ABSTRAKPada penelitian ini, sifat listrik material Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 diuji dengan spektroskopi
impedansi. Pembuatan material perovskite Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 dilakukan menggunakan
metode solid state reaction. Hasil XRD menunjukkan bahwa semua sampel
adalah single fasa. Penambahan Fe pada BaTiO3 menyebabkan perubahan struktur
kristal dari tetragonal (space groupP4/mmm) menjadi hexagonal (space group
P63/mmc). Penambahan Fe pada BaTiO3 menyebabkan peningkatan grain size
yang dikonfirmasi dengan menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Sifat listrik (impedansi sebagai fungsi frekuensi) pada material Ba(Fe,Ti)O3
menunjukkan adanya konstribusi grain dan grain boundary. Hasil Differential
Scanning Calorimetric (DSC) menunjukkan bahwa penambahan Fe pada BaTiO3
menyebabkan peningkatan temperatur Curie dari suhu ~1200C pada BaTiO3
menjadi suhu ~1700C-1750C pada Ba(Fe,Ti)O3.;A study on impedance spectroscopy of Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 has been done. In this
research, electrical behavior ware analysed by using impedance spectroscopy
method. Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 prepared by solid state reaction method. XRD
characterization shows that all sampel are single phase.
ABSTRACTWith Fe addition, thecrystal structure change from tetragonal (without Fe) (space groupP4/mmm) tohexagonal (space group P63/mmc). The grain size increase with increasing of Fecontained in BaTiO3 which is confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). Electrical behavior (impedance as a function of frequency) of Ba(Fe,Ti)O3shows grain and grain boundary contribution. Differential Scanning Calorimetric(DSC) shows that with Fe addition, the Curie temperature increases from ~ 1200Cin BaTiO3 to ~1700C-1750C in Ba(Fe,Ti)O3., A study on impedance spectroscopy of Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 has been done. In thisresearch, electrical behavior ware analysed by using impedance spectroscopymethod. Ba(Fe,Ti)O3 prepared by solid state reaction method. XRDcharacterization shows that all sampel are single phase. With Fe addition, thecrystal structure change from tetragonal (without Fe) (space groupP4/mmm) tohexagonal (space group P63/mmc). The grain size increase with increasing of Fecontained in BaTiO3 which is confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope(SEM). Electrical behavior (impedance as a function of frequency) of Ba(Fe,Ti)O3shows grain and grain boundary contribution. Differential Scanning Calorimetric(DSC) shows that with Fe addition, the Curie temperature increases from ~ 1200Cin BaTiO3 to ~1700C-1750C in Ba(Fe,Ti)O3.]"