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Ditemukan 95 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
"Konvensi keanekaragaman hayati pada dasarnya berisi ketentuan yang meminta negara-negara untuk melestarikan keanekaragaman hayati memanfaatkan dan mengembangkan komponen-komponennya secara berkelanjutan dan membagi keuntungan dari hasil pemanfaatan sumber daya gen secara adil dan merata. Indonesia yang memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang sangat tinggi tenyata belum memanfaatkan secara maksimal justru negara lain yang memanfaatkannya.Tulisan ini menyoroti hal tersebut dalam perspektif hubungan internasional."
Hukum dan Pembangunan, XXVII (1) Februari 1997: 113-123, 1997
HUPE XXVII-2-Feb1997-113
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Ninety percent species of butterflies can be found in the tropics. Southeast Asia has one of the highest Lepidopteran biodiversity in the world, while over 1,200 species of butterflies reside in Malaysia. Despite high Lepidopteran diversity, there is still little knowledge on the butterfly distribution in the islands of Southeast Asia. The aim of this study was to generate species data for butterflies at the islands of Pulau Perhentian Besar and Pulau Bidong in Terengganu region, Malaysia. The collected data will be a foundation for long-term monitoring, future research and a species guideline for tourism. The faunistic composition of Rhopalocera was studied by using 20 baited traps in which 10 baited traps were set at the canopy level and another 10 baited traps were set in the understorey for seven days on each island. The baited traps at the understory and canopy level were set on selected trees at 1 m and 15 m above the ground respectively, and left to function from 0800 hours to 1700 hours. Ripe pineapples were used as bait to attract butterflies. Aerial netting along one kilometre of line transects were also conducted for catching butterflies. A total of 26 species of butterflies from four families were caught during the sampling period. Butterfly population on small islands may be particularly susceptible to environmental and stochastic changes. Thus, development and land clearing should be strictly controlled to prevent further loss of flora and fauna such as endangered tree species and endemic butterflies of the islands."
Terengganu: UMT, 2017
500 JSSM 12:1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hari Sutrisno
Jakarta: Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, 2010
595.78 HAR k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qurrotu Aini Besila
"Jagakarsa is one of "the water catchment areas" in Jakarta that has green open space. The elements and design of the green open space are very important to be studied, in relation to the occurrence of the wild animal particularly birds in this area. The tittle of this study is "A study on biodiversity of green open space in Jagakarsa water catchment area". The report was divided into two sub tittles: "Vegetation structure and composition at the green open space of water catchment area in Jagakarsa", and "Bird inventory at the green open space of water catchment area in Jagakarsa". The objectives of this study are to examine the structure and composition of the vegetation related to the occurrence of birds in the green open space.
The study was conducted from July to December 1999 by compiling both primary and secondary data. The study area was divided into four categories; home garden, green belt along the river, cemetery area (modern and traditional), and urban forests.
The highest diversity of vegetation was found in home garden, which was consisted of fruits, and plants used as house fence. Over half of plant
species at home garden are ornamental plant. Beside that, heterogeneity plants at home garden showed higher than the other green open space in Jagakarsa, Also, home garden was managed better than the other green open space in Jagakarsa.
Generally, people around the river use green belt along the river as fruit garden. Plant species diversity in those belt are lower than home garden and less managed by people. However, at the green belt along Krukut river was found the regenerated of plants. The vegetation neither ornamental nor valuable cemetery plants with urban cemetery concept was dominated by ornamental plants with high esthetical value, which has maximum height less than one meter. In the traditional cemetery, Ptumeria alba, Codeaeum variegatum, Dracaena fragrans were found dominantly planted with irregularity in patterns.
There were 28 species of 18 families of birds found in this study. The highest number of species {15 species) was found at the green belt along Ciliwung River, and surrounding of Situ Babakan (14 species). Water birds were found at Ciliwung River, Kali Krukut, and Situ Babakan. Birds that living in high grasses and shrubs also found at these areas. Most of the birds found in the area are insectivore (42,86%).
Vegetation is very important for bird, not only as food resources but also as a resting, sleeping, and nesting place. Fruits and flowers as food resources of insect related to the occurrence of birds were discussed in this paper.
Habitat degadration and bird hunting are threats for the birds. Therefore, community awareness, selection of plant species, and design of vegetation pattern that fulfil the needs of bird are very important for bird conservation in urban city.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rifa Hasymi Mahmudah
Penelitian dilakukan di Dusun Mengkadai Desa Temenggung Kecamatan Limun Kabupaten Sarolangun, Jambi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkap pemanfaatan tumbuhan berguna di Hutan Adat Imbo Mengkadai (HAIM) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari menurut perspektif lokal. Penelitian dilakukan dari bulan Oktober -- Desember 2012. Metode yang digunakan ialah PEA (Participatory Ethnobotanical Appraisal) yang terdiri dari wawancara semi terstruktur, observasi partisipatif dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Untuk mengetahui nilai kepentingan spesies tumbuhan setiap kategori pemanfaatan berdasarkan perspektif masyarakat dilakukan analisis LUVI sementara itu untuk mengetahui sistem budaya masyarakat lokal terkait dengan pemanfaatan spesies tumbuhan dianalisis dengan ICS. Hasil penelitian mencatat, tumbuhan berguna di HAIM yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat dan nilai LUVI-nya ialah untuk konstruksi berat 69 spesies (LUVI = 0,22), bahan makanan 32 spesies (LUVI =0,11), bahan obat-obatan 29 spesies (LUVI = 0,10), bahan konstruksi ringan 61 spesies (LUVI = 0,10), bahan teknologi lokal dan seni 43 spesies (LUVI = 0,9), bahan hiasan/adat/ritual 12 spesies (LUVI = 0,09), bahan tali temali 11 spesies (LUVI = 0,9), bahan kayu bakar 17 spesies (LUVI = 0,08),sumber penghasilan 3 spesies (LUVI =0,07) dan bahan pewarna 1 spesies (LUVI =0,05). Artocarpus elasticus mendapat nilai ICS tertinggi yaitu 56, yang dimanfaatkan untuk bahan makanan, bahan konstruksi ringan, bahan teknologi lokal dan seni, serta bahan tali-temali."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Worabai, Meliza Sartje
Pulau Serangan merupakan salah satu bagian dari Tahura Ngurah Rai untuk perlindungan vegetasi dan burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman vegetasi dan burung pasca reklamasi di Pulau Serangan, Bali. Pengamatan vegetasi dilakukan pada dua wilayah besar yaitu areal pulau asli seluas 1 Ha dengan metode pengamatan plot permanen dan areal reklamasi seluas 211,109 ha dengan metode pengamatan jalur. Pengamatan burung dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode titik hitung (point count) dengan menentukan delapan stasiun pengamatan secara acak. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan tercatat total spesies tumbuhan adalah 64 spesies yang terdiri atas 26 spesies pada areal hutan alami dan 38 spesies pada areal reklamasi. Pada petak pengamatan 1 ha di areal asli spesies yang mendominasi adalah Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. dengan INP 55,99 %, sedangkan potensi regenerasi didominasi oleh Diospyros maritima (Blume) Baill 88%, diikuti Suregada glomerulata (Blume) Baill 53 %, Calophyllum inophyllum L. 22 %, Allophylus cobbe L. 13 % , serta Trema cannabina Lour. dan Samanea saman F.Muell. 2 %. Pada areal reklamasi terdapat 6 (enam) tipe habitat yaitu habitat bebatuan, padang, pasir, kapur, serasah dan tanah. Spesies tumbuhan terbanyak yang ditemukan di areal reklamasi adalah Calophyllum inophyllum L. dan Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre., yang ditanam di areal reklamasi. Burung yang terdapat di Pulau Serangan berjumlah 474 individu tergolong dalam 43 spesies dari 21 famili. Dua Spesies yang menempati urutan teratas jumlah individu terbanyak adalah Numenius madagascariensis (Gajahan timur) dan Phalacrocorax melanoleucos (Pecuk padi belang). Kedua spesies burung tersebut termasuk spesies burung pantai (Burung pantai) dari Famili Scolopacidae dan Phalacrocaracidae. Angka indeks keanekaragaman burung (H? = 3.051) di Pulau Serangan menunjukkan keragaman jenis tergolong sedang, yaitu memiliki produktivitas cukup dengan kondisi ekosistem cukup seimbang serta sedikit terjadi tekanan ekologis. Spesies tumbuhan yang dijadikan tempat bertelur atau bersarang adalah Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Lannea corromandelica (Houtt.) Merr, Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. , Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth, Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. dan Calotropis gigantea.

Serangan Island is part of Tahura Ngurah Rai that was established for conservation of vegetation and birds. Objective of this research was to gain information regarding the diversity of vegetation and birds post-reclamation of Serangan Island, Bali. Observation on the vegetation was conducted in two large areas, they are one hectare of natural areal of the island by permanent plot method and 211.109 hectares of reclamated areal by line observation method. Observation on birds conducted in point count method by randomly asign eight observation station. According to the observation on vegetation there are 64 species in total consists of 26 species in natural forest and 38 species in the reclamation area. In the one hectare observation plot on the natural area the most dominant species was Acacia auriculiformis A.Cunn. ex Benth. with IVI value of 55.99 %, meanwhile the most dominant in terms of the potential of regeneration is Diospyros maritima (Blume) Baill 88%, followed by Suregada glomerulata (Blume) Baill 53 %, Calophyllum inophyllum L. 22 %, Allophylus cobbe L. 13 % , serta Trema cannabina Lour. and Samanea saman F.Muell. 2 %. There are six types of habitat in reclamation area rocks, savannah, sands, lime, litter and soil. Species which were founded the most in reclamation area are Calophyllum inophyllum L. and Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre., that are planted in the reclamation area. There are 474 individuals of bird appears on Serangan Island along the period of observation, they are categorized into 43 species and 21 families. The top two of individual counts are Numenius madagascariensis and Phalacrocorax melanoleucos. Both of them are shorebird species from Scolopacidae and Phalacrocaracidae family. Birds diversity index (H? = 3.051) in Serangan Island shows species diversity is medium, which had sufficient productivity with fairly balanced ecosystem condition and also small ecological pressure. Vegetations that been used by the birds for spawning and nesting are Pongamia pinnata (L.) Pierre, Lannea corromandelica (Houtt.) Merr, Acacia farnesiana (L.) Willd. , Pithecellobium dulce (Roxb.) Benth, Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. and Calotropis gigantea."
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Labuan Bajo adalah destinasi baru yang menawarkan pariwisata ikonik satwa endemik Komodo dan ekosistem bahari kelas dunia. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah pengelolaan wisata keanekaragaman hayati yang ada belum terintegrasi dan belum mempertimbangkan daya dukung. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis kondisi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi, dan daya dukung pariwisata Labuan Bajo serta menyusun model integrasi kolaborasi multipihak untuk pariwisata berkelanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah mix methods. Metode Cifuentes dan analisis spasial deskriptif digunakan untuk mengevaluasi daya dukung pariwisata sebagai dasar penyusunan model System Dynamics. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pariwisata Labuan Bajo dinilai sudah berkelanjutan oleh pemangku kepentingan untuk aspek sosial maupun ekonomi, dan cukup berkelanjutan untuk aspek lingkungan serta belum melampaui daya dukungnya. Kesimpulan penelitian ini model integrasi kolaborasi multipihak pariwisata berkelanjutan adalah paradigma sistem yang mempertimbangkan daya dukung sebagai penentu kapasitas destinasi dengan keterlibatan lintas sektor untuk mencapai keberlanjutan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan.

Labuan Bajo is a new destination that offers the iconic endemic Komodo dragons and world-class marine tourism. The problem is that the management of biodiversity tourism still needs to be integrated and considered carrying capacity. The objective is to analyze environmental, social, and economic conditions and the carrying capacity of Labuan Bajo tourism to develop a multi-stakeholder collaboration integration model for sustainable tourism. Mixed methods are used. The Cifuentes method and descriptive spatial analysis evaluate the tourism carrying capacity as the basis for developing the System Dynamics model. The research results show that stakeholders consider Labuan Bajo tourism sustainable for social and economic aspects and moderately sustainable for environmental aspects, and it also remained within its carrying capacity. This study concludes that the multistakeholder collaboration integration model for sustainable tourism is a systemic paradigm that considers carrying capacity as a desired capacity policy with crosssectoral involvement to achieve social, economic and environmental sustainability."
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ubaid Isna Yudhistira
"Dinamika keanekaragaman hayati seringkali dikaitkan dengan perubahan lingkungan, termasuk kedalaman perairan, produktivitas, sifat sedimen, ketersediaan oksigen, morfologi, serta gangguan fisik lainnya. WPPNRI 573 adalah salah satu dari 11 wilayah pengelolaan perikanan di Indonesia yang memiliki karakteristik geografis dan oseanografis yang unik. Isu yang berkembang pada WPPNRI 573 antara lain eksploitasi berlebih, degradasi habitat, pencemaran dan penangkapan tidak ramah lingkungan, serta masuknya spesies invansif yang terjadi karena kurangnya wawasan dan perhatian pemerintah, serta kurangnya sumberdaya manusia dalam hal pengelolaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi terkait resiko ancaman kepunahan keanekaragaman hayati serta variasi morfologi yang mempengaruhinya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis spasial dan spasio-temporal dengan Red List Index sebagai model penilaian distribusi wilayah resiko keanekaragaman hayati. Sampel data keanekaragaman hayati dikumpulkan dari GBIF.org dalam rentang tahun 1989-2023. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa resiko terhadap ancaman kepunahan kehati di wilayah WPPNRI 573 cenderung rendah. Spesies lebih dominan berdistribusi secara mengelompok pada zona epipelagik dan semakin terdistribusi secara menyebar pada zona laut yang semakin dalam. Morfologi berpengaruh signifikan dalam level moderat terhadap distribusi keanekaragaman pada kategori nilai resiko ancaman yang sama. Kedalaman memiliki pengaruh yang paling besar, diikuti dengan lereng. Sedangkan orientasi, kelengkungan, dan kekasaran tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan.

The biodiversity dynamics are often associated with environmental changes, including water depth, productivity, sediment characteristics, oxygen availability, geomorphology, and other physical disturbances. WPPNRI 573 is one of 11 fisheries management areas in Indonesia that has unique geographical and oceanographic characteristics. Issues that occurred in WPPNRI 573 include overexploitation, habitat degradation, pollution, and non-eco-friendly fishing, as well as the entry of invasive species that occur due to lack of government insight and attention, and also lack of human resources in terms of management. This study aims to present information about the risk of biodiversity extinction threats and geomorphological variations that affect it. The method used is spatial and spatial-temporal analysis with Red List Index as a model for assessing the distribution of biodiversity risk areas. Samples of biodiversity data were collected from GBIF.org between 1989 and 2023. The results revealed that the risk of biodiversity extinction in the WPPNRI 573 area tends to be low of biodiversity extinction risk status. Species are predominantly distributed in clusters in the epipelagic zone, and also dispersed in deeper marine zones. Geomorphology has a significant moderate effect on the distribution of diversity in the same threat risk value category. Depth has the most influence, followed by a slope. While aspect, curvature, and ruggedness do not have a significant effect."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Chichester: John Wiley & Son , 1996
333.95 FUN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
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