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Ditemukan 162 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Faradiella Damaputri
"Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antara distres psikologis dan hardiness pada mahasiswa. Responden dalam penelitian ini merupakan mahasiswa yang berjumlah 1962 orang dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan alat ukur Hopkins Symptom Checklist-25 HSCL-25 untuk mengukur distres pikologis dan Dispositional Resilience Scale 15-Revised DRS 15-R untuk mengukur hardiness. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan negatif yang signifikan antara distres psikologis dan hardiness r=-0,252, n=1962.

This study was conducted to examine the correlation between psychological distress and hardiness among college students. Respondents in this study were 1962 students from various colleges in Indonesia. The data were collected using Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 HSCL 25 to measure psychological distress and Dispositional Resilience Scale 15 Revised DRS 15 R to measure hardiness. The result indicated there is a significant negative correlation between psychological distress and hardiness r 0,252, n 1962, p"
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aulia Salsabilla Ibrahim
"Fenomena COVID-19 menimbulkan distres pada dewasa muda. Distres dewasa muda salah satunya disebabkan oleh interaksi di dalam keluarga, saat dewasa muda harus tinggal bersama keluarga selama masa pandemi. Studi kuantitatif ini bertujuan untuk melihat keberfungsian keluarga sebagai prediktor distres psikologis pada dewasa muda selama pandemi COVID-19. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 411 orang berusia 18 sampai 25 tahun (M=20,7). Alat ukur yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Family Assessment Device (FAD) dan General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Ditemukan bahwa keberfungsian keluarga secara signifikan dapat memprediksi distres psikologis pada orang dewasa muda (R2 = 0,235, p<0,05) dan dimensi komunikasi dalam keberfungsian keluarga dapat memprediksi secara signifikan distres psikologis dewasa muda (β= -0,245, p<0,05). Lebih lanjut, ditemukan distres psikologis yang lebih tinggi pada dewasa muda perempuan dibandingkan laki-laki dan laki-laki mempersepsikan keberfungsian keluarganya lebih baik dari perempuan.

The COVID-19 phenomenon causes distress in young adults. One of the causes of young adults distress is due to interactions within the family, when young adults have to live with their families during the pandemic. This quantitative study aims to look at family functioning as a predictor of psychological distress in young adults during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants in this study were 411 people aged 18 to 25 years (M=20,7). The measuring instruments used in this study were the Family Assessment Device (FAD) and the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). It was found that family functioning significantly predicts psychological distress in young adults (R2 = 0.235, p<0.05) and the communication dimension in family functioning can significantly predict psychological distress in young adults (β= -0.245, p<0.05). Furthermore, it was found that psychological distress was higher in young adult women than men and men perceived their family functioning as better than women. "
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Azka Hafia
"Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran faktor psikososial dan distress pada guru SLB di Kota Depok saat pandemi COVID-19 tahun 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain studi cross sectional dengan pendekatan semi kuantitatif melalui pengisian kuesioner dan wawancara. Sejumlah 67 guru SLB di Kota Depok berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 34,3% guru mengalami distress sedang dan 16,4% guru mengalami distress signifikan. Kemudian, ditemukan bahwa distress lebih banyak dialami oleh guru perempuan (52,7%), berumur > 30 tahun (52,4%), berasal dari program studi non-PLB (52,5%), tidak memiliki tipe kepribadian A (66,6%), memiliki masa kerja > 10 tahun (60%), sudah menikah (59,5%), memiliki anak (64,9%), memiliki dukungan sosial buruk dari keluarga (89,3%), memiliki beban kerja tinggi (61,8%), memiliki peralatan kerja buruk (63,9%), memiliki jam kerja buruk (64,3%), memiliki konflik peran tinggi (73,7%), memiliki ambiguitas peran tinggi (76,2%), memiliki kontrol pekerjaan buruk (81,4%), memiliki dukungan sosial yang buruk dari atasan dan rekan kerja (81,4%), memiliki konflik antara pekerjaan dan rumah yang tinggi (86,2%), jarang melakukan hobi (66,7%), dan memiliki ketakutan berat terhadap infeksi COVID-19 (71,4%).

This study aims to obtain an overview of psychosocial factors and distress among special education teachers in Depok during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2022. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a semi-quantitative approach through filling out questionnaires and interviews. A total of 67 special education teachers in Depok participated in this study. The results showed that 34.3% of teachers experienced moderate distress and 16.4% of teachers experienced significant distress. Then, it was found that distress is more experienced by female teachers (52.7%), aged > 30 years (52.4%), came from non-PLB study programs (52.5%), did not have personality type A (66 ,6%), have a working period of > 10 years (60%), are married (59.5%), have children (64.9%), have poor social support from family (89.3%), have a workload high (61.8%), have bad work equipment (63.9%), have bad working hours (64.3%), have high role conflict (73.7%), have high role ambiguity (76.2% ), have poor work control (81.4%), have poor social support from superiors and coworkers (81.4%), have high work-home conflict (86.2%), rarely do hobbies (66 ,7%), and had a severe fear of COVID-19 infection (71.4%).
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Astri Novanita Ali
"Krisis ekonomi telah melanda negeri ini sejak pertengahan tahun 1997. Tak terhitung banyaknya perusahaan yang terpaksa menghentikan kegiatan dengan menu tup pabriknya akibat tekanan ekonomi yang tidak bisa mereka elakkan lagi.
Banyak perusahaan menghentikan kegiatan operasinya disebabkan karena tidak mampu lagi untuk membayar beban keuangannya, terutama karena hutang yang besar, dan nilai tukar Rupiah yang melemah. Sehingga banyak kredit yang akhirnya macet, yang rnenyebabkan beberapa bank dilikuidasi oleh pemerintah.
Hutang perusahaan pada bank-bank tersebut selanjutnya dialihkan kepada BPPN (Badan Penyehatan Perbankan Nasional), untuk kemudian dianalisa, dan atas pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu, dimungkinkan untuk direstrukturisasi.
Karya akhir ini mencoba memberikan alternatif -pada suatu perusahaan keramik yang terpaksa menghentikan operasi- bagaimana menyelesaikan kewajibannya kepada BPPN.
Ada dua alternatif yang penulis tawarkan: yaitu apakah kegiatan operasional diteruskan kembali, dengan catatan hutang dapat direstrukturisasi, ataukah perusahaan sebaiknya dibubarkan, dan melikuidasi semua aset yang dimilikinya, untuk kemudian hasil penjualan asettersebutdapatdigunakan untuk melunasi kewajibnya pada pihak BPPN.
Karya akhir ini mencoba mengupas lebih jauh mengenai kondisi keuangan perusahaan, serta menekankan pada proyeksi arus kas yang dapat dihasilkan jika perusahaan kembali beroperasi.
Untuk menunjang analisa, penulis mencoba membahas mengenai industri properti serta keramik di Indonesia pasca krisis, serta prediksinya di masa yang akan datang. Dari kesimpulan yang didapat, proyeksi industri keramik sudah bangkit, dan diperkirakan permintaan atas keramik akan terus meningkat, baik untuk konsumsi lokal, maupun ekspor.
Untuk proyeksi laporan keuangan, penulis menyusun sampai tujuh tahun kedepan, karena dianggap sesuai dengan periode restrukturisasi kredit. Dan dalam kurun waktu tersebut, perusahaan mampu menghasilkan arus kas yang dapat digunakan untuk membayar bunga serta melunasi pokok hutang. Lebih dari itu, bahkan masih tersisa arus kas untuk pemegang saham.
Sebagai contoh, dari proyeksi laporan keuangan, pada akhir tahun ketujuh diperoleh cash flow to equity sebesar Rp.20.786.817.741,- atau setara dengan Rp.11.581.792.121,- apabila dipresent valuekan dengan discount rate 20%. Pada akhir tahun ketujuh diproyeksikan perusahaan masih memiliki nilai Rp. 7.703.401.110,-
Apabila perusahaan hendak dibubarkan, maka estimasi nilai atas penjualan aset adalah Rp.40.994.883.000,- dan setelah dikurangi pelunasan kewajiban serta biaya-biaya lain, maka sisa kas yang dapat diperoleh pemegang sahamadalah Rp. 18.317.536.510.
Estimasi hasil likuidasi perusahaan tidak berbeda jauh dengan nilai perusahaan jika dioperasikan kembali. Sehingga alternatif membubarkan perusahaan dan melikuidasi asetnya terlihat sebagai pilihan yang terbaik, karena menghasilkan dana segar dalam waktu yang lebih cepat. Namun apabila pemegang saham tetap ingin meneruskan kegiatan operasional, hal ini pun dimungkinkan mengingat segala kewajiban dapat dilunasi dari kegiatan operas! perusahaan.
Pada akhir tulisan, penulis mencoba memberikan saran untuk perusahaan, yaitu dengan mencari kreditor baru yang dapat mengambil alih hutang di BPPN, semata-mata demi penghematan yang besar atas tunggakan bunga se'ama tiga tahun ini.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chrisna Mayangsari
Pendahuluan: Gangguan cemas dan depresi merupakan global burden of disease.
Prevalensi gangguan cemas dan depresi untuk penduduk Indonesia sebesar 11,6%,
di DKI Jakarta sebesar 14,1% dengan angka tertinggi ada di Jakarta Pusat sebesar
23,0%. Meskipun angkanya besar, namun banyak orang dengan gangguan cemas
dan depresi mengalami kesenjangan pengobatan (treatment gap) yang disebabkan
oleh berbagai faktor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran
mendalam tentang ungkapan stres (idiom of distress) untuk gejala cemas dan
depresi juga tentang perilaku mencari pertolongan terkait dengan ungkapan stres
tersebut pada pasien yang datang berobat ke layanan kesehatan primer.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan wawancara mendalam
pada responden yang telah diketahui mengalami gejala cemas dan depresi melalui
penapisan dengan menggunakan instrumen Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ).
Penelitian dilakukan di Puskesmas Gambir dan waktu pelaksanaan pada bulan
September 2013 sampai Juli 2014.
Hasil: Data penelitian diperoleh dari tiga orang responden yang ketiganya
tergolong dalam initial somatizer dengan keluhan somatik multipel. Ungkapan
yang diberikan berupa bahasa daerah, bahasa Indonesia, peribahasa, bahasa asing
(Belanda, Inggris). Ketiganya juga diketahui memiliki stresor biologis, psikologis,
sosial-ekonomi, dan agama/ budaya. Seluruh responden memilih untuk meminta
pertolongan ke fasilitas kesehatan, namun tidak pernah mengungkapkan keluhan
terkait perasaannya dan tenaga kesehatan tidak pernah menanyakan.
Pembahasan: Keluhan somatik multipel mungkin merupakan suatu bentuk
ungkapan stres terkait gejala cemas dan depresi yang lebih dapat diterima secara
sosial. Ungkapan stres ini juga dipengaruhi oleh bahasa atau kebudayaan
seseorang. Pola perilaku mencari dipengaruhi keluhan fisiknya sehingga mencari
pertolongan medis dan tidak pernah mengakses ke layanan kesehatan jiwa.

Introduction: Anxiety and depression disorders are the global burden of disease.
The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders of Indonesia's population is
11.6%. In Jakarta it is 14.1% and the highest rate in Central Jakarta is amounted to
23.0%. Although it is high prevalence, many people with anxiety and depression
disorders have treatment gap caused by various factors. This study aims to gain a
deeper understanding of the idiom of distress for anxiety and depression?s
symptom, also for help-seeking behavior related to the idiom of distress on
patients who come for a treatment to primary health care.
Method: This study is a qualitative with in-depth interviews in respondents who
have been known to have symptoms of anxiety and depression through a
screening using the instruments of Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). The
study was conducted at the Gambir Primary Health Care from September 2013
until July 2014.
Result: The data was obtained from three respondents who were classified in the
initial somatizer with multiple somatic complaints. The phrase is given in the
form of the local language, Indonesian, proverbs, and foreign languages (Dutch,
English). All three respondents are known to have biological stressors,
psychological, socio-economic, and religious/ cultural. All respondents chose to
ask for help at a health facility, but never revealed their feelings and health
personnel never asked about their feelings.
Discussion: Multiple somatic complaints may constitute the idiom of distress
related to the symptoms of anxiety and depression that is socially more
acceptable. The idiom of distress is also influenced by the personal language or
the culture. The help-seeking behavior is influenced by the physical complaints to
seek medical help and not to have an access to the mental health services., Introduction: Anxiety and depression disorders are the global burden of disease.
The prevalence of anxiety and depression disorders of Indonesia's population is
11.6%. In Jakarta it is 14.1% and the highest rate in Central Jakarta is amounted to
23.0%. Although it is high prevalence, many people with anxiety and depression
disorders have treatment gap caused by various factors. This study aims to gain a
deeper understanding of the idiom of distress for anxiety and depression’s
symptom, also for help-seeking behavior related to the idiom of distress on
patients who come for a treatment to primary health care.
Method: This study is a qualitative with in-depth interviews in respondents who
have been known to have symptoms of anxiety and depression through a
screening using the instruments of Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ). The
study was conducted at the Gambir Primary Health Care from September 2013
until July 2014.
Result: The data was obtained from three respondents who were classified in the
initial somatizer with multiple somatic complaints. The phrase is given in the
form of the local language, Indonesian, proverbs, and foreign languages (Dutch,
English). All three respondents are known to have biological stressors,
psychological, socio-economic, and religious/ cultural. All respondents chose to
ask for help at a health facility, but never revealed their feelings and health
personnel never asked about their feelings.
Discussion: Multiple somatic complaints may constitute the idiom of distress
related to the symptoms of anxiety and depression that is socially more
acceptable. The idiom of distress is also influenced by the personal language or
the culture. The help-seeking behavior is influenced by the physical complaints to
seek medical help and not to have an access to the mental health services.]"
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vitrie Rahmawati
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi kemungkinan terjadinya fiscal distress
kabupaten/kota di Indonesia Tahun 2010-2013 dengan memodifikasi variabel
Trussel dan Patrick (2009) dalam memprediksi fiscal distress.Penelitian ini
merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode regresi logistik
biner dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 1.820 kabupaten/kota-tahun.Hasil
penelitian menunjukkan adanya indikasi fiscal distress di beberapa
kabupaten/kota di Indonesia utamanya di tahun 2010. Lebih lanjut penelitian
membuktikan bahwa terdapat lima variabel yang signifikan dalam memprediksi
kemungkinan terjadinya fiscal distress, yaitu Pendapatan Asli Daerah sebagai
persentase pendapatan dengan korelasi positif, dana perimbangan sebagai
persentase dari pendapatan dengan korelasi positif, belanja modal sebagai
persentase dari pendapatan dengan korelasi positif dan pertumbuhan pendapatan
dengan korelasi negatif serta variabel dummy kabupaten dengan korelasi negatif.

This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.;This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation., This study aims to predict the likelihood of fiscal distress in districts/cities in
Indonesia in 2010-2013 by modifying Trussel and Patrick (2009) variables in
predicting fiscal distress. This research is a quantitative study using binary logistic
regression method with a total sample of 1.820 districts/cities-years. The results
show indications of fiscal distress in some districts/cities in Indonesia especially
in 2010. Furthermore, the study shows that there are five significant variables in
predicting the likelihood of fiscal distress, namely local own-revenue as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, intergovernmental funds as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation, capital expenditures as a
percentage of revenue with a positive correlation and revenue growth with a
negative correlation and dummy variabel district with a negative correlation.]"
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Retnosari Hardaningsih
"Adversity ditemukan memiliki pengaruh terhadap peningkatan psychological distress. Meskipun sebagian penelitian telah menunjukkan hubungan linear positif, sebagian penelitian lainnya menunjukkan pola hubungan yang berbeda, yakni dalam bentuk kurva kuadratik (U terbalik). Artinya, hubungan kedua variabel belum konsisten. Penelitian ini menambahkan dukungan sosial sebagai moderator untuk melihat pola hubungan cumulative lifetime adversity dan psychological distress. Penelitian ini menguji hubungan cumulative lifetime adversity dan psychological distress pada 145 orang dewasa di Indonesia. Melalui penelitian ini, penulis juga menguji peran dukungan sosial sebagai moderator pada hubungan cumulative lifetime adversity dan psychological distress. Penelitian menggunakan metode bootstrapping dalam analisis moderasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa cumulative lifetime adversity memiliki hubungan positif dengan psychological distress dan dukungan sosial tidak memoderasi hubungan cumulative lifetime adversity dengan psychological distress.

Adversity was found to have an effect on increasing psychological distress. Although some studies have shown a positive linear relationship, some other studies have shown a different relationship pattern, namely in the form of a quadratic curve (inverted U). That is, the relationship between the two variables is not consistent. This research adds social support as a moderator to look at the cumulative relationship pattern of lifelong misery and psychological distress. This study examines the cumulative relationship to lifelong adversity and psychological distress in 145 adults in Indonesia. Through this research, the authors also examine the role of social support as a moderator on the cumulative relationship of lifelong adversity and psychological distress. Research using bootstrapping method in moderation analysis. The results of this study indicate that cumulative lifetime adversity has a positive relationship with psychological stress and social support does not moderate the relationship of cumulative life adversity with psychological distress."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Akbar Hasani
"Pada masa pemulihan ekonomi saat ini karyawan dituntut untuk dapat memberikan kontribusi lebih baik yang pada akhirnya meningkatnya distress kerja pada karyawan. Banyak faktor yang dapat memicu terjadinya distress kerja pada seorang pekerja salah satunya adalah faktor psikososial.  PT. X melakukan survey pada setiap direktorat untuk mengetahui tingkat motivasi karyawan dan peningkatan distress kerja karyawan. Hasil survey terebut menunjukkan direktorat Corporate & External Affairs memiliki motivasi kerja paling rendah yang didukung dengan adanya aspirasi terkait meningkatnya distress kerja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan faktor risiko distres kerja terhadap tingkat distres kerja pada karyawan di direktorat Corporate & External Affairs di PT X.  Metode penelitian taitu deskriptif kuantitatif, desain studi cross-sectional, dengan jumlah total populasi 40 orang.  Terdapat 7.5% karyawan tidak mengalami distress kerja, 47.5% distress kerja rendah, 42.5% distress kerja sedang, dan 2.5% distress kerja tinggi.  Faktor risiko distress kerja yang berhubungan yaitu beban kerja dan kecepatan kerja, pengendalian, pengembangan karir, hubungan antara pekerjaan dan rumah, tuntutan psikologis, dan perundungan dan kekerasan. PT. X sebaiknya melakukan risk assessment yang komprehensif dan menindak lanjuti hasil survey pada Direktorat & Corporate & External Affairs di PT. X serta membuat media pengawasan untuk mendeteksi terjadinya perundungan dan kekerasan khususnya dalam bentuk verbal seperti kritik yang tidak adil.

During the current economic recovery, employees are required to give better contribution, which can increase work distress of employees. Many factors can trigger work distress, one of which is psychosocial factors. PT. X conducted a survey to determine the level of employee motivation and work distress. The survey results show that the Directorate of Corporate & External Affairs has the lowest work motivation supported by aspirations related to increased work distress. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between risk factors for work distress and levels of work stress for employees at the Directorate of Corporate & External Affairs at PT X. The research method is quantitative descriptive, the study design is cross-sectional, sample from total population of 40 people. There are 7.5% employees are categorized as no work distress, 47.5% low distress, 42.5% middle distress and 2.5% high distress.  The risk factors that have association with work distress are workload and pace of work, control, career development, the relationship between work and home, psychological demands, and bullying and violence. PT. X should conduct a comprehensive risk assessment and follow up on survey results and create a program to identify bullying and violence, especially in verbal forms such as unfair criticism.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Dewi Ashuro Itouli
"Latar Belakang: Banyak mahasiswa memiliki distres psikologis tinggi karena menghadapi berbagai masalah dan tuntutan baik akademis maupun non akademis. Keterampilan sosial telah teridentifikasi dalam model distres psikologis sebagai sumber yang penting bagi individu untuk mengelola stres. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini ingin mengetahui efektivitas pelatihan keterampilan sosial untuk membantu mahasiswa meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan menurunkan distres psikologis yang dialaminya.
Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one group pre test post test design. Partisipan penelitian merupakan mahasiswa S1 Universitas Indonesia dalam rentang usia 18-25 tahun yang memiliki masalah keterampilan sosial dan distres psikologis. Masalah keterampilan sosial ditandai dengan skor rendah pada setidaknya satu dimensi Social Skills Inventories (SSI) dan atau ketimpangan skor diantara dimensi SSI yang dilihat dari jarak SD ≥ 6,3 untuk pria dan SD ≥ 5,4 untuk wanita. Masalah distres psikologis ditandai dengan skor Hopkins Symptom Check List-25 (HSCL- 25) ≥ 1,75. Program intervensi dilakukan dalam bentuk workshop 2 hari dengan waktu efektif 14 jam pelatihan.
Hasil: Berdasarkan perbandingan pengukuran pra dan pasca intervensi, ditemukan bahwa tidak ada partisipan yang memiliki skor rendah pada tiap dimensi keterampilan sosial. Tujuh dari delapan partisipan memiliki keseimbangan skor antar dimensi yang lebih baik. Seluruh partisipan mengalami penurunan skor HSCL-25, setengah darinya berada di bawah cut off score.
Kesimpulan: Pelatihan keterampilan sosial efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial dan menurunkan distres psikologis pada mahasiswa Universitas Indonesia.

Background: Many university students have a high psychological distress because of the academic and non academic problems and challenges. Social skills has identified in the psychological distress model as important source for managing stress. This study examines the implementation of social skills training to help university students increase social skills and decrease psychological distress.
Method: The research design is one group pre test post test design. The participants are University of Indonesia undergraduate students with age range from 18 to 25 years old. Social skills problem is stated if there is low score at least in one dimension of Social Skills Inventories (SSI) and or unbalanced score between the dimensions of SSI which based on SD ≥ 6,3 (male) and SD ≥ 5,4 (female). Psychological distress problem is stated if score of HSCL-25 ≥ 1,75. The format of intervention is two days workshop with 14 hours training duration.
Result: In accordance to the differential between pre and post intervention, there is no more low score in every SSI's dimensions. Seven from eight participants has a better balanced score between SSI's dimensions. All participants has lower score of HSCL-25. Half of the scores has already under the cut off score.
Conclusion: Social skills training is marked effective in increasing social skills and decreasing psychological distress for University of Indonesia undergraduate students.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sherin Nindyta Puteri
"Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat apakah perceived social support dan penggunaan social networking sites (SNS) memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap distres psikologis. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap Mahasiswa (n=681). Untuk mengumpulkan data digunakan alat ukur Kessler Psychological Scale (K10), The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), dan Social Media Use Integration Scale (SMUIS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived social support secara signifikan berpengaruh dalam mengurangi tingkat distres psikologis mahasiswa (p < 0,001), sedangkan penggunaan SNS secara signifikan berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan distres psikologis pada mahasiswa (p < 0,001). Jika dibandingkan, perceived social support terbukti lebih kuat untuk mengurangi tingkat distres psikologis.

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of perceived social support and social networking sites use on psychological distress. The respondents of this study are university students (n=681). This study uses Kessler Psychological Scale (K10), The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), and Social Media Use Integration Scale (SMUIS) as instruments to gather data(s). The result of this study shows that theres a significant role of perceived social support in decreasing students psychological distress (p < 0,001) and theres a significant role of SNS Use in increasing students on psychological distress (p < 0,001)."
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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