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Ge Luiyanto Yamin
Dari total penerimaan negara dari sektor pajak, yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar setelah pajak penghasilan, adalah pajak pertambahan nilai (PPN). Kontribusi penerimaan PPN adalah sebesar 30% dari total penerimaan pajak non-migas. Dalam Undang-Undang PPN 1983 yang berlaku pada 1 Januari 1985 sampai sekarang yaitu dengan pemberlakuan Undang-Undang nomor 18 Tahun 2000, pemungutan PPN dan pajak penjualan atas barang mewah (PPn BM) di Indonesia menggunakan sistem faktur. Dengan sistem ini, maka pada setiap transaksi yang menjadi objek PPN dan PPn BM, keabsahan pemungutan PPN dan PPn BM-nya ditandai dengan penerbitan faktur pajak. Tanpa adanya faktur pajak, maka penjual dapat dianggap belum melaksanakan tugasnya untuk memungut PPN dan di sisi lain pembeli dapat dianggap belum membayar PPN. Jadi sangat jelas betapa pentingnya arti selembar faktur pajak baik bagi penjual maupun pembeli. Untuk mendorong ekspor yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha kena pajak, pemerintah memberikan banyak insentif, diantaranya kebijakan restitusi pajak yaitu bahwa atas ekspor barang tersebut dikenakan PPN (pajak keluaran) dengan tarif pajak sebesar 0% (nol persen). Undang-Undang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP) mengatur jangka waktu penyelesaian permohonan pengembalian kelebihan pembayaran pajak (restitusi) paling lambat 12 bulan. Namun dalam rangka melaksanakan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mendorong ekspor dan memberikan pelayanan prima kepada wajib pajak, maka terhadap wajib pajak yang melakukan ekspor diberikan insentif berupa kemudahan dan percepatan penyelesaian restitusi PPN menjadi paling lambat 2 bulan sejak saat diterimanya permohonan. Namun kemudahan dan percepatan penyelesaian restitusi PPN disalah gunakan oleh beberapa pengusaha dan fiskus. Bertitik tolak dari masalah ini, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya faktur bermasalah. Penelitian berdasarkan analisis hasil wawancara dengan informan kunci dan beberapa informan lainnya yang terdiri dari pakar perpajakan dan pejabat dan mantan pejabat Direktorat Jenderal Pajak, terungkap 22 model modus operandi faktur pajak bermasalah. Dari model-model ini dapat diperlihatkan bahwa faktur pajak bermasalah bukan saja terjadi pada transaksi ekspor, namun juga terjadi pada penyerahan BKP dalam negeri, terutama pada transaksi-transaksi yang melibatkan pengusaha-pengusaha bukan pengusaha kena pajak. Ada 4 penyebab utama terjadinya faktur pajak bermasalah. Pertama, sistem PPN dimana dengan mekanisme pengkreditan pajak masukan dengan pajak keluaran yang kompleks dan kemudahan untuk melakukan restitusi PPN terutama bagi pengusaha eksportir. Ke dua, administrasi pajak yang lemah sehingga pengukuhan sebagai pengusaha kena pajak dilakukan tanpa seleksi yang memadai. Ke tiga, pemeriksaan adalah untuk meyakinkan bahwa wajib pajak patuh terhadap undang-undang dan peraturan perpajakan dalam suatu sistem self-assessment, namun pemeriksaan ini tidak diawasi dengan ketat oleh atasan, karena Direktorat Jenderal pajak hanya menekankan pada target penerimaan. Terakhir, budaya masyarakat mendorong untuk melakukan penyimpangan. Bila seseorang tidak dapat melakukan kebohongan terhadap orang lain, orang tersebut merasa tidak puas. Ini yang merupakan penyebab terjadinya kolusi antara wajib pajak dengan fiskus yang digambarkan dengan peta corruption. Untuk mengantisipasi kasus-kasus faktur pajak bermasalah, Pemerintah telah mengeluarkan beberapa peraturan dan surat edaran. Salah satunya adalah Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak nomor PER-124/PJ/2006 tanggal 22 Agustus 2006 yang berisi tentang pelaksanaan analisis risiko dalam rangka pemeriksaan atas pengajuan restitusi PPN. Dengan analisis risiko, wajib pajak yang mengajukan restitusi PPN akan memperoleh kepastian hukum dan pengembalian restitusinya menjadi lebih cepat, yang berarti membantu cashflow wajib pajak. Sebagai perbandingan, di negara People?s Republic of China (PRC) sudah diterapkan PPN sejak awal tahun 1994. Dalam menghadapi faktur pajak bermasalah, pemerintah PRC telah menjalankan beberapa cara, antara lain dengan memperbaiki perangkat administrasi perpajakannya dalam bentuk pembangunan sistem monitoring perpajakan yang terkomputerisasi dan pengenaan hukuman yang lebih berat berupa hukuman mati.

VAT is the second major source of fiscal revenue for the government, after revenue from income tax. The VAT revenue contribution accounts for 30% from the total non-oil and gas fiscal revenue. In 1983 VAT Law that put into effect on 1st January, 1985 which has been changed with VAT Law number 18 2000, VAT collection and sales tax on luxury goods in Indonesia use invoice tax system. By using the system, on every transaction which is object of VAT and sales tax on luxury goods, the collection validity is indicated by the issue of tax invoice. Without tax invoice, the seller can be assumed not doing his job to collect VAT and on the other side the buyer can be assumed not paying VAT. Then it is very clear how important the meaning of a piece of tax invoice for a seller and a buyer. To drive export which is carried out by taxable person, the government gives a lot of insentives, among others, tax refund policy i.e. on export of the goods is imposed output VAT with tax rate of 0%. The Law of General Stipulations and Administration of Taxation regulate the period of time for VAT refund application settlement at the latest of 12 months. However in related with the government policy to drive export and to give excellent services to the tax payers, then for the tax payers who carry out export will receive insentives in the forms of ease and simple and speeding up for VAT refund settlement at the latest of 2 months after receiving the VAT refund application. The ease and simple and speeding up of VAT refund has been abused by some business men and tax officers. From the above starting point, carried out the research to understand the causal factor of the case of tax invoices fraud.The research which is based on the analysis of interview results with the key informants and the other informants who are consisted of tax experts and tax officers and former tax officers of Directorate General of Tax, is uncovered of 22 models of modus of operation of tax invoice fraud. From the models, are shown that the fake tax invoices are not only happened in export transactions, but also in the transfer of the domestic taxable goods, especially in the transactions which involve non taxable persons. There are 4 main causes for the tax invoice fraud case. First, VAT system with complexity in credit mechanism between input tax and output tax and ease and simple to conduct VAT refund, especially for exportir business men. Second, tax administration is relatively poor, so that affirmation as a taxable person is conducted without proper procedural selection.. Third, auditing is a type of control to ascertain that the tax payer obeys to the tax law and regulations in a self-assessment system. However the auditing is not controlled tightly by the supervisor in tax office, because Directorate General of Tax emphasizes only on the revenue target. Fourth, the culture of society stimulates to do deviation from normal things. If a person can not do a falsehood to other persons, the person feels unsatisfied. It causes the collusion between tax payer and tax officer that is described in corruption map. To anticipate the cases of tax invoice fraud, the government has issued several regulations and circulation letters. Among others is Regulation of Director General of Tax number PER-124/PJ/2006 dated 22nd August 2006 which contains about carrying out risk analysis in related with auditing on VAT refund application. Using the risk analysis, tax payer who apply for the VAT refund will get a legal certainty and faster tax refund settlement. It means that it will help the cash flow of tax payer. As a comparative study, in People?s Republic of China (PRC) has been implemented VAT since the beginning of 1994. To enhance control against the tax invoice fraud, the Government of PRC has made concrete efforts to upgrade the tools of tax administration. Along with increasing tax audits and expanding penalty on tax frauds and evasion, great resources have been spent to build up a computerized taxation monitoring system. As a result, the calculation, deduction and refunds for VAT will be conducted on a more accurate and timely basis, while VAT frauds and tax evasions can be detected and penalized in a more effective manner."
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luiyanto Yamin
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 1982
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luiyanto Yamin
"Abstract. Under the Value Added Tax (VAT) system, the validity of the collection is indicated by the issue of
tax-invoice. Without tax-invoice, the taxable firm can be assumed not doing their obligation to collect VAT,
whereas the buyer may be regarded as not paying VAT. The invoice is very important for the VAT mechanism.
Zero-rate on export facilitates the exporters to claim refund on some input taxes. However, the ease and simplicity
of VAT refund has been abused by taxable firms and non taxable firms with the aid of tax officers. This study
is aimed to analyze the causal factors of the case of tax-invoice fraud. The study is based on the analysis of
interview results with the key informants. There are at least 22 models of tax-invoice fraud occurred on exports.
Four main causes for the tax-invoice fraud: (1) the complexity in credit mechanism, (2) poor tax administration,
(3) lack of tax audit, and (4) the culture of society. To anticipate the cases of tax-invoice fraud, the government
has issued several regulations and circulated letters, including carried out risk analysis in connection with the
auditing on VAT refunds."
FISIP UI, Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal, Departemen Ilmu Administrasi, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library