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Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Steele, Brian
"This textbook on practical data analytics unites fundamental principles, algorithms, and data. Algorithms are the keystone of data analytics and the focal point of this textbook. Clear and intuitive explanations of the mathematical and statistical foundations make the algorithms transparent. But practical data analytics requires more than just the foundations. Problems and data are enormously variable and only the most elementary of algorithms can be used without modification. Programming fluency and experience with real and challenging data is indispensable and so the reader is immersed in Python and R and real data analysis. By the end of the book, the reader will have gained the ability to adapt algorithms to new problems and carry out innovative analyses.
This book has three parts:
(a) Data Reduction: Begins with the concepts of data reduction, data maps, and information extraction. The second chapter introduces associative statistics, the mathematical foundation of scalable algorithms and distributed computing. Practical aspects of distributed computing is the subject of the Hadoop and MapReduce chapter.
(b) Extracting Information from Data: Linear regression and data visualization are the principal topics of Part II. The authors dedicate a chapter to the critical domain of Healthcare Analytics for an extended example of practical data analytics. The algorithms and analytics will be of much interest to practitioners interested in utilizing the large and unwieldly data sets of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
(c) Predictive Analytics Two foundational and widely used algorithms, k-nearest neighbors and naive Bayes, are developed in detail. A chapter is dedicated to forecasting. The last chapter focuses on streaming data and uses publicly accessible data streams originating from the Twitter API and the NASDAQ stock market in the tutorials.
This book is intended for a one- or two-semester course in data analytics for upper-division undergraduate and graduate students in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. The prerequisites are kept low, and students with one or two courses in probability or statistics, an exposure to vectors and matrices, and a programming course will have no difficulty. The core material of every chapter is accessible to all with these prerequisites. The chapters often expand at the close with innovations of interest to practitioners of data science. Each chapter includes exercises of varying levels of difficulty. The text is eminently suitable for self-study and an exceptional resource for practitioners."
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Desy Bungdiana
"Perbuatan notaris menyerahkan sertipikat hak milik pengurusan balik nama yang dimohonkan oleh bukan pemegang hak merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum. Notaris seharusnya berperan dalam membantu menciptakan sebuah kepastian dan perlindungan hukum kepada masyarakat yang bersifat preventif. Notaris dapat mencegah terhindar dari adanya hukuman apabila dalam melaksanakan pekerjaannya tidak melanggar larangan serta sanksi yang ada pada UUJN. Permasalahan yang diangkat adalah mengenai kewenangan notaris menyerahkan sertipikat hak milik pengurusan balik nama yang dimohonkan oleh bukan pemegang hak dalam putusan pengadilan negeri nomor  25/pdt.g/2018/Pn.Krg. Penelitian ini berbentuk analisis yuridis normatif, penelitian yang dilakukan berfokus pada norma-norma hukum positif yang berdasarkan bahan sekunder. Tipologi penelitian bersifat eksplanatoris yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi fenomena akibat dari perbuatan tersebut. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yakni tindakan notaris yang tidak mengembalikan sertipikat pada pemiliknya merupakan perbuatan melanggar hukum. Notaris harus lebih memperhatikan dalam menerima sertipikat yang diserahkan oleh bukan pemegang hak, agar langkah selanjutnya notaris dapat meminta surat kuasa tertulis, atapun dengan surat kuasa tidak tertulis dan dihadiri oleh pemegang hak serta pihak ketiga. Tindakan notaris menerima sertipikat  hak milik pengurusan balik nama yang dimohonkan oleh bukan pemegang hak seharusnya melaksanakan penolakan dan diberikan pemberian edukasi kepada para penghadap. Notaris dalam melaksanakan kewenangannya perlu selalu mengacu pada aspek nilai kehati-hatian agar terhindar dari kesalahan dan pelanggaran hukum. Tanggung jawab notaris yang menyerahkan sertipikat hak milik pengurusan balik nama yang dimohonkan oleh bukan pemegang hak ada 3 (tiga). Secara pidana yaitu penggelapan pada jabatan, secara perdata adalah perbuatan melawan hukum dan pertanggung jawaban administrasi.

The act of a notary handing over a certificate of ownership of the transfer of title requested by a non-right holder is an unlawful act. Notaries should play a role in helping to create a preventive legal certainty and protection for the public. Notaries can avoid being punished if in carrying out their work they do not violate the prohibitions and sanctions contained in UUJN. The issue raised is regarding the authority of a notary to hand over a certificate of ownership rights to transfer the title filed by a non-right holder in a district court decision number 25/pdt.g/2018/Pn.Krg. This research is in the form of normative juridical analysis, the research conducted focuses on positive legal norms based on secondary materials. The research typology is explanatory in nature which aims to identify the phenomena resulting from these actions. The research results obtained are that the action of a notary who does not return the certificate to the owner is an unlawful act. The notary must pay more attention to receiving certificates submitted by non-right holders, so that the next step is that the notary may request a written power of attorney, or with an unwritten power of attorney and be attended by the right holder and a third party. requested by non-right holders should carry out the refusal and provide education to the appearers. Notaries in exercising their authority need to always refer to the aspect of prudential values ​​in order to avoid mistakes and violations of the law. There are 3 (three) responsibilities of a notary who submits a certificate of ownership of the transfer of title requested by a non-rights holder. Criminally, namely embezzlement in office, civilly it is an act against the law and administrative responsibility."
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Patricia Jessica
"Perkembangan serta perubahan teknologi informasi saat ini mempengaruhi hampir seluruh sendi dan budaya kehidupan manusia. Hal tersebut menandakan adanya transisi budaya dari awalnya transaksi dilakukan secara luring berkembang menjadi daring. Pengaruh Teknologi Informasi ini juga mempengaruhi prosedur notaris dalam membuat akta autentik. Bahwa perkembangan hukum di dunia mengenal apa yang disebut dengan akta autentik elektronik, tanda tangan elektronik, bahkan cyber notary. Namun terkait dengan penjelasan Pasal 15 Ayat (3) UUJN mengenai cyber notary tidak ada penjelasan atau perintah yang lebih jelas sehingga menjadi perdebatan maka diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut mengenai hal tersebut. Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini berkaitan dengan perbandingan politik hukum yang dilakukan pemerintah Negara Jepang dan Indonesia dalam mendukung penerapan penyelenggaraan sistem notaris elektronik, pembuatan akta autentik elektronik di Negara Jepang agar memiliki kekuatan hukum sebagai alat bukti yang sempurna, dan pengaturan yang seharusnya terkait dengan akta autentik elektronik di Indonesia ke depannya. Penelitian ini secara umum bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai cyber notary dalam bidang kenotariatan. Mengingat kemajuan teknologi sudah sangat pesat sehingga tidak dapat lagi dihindari, dan penggunaan teknologi menjadi lebih efektif, efisien dan biaya yang murah bagi manusia dalam melakukan pekerjaannya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penulisan ini yaitu yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perbandingan (comparative approach) dan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statute approach) antara hukum dua negara yaitu Undang-Undang Notaris Jepang No. 53 Tahun 1908 jo. Undang-Undang Notaris Jepang No. 74 Tahun 2011 dengan Undang-Undang No. 2 Tahun 2014 jo. Undang-Undang No. 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris melalui teknik analisis datanya dilakukan secara kualitatif dan pengumpulan datanya menggunakan data sekunder sebagai data utama yakni studi dokumen yang terdiri dari bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder sedangkan data primer sebagai data pendukung yakni wawancara dengan beberapa orang notaris sebagai narasumber. Jepang telah mereformasi Undang-Undang Notarisnya sehingga sistem cyber notary telah terlaksana sejak tahun 2000 dan notaris elektronik harus terdaftar dalam list yang dikoordinir oleh Kementerian Kehakiman sehingga terdapat pelatihan atau kualifikasi khusus. Jepang juga telah mempunyai Undang-Undang Tanda Tangan Elektronik dan Bisnis Sertifikasi sejak tahun 2000, yang mana undang-undang tersebut saling berhubungan dengan Undang-Undang Notarisnya. Selain itu dalam pelaksanaan notaris elektronik dan tanda tangan elektronik terdapat Penyelenggara Usaha Sertifikasi Jepang yang telah mendapatkan akreditasi dari Menteri yang berwenang sehingga kekuatan pembuktian akta autentik elektronik tersebut menjadi kekuatan pembuktian yang sempurna. Pengaturan akta autentik elektronik yang seharusnya di Indonesia yaitu menambahkan pengertian akta elektronik sebagai akta autentik dalam Pasal 1 UUJN, menambahkan dan memperjelas secara detail kewenangan notaris terkait cyber notary dalam Pasal 15 Ayat (3) UUJN, merevisi dan memperluas kata menghadap dalam Pasal 16 Ayat (1) huruf M, dan mengamandemen Pasal 5 Ayat (4) UU ITE.

Developments and changes in information technology currently affect almost all joints and culture of human life. This indicates a cultural transition from initially transactions carried out offline to developing online. The influence of Information Technology also influences notary procedures in making authentic deeds. That the development of law in the world recognizes what is called an authentic electronic deed, electronic signature, and even a cyber notary. However, in relation to the elucidation of Article 15 Paragraph (3) UUJN regarding cyber notary, there is no clearer explanation or order, so it becomes a debate, further research is needed on this matter. The issues raised in this study relate to the comparison of legal politics carried out by the governments of Japan and Indonesia in supporting the implementation of the implementation of an electronic notary system, making authentic electronic deeds in Japan so that they have the force of law as perfect evidence, and the arrangements that should be related to deed electronic authentic in Indonesia in the future. This research generally aims to examine and analyze cyber notaries in the notary field. Considering that technological progress has been so rapid that it can no longer be avoided, and the use of technology has become more effective, efficient and inexpensive for humans in carrying out their work. The research method used in this writing is normative juridical with a comparative approach and a statute approach between the laws of the two countries, namely Japanese Notary Law No. 53 of 1908 jo. Japanese Notary Law No. 74 of 2011 with Law no. 2 of 2014 jo. Law No. 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of Notary through data analysis techniques carried out qualitatively and data collection using secondary data as the main data, namely document studies consisting of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials while primary data as supporting data, namely interviews with several notaries as resource persons. Japan has reformed its Notary Law so that the cyber notary system has been implemented since 2000 and electronic notaries must be registered on a list coordinated by the Ministry of Justice so that there is special training or qualifications. Japan has also had Electronic Signature and Certification Business Laws since 2000, which are interrelated with its Notary Laws. In addition, in the implementation of electronic notaries and electronic signatures, there are Japanese Certification Business Operators who have received accreditation from the competent Minister so that the strength of proof of the authentic electronic deed becomes a perfect evidentiary force. The regulation of authentic electronic deed that should be in Indonesia is adding the definition of an electronic deed as an authentic deed in Article 1 UUJN, adding and clarifying in detail the authority of a notary related to cyber notary in Article 15 Paragraph (3) UUJN, revising and expanding the word facing in Article 16 Paragraph (1) letter M, and amending Article 5 Paragraph (4) of the ITE Law. "
Jakarta: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imelda Hotmaria
"Pesatnya perkembangan proses audit menggunakan pendekatan data analytics menawarkan manfaat kompetitif yang signifikan bagi organisasi yang dapat memanfaatkan lingkungan berbasis data, termasuk kantor akuntan publik. Namun pada saat ini belum banyak kantor akuntan publik yang memanfaatkan data analytics. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kesiapan implementasi data analytics dalam audit pada KAP DNA, salah satu kantor akuntan publik terbesar di dunia yang berafiliasi internasional. KAP DNA telah menginisiasi penggunaan data analytics mulai dari tahun 2016. Proses penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dimana narasumber dipilih berdasarkan snowball sampling sejumlah 5 narasumber yang terdiri dari manajer senior, manajer, dan senior auditor. Alat ukur evaluasi kesiapan menggunakan kriteria Acatech indeks maturitas industri milik Schuh et al. (2017) yang telah dikembangkan di penelitian Gürdür et al. (2019). Kriteria tersebut terdiri dari kesiapan sumber daya, kesiapan sistem informasi, kesiapan budaya, dan kesiapan organisasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, KAP DNA memiliki tingkat kesiapan menengah secara umum. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tantangan seperti kurangnya kemampuan auditor, kekurangan sumber daya manusia tim khusus data analytics, dan perangkat yang belum memadai. KAP DNA direkomendasikan untuk mempertimbangkan menambah pelatihan terkait data analytics kepada auditor di saat low season, merekrut karyawan tambahan di tim khusus data analytics, dan menyediakan perangkat yang memadai.

The rapid development of the audit process using a data analytics approach offers significant competitive advantages for organizations that can take advantage of a data-driven environment, including public accounting firms. However, currently not many public accounting firms are utilizing data analytics. This study aims to evaluate the readiness to implement data analytics in audits at KAP DNA, one of the world's largest public accounting firms with international affiliations. KAP DNA has initiated the use of data analytics starting in 2016. This research process was carried out using a qualitative method where the informants were selected based on snowball sampling of 5 sources consisting of senior managers, managers, and senior auditors. The measuring instrument for readiness evaluation uses the Acatech industrial maturity index criteria belonging to Schuh et al. (2017) which has been developed in the research of Gürdür et al. (2019). The criteria consist of resource readiness, information system readiness, cultural readiness, and organizational readiness. Based on the research results, KAP DNA has a medium level of readiness in general. This is due to challenges such as lack of auditor capabilities, lack of human resources for dedicated data analytics teams, and inadequate tools. KAP DNA is recommended to consider adding training related to data analytics to auditors during low season, recruiting additional employees in a dedicated data analytics team, and providing adequate tools."
Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book presents a language integrated query framework for big data. The continuous, rapid growth of data information to volumes of up to terabytes (1,024 gigabytes) or petabytes (1,048,576 gigabytes) means that the need for a system to manage and query information from large scale data sources is becoming more urgent. Currently available frameworks and methodologies are limited in terms of efficiency and querying compatibility between data sources due to the differences in information storage structures. For this research, the authors designed and programmed a framework based on the fundamentals of language integrated query to query existing data sources without the process of data restructuring. A web portal for the framework was also built to enable users to query protein data from the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and implement it on Microsoft Azure, a cloud computing environment known for its reliability, vast computing resources and cost-effectiveness."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The book describes the emergence of big data technologies and the role of Spark in the entire big data stack. It compares Spark and Hadoop and identifies the shortcomings of Hadoop that have been overcome by Spark. The book mainly focuses on the in-depth architecture of Spark and our understanding of Spark RDDs and how RDD complements big data’s immutable nature, and solves it with lazy evaluation, cacheable and type inference. It also addresses advanced topics in Spark, starting with the basics of Scala and the core Spark framework, and exploring Spark data frames, machine learning using Mllib, graph analytics using Graph X and real-time processing with Apache Kafka, AWS Kenisis, and Azure Event Hub. It then goes on to investigate Spark using PySpark and R. Focusing on the current big data stack, the book examines the interaction with current big data tools, with Spark being the core processing layer for all types of data.
The book is intended for data engineers and scientists working on massive datasets and big data technologies in the cloud. In addition to industry professionals, it is helpful for aspiring data processing professionals and students working in big data processing and cloud computing environments."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book includes a selection of papers presented at the Third World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR2018), held in Lisbon, Portugal on October 17–19, 2018. The WCQR2018 focused on four main fields of application (Education, Health, Social Sciences, and Engineering and Technology) and seven main subjects: Rationale and Paradigms of Qualitative Research; Systematization of Approaches with Qualitative Studies; Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research; Data Analysis Types; Innovative Processes of Qualitative Data Analysis; Qualitative Research in Web Contexts; and Qualitative Analysis with the Support of Specific Software. Given its breadth of coverage, the book offers a valuable resource for academics, researchers, teachers and students seeking information on the above topics, and on the use of Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS). "
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"The proceedings covers advanced and multi-disciplinary research on design of smart computing and informatics. The theme of the book broadly focuses on various innovation paradigms in system knowledge, intelligence and sustainability that may be applied to provide realistic solution to varied problems in society, environment and industries. The volume publishes quality work pertaining to the scope of the conference which is extended towards deployment of emerging computational and knowledge transfer approaches, optimizing solutions in varied disciplines of science, technology and healthcare."
Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gao, Yue
"This SpringerBrief discusses the applications of spare representation in wireless communications, with a particular focus on the most recent developed compressive sensing (CS) enabled approaches. With the help of sparsity property, sub-Nyquist sampling can be achieved in wideband cognitive radio networks by adopting compressive sensing, which is illustrated in this brief, and it starts with a comprehensive overview of compressive sensing principles. Subsequently, the authors present a complete framework for data-driven compressive spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks, which guarantees robustness, low-complexity, and security.
Particularly, robust compressive spectrum sensing, low-complexity compressive spectrum sensing, and secure compressive sensing based malicious user detection are proposed to address the various issues in wideband cognitive radio networks. Correspondingly, the real-world signals and data collected by experiments carried out during TV white space pilot trial enables data-driven compressive spectrum sensing. The collected data are analysed and used to verify our designs and provide significant insights on the potential of applying compressive sensing to wideband spectrum sensing.
This SpringerBrief provides readers a clear picture on how to exploit the compressive sensing to process wireless signals in wideband cognitive radio networks. Students, professors, researchers, scientists, practitioners, and engineers working in the fields of compressive sensing in wireless communications will find this SpringerBrief very useful as a short reference or study guide book. Industry managers, and government research agency employees also working in the fields of compressive sensing in wireless communications will find this SpringerBrief useful as well."
Switzerland: Springer Cham, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library
"This book provides a survey on research, development, and trends in innovative computing in communications engineering and computer science. It features selected and expanded papers from the EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2018 (COMPSE 2018), with contributions by top global researchers and practitioners in the field. The content is of relevance to computer science graduates, researchers and academicians in computer science and engineering. The authors discuss new technologies in computer science and engineering that have reduced the dimension of data coverage worldwide, reducing the gaps and coverage of domains globally. They discuss how these advances have also contributed to strength in prediction, analysis, and decision in the areas such as Technology, Management, Social Computing, Green Computing, and Telecom. Contributions show how nurturing the research in technology and computing is essential to finding the right pattern in the ocean of data.
Focuses on research areas of innovative computing and its application in engineering and technology;
Includes contributions from researchers in computing and engineering from around the world;
Features selected and expanded papers from EAI International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering 2018 (COMPSE 2018)."
Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019
eBooks  Universitas Indonesia Library