Ditemukan 11 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Herudi Kandau Nugroho
ABSTRACTIn order to support accelerated growth and cross selling transaction as well as strengthening the position of state-owned enterprises to face free competition and globalization, synergy in all of the lines business are needed. One of them is the transactional synergy where the source of financing came from Islamic commercial bank subsidiaries of SOEs. The research concluded that both frequency and value of transactions are significantly influence Financing to Debt Ratio (FDR) and Non Performing Financing (NPF) Islamic commercial band subsidiaries of SOEs. Partially, from the side of its influence on FDR: the more number of synergy transactional accounts of SOE, the higher FDR Islamic commercial bank subsidiaries of SOEs. The larger the value of synergy transactional SOEs, the lower the FDR Islamic commercial bank subsidiaries of SOEs. Partially, from the side of its effects on the NPF: the more number of synergy transactional accounts of SOEs, the higher NPF Islamic commercial bank subsidiaries of SOEs. The larger the value of synergy transactional SOEs, the higher NPF Islamic commercial bank subsidiaries of SOEs. In the implementation of synergy transactional, PT BNI is at level of efficiency, while PT BSM and PT BRIS are not."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Inas Afifah Zahra
ABSTRACTThis Study uses on analysis factor that aim to find out the main factors that influence the public interest to become the driver of PT GO-Jek Indonesia. The result of analysis using SPSS 20 has provided envidence that the variables Sharing 1 Revenue 2, Surge Pricing 2, Surge Pricing 3, Surge Pricing 4, and Accessibility 4 are variables that are important to gain attention in influencing the public interest to be GO-Jek driver. Meanwhile, the variables: Income 1 Income 3 Accessibility 1 Accessibility 2 accessibility 3, For Outcome 2, Share Result 3 Sharing 3, and Surge Pricing 1 is variables that are not included in the explanatory factor main act as auxiliary factor for major factor."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Lusiana Ulfa Hardinawati
"This study aims to see which factors influencing ZIS payers intention using bank continually in DKI Jakarta. The theory used in this research are the modification from Consumer Behavior theory (Kotler and Keller, 2009) and Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which were development by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980). The population of this is ZIS payers in DKI Jakarta Province, the sample of this research are 190 ZIS payers in DKI Jakarta Province who pay ZIS using bank facility. The research method used in this study is quantitative method approach, and using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analyze the data. The results of this study find that personal factor influences attitude to pay ZIS in DKI Jakarta, however psychological factor does not influence attitude to pay ZIS in DKI Jakarta. Therefore, cultural factor and social factor both influence subjective norm of ZIS payers in DKI Jakarta. Additionally, attitude and subjective norm of ZIS payers in DKI Jakarta both influence them to pay ZIS continually using bank facility."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendra Kurniawan
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the policy of the fine payment by the Indonesian Government for the death penalty case against Indonesia's labor in Saudi Arabia. The results of this research is an analysis of description about public perception among the public case against Indonesia Diyat payment system that charged to Government of Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods is descriptive analysis in mapping and analyzing the opinion of stakeholder, the public perception of the actor role-forming, as well as the applicable policies in some countries other related cases Diyat. This research is expected to provide policy recommendations to Government in making decisions that have a strong justification and can be accounted for on the basis of scientific research."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Hestu Nugroho Warasto
"This research looked at and mapped out the role of Syekh Maulana Hizboel Wathony Strategy Communication Dakwah. This research aims to look at the Syekh Maulana Hizboel Wathony potential as a religious teacher and his role in developing the Islamic teachings, especially Sufism in Indonesia on Strategy Communication Dakwah.
This research is a qualitative study, with descriptive-analytic models of explanation that seek to describe the role of Syekh Maulana Hizboel Wathony in communication the Religious Dakwah activities and play an active role in the development of Islam Indonesia.
This research concluded that Syekh Maulana Hizboel Wathony have an active contribution, especially in religious dakwah communication, and the message directly to the people of Indonesia. Furthermore, this research shows that the Islamic teaching, especially Sufism can be embedded and applied properly in Indonesian society. Therefore, the purpose of religious dakwah can be achieved in accordance with the Quran and Hadith."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Mas Agung S. Aji
"This study is intended to investigate the correlation between religiousity and respondent's knowledge of prophet Muhammad's practice on tolerance (tasamuh) over Tasamuh, and the role of respondent's knowledge of prophet Muhammad's practice on tolerance as a mediating variable that can improve the relation between religiousity and tasamuh. Tasamuh can be defined as a religious tolerance in Islamic perspective. The research method that used to investigate that relationship and the role of respondent's knowledge of prophet Muhammad's practice on tolerance are bivariate correlation and path analysis. The result of the study shows that there is a negative correlation between relagiousity and tasamuh with coefficient correlation -0,374. Other results also show that relationship between religiousity and respondent's knowledge of prophet Muhammad's practice on tolerance is identified negatively with -,120 coefficient correlation."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Adinda Nurhaniriva
ABSTRACTPolygamous marriage is one of the growing phenomenons happening in society. Various studies related to this issue have been examining many aspects seen both legally and socially. This study examines men's psychological experience under going polygamy, particularly in terms of psychological well-being and spiritual well-being. This study involves five polygamous men as the subject. The data collection of this study is gained from in-depth interview and observation. The result of this study reveals that the men undergoing polygamy tend to have psychological well-being that is not intact. Whereas polygamous men, in case of spiritual well-being, in this study tend to be quite good, especially in the transcendence domain."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Rizka Aliana
ABSTRACTThis study aimed to take a look at how far Adversity Quotient and Patience on firm single mother in facing difficulties in life.The method of data collection used in-depth interview and observation. There are six single mothers involved as the subjects of this study (divorcee and widow single mother). The result of this study shows that Adversity Quotient and Patience give positive contribution toward toughness single mother in facing difficulties in life. As for distinguishing adversity quotient between divorcee single mother and widow single mother is the endurance dimension, in which, divorcee single mother has better endurance than widow single mother does. Conversely, on patience, the self-control of widow single mother is better than divorcee single mother does."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4: 2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
ABSTRACTOCB is a behavior free of individual, not directly or explicity recognized in a formal award system and in promoting the efficient and affective functioning of the organizationing. Emotional Inteliigence is the ability to motivate yourself and try to face the frustation, impulse control and not exaggerate the pleassure, set the mood and keep the load stress does not cripple the ability to think, empathite and pray. Gratitude is able to utilite his creation and the creation of the universe in the context of obedience to Allah. This study conducted on 184 teachers in six SDIT located in South Jakarta area. This reseach analysed using spss 10,0. As for this study aims to examine the influence of OCB. From this research, the independent variable has eight dimentionsan OCB as dependent variable (DV). The research data is processed using a linear multiple regresion method with a significant 0,05 level. Result and conclusion from this research said that there's influence between the dimention of emotional intelligence ang gratitude of OCB (r=0,650) and significance (sig. 0,000). Value R2 from all variable test is 0,422 or equal 42,2%. Dimention of emphatize (sig. 0,001, R=0,375) and dimention of keeping relationship (sig. 0,001, R-0,417)on emotional intelligence variable to independent variable and approved by positive influence and significant with teachers OCB."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Firman Maulana Noor
ABSTRACTThis paper focused on the development of the AK Party (Adelet ve Kalkinma Partisi) in Turkey. The AK Party is a long established Islamic political party in Turkey which had won the 2002, 2007, 2011, and 2015 elections. Turkey is a country that adopting the secular system, a system that had been guarded by the military. This situation made Islamic parties, such as the AK Party, had to rethink their strategy, in order to survive Turkey's political system.
This research is a qualitative research with case study method. The theory that used in this research is social movement theory which based on; political participation structure, resources mobilization, and framing process. This research showed that the development of the AK Party political movement is depend on the transformation of the Islamic political movement in Turkey. This transformation reflected on the perception that AK Party is a Liberal Democracy Party which accepting free market, universal human rights, and pluralism."
Jakarta: Program Studi Kajian Timur Tengah dan Islam (PSKTTI), 2017
300 MEIS 4:2 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library