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Ditemukan 9 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Napoleon Bonaparte
"Kota Jakarta yang merupakan pusat segala kegiatan di Indonesia dengan pembangunan yang mengejar modernisasi telah membuatnya menjadi sasaran urbanisasi. Kurangnya fasilitas kehidupan di pedesaan dan urbanisasi berantai, telah turut menciptakan urbanisasi berlebih, yang akhirnya berdampak pada over population sehingga jauh melebihi daya tampung kota Jakarta baik dari segi fasilitas pemukiman, lapangan pekerjaan dan pelayanan jasa lainnya.
Terbatasnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan para migran dan rasa malu pulang kampung sebelum berhasil di Jakarta, menjadikan para migran cenderung memilih sektor industri informal sebagai jalan keluar untuk bertahan hidup. Di lain pihak, kawasan Jatinegara yang berkembang menjadi salah satu pusat kegiatan perdagangan di Jakarta, menjadi pull factor bagi kaum pendatang untuk turut mengadu nasib.
Kesadaran bahwa keberadaannya tidak dikehendaki oleh Pemerintah DKI Jakarta, pedagang kaki lima illegal berupaya mencari perlindungan demi kelanggengan usahanya. Karena upaya untuk menjadi pedagang resmi yang mengantongi Surat Ijin Walikota tidak membuahkan hasil, akhimya mereka berupaya berlindung kepada aparat keamanan setempat agar menimbulkan sikap sungkan di kalangan aparat Trantib Pemda Jakarta Timur.
Perbedaan pemahaman arti "ketertiban? antara Pemda dan aparat keamanan, membuat aparat keamanan cenderung lebih memprioritaskan situasi damai dan ketenangan di masyarakat, daripada memicu reaksi massa yang dapat berkembang ke arah kerusuhan massal. Hal ini mewarnai sikap aparat keamanan yang terkesan "menutup mata" dan membiarkan kegiatan pedagang kaki lima illegal. Bahkan, beranjak dari hubungan kemitraan guna membantu tugas pokoknya, secara individual aparat keamanan memanfaatkan pedagang kaki lima untuk kepentingan pribadinya.
Sadar akan persamaan nasib yang tidak memiliki altematif jalan keluar lain, akhirnya pedagang kaki lima illegal merasa perlu mengorganisasi diri dalam bentuk kelompok-kelompok. Para ketua kelompok yang juga berfungsi sebagai penghubung dengan aparat keamanan, Trantib Pemda Jakarta Timur dan masyarakat sekitar lokasi tersebut, selanjutnya menjadi tokoh sentral yang menentukan kebijakan kelompok agar usahanya tetap langgeng, antara lain dengan mewajibkan anggota kelompok menyetor Rp. 1000,- per hari,
Daya tarik kawasan yang dianggap "surga" daiam mengais rejeki ini kemudian memunculkan pedagang tentengan yang hadir tanpa menyesuaikan diri dengan pola keteraturan yang telah terbentuk, telah menimbulkan persaingan sebagai akibat strategi berdagang yang selalu mendekati pembeli.
Sikap solidaritas sesama pedagang telah menghambat upaya penyelesaian persaingan tersebut, yang akhirnya berkembang menjadi pertentangan dengan cara mempengaruhi aparat keamanan untuk menindak pedagang tentengan tersebut.
Perbedaan perlakuan Pemerintah DKI Jakarta terhadap pedagang kaki lima legal dan illegal, telah menimbulkan simpati masyarakat yang diwakili oleh FAKTA, yang berupaya membela pedagang kaki lima illegal dengan memberikan informasi-informasi kepada birokrat yang lebih tinggi. Namun, karena perbedaan perlakuan tersebut tetap terjadi, maka berkembanglah pertentangan antara FAKTA dengan Pemerintah DKI.
Tulisan ini juga menggambarkan peran Polres Metro Jakarta Timur dalam menyikapi akibat yang secara tidak Iangsung diakibatkan oleh kegiatan pedagang kaki lima illegal ini, antara lain : upaya memperkecil penyebab kemacetan lalu lintas, mencegah niat para pelaku kejahatan dan dan menggalang daya tangkal pedagang kaki lima illegal terhadap kejahatan yang sangat mungkin terjadi di lokasi ini.
Daftar Kepustakaan : 18 buku."
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Isu penyelamatan pendatang di laut merupakan isu yang penting mengingat Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan yang memperluas permasalahan khususnya yang ebrkaitan dengan pengungsi yang tidak berdokumen sehingga memerlukan solusi komprehensif baik secara domestik, bilateral dan regional."
JPUPI 5:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dion Arochman Wijanarko
Penelitian ini berfokus pada penanganan imigran ilegal di Indonesia khususnya dalam bidang keimigrasian yang fokus kepada pencari suaka dan pengungsi pada saat penghentian kerjasama antara Indonesia dan Australia pada akhir tahun 2013. Selain itu, berdasarkan data yang didapatkan, Indonesia masih menghadapi ancaman berupa kedatangan imigran ilegal walaupun Australia telah mengefektifkan kebijakan Operation Sovereign Borders yang menghalau semua imigran ilegal yang mencoba masuk wilayah Australia melalui jalur laut.
Penelitian ini menggunakan teori Robbins dalam merumuskan strategi yang terdiri dari analisis internal yang berupa Strengths dan weakness of Organisation dan analisis eksternal yang terdiri dari Threats and opportunities yang ada di lingkungan organisasi. Selanjutnya, peneliti menggunakan variabel-variabel berdasarkan teori Rangkuti melalui proses wawancara terbuka untuk menentukan faktor- faktor internal dan eksternal tersebut,
Teknik wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk menggali informasi yang sedalam-dalamnya mengenai permasalahan imigran ilegal kepada empat responden sebagai narasumber yakni Kepala Sub Direktorat kerjasama Asia Timur dan Pasifik, Kepala Sub Direktorat Kerjasama Luar Negeri, Kepala Sub Direktorat Detensi dan Pendeportasian dan Kasi Imigran Ilegal.
Setelah mendapatkan variabel faktor internal dan eksternal, peneliti menggunakan matriks EFAS/IFAS berdasarkan teknik analisis SWOT kualitatif untuk mendapatkan alternatif strategi untuk Direkotrat Jenderal Imigrasi. alternatif strategi yang telah tersedia kemudian diseleksi kembali untuk mendapatkan strategi prioritas dengan menggunakan teori Duttweiler yang menetapkan cara- cara menentukan prioritas strategi. Kemudian cara tersebut diaplikasikan berdasarkan teori geopolitik.
Hasil analisis menyimpulkan bahwa Direktorat Jenderal Imigrasi harus meningkatkan efektivitas dan memaksimalkan sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki terhadap program yang telah berjalan sebelumnya seperti operasi gabungan dengan melibatkan instansi lain (SIPORA) karena ancaman paling potensial berada pada wilayah perairan Indonesia yang menjadi titik rawan masuknya imigran ilegal ke wilayah Indonesia.

This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti?s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory.;This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti’s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory., This study focuses on the handling of illegal immigrants in Indonesia, particularly in the field of immigration that focus on refugees and asylum seekers during the discontinuation of the cooperation between Indonesia and Australia at the end of 2013. Moreover, based on the data obtained, Indonesia still faces the threat of illegal immigrants even though Australia has effective policies Sovereign Borders Operation that banishes all illegal immigrants trying to enter Australian territory by sea.
This study uses the Robbins theory in formulating a strategy that consists of an internal analysis in the form of Strengths and Weakness of Organisation and external analysis consists of Threats and opportunities that exist within the organization. Furthermore, the researcher uses variables based on Rangkuti’s theory through an open interview process that will determine the internal and the external factors. An in-depth interviewing techniques is conducted to gather information about the deepest problems of illegal immigrants to the four respondents as the guest speaker Deputy Director for East Asia and Pacific cooperation, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Deputy Director for Detention and Deportation and Illegal Immigrants Head Officer.
After getting the internal and external factors, the researchers used the matrix EFAS / IFAS based techniques to obtain qualitative SWOT analysis of alternative strategies for Direkotrat General of Immigration. Alternative strategies available is then selected again to get priority strategy using Duttweiler theory that establishes the ways to determine strategic priorities. Then the method is applied based on the geopolitical theories
The results of the analysis concluded that the Directorate General of Immigration should improve effectiveness and maximize infrastructure owned by the program that has been run previously as a joint operation involving other agencies (SIPORA) due to the potential threats in the Indonesian waters which are becoming critical points of entry of illegal immigrants into Indonesian territory.]"
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Arief
Illegal Immigration merupakan bentuk kejahatan transnasional yang marak terjadi pada wilayah perbatasan. Terkait dengan ilegal immigration, Indonesia dan Amerika Serikat merupakan dua negara dari banyaknya negara di dunia yang memiliki isu illegal immigration. Artikel ini membandingkan upaya border enforcement yang dilakukan Amerika serikat dan Indonesia terkait dengan illegal immigration menggunakan teori deterrence, general deterrence dan specefic deterrence. Artikel ini membandingkan apakah deterrence dalam border enforcement Amerika Serikat dan Indonesia berdampak pada illegal immigration.

Illegal Immigration is a form of transnational crime that is rife in border areas. Related to Illegal immigration, Indonesia and the United States are two countries from many countries in the world that have the issue of Illegal Immigration. This article compares the border enforcement efforts undertaken by the United States and Indonesia in relation to illegal immigration using deterrence, general deterrence and specefic deterrence. This article compares whether deterrence in the border enforcement of the United States and Indonesia impacts on illegal immigration."
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lidwina Pradipta Putri
"Fenomena irregular migration merupakan fenomena yang terjadi ketika seseorang masuk atau tinggal di suatu negara tanpa memiliki status kewarganegaraan negara tersebut dan telah melanggar hukum imigrasi atau peraturan yang ada. Fenomena ini sesungguhnya tidak memiliki definisi serta batasan konseptual yang pasti sehingga terdapat beragam penggunaan istilah maupun pemahaman ketika menjelaskan fenomena irregular migration dalam literatur. Ketidakpastian definisi tersebut juga mengakibatkan fenomena irregular migration dicanangkan sebagai suatu ancaman bagi negara dan suatu bentuk kejahatan transnasional hingga akhirnya wacana tersebut menjadi wacana dominan yang melekat pada fenomena irregular migration. Tinjauan pustaka ini mengkaji literatur yang menunjukkan wacana dominan mengenai fenomena irregular migration yang kemudian berkembang hingga muncul berbagai literatur yang menantang wacana dominan tersebut. Dengan metode pengorganisasian literatur berupa kronologi dan taksonomi, tinjauan pustaka ini menunjukkan adanya perkembangan literatur di segi istilah dan konseptualisasi, faktor penyebab, unit analisis dari negara menjadi individu yaitu migran serta fenomena irregular migration yang dianggap sebagai isu kejahatan transnasional. Perkembangan pembahasan mengenai irregular migration serta irregular migrants dalam literatur umumnya dipicu oleh peristiwa serta latar belakang akademisi yang beragam. Berdasarkan berbagai literatur yang sudah dikaji, tinjauan pustaka ini menunjukkan bahwa fenomena irregular migration sesungguhnya merupakan suatu konstruksi sosial, politik dan legal yang dicanangkan oleh negara dan berdampak nyata pada kehidupan migran sehingga tidak sepatutnya irregular migrants dikriminalisasi dengan mudah.

The phenomenon of irregular migration is a phenomenon which happened when someone entered or lived in a country in which they have no citizenship or in which they have violated the existing immigration laws and regulations. This phenomenon doesn rsquo t have an absolute definition or conceptual limitations, therefore there are many terminology and understanding in explaining the phenomenon of irregular migration in literature. The uncertain definition leads to how irregular migration is constructed as a threat for states and as a form of transnational crime. This discourse has been the dominant discourse of irregular migration. This literature review showcases literature that depict the dominant discourse and literature which contest the dominant discourse of irregular migration. Using chronology and taxonomy method, this literature review shows the development of literature about irregular migration according to the development in terminology and conceptualization, development of causes of irregular migration, development of analytical unit which evolves from state to individual or migrants and the development of literature which consider the phenomenon of irregular migration as a transnational crime issue. In general, the development of phenomenon of irregular migration and irregular migrants in literature is preceded by events and various academic background of the writer of literature. This literature review aims to show that the phenomenon of irregular migration is actually a social, political and legal construction that is constructed by states and affect the lives of migrants, therefore the irregular migrants are not supposed to be criminalised easily.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendro Wibowo
"Studi ini mempelajari bagaimana strategi intelijen Polri dalam penanganan imigran gelap. Banyaknya imigran gelap yang masuk ke Indonesia memberikan dampak yang serius bagi keamanan dalam negeri. Intelijen Polri melihat ini sebagai suatu fenomena yang berkembang saat ini, oleh karenanya harus memiliki strategi dalam meminimalisir imigran gelap yang berada di Indonesia. Sebuah tantangan bagi Institusi Polri untuk dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan imigran gelap.
Studi penelitian ini memetakan permasalahan imigran gelap dan pembatasan ruang gerak UNHCR dan IOM. Strategi intelijen Polri yang digunakan adalah operasi intelijen cipta kondisi, penggalangan dan propaganda dengan pendekatan konsep swot, fishbone serta paradigma Intelligence Led-Policing untuk menganalisa.
Strategi non intelijen melihat fenomena imigran gelap bersinergi dalam mendukung strategi intelijen demi kepentingan nasional. Dalam hal ini Polri sebagai alat pemerintahan di bidang keamanan dalam negeri dapat mengupayakan langkah-langkah yang tepat (operasi intelijen) untuk menyelesaikan masalah di bidang keamanan.
Berdasarkan hasil studi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pentingnya strategi intelijen Polri berupa operasi intelijen (cipta kondisi, penggalangan, propaganda) dalam penanganan imigran gelap dengan membatasi ruang gerak UNHCR dan IOM, melaksanakan rencana operasi intelijen, meratifikasi dan membuat perjanjian baru untuk masalah pemberian waktu status pengungsi dan akomodasi bagi imigran gelap di Indonesia.

This study examines how Police intelligence strategy in handling illegal immigrants. Number of illegal immigrants coming into Indonesia of serious repercussions for security in the country. Intelligence Police viewed this as a phenomenon that is growing, therefore must have strategies in minimize illegal immigrants who were in Indonesia. A challenge for the institution of the national police to be able to resolve the problem of illegal immigrants.
This research study mapping the problem of illegal immigrants and a limitation of the space motion of UNHCR and IOM. Police used intelligence strategy are, licensing conditions, raising and propaganda with the concept of the swot, fishbone and Intelligence Led Policing paradigm to analyze.
The non-intelligence strategy viewed the phenomenon of illegal immigrants work together in supporting the interests of the national intelligence strategy. In this case the Police as an instrument of Government in the field of internal security can seek appropriate measures (intelligence operations) to resolve the problem in the field of security.
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the importance of the national police intelligence strategy of intelligence operations (reserved condition, raising, propaganda) in the handling of illegal immigrants by limiting the space motion of UNHCR and IOM, to carry out intelligence operations plan, ratify and make a new testament to the granting of refugee status and time of accommodation for illegal immigrants in Indonesia."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rijken, Conny
The Hague: T.M.c. Asser Press, 2003
327.1 RIJ t
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aldella Dijaya Putri
Istilah pekerja/buruh migran sudah dikenal di dunia, namun di Republik Indonesia istilah pekerja/buruh migran disebut sebagai Tenaga Kerja Asing atau TKA. Dalam menggunakan TKA perlu diketahui bagaimana pengaturan mengenai tata cara, instansi yang berwenang, pengawasan, dan sanksi pelanggaran terhadap penggunaan TKA yang bekerja di wilayah Republik Indonesia berdasarkan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Di lain sisi perlu juga diketahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pengaturan tersebut di lapangan dikaitkan dengan masalah TKA Ilegal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif yang bersifat deskriptif analitis dan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pengaturan mengenai penggunaan TKA yang meliputi aspek persyaratan administratif, tata cara, dan sanksi atas pelanggaran penggunaan TKA sudah memadai, namun diperlukan pengaturan TKA Ilegal terkait pengawasan TKA. Dalam pelaksanaan pengaturan mengenai penggunaan TKA di lapangan, terdapat permasalahan meliputi pengawasan secara administratif dan pengawasan di lapangan. Dalam praktiknya para pengawas masih menggunakan mekanisme surat-surat rekomendasi untuk melakukan pengawasan di lapangan karena pembentukan Tim Pora membutuhkan koordinasi antar-instansi, tidak hanya imigrasi tetapi juga instansi lainnya, yang pengawas anggap tahap administrasi koordinasi cukup menghabiskan waktu. Adapun terkait TKA Ilegal di lapangan, Pengawas Ketenagakerjaan memilih tidak menggunakan istilah TKA Ilegal dan menggunakan istilah TKA yang bermasalah.

The term migrant workers is well known in the world, but in the Republic of Indonesia the term migrant workers is referred to as Tenaga Kerja Asing or TKA. In the usage of foreign workers, it is necessary to know how the arrangement of procedures, authorized institutions, supervision and sanction of violations against the usage of foreign workers who working in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia based on applicable legislation in Indonesia. On the other hand, it is also necessary to know how the implementation in practice is associated with the problem of illegal foreign workers TKA Ilegal . This research uses Normative Juridical Research method which is conducted analytical descriptive with qualitative approach. The results of this study indicate that the regulation on the usage of foreign workers covering administrative requirements, procedures and sanctions for violation of using foreign workers is sufficient, but it is necessary to regulate the illegal foreign workers regarding supervision of the foreign workers. In the practice, there are problems in administrative supervision and supervision in the field. In practice the supervisors still use the recommendation letters mechanism to carry out the investigation because Tim Pora requires inter institution coordination, not only immigration but also other institutions which the supervisor considers the phase of coordination administration to be time consuming. As for illegal foreign workers, the Employment Supervisor chose not to use the term ldquo TKA Ilegal rdquo and use problematic foreign workers instead."
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Arpaio, Joe, 1932-
"Outspoken, no-nonsense and eminently fascinating, Joseph M. Arpaio has captured the public's imagination from his first day as sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, in 1992. He has become an icon, not only in his own state, but all over the world. For almost 15 years, he has maintained an unprecedented 80 per cent approval rating. Famous for his 'get smart and get tough' approach to jails, Arpaio conceived The Tent City Jail where he houses his inmates in surplus army tents left over from the Korean War. Known as the 'Alcatraz of Arizona,' the jail features chain gangs, discipline, and a complete absence of luxuries of any kind. By eliminating all comforts for his inmates, he has managed to shave $500,000 annually from the cost of keeping prisoners.To his ardent followers, he is a hero, for both his toughness on crime and his humane touch. While his opponents decry him for his iron-fisted approach, especially regarding prisoners, no one can deny that Sheriff Joe is one of the country's most respected and innovative elected officials. "Joe's Law" is an uncensored account of the man himself. With candor and insight, he reveals his views not only on criminal justice, but on some of the most seminal issues that affect our country today. As the first law enforcement official in the country to place arrested illegal immigrants in jail pending trial, Arpaio tackles the issue of illegal immigration head on, which he argues, affects every other aspect of law enforcement as well as broader problems, from health care to education and taxes.Despite his tough-as-nails reputation, Arpaio offers innovative and fair ways to solve crime and save taxpayer's money in his own state and shows how they can be applied to solve our own nation's problems. Compelling and courageous, this is an unflinching look at some of America's most pressing social problems, and one man's revolutionary vision for eliminating them."
New York: American Management Association, 2008
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library