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Ditemukan 22 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Juferdy Kurniawan
Riedels lobe is a normal variant form of right liver lobe rarely found. Here we report a case of 38 years old female with an incidental finding not revealed in physical examination, but then known to have hepatomegaly by gynecological ultrasonography. Diagnosis of Riedels lobe was strengthened by similar results on hepatobiliary ultrasonography, abdominal MRI, and diagnostic laparoscopy. Our patient was discharged and had follow up examination three months later. Knowledge regarding this anomaly is essential to be understood because the finding of accessory liver lobe does not always remain asymptomatic as in our patient, but rather can be related to significant clinical complication.
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2017
610 UI-IJIM 49: 1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Aim: to learn the role of docetaxel in non-castrate resistant prostate cancer patient.
Methods: literature search was conducted to find relevant study comparing the combination of docetaxel and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) to ADT alone in non-castrate resistant prostate cancer using PubMed, Cohrane Library, Proquest, EBSCO, and Scopus database. Quality assessment of studies was done using Bond University Rapid Critical Appraisal of a Systematic Review.
Results: we found 494 studies from literature search, but only two studies were included in final selection. Based on validity assessment, we chose one study to be discussed further. This study showed that combination of docetaxel and ADT is better than ADT alone in regards of overall survival (HR 0.64; 95% CI 0.55, 0.75; p<0.0001; NNT=3), biochemical progression free survival (HR 0.63; 95% CI 0.57, 0.69; p<0.0001; NNT=2) and clinical progression free survival (HR 0.73; 95% CI 0.64, 0.84; p<0.0001; NNT=2). Benefit of docetaxel and ADT combination was especially seen in high volume disease (HR 0.67; 95% CI 0.54, 0.83; p=0.0003; NNT=3).
Conclusion: addition of docetaxel into ADT has beneficial effects in terms of overall survival and progression free survival in patients with non-castrate resistant metastatic prostate cancer."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2017
610 UI-IJIM 49: 1 (2017)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Imam Subekti
"Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder which affect thyroid gland. Graves disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis. Understanding of disease pathophysiology, diagnostic and treatment strategies, and prevention of disease relapse are important for all clinicians especially internal medicine specialist to give optimal and comprehensive management for Graves disease patients. This article highlights clinical points to treat Graves disease patients from reviews and latest guidelines from American Thyroid Association (ATA), European Thyroid Association (ETA), and Japan Thyroid Association/ Japan Endocrine Society."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50: 2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suriani Alimuddin
"Background: nowadays, specific IgE measurement has been conducted in Indonesia, however there is still lack of data regarding diagnostic test to detect inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergies.This study aimed to determine the accuracy of specific IgE test in diagnosing specific sensitization of inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergies.
Methods: this was a cross sectional study in patients with respiratory allergies and part of epidemiology study regarding to specific IgE sensitization in Allergy-Immunollogy Division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta within November-December 2016. Measurement of specific IgE sensitization using Immunoblot method (Euroline, Euroimmun AG, Germany). The tested allergen is house dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f), Blomia tropicalis (Blo t) and cockroach Blatella germanica (Bla g). The result is compared with gold standard, skin prick test. The diagnostic result includes sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (LR+), and negative likelihood ratio (LR-).
Results: a total of 101 patients were enrolled; 77 (76.2%) were women. Patients mean age was 38.8 years old. Based on SPT, sensitization was highest for Blo t (76.2%), followed by Der p (70.3%), Der f (69.3%), and Bla g (41.6%). Specific IgE-sensitization was highest for Der f (52.9%), followed by Der p (38.2%), Blo t (33.3%) and Bla g (10.8%). Der p allergen had 50.7% sentivity, 90% specificity, 92.3% PPV, 43.5% NPV, 5.1 LR+ and 0.1LR-. Der f showed 71.4% sensitivity, 87.1% specificity, 82.6% PPV, 57.4% NPV, 5.5 LR+ and 0.3 LR-. Blo t allergen had 41.6% sensitivity, 91.7% specificity, 94.1% PPV, 32.8% NPV, 5.0 LR+, and 0.6 LR-. Bla g allergen had 23.8% sensitivity, 98.3% specificity, 90.9% PPV, 64.4% NPV, 14.5 LR+ and 0.8 LR-.
Conclusion: serum specific IgE testing to common inhalant allergen in patients with respiratory allergy showed only low-to-moderate sensitivity, but high specificity and PPV. This new assay can be used to diagnose allergen sensitization in the population with high prevalence of TDR and cockroach.
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2018
610 UI-IJIM 50: 2 (2018)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Indra Wicaksono
"Background: genitourinary tuberculosis (GUTB) refers to a Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the urinary tract with clinical manifestation masquerading as various urological diagnostic entities. With an incidence rate of 192-232 per 100,000 individuals, current diagnoses have fallen short in comparison to the total incidence. Combined with an atypical and non-specific manifestation, a high false negative rate of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) staining, and long AFB culture duration has made diagnosis difficult. We aim to gather current available evidence regarding the diagnostic performance of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the diagnosis of GUTB. Methods: a literature search was conducted in four different, well-known databases using a predetermined PICO, keywords, and Boolean operators. All included articles will be subjected to rigorous appraisal according the University of Oxford's Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBM) Diagnostic Variability Criteria. Review and meta-analysis will be subjected to the QFAITH appraisal checklist to assess its quality. Results: out of a total of 243 initial search results, 11 relevant studies were determined after title and abstract screening. Additionally, nine articles were excluded based on the predetermined criteria. Two fully appraised articles were included in the study: one systematic review article, revealing a heterogenous (I2 = unstated; p = unstated) result of sensitivity mean above 85% and specificity above 75%; and one cross-sectional diagnostic study that reported the use of two different PCR primers: IS6110-PCR and 16SrRNA-PCR primer with a sensitivity of 95.99% and 87.05% and specificity of 98.11% and 98.9%, respectively. Conclusion: current limited evidence showed that PCR could not be solely used for the diagnosis of GUTB, but its use is recommended to guide patient treatment and monitoring."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Kresna D. Suryana
"SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that can enter its hosts through the Angiotensin Converting Enzyme-2 (ACE2) receptor. ACE2 is mainly expressed in cells of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the esophageal epithelium and enterocytes from the ileum-colon. Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has varying clinical symptoms and presents differently in individuals, ranging from asymptomatic carriers to moderate clinical spectrum with mild pneumonia clinical features, and to a severe clinical presentation with dyspnea and hypoxia, leading to death due to respiratory or multi-organ failure. COVID-19 infection can also manifest themselves in the form of gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and abdominal pain. Severe complications of gastrointestinal COVID-19 infections include hemorrhage or perforation of the gastrointestinal tract and severe inflammation, which can adversely affect the intestinal immune system, and therefore the systemic immune system of the host. Furthermore, COVID-19 has also shown to affect microbiota homeostasis in the digestive tract. To date, no clear explanation is available regarding the pathophysiology of gastrointestinal SARS-CoV-2 infection, fecal RNA detection, and the possibility of fecal-oral transmission of SARS-CoV-2. This review aims to discuss the effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection on the digestive tract, microbiota, and lung, and the possibility of fecal-oral transmission in COVID-19."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Norasyikin A. Wahab
"Co-occurrence of cyanotic congenital heart disease (CCHD) and phaeochromocytoma (PCC) and paraganglioma (PGL) are rare, although some cases have been reported. We report a case of left paraganglioma in a 20-year-old lady with an underlying CCHD who underwent palliative Glenn shunt, subsequently developed polycythaemia and cavernous sinus thrombosis presented with palpitation, sweating, headache and hypertension of 3-months duration at the age of 17. The abdominal CT scan revealed an enhancing left paraaortic mass measuring 5.2 cm x 4.4 cm x 3.8 cm. A 24-hour urine catecholamine demonstrated raised noradrenaline level to six times upper limit of normal and hence diagnosis of left sympathetic (sPGL) was made. In view of the delayed diagnosis and significant morbidity associated with her condition, surgical treatment is no longer an option. Therefore, vigilant screening and early treatment of PCC-PGL in patients with CCHD are crucial in order to avoid significant morbidity and ensure a good quality of life."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2021
610 UI-IJIM 53:1 (2021)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Juferdy Kurniawan
"Tujuan: mendapatkan kesintasan dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan mortalitas pada pasien ikterus obstruktif dengan etiologi maligna. Metode: penelitian kohort retrospektif dan prospektif dilakukan dengan data sekunder pasien ikterus obstruktif yang dirawat di RS. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta antara Januari 2010-Desember 2013. Faktor-faktor yang dinilai meliputi umur, jenis kelamin, sepsis, hipoalbumin, tingkat bilirubin serum, tingkat CA 19-9 serum, drainase bilier, keganasan non ca ampula Vater, dan komorbid dengan hasil keluaran berupa mortalitas pasien.
Hasil: sebanyak 181 dari 402 pasien ikterus obstruktif dengan etiologi maligna memenuhi kriteria penelitian dengan proporsi laki-laki sebesar 58,6 % dengan pasien berumur ≥50 tahun sebesar 57,5%. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa sepsis, riwayat drainase bilier sebelumnya dan skor komorbid Charlson ≥4 merupakan prediktor independen terhadap mortalitas. Median kesintasan pasien dengan faktor prognosis bermakna adalah 14 hari sedangkan median kesintasan keseluruhan 26 hari. Ambang skor prognostik terbaik didapatkan pada skor ≥2 dengan sensitivitas 68% dan spesifisitas 75%. AUC pada kurva ROC 0.769.
Kesimpulan: kesintasan pasien dengan faktor prognosis sepsis, drainase bilier tidak berhasil/tidak ada, dan skor indeks komorbid Charlson ≥4 lebih pendek dibandingkan kesintasan keseluruhan pasien. Skor prognostik ≥2 termasuk dalam risiko tinggi kematian dan kemampuan prediksi mortalitas dari faktor prognosis bermakna adalah 76.9%.

Aim: to obtain survival rate and mortality-related factors of malignant obstructive jaundice patients.
Methods: all medical records of obstructive jaundice inpatient at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta from January 2010 to December 2013 were reviewed retrospectively. The following factors were analyzed in terms of mortality: age, gender, sepsis, hypoalbumin, serum bilirubin level, serum CA 19-9 level, billiary drainage, non-ampulla Vateri carcinoma, and comorbid factors.
Results: total 181 out of 402 patients were enrolled in this study with male proportion was 58.6%, and patients aged 50 years or above was 57.5%. Multivariate analysis showed that only sepsis, unsuccessful or no prior biliary drainage and Charlson comorbid score ≥4 were independent predictors of mortality. Patients with significant prognostic factors had median survival 14 days compared with overall median survival 26 days. Score ≥2 identified as the highest prognostic score threshold with sensitivity 68%, specificity 75%, and AUC on ROC curve 0.769.
Conclusion: sepsis, unsuccessful or no prior bilirary drainage, and Charlson comorbid score ≥4 are factors significantly associated with shortened survival in malignant obstructive jaundice patients. Prognostic score ≥2 was determined to classify patients into high risk mortality group. Mortality of patients with those significant prognostic factors can be predicted in 76.9%."
Depok: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2016
610 IJIM 48:4 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Usman Chatib Warsa
"Calpico is a drink made of fermented sour milk cultured with lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus helveticus). Calpico drink contains 1010 cells of lactic acid bacteria for one cup serve, although it is not alive. The purpose of this study is to investigate a possible effect of Calpico ingestion on prevention or recovery from diarrhea. The pupils of the 4th grade of two elementary schools were subjected. Pupils were requested to answer the questionnaire about social and health conditions of their own. After measuring body weight, pupils for Calpico group were given 200 ml of one-fifth diluted Calpico every morning at 9 AM. Pupils of control group were given nothing. More over half of pupils who drunk Calpico for one month increased one to two kg of their body weight after test period. The frequency of diarrhea of Calpico group was markedly decreased. It was shown in Jakarta that Calpico ingestion had a dramatically effect on recovery from diarrhea and improvement of health condition noted by the increase of body weight of the pupils."
Jakarta: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rio Sofwanhadi
"In 2000 a cephalometric survey has been done on both genders of Javanese, Bataks and Chinese students at the University of Indonesia (UI), the Indonesian Christian University (UKI) and the Christian University of Jakarta (UKRIDA) with the aim to detect their cephalometric characteristics patterns and the degree of their secular changes with their ancestors. Cephalometric parameters were measured as follows: the maximal head length (glabellaopisthocranion), the maximal head breadth (euryon-euryon), the minimal forehead breadth (frontotemporalefrontotemporale), the morphological facial height (suborbitale-gnathion), the bizygomatic breadth (zygion-zygion) and the bi-gonion breadth (gonion gonion). In addition measurements were done on facial soft tissue factors such as the nasal height (suborbitale-subnasale) the nasal breadth (alare-alare), the ear length (superaurale-subaurale) and the ear breadth (preaurale-postaurale). The results were treated statistically using t test to obtain the degree of significance. It was determined that some cephalometric characteristics have undergone secular changes but both genders of Bataks, Javanese and Chinese students seemed to depict their retainment of their respective ancestors cephalometric characteristics, consequently their cephalometric characteristic differences were still detectable."
Depok: Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, 2001
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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