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Ditemukan 18 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ashri Prawesthi Dhamaraty
"Dalam tesis ini telah saya tunjukkan adanya perubahan makna pada bangunan-bangunan bersejarah bagi masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka Jakarta dengan bukti-bukti pada lima bangunan yang berfungsi sebagai rumah tinggal (1 bangunan), hunian dan usaha (2 bangunan) serta tempat usaha/jasa saja (2 bangunan). Perubahan makna tersebut ditunjukkan oleh: hilangnya ruang khusus yang menjadi inti pada bangunan Cina yaitu ruang pemujaan leluhur atau penggabungan ruang pemujaan tersebut dengan ruang yang lain yaitu ruang keluarga atau ruang tidur. Tidak adanya ruang khusus untuk pemujaan leluhur ini karena ruang dalam hunian mereka lebih didominasi dengan ruang untuk usaha.
Dalam tesis ini juga saya tunjukkan kurangnya upaya-upaya pelestarian dari masyarakat Cina kelurahan Roa Malaka dalam hal merawat bangunan-bangunan bersejarahnya. Tiga dari bangunan yang diteliti telah berubah menjadi bangunan modern, sementara dua bangunan lainnya masih dalam bentuk asli tetapi dalam kondisi yang tidak terawat.
Perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada bangunan-bangunan bersejarah tersebut adalah karena pola pikir masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka yang berubah karena pengaruh faktor pendidikan, faktor politik keagamaan, perkembangan kota Jakarta serta motivasi ekonomi dalam mengantisipasi perkembangan kota tersebut.
Apa yang akan dijawab dalam tesis ini didasarkan pada pertanyaan apa makna bangunan bersejarah bagi masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka Jakarta dan bagaimana upaya pelestarian masyarakat Cina di kelurahan Roa Malaka terhadap bangunan-bangunan bersejarahnya tersebut.

Chinese Community in Roa Malaka Jakarta and Conservation Effort for Their Historical BuildingsRoa Malaka is one of the Chinese historical districts that play a role in the growth of Jakarta City. As an area that has many traditional Chinese buildings, the local Government through department of conservation tries to conserve the buildings in order to vitalize tourism.
In this thesis, I have shown the changes of meaning of historical buildings to Chinese society in Roa Malaka Jakarta through five buildings that built around 1895 until 1945. The change of the meaning in that buildings shown by: loss of special room which become the core of Chinese building that is for ancestor worship or join it with family room or bedroom. The inexistence of special Room for the ancestor worship is because of the most rooms in their dwelling are used predominately for trading.
In this thesis, I also show the lack of efforts of Chinese society in Roa Malaka in the case of taking care of their historical buildings. Three of the buildings have turned into modem building, whereas two other buildings still in the genuine form but in a poor condition (not maintained well).
The changes that happened in those historical buildings are because of the mindset of Chinese people in Roa Malaka have changed. The change of their mindsets influenced by education factor, religious political factor, and the growth of Jakarta that cause destruction of the original buildings.
This thesis attempts to answer two questions: 1) what is the meaning of historical building to Chinese society in Roa Malaka Jakarta and 2) how is their effort conserve their historical buildings."
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2004
T 11391
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feilden, Bernard M. (Bernard Melchior)
Boston: Architectural Press, 1994
720.288 FEI c
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feilden, Bernard M. (Bernard Melchior)
Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1994
720.28 FEI c (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book sheds light on environmental control in buildings from the 17th century onwards. Even before building services became a hallmark of buildings, in order to address increasing sanitary and comfort needs, pioneering experiences had contributed to improve design skills of professionals. After long being determined by passive features, indoor climate became influenced by installations and plants, representing the most significant shift of paradigm in the modern ages construction history. This change was not without consequences, and the book presents contributions showing the deep connection between architectural design, comfort requirements and environmental awareness throughout the 19th century. Taking into account the differences between different European countries, the book is a valuable resource for architects, designers and heritage professionals who are interested in environmental design, enabling them to develop a deeper knowledge of heritage in order to address to climate demands, particularly going towards a future in which energy savings and fuel consumption reduction will dictate our behaviour.
It includes contributions by leading international experts: Melanie Bauernfeind, Marco Cofani, Lino Vittorio Bozzetto, Emmanuelle Gallo, Alberto Grimoldi, Dean Hawkes, Angelo Giuseppe Landi, Mattias Legner, Oriel Prizeman, and Henrik Schoenefeldt."
Switzerland: Springer Nature , 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Udaya Pratiwi Mahardika Halim
"Bangunan bersejarah merupakan salah satu saksi sejarah perjalanan hidup suatu bangsa yang tak jarang terlupakan hingga akhirnya rusak bahkan dihancurkan ketika dianggap sudah usang dan - ketinggalan jaman - .
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pelestarian bangunan bersejarah di Indonesia khususnya peninggalan etnis Tionghoa. Tujuannya untuk memahami bagaimana langkah-langkah yang dilakukan dalam pelestarian suatu bangunan bersejarah, secara khusus pada bangunan yang memiliki kekhasan tersendiri dari segi arsitekturalnya.
Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa dalam suatu proses pelestarian, semua fase yang meliputi pendokumentasian, pendataan, perencanaan, dan pelaksanaan tidak bisa berjalan secara terpisah-pisah, tapi terjadi overlapping didalam proses tersebut. Studi mendalam terhadap sejarah dan bangunan serupa juga dibutuhkan dalam proses pelestarian.

Historic building has become one of the historical witnesses of a nation's life journey that is being neglected in not rarely times until it damaged finally and even being ruined when it is considered obsolete and 'old fashioned'.
This mini thesis discussed about the conservation of historic buildings in Indonesia especially those that inherited by the Tionghoa ethnic group. It aims to understand about the steps of conservation that is carried out to a historical building, notably to a building with its own architectural special characteristics.
The result shows that in a conservation process, all phases that comprise documentation, filing, planning, and execution cannot work separately, but overlapping happens during the process. Further studies to the history and similar building are also required in a conservation process.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Irma Kartika
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Laura Dominika
"Penulisan skripsi ini mengenai pemanfaatan Bangunan Cagar Budaya, berupa rumah singgah, menjadi Museum Tesktil di Jakarta. Pemanfaatan Bangunan Cagar Budaya sebagai museum menyebabkan ada beberapa intervensi akibat kebutuhan persyaratan ruang di Museum Tekstil. Intervensi terhadap Bangunan Cagar Budaya dimungkinkan selama tidak merusak arsitektur asli bangunan.
Persyaratan ruang untuk kegiatan pelestarian di Museum Tekstil tidak membutuhkan intervensi yang bersifat permanen atau merubah arsitektur aslinya, sehingga pelaksanaan museum dapat dimungkinkan di bangunan bekas vila ini. Pemanfaatan Bangunan Cagar Budaya tidak sebagai fungsi awalnya dimungkinkan, selama intervensi pada bangunan tidak merubah keaslian arsitekturnya.

The thesis contains a heritage building utilization from a shelter building into a texttiles museum in Jakarta. Heritage building utilization as a museum cause some intervention by the needs of space requirement from the museum itself. The interventions are allowed as long as no damage to the original architecture of the building are involves.
Space requirements for the conservation at the Textiles Museum does not require a permanent intervention nor change the original architecture, therefore the implementation was allowed in this former villa building. An utilization of heritage building not as the initial function is tolerable, as long the intervention does not change the original architecture.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington, D.C: The American Institute of Architects Press, 1997
720.9 HIS
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gabriella Dina Widieaster
"Kota Lama Semarang merupakan kawasan bernilai sejarah tinggi dengan banyak peninggalan bangunan kolonial yang dilestarikan dan dihidupkan kembali. Salah satunya adalah Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co, sebuah bangunan cagar budaya yang awalnya berfungsi sebagai kantor perusahaan broker hasil bumi. Gedung ini menjadi milik pribadi pada tahun 2011 dan dikonservasi mulai Maret 2016, kemudian diubah menjadi bangunan mixed-use untuk kegiatan seni, budaya, dan sosial. Transformasi ini membutuhkan perhatian pada nilai-nilai bangunan cagar budaya, konteks Kota Lama Semarang, serta strategi adaptive reuse yang merupakan tindakan konservasi pada bangunan cagar budaya.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian literatur dan studi kasus dengan observasi langsung terhadap bangunan, wawancara subjek terkait, serta rekonstruksi gambar denah dan potongan bangunan. Hasil penelitian ini mengevaluasi kesesuaian nilai-nilai bangunan cagar budaya dan strategi adaptive reuse bahwa dari enam strategi adaptive reuse yang ada, empat strategi yaitu passive, referential, aemulatio, dan ruination sesuai diterapkan pada Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co, sementara strategi performative dan facadism hanya sesuai secara parsial. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun tidak semua strategi sesuai, adaptive reuse tetap mampu menghidupkan kembali Gedung Monod Diephuis & Co sebagai bagian dari pelestarian budaya di Kota Lama Semarang.

Kota Lama Semarang is a historically significant area with numerous preserved colonial buildings that have been revitalized. One such building is the Monod Diephuis & Co building, a cultural heritage site that originally served as the office for an agricultural brokerage company. This building became privately owned in 2011 and underwent conservation starting in March 2016. It has since been transformed into a mixed-use facility for artistic, cultural, and social activities. This transformation required careful attention to the heritage values of the building, the context of Kota Lama Semarang, and adaptive reuse strategies which are conservation actions for heritage buildings.
This research employs literature review and case study methods, including direct observation of the building, interviews with relevant subjects, and reconstruction of building plans and sections. The findings of this study evaluate the appropriateness of heritage building values and adaptive reuse strategies. Out of six existing adaptive reuse strategies, four strategies—passive, referential, aemulatio, and ruination—are deemed suitable for application to the Monod Diephuis & Co building, while the performative and facadism strategies are only partially suitable. This study demonstrates that although not all strategies are applicable, adaptive reuse can still successfully revitalize the Monod Diephuis & Co building as part of cultural preservation in Kota Lama Semarang.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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