Stolovitch, Harold D.
"Table of contents :
- Preface
- Section 1: The human learner - what research tells us
- Chapter 1: Learning is not easy (especially when others make it so hard)
- Chapter 2: An introduction to some "familiar terms"
- Chapter 3: The human learner
- Section 2: What you must know to be a better trainer
- Chapter 4: Getting learners to learn
- Chapter 5: Adult learning principles
- Chapter 6: A five-step model for creating terrific training sessions
- Chapter 7: Getting learners to remember
- Section 3: Applying what you have learned - making learning research work
- Chapter 8: Training approaches and a cornucopia of learning activities
- Chapter 9: Testing or examining - what's the difference?
- Section 4: Training-learning with technology and beyond
- Chapter 10: Training and technology
- Chapter 11: Learning with technology - making it work
- Section 5: Wrapping it up
- Chapter 12: Hit or myth - what's the truth?
- Chapter 13: Concluding reflections on telling ain't training
- Endnotes
- About the authors
- About Marc J. Rosenberg "
Alexandria, Virginia: American Society for Training & Development, 2011