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Ditemukan 19 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Elida Dwicahyani
"[Penelitian ini menganalisa keberlanjutan dari program pendidikan Amerika Serikat yaitu DBE menjadi PRIORITAS di Indonesia. Program Pendidikan yang muncul pada era Global War on Terror, yang kemudian menjadi program pendidikan lima tahunan yang berlanjut hingga tahun 2017. Tujuan dari dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui mengapa inisiatif-inisiatif program pendidikan dari Amerika Serikat selalu ditunjukkan sebagai program yang positif dan tidak pernah mengalami penolakkan dari Pemerintah Indonesia.Dalam penelitian ini, data didapatkan dari dokumen resmi pemerintahan, studi literature dan interview terhadap pemerintah Indoensia.Dalam menganalisa Program Pendidikan tersebut tulisan ini menggunakan kerangka pemikiran Gramscian yang pada akhirnya penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana rezim akumulasi Amerika Serikat telah diterima dengan baik oleh Pemerintah Indonesia. Hal tersebut yang membuat Amerika Serikat mampu untuk bertindak sesuai dengan kehendaknya tanpa mendapatkan penolakkan dari Pemerintah Indonesia. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar generasi muda Indonesia, untuk selalu bersikap tegas dan menegakkan nilai-nilai Pancasila.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program, this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.;This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA., This research analyzes the sustainability of United States Education Program
namely DBE that continues to become the PRIORITAS in Indonesia. This
Education Program, which first appeared in the era of Global War on Terror,
continues to become the Five-year education program until 2017. The purpose of
this research is to investigate why The United States Education initiative has
always been accepted and seen as a positive program and never been refused by
the Indonesian authority. The data in this research were collected from the
government legal documents, study of literature and interview towards the
representative of the Indonesian Government. In analyzing the education program,
this study uses the Framework of Gramsci, which leads to a depiction of how the
United States regime of accumulation has been accepted by the Government of
Indonesia. That what makes the United States capable to act in accordance to their
will without facing any rejection from the Government of Indonesia. This research
suggest that all young generation of Indonesia to always be firm in upholding the
constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and PANCASILA.]"
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yasser Awaluddin
Pelaksanaan Program Guru Pembelajar telah berhasil meningkatkan kompetensi guru yang mengikuti program tersebut. Namun, sejauh ini belum ada kajian secara mendalam dan rinci mengenai sejauh mana tingkat efektivitas program tersebut pada masing-masing mata pelajaran termasuk mata pelajaran IPS SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap apakah program guru pembelajar yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan moda daring murni dan daring kombinasi berhasil meningkatkan kompetensi guru IPS SMP. Penelitian ini juga membandingkan efektivitas kedua moda yang digunakan. Selain itu, persepsi dan pendapat peserta mengenai pelatihan dengan moda daring murni dan daring kombinasi juga akan diungkap. Pendekatan campuran untuk menganalisis data baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis deskriptif dan analisis uji beda digunakan untuk aspek kuantitatif, sedangkan aspek kualitatif dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan analisis tema dan pola respon peserta. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa baik pelatihan moda daring murni maupun daring kombinasi berhasil meningkatkan kompetensi peserta. Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar antara moda daring murni dan daring kombinas yang disebabkan oleh input awal yang berbeda. Peserta menyatakan bahwa pelatihan ini relevan dengan tugas-tugas mengajar mereka dan efektif meningkatkan kompetensi mereka. Dengan demikian, Pelaksanaan Program Guru Pembelajar efektif dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru, baik dilakukan dengan moda daring murni maupun moda daring kombinasi."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, {s.a.}
370 JPK 3:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tri Suwarno Handoko Noviyanto
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan media video animasi sistem pernapasan manusia untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar biologi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di MTs Negeri 3 Jakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian two group pretest-posttest. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling dan adapun penentuan kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol dilakukan secara random. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 32 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan media video animasi dan 33 siswa untuk kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan media gambar power point. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah tes hasil belajar yang berupa tes objektif berbentuk pilihan ganda yang telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Analisis data kedua kelompok menggunakan uji t, diperoleh hasil thitung 2,68 dan ttabel pada taraf signifikan α = 0,05 sebesar 2,00, maka thitung > ttabel. Hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa media video animasi sistem pernapasan manusia dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar biologi. Hal ini dikarenakan, media video animasi dapat memudahkan siswa untuk memahami proses pernapasan yang terjadi di dalam tubuh manusia. Dengan demikian, siswa dapat memahami materi sistem pernapasan secara utuh.
Jakarta: Pusat Pendidikan Sains, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, 2015
370 EDU 7:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lalu Fakihuddin
Tujuan penelitian ini, yaitu (1) untuk meningkatkan kreativitas menulis puisi mahasiswa dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif melalui kegiatan lesson study; dan (2) untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran ekspresi tulis puisi melalui kegiatan lesson study.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, digunakan lesson study sebagai metode/kajian sederhana, melalui tahapan plan, do, dan see. Ketiga tahapan ini dilaksanakan dalam 4 150 kali/siklus perkuliahan LS. Pelaksanaan perkuliahan di setiap siklus (1 sampai dengan 4), difokuskan pada kegiatan ekspresi tulis puisi modern berbasis nama pribadi, peristiwa bencana alam, objek keindahan alam, dan peristiwa/masalah sosial dan masalah politik. Pembelajaran setiap siklus dikemas dalam model pembelaran kreatif dan produktif dengan berpegang pada hakikat setiap langkah pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif, yakni orientasi, eksplorasi, interpretasi, dan rekreasi. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) Penerapan model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif berbasis masalah-masalah kontektual melalui kegiatan lesson study di dalam pembelaran penulisan kreatif sastra, khususnya pada masalah ekspresi tulis puisi modern dapat meningkatkan kreativitas mahasiswa. (2) Model pembelajaran kreatif dan produktif melalui kegiatan lesson study dapat meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran penulisan kreatif sastra. Hal ini tampak pada meningkatnya keaktifan, kemandirian, kerja sama, dan motivasi mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dalam pembelajaran. Perlu juga digarisbawahi, mahasiswa menganggap pembelajaran ini menarik dan menyenangkan."
Mataram: Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa, 2017
400 MABASAN 11:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pakasi, Soepartinah
Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 1979
155.4 SOE p
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This research was done in Sombo stories house, Simolawang subdistrict, Simokerto distric in Surabaya city. This research was aimed to know the picture of Sombo storied house and adaptive strategy of the inhabitants toward their environment..."
PATRA 10 (3-4) 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurmalita Sari
"Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk 1) mengetahui profil motivasi belajar siswa ketika mengikuti pembelajaran Fisika di kelas yang diukur berdasarkan aspek perhatian (Attention), relevansi (Relevance), percaya diri (Confidence), dan kepuasan (Satisfaction); 2) mengetahui persentase sumbangan dari tiap aspek motivasi belajar yang terdiri dari perhatian (Attention), relevansi (Relevance), percaya diri (Confidence), dan kepuasan (Satisfaction) dalam menentukan tingkat motivasi belajar siswa ketika mengikuti pembelajaran Fisika di kelas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta, SMA Negeri 5 Surakarta, dan SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 90 siswa kelas XI MIPA. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket dan observasi. Teknik analisis angket adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, sedangkan lembar observasi dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) motivasi belajar siswa untuk mata pelajaran Fisika dikategorikan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah; 2) persentase tiap aspek motivasi belajar adalah (a) aspek perhatian (Attention) sebesar 59,86%, b) aspek relevansi (Relevance) sebesar 57,08%, c) aspek percaya diri (Confidence) sebesar 55,28%, d) aspek kepuasan (Satisfaction) sebesar 60,14%. Kesimpulan, rata-rata tingkat motivasi belajar siswa untuk mata pelajaran Fisika berada dalam kategori sedang dan rendah yang disebabkan kurangnya ketertarikan siswa untuk belajar Fisika."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2018
370 JPK 3:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nurmalita Sari
"The objectives of this research are to 1) find out the profile of student’s learningmotivation in Physics class measured by aspects such as Attention, Relevation, Confidence,and Satisfaction; and 2) measure the percentage of each learning motivation aspect suchas Attention, Relevation, Confidence, and Satisfaction contributed to students’ learningmotivation in Physics class. The sample of this research is 90 students from XI class ofScience Program. The data was collected through questionnaire and observation. Thequestionnaire was analyzed using descriptive quantitatively while the observation sheetwas analyzed qualitatively. The results show that: 1) the student’s learning motivationcan be categorized into high, average, and low; and 2) the percentage of each learningmotivation aspects are Attention (59,86%), Relevance (57,08%), Confidence (55,28%),and Satisfaction (60,14%). To conclude, the average level of students’ learning motivationfor Physics is in the medium and low category caused by the lack of students’ interest inlearning Physics."
Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, 2018
370 JPK 3:1 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Washington: National Academy Press, 1981
370 PRO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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