"Tesis ini membahas mengenai penilaian risiko kesehatan berdasarkan task analysis pada
aktivitas well services industri pengeboran minyak bumi di PT X Tahun 2019. Penelitian
ini adalah penelitian semikuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif berdasarkan HRA model
PT Pertamina (2018) berdasarkan factor tingkat pajanan dan tingkat. Langkah awal yang
dilakukan adalah dengan mengidentifikasi aktivitas well services berdasarkan task yang
ada pada SOP dan JSA, walkthrough survey dan menilai risiko. Berdasarkan penilaian
risiko kesehatan didapatkan tingkat risiko tinggi (high) untuk bahaya bising terhadap SEG
floorman, driller, derrickman, dan mechanic dan bahaya ergonomi terhadap SEG
floorman, driller, derrickman, dan operator dozer. PT AB dan PT CD perlu melakukan
pengendalian tambahan terhadap bahaya bising dan bahaya ergonomi antara lain:
Hearing Loss Prevention Program (HLPP), audit terhadap SOP & peralatan, melakukan
pengukuran dosis personal bahaya bising, pembatasan jam kerja, pengukuran audiometri,
melakukan supervisi dilapangan terhadap pengunaan earplug, pengunaan double earplug
& earmuff, melakukan sosialisasi bahaya bising secara konsisten, menyediakan perancah
(scafolding) pada aktivitas nipple up & nipple down horse head, melakukan pelatihan
posisi tubuh yang ergonomi serta menambahkan Ergonomic Postur Assessment sebagai
salah satu item dalam pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala. Bahaya gas H2S terhadap SEG
floorman, driller dan derrickman dan bahaya gas CO terhadap SEG mechanic
mendapatkan tingkat risiko medium, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemantauan implementasi
pengendalian yang sudah ada serta pengendalian tambahan secara konsisten. Selanjutnya
bahaya getaran mendapatkan tingkat risiko low terhadap SEG mechanic dan bahaya gas
O2 terhadap SEG floorman, driller, derrickman, mechanic dan operator Dozer
mendapatkan tingkat risiko very low, oleh karena itu PT AB dan PT CD melalui HES
departemen perlu melakukan monitoring secara berkala dan konsisten terhadap
impelementasi pengendalian yang sudah ada. Selain itu hasil penelitian ini juga
menyarankan bahwa identifikasi potensi bahaya lainnya seperti pencahayan, radiasi
gamma, heat stress, welding fume, bahaya biologi dan bahaya psikososial pada pekerjaan
well services berdasarkan task analysis.
This thesis discusses the health risk assessment based on task analysis on the well servicesactivities of the petroleum drilling industry at PT X 2019. This research is asemiquantitative study with a descriptive design based on the HRA model of PTPertamina (2018) bases factor exposure level and hazard level. The first step is to identifyperformed the task well services based on SOP and JSA, walkthrough survey and riskassessment. Based on the health risk assessment, there is a high risk level for noisehazards to similar exposure group (SEG) floorman, driller, derrickman, and mechanicand ergonomic hazards to floorman, driller, derrickman, and dozer operators. PT ABand PT CD need to conduct additional controls for noise hazards and ergonomic hazards,including: Hearing Loss Prevention Program, auditing SOPs & equipment, measuringpersonal dose of noise hazards, limiting working hours, audiometric measurements,conducting field supervision of the use of earplugs, using double earplugs and earmuffs,disseminating noise hazards consistently, providing scaffolding for Nipple Up and NippleDown Horse Head activities, conducting ergonomic body position training, and addingErgonomic Posture Assessment as an item in periodic health checks. The hazard of H2Sgas to the SEG floorman, driller and derrickman and the danger of CO gas to the SEGmechanic has a medium level of risk, it is necessary to monitor the implementation ofexisting controls as well as additional controls consistently. Furthermore, the vibrationhazard gets a low risk level for the SEG mechanic and the danger of O2 gas against theSEG floorman, driller, derrickman, mechanic and Dozer operators get a very low risklevel, therefore PT AB and PT CD through the HES department need to monitor regularlyand consistently the implementation of existing controls. In addition, the results of thisstudy also suggest that the identification of other potential hazards such as lighting,gamma radiation, heat stress, welding fume, biological hazards and psychosocialhazards in well-service work based on task analysis"
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2020