"The information on fish fauna in Belitung Island is still lacking. The study of ichthyofauna of Belitung Island was conducted in Pebruary-March 2002 and August 2003, using survey methods. The aims of studies are to know species richness, potency, local distribution, and related aspects. The results were recorded 60 species belonging to 27 families. Cyprinidae is dominant family with 13 species. The fishes were found almost have potency of ornamental fish. It was found that Eirmotus octzona, Acanthopsoides robertsi, Pangio shelfordii, Silurichthys hasseltii, Parakysis verrucosa, and Gymnochanda filamentosa extend their range to Belitung (new record for Belitung). Status, potency and utilization of fishes, new records distribution of geography, social economic and conservation aspects are represented in this paper.
The information about freshwater fishes from Belitung Island is still rare. Last information was reported by de Beaufort in 1939. The objective of the research is to reveal the diversity of fishes in Belitung Island and to reveal their potency and utilization, distribution, abundance, and related aspect for their management and conservation. The research was conducted at Belitung Island, Province Archipelago of Bangka Belitung, between 2002 and 2003. Location of research in Lenggang River, Buding, Balok, Kembiri, Pala, and Air Raya Gunung Tajam. Survey method is used in this research.
Specimens were collected from 21 location in six rivers by electrofishing (12 volt), gillnet (mesh size ½', ¾', and 1'), cast net, and hook. Fish specimens were fixed by using formalin 10% then soaked in alcohol 70%. All specimens are deposited at Museum Zoologicum Bogoriense, Bogor, as permanent collections. Fish identification was based on Weber and de Beaufort (1916; 1936; 1953; 1965), Inger & Chin (1962), Roberts (1989), Kottelat et al. (1993), and Eschmeyer (1998). In general, these established localities followed the variety of the landscape available such as: primary forest, secondary forest, 'kerangas' forest, agroforestry, villages, and estuary environments. Informal interview was conducted with the villagers especially with those who were familiar with fishing activities.
There results were recorded 60 species belonging to 27 families. Cyprinidae is dominant family with 13 species. The fishes were found almost have potency of ornamental fish. It was found that Eirmotus octozona, Acanthopsoides robertsi, Pangio shelfordii, Silurichthys hasseltii, Parakysis verrucosa, and Gymnochanda c.f. filamentosa extend their range to Belitung (new record for Belitung). There were Tengkelesa'/Arwana (Scleropages formosus) in Lenggang River. According to the CITES, Tengkelesa' status is in Appendix I with a note captivity in Appendix II. Scleropages formosus has been protected by regulation, while according to the Governmental Legislation No.7 in 1999.
Lenggang River is one of the largest water catchment area in Belitung Island. It has much more variation of riparian habitat than the other river. The number of species and family fish decreased closer to the river mouth. Factor which may influence this are the presence of plant material, the presence of a shading canopy, and the presence dam. The range of local distribution is 0,64-5,13%. Puntius gemellus is widest distributed and most abundanced. Segment of Lenggang River would conserve the continuing populations of Scleropages formosus. This habitat establishing small harverst reserves or fishery reserves (called 'Suaka Perikanan), where local community could manage this reservat could be perfomed. Activities related to this conservation habitat, controlled fishing activity or environmentally sound fishing should be encouraged. In line with the effort to increase individual income in the area, segment of the river from the mouth of the river could function as scientific and/ or adventurous tourism."
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2004