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Ditemukan 348 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Nurtami Soedarsono
"Different mechanisms by antibiotics selectively kill or inhibit growth and proliferation of pathogen bacteria. Some antibiotics work by interfering the process of protein synthesis in bacterial ribosome, the machinery that builds proteins amino acid for the living bacterial cell. This type of antibiotics which inhibit the protein synthesis include streptomycin, chlor amphenicol and tetrasycline which are described in this article. Antibiotic resistencic is a worldwide problem in treating infectious diseases. Multiple factors contribute to the problem, but the most important ones are the prevalence of resistance genes and the excessive or inappropiate antibiotic use. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics may develop from the natural state of the bacterial genome, or the bacteria can acquire resistance genes by mutation or exchange of genes. Bacteria are able to exchange genes by several mechanisms such as conjugation, transduction, transposition and transformation, in which genetic material carieas such as plasmids, bacteriophages or transposons play an important role."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Metawati Tarmidi, author
"Saliva is essential for preservation of oral health. It aids in preparation of the initial food bolus, assist in taste and swallowing, and lubricates the oral mucosa. In addition it has antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. Consequently, salivary gland dysfunction can lead to complaints of oral dryness (xerostomia). Diseases of the thyroid gland, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and their treatment have also been suggested to cause salivary gland dysfunction. In addition head and neck radiation therapy, treatment for head and neck cancers can cause irreversible salivary gland function. This case study, reported one patient with thyroid cancer in which the thyroid gland has been removed and received head and neck radiation therapy."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Nurul
"Periodontal diseases are frequently suffered in patient of all ages. This condition consist of several signs and symptoms, etiology, pathogenesis, and response to treatment which seems almost similar. The classification of those diseases have been adjusted, lately in 1999, the major cause of these diseases is bacterial. Microorganisms acts to result in infection due to the influence of host response, genetic, local and systemic factors. Gingivitis condition has an irreversible status and periodontitis has to be overcome immediately to prevent from further destruction. Some steps of initial treatment and supporting treatment should be given to the patient, which is able to be done by all dentists."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heru Suryonegoro
"Garre's osteomyelitis is a type of Osteomyelitis which occur frequently in clinic. This disease can occur at any age, but mosk happen in and young adult, and frequently in mandible. Usually patient complaint about pains/hurt and jaw getting bigger and hard on bone jaw surface. Osteomyelitis is more frequently happen at incisisive which expand medial and lateral. If the perios tissue inflamed, it tend to built a new bonetissue inside, which only can be seen by Rontgen photo if the cause is apikal infection. The infection tissue at the apical of teeth expand through bone surface and reach periosteum which can change periosteum from bone surface.
If the expand of the new bone apically, so it will be seen with periapical projection. And if the expand goes laterally, it will be seen with oclusal projection.
It will be discuss about the connection of Garre's Osteomyelitis Roentgen view in various type of projection and its diferential diagnosa in Roentgen will ostegenik sarkoma and about the other lesion which shown almost the same with it."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heriandi Sutadi
"Karies rampan merupakan masalah yang sering ditemukan pada anak usia balita. Adanya karies rampan dapat menyebabkan berbagai masalah, terutama yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan umum anak yang sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan. Pada anak dengan karies rampan seringkali ditemukan keluhan seperti: anak sulit makan karena adanya rasa sakit bila mengunyah, makan sering diemut, bahkan lebih lanjut seringkali terjadi pembengkakan atau abses. Berbagai penyebab faktor terjadinya karies rampan, akan tetapi yang utama adalah kurangnya kebersihan mulut, struktur gigi yang kurang baik, seringnya makan makanan yang mengandung gula, serta adanya aktifitas bakteri karies yang tinggi. Karies rampan harus segera ditanggulangi terutama untuk menghentikan keluhan yang dirasakan, menghilangkan faktor penyebab utama, menanggulangi akibat adanya patologis pada gigi dan jaringan mulut lainnya. Selanjutnya melakukan pencegahan secara berkesinambungan agar kesehatan gigi dan mulut dapat terjaga dengan baik."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Gatot Sutrisno
"Endodontik merupakan cabang dalam ilmu Kedokteran Gigi yang banyak menangani kasus penyakit pulpa dan peri-apek yang merupakan kelanjutan dari penyakit pulpa itu sendiri. Seperti pada umumnya kasus-kasus kepenyakitan yang lain penderita datang pada keadaan sakit akut yang hebat dengan penyakit pulpa yang tidak dapat kita selamatkan vitalitasnya lagi. Hal itu terjadi karena daya regenerasi pulpa amat minim. Rasa sakit pada kasus endodontik merupakan dasar dari penderita untuk datang dirawat dengan maksud untuk dihilangkan atau dikurangi rasa sakit yang diderita. Dalam makalah ini kami akan sedikit membahas tentang rasa sakit pulpa dengan penanganannya yang selalu dan banyak dijumpai dalam perawatan endodontik."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sri Angky Soekanto
"The sensation of pain is the means by which the body is made urgently aware of the presence of tissue damage. Pain represents a protective reflex for self-preservation. It is often pain that brings the patient to the dental office but also can be the factor that keeps the patient from seeking treatment at the appropriate time.
Pain control is of great importance in dental practice. The clinician has to know the functional neuroanatomy, peripheral and central nervous system pathways, pain modulating system and various categories of pain of the head, neck and face. Psychological and psychosocial factors also contribute to pain, whether pain arises endogenously from pathologic processes or exogenously from trauma or even dental treatment. The dentists task is threefold: first, to establish the correct diagnosis, second to find the cause of the pain, and third to select the treatment plan that the addresses the patients complaint. By knowing the classification of orofacial pain, the clinician will easily make a diagnosis and determine the cause of the pain. After establishing the physical diagnosis it is easy then to determine the therapy to be made. The treatment in managing dental pain from pharmacotherapy is still effective using analgesic and local anesthetic drug."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Edeh Roletta Haroen
"The aim of the research were to describe how salivary flow rate and pH vary with time during use of chewing and gustatory stimulation. Fifty young adult subjects collected unstimulated saliva by spitting method, and then collected stimulated saliva by chewing paraffin wax, and a few drops of citric acid are usually placed on the subjects tongue. The mean of saliva flow rate that unstimulated: 0.50 cc/minute; stimulated saliva by chewing paraffin wax:1.57 cc/minute, and drops of citric acid stimulation showed that saliva flow rate: 2.98 cc/minute; and pH saliva that unstimulated 6.39; stimulated saliva by chewing paraffin wax 7.2; and stimulated saliva by citric acid: 7.55. Statistical paired t test showed that t lower than t table. The conclusion of the research showed that there were significant influences in the unstimulated salivary flow rates and pH with stimulated saliva elicited by chewing and gustatory stimulation."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Suhandi Sidjaja
"The demand of implant restorations is increasing due to its superiority in function, safety and comfort. However, aesthetic disharmony commonly occurs, due to metal color, implants profile, position and engulations. To overcome this limitation, it is important to balance the aesthetic with the biomechanical requirements. This requires implant selection (material, shape and angulations), modifying superstructure (retainer, pontic, attachment) to improve improper implants position and angulations and preprosthetic bone augmentation to facilitate implant placement to fulfil aesthetic and biomechanical requirements."
[Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Herlia Nur Istindiah
"In cell cycle control, p53 acts as an emergency brake, where its important checkpoint function is to maintain the genome integrity by preventing the formation and proliferation of mutant cells. P53 activity is increased by DNA damage occurs caused by agents (such as radiation, UV light or drugs) or oncogenes. Mdm2 protein can inhibit the p53 activation, but oncogenes can inhibit Mdm2 or activate p53. If DNA damage occurs, then p53 prevents the cells from replicating their DNA by arresting the cell cycle, so that the cells can repair the damage. Alternatively, p53 instructs the cells to undergo apoptosis by inducing bax gene expression, so that irregular cell growth, and cancer can be avoided. Cancer, including oral cancer, oftenthuolved cells with altered p53. Exogenous factors, such as tobacco and alcohol, presumably plays a role in triggering p53 mutations. Several techniques, such as immunohistochemistry and PCR can be used to investigation ther etiology and development of oral cancer. This paper discusses the role on p53 in preventing the occurrance and proliferation of mutated cells that lead to cancer, including oral cancer."
[Journal of Dentistry Indonesia, Journal of Dentistry Indonesia], 2002
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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