 33 C 35 C by allowing natural convention and natural circulation to occur. Beside the main functionalities, the design also focuses on ergonomic aspects as well as material consideration as a mean to improve usability and efficiency. Furthermore, a research was conducted to make sure that the temperature of 33 C 35 C can be achieved regardless bigger volume of babies rsquo cabin. As the design follows the concept of grashof incubator, the main components are light bulbs as the main heater and digital thermostat as a temperature controller. DS18B20 sensors are used to measure temperature where they are being placed at ten different points of measurements, and DHT22 sensor is placed to measure the level of humidity. The expected results of the research are the capability of developed twin incubator to achieve mandatory temperature, as mentioned above, inside the cabin using 4 x 15 W light bulbs."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mohammad Rafi
"Indonesia memiliki jumlah kelahiran bayi prematur hingga ratusan ribu setiap tahun. Karena Grashof Inkubator ini dibuat untuk meminimalkan tingkat kematian bayi prematur tersebut. Pengukuran all-in-one diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi proses pemantauan kinerja Grashof Inkubator. Jadi, pengukuran all-in-lowcost dan praktis dirancang dengan menggunakan DHT22 sebagai sensor kelembaban dan DS18B20 sebagai sensor suhu dan kedua sensor ini akan menjadi dikombinasikan dengan LCD. Kedua sensor DS18B20 dikalibrasi sehingga perbedaan pembacaan suhu antara kedua sensor akan seminimal mungkin. Sedangkan parameter kelembaban dipelajari untuk mengetahui karakteristik kelembaban di dalam dan di luar kabin Inkubator Grashof dan juga untuk mengetahui nilai rata-rata perbedaan kelembaban () untuk nilai persamaan Arduino sehingga satu sensor DHT22 yang akan ditempatkan di luar inkubator dapat menampilkan nilai kelembaban di dalam dan luar pada LCD. Karakteristik Kelembaban diukur dalam kondisi lingkungan yang berbeda yang terdiri dari lingkungan dengan suhu normal (30) dan lingkungan dengan suhu dingin relatif (25). Setelah itu percobaan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kelembaban di dalam kabin inkubator untuk mengantisipasi jika kelembaban di dalam berkurang secara drastis. Eksperimen menggunakan busa dan air sebagai komponen untuk meningkatkan tingkat kelembaban. Hasil percobaan ini adalah peningkatan kelembaban kabin sebesar 2-3%.

Indonesia has a birth number of premature babies up to hundreds of thousands each year. Because of this Grashof Incubator were made to minimize the death rate of those premature babies. An all in one measurement was needed to facilitate the monitoring process of the performance of the Grashof Incubator. So a low cost and practical all in one measurement were designed with the use of DHT22 as humidity sensor and DS18B20 as temperature sensor and both of these sensors will be combined with an LCD. Both of the DS18B20 sensors are calibrated so that the difference of temperature reading between the two sensors will be as minimum as possible. While the parameters of humidity were studied to know the humidity characteristics in the inside and outside cabin of the Grashof Incubators and also to know the average value of humidity difference () for the value of the Arduinos equation so that one DHT22 sensor that will be placed outside the incubator can display the values ​​of inside and outside humidity on the LCD. Humidity Characteristics are measured in different environment conditions which consist of an environment with normal temperatures (30) and an environment with relative cold temperatures (25). After that an experiment was made with a purpose to increase the humidity inside the incubators cabin to anticipate if the humidity decreases drastically inside. The experiment uses foam and water as the component to raise the humidity level. The results of this experiment were increased from cabin humidity by 2-3%."
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putri Fadhillah Nugraha
Menurut data dari World Health Organization WHO , Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan tingkat kelahiran prematur tertinggi di dunia, dengan jumlah bayi yang terlahir prematur sebanyak 675.744 di tahun 2010, dan inkubator bayi menjadi salah satu cara untuk menyalamatkan mereka. Namun, distribusi listrik yang tidak merata di beberapa daerah terpencil merupakan kendala dalam penggunaannya di Indonesia, sehingga inkubator bayi non-elektrik diperlukan.Penggunaan Phase Change Material PCM tipe Beeswax sebagai elemen pemanas inkubator bayi non-elektrik telah menghasilkan bukti bahwa inkubator bayi tidak harus selalu bergantung pada listrik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan desain baru dari inkubator menggunakan energi PCM yang lebih efisien daripada inkubator dalam dua penelitian sebelumnya dengan mengatur perpindahan panas di dalamnya dan melakukan perubahan pada bahan inkubator dari kayu menjadi polyurethane serta cartridge PCM dari tembaga menjadi stainless steel yang membuat berat keseluruhan inkubator menjadi jauh lebih ringan.Variasi eksperimen dibagi menjadi waktu siang dan malam hari , penempatan cartridge PCM saat cartridge PCM ditempatkan secara sejajar atau tegak lurus terhadap lubang sirkulasi udara , dan bentuk lubang sirkulasi udara lubang lingkaran kecil dan lubang persegi panjang . Prototipe Inkubator Grashof tipe F yang telah dimodifikasi digunakan di sini dengan penambahan katup di dalamnya dan penerapan proses konveksi alami. Dari hasil percobaan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa Beeswax dapat mempertahankan temperatur 32 C ndash; 36 C selama 108.8 menit di siang hari dan 119.5 menit di malam hari, serta inkubator bayi non-elektrik dapat bekerja secara lebih efisien karena beberapa modifikasi yang dilakukan.

According to the World Health Organization WHO data, Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest preterm birth rates in the world, with the amount of 675,744 babies born prematurely in 2010, and an infant incubator is one of the ways to save them. However, the uneven power distribution in some remote areas is the obstacle in its use in Indonesia, so that non electric infant incubator is required.The use of Phase Change Material PCM type Beeswax as a heating element in non electric infant incubator has produced the evidence that the infant incubator does not have to always depend on electricity. This experiment aims to obtain the new design of incubator using PCM energy which is more efficient than the incubator in the two previous researches by regulating the heat transfer in it and make the changes of material of incubator from wood to polyurethane as well as PCM cartridge from copper to stainless steel which makes the overall mass of incubator much lighter.The experiment variation was divided into time day and night time , PCM cartridge placement when PCM cartridges were in parallel and perpendicular to the holes of circulation , and shape of air circulation hole small circle holes and rectangular holes . The modified prototype of Grashof Incubator Type F was used here by adding the valve inside it and applying natural convection process. From the experiment result, it could be concluded that Beeswax could maintained a temperature of 32 C ndash 36 C for 108.8 minutes in day time and 119.5 minutes in night time, as well as non electric infant incubator could worked in more efficient way due to some modifications made. "
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arif Widianto
"Pada skripsi ini, dilakukan rancang bangun perangkat pengukur berat badan bayi untuk aplikasi inkubator. Perangkat bekerja dengan memanfaatkan load cell sebagai pendeteksi berat yang dipasang di bagian bawah alas tidur bayi. Keluaran load cell diolah dengan rangkaian elektronika pendukung untuk kemudian diproses oleh mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3 dan ditampilkan pada LCD.
Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat mampu bekerja pada rentang berat 0 ndash; 3000 gram dengan threshold dan resolusi masing-masing sebesar 12,5 gram. Perangkat hasil rancang bangun telah dibandingkan dengan timbangan konvensional yang memiliki nilai galat error rata-rata sebesar 7,541 , sementara nilai galat error rata-rata yang dihasilkan perangkat memiliki nilai yang lebih rendah, yaitu 4,313 . Selain itu, perangkat menghasilkan hysteresis yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan hysteresis timbangan konvensional.

In this undergraduate thesis, design of weight monitoring system based on load cellfor newborn incubator application has been conducted. The system works by usinga load cell as a sensing element which is installed under a sleeping mats. The outputof load cell is processed by the support electronic circuit and then displayed onLCD by Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller.
Experiment results show that the deviceis able to measure the body weight of the newborn from 0 up to 3000 gram. Thethreshold value is 12.5 gram and its resolution value is also 12.5 gram. Compared toconventional baby scale with error 7.541 this device has a lower error, 4.313 .It is also shown that the developed device has a lower hysteresis compared to theconventional baby scale.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Hadiyan Faza
Inkubator bayi adalah alat elektromedik yang berfungsi untuk memberikan kehangatan, kelembaban, dan oksigen dimana seluruh lingkungannya terkontrol dan diperlukan oleh bayi prematur. Supaya inkubator bayi berfungsi dengan benar, dibutuhkan pasokan listrik yang cukup supaya tercapai berat badan bayi yang ideal. Untuk beberapa desa-desa di Indonesia yang tidak terjangkau oleh sumber listrik konvensional atau listrik PLN akan menjadi bahaya untuk bayi prematur. Sehingga dikembangkan sistem catu daya inkubator bayi dengan sumber energi terbarukan berbasis arus searah. Beberapa keuntungan sumber listrik arus searah adalah efisisensi yang tinggi dimana transmisi arus searah bisa membawa daya lebih banyak dengan rugi-rugi listrik dalam jumlah yang kecil serta kehandalan yang tinggi. Penelitian ini membahas tentang tiga skenario studi sistem catu daya inkubator bayi. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan pada skenario pertama untuk durasi ketahanan suplai baterai asam timbal untuk daya lampu 42 W mampu bertahan selama 504 menit dan untuk daya lampu 31 W mampu bertahan selama 721 menit. Pada skenario kedua untuk durasi ketahanan suplai baterai lithium-ion untuk daya lampu 42 W mampu bertahan selama 755 menit dan untuk daya lampu 31 W mampu bertahan selama 990 menit. Untuk skenario ketiga pada ketahanan suplai baterai lithium-ion untuk daya lampu 50 W mampu bertahan selama 625 menit.

Baby incubator is an electromedical device that give a warm, humidity, and oxygen where it rsquo s environment controlled and required by premature baby. For the proper usage on this device, it requires an enough supply of electric to reach an ideal weight for babies. It rsquo s a difficulty for some villages in Indonesia that are not covered by a conventional electricity. Then, developed a power supply system for baby incubator with renewable energy based on Direct Current. Several advantages of direct current usage are high efficiency, which it rsquo s transmission can carry more power with a small amount of electrical losses and high reliability. This research discusses about three scenarios of electrical system for baby incubator. The result of this research is for the first scenario using a lead acid battery on 42 W lamp can last for 504 minutes and on 31 W lamp can last for 721 minutes. At the second scenario using lithium ion battery on 42 W lamp can last for 755 minutes and on 31 W lamp can last for 990 minutes. And for the third scenario using lithium ion battery on 50 W lamp can last for 625 minutes."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library